Umber hulk (monster class)

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The umber hulk is a monster class in NetHack represented by an uppercase U glyph (U). Umber hulks are designated internally by the macro S_UMBER.[1]

The umber hulk is the only member of the monster class.[2]


The umber hulk first appears in Hack for PDP-11, a variant of Jay Fenlason's Hack, and is included in the initial bestiary for Hack 1.0.


Some variants opt to further populate the umber hulk monster class, and may even repurpose it to add existing monsters. The biodiversity patch contains the umbral hulk and hunger hulk, pun-based variants of the umber hulk with gazes that can blind you or drain your nutrition, respectively; other variants may add umber hulk variants with similarly punny names and gaze attacks.

The shambling horror, U, is a monster with randomized stats and traits that appears in many variants, and is usually a part of the umber hulk monster class or its equivalent.


SLASH'EM adds the water hulk, U, a type of hulk that has the same attack dice, but can also swim and is only found in Gehennom.


SporkHack is the first variant to include the shambling horror.


UnNetHack also adds the shambling horror to the monster class.

NetHack Fourk

In NetHack Fourk, this monster class is phased out in favor of large deep-rock dweller, X, which the umber hulk is part of; the U glyph is repurposed for the ursine monster class.


In dNetHack (and notdNetHack), this monster class is replaced by the unknown abomination, which uses the same glyph and includes the umber hulk as part of the monster class - unknown abominations are still designated internally by the macro S_UMBER. The shambling horror is one of three horrors with randomized stats and attributes that are a part the monster class; it also uses a different glyph, U, compared to shambling horrors in other variants.


In xNetHack, this monster class is replaced by the aberration, which uses the same glyph and includes the umber hulk as part of the monster class.


SpliceHack and SpliceHack-Rewrite add some monsters to the monster class:


EvilHack adds the shambling horror to the monster class.


SlashTHEM retains the water hulk from SLASH'EM and incorporates the biodiversity patch, including the umbral and hunger hulk. SlashTHEM also has the terror hall special room, which is populated by various hulks.


Hack'EM adds some monsters to the monster class, which are all imported from other variants:
