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) Arrow.png
Name arrow
Appearance arrow
Damage vs. small 1d6
Damage vs. large 1d6
To-hit bonus +0
Weapon skill bow
Size one-handed
Base price 2 zm
Weight 1
Material iron

An arrow is a projectile that can be thrown but is best used with a bow.

Along with other cursed missile weapons or launchers, cursed arrows occasionally "slip from your hand" when you throw or fire them, and end up on the ground.


Along with crossbow bolts and darts, arrows are liable to break when fired or thrown. This destroys the item, with no message. The items simply disappears. This chance to break is minimized by the item's enchantment and your Luck. Compare this with daggers, which cannot break when thrown.

Projectiles have a probability of disappearing after use. For uncursed projectiles, this depends on the net enchantment/erosion of the item. +0 projectiles have 2/3 probability of disappearing, +1 have 1/3 probability, and +2 or greater reduces the chance of breaking to 1/4 probability.

For blessed projectiles, there's also a possibility of being saved due to luck, as follows:

Luck        prob of save
0 - 2          .25
3 - 5          .49
6 - 8          .74
9 - 12         .98


Weapon skill

Although not necessary to throw or fire arrows, the best use of arrows is with an appropriate launcher. The bow skill allow the following roles to reach the following skill levels:

Max Role

The character must wield a bow, load the arrows in his/her quiver and fire in order to do the most damage. Arrows may be wielded or thrown, but this greatly reduced their effectiveness. It should be noted that crossbow bolts can only be fired with a crossbow.

It is easy to obtain a large supply of arrows by untrapping an arrow trap.

The range for an arrow is (Strength)/2+1, so a character with Strength of 17 can shoot an arrow 9 tiles. dothrow.c#line943

There are a few variations of arrows out there:

Elven arrow

) Elven arrow.png
Name elven arrow
Appearance runed arrow
Damage vs. small 1d7
Damage vs. large 1d6
To-hit bonus +0
Weapon skill bow
Size one-handed
Base price 2 zm
Weight 1
Material wood

An elven arrow is a projectile for use with a bow. It appears as a runed arrow when unidentified. When fired by an elven player from an elven bow, there is a +1 arrow racial bonus for arrows fired. Elven weapons are not made of metal and will not corrode or rust. They are, however, susceptible to rotting attacks.

Orcish arrow

) Orcish arrow.png
Name orcish arrow
Appearance crude arrow
Damage vs. small 1d5
Damage vs. large 1d6
To-hit bonus +0
Weapon skill bow
Size one-handed
Base price 2 zm
Weight 1
Material iron

An orcish arrow is a projectile for use with a bow. It appears as a crude arrow when unidentified. It is slightly less effective than a regular arrow. When fired by an orcish player from an orcish bow, there is a +1 arrow racial bonus for arrows fired.

Silver arrow

) Silver arrow.png
Name silver arrow
Appearance silver arrow
Damage vs. small 1d6+(1d20)
Damage vs. large 1d6+(1d20)
To-hit bonus +0
Weapon skill bow
Size one-handed
Base price 5 zm
Weight 1
Material silver

A silver arrow is a projectile for use with a bow. It deals the same base damage as a regular arrow, but can also cause silver damage.


) Bamboo arrow.png
Name ya
Appearance bamboo arrow
Damage vs. small 1d7
Damage vs. large 1d7
To-hit bonus +1
Weapon skill bow
Size one-handed
Base price 4 zm
Weight 1
Material metal

A ya is a Japanese arrow that appears in the starting inventory of samurai. When unidentified, it is a bamboo arrow.

Being arrows, ya should be fired using a bow. They deal more base damage than any other arrow, and are also the only arrows to have a to-hit bonus. When fired by a samurai from a yumi, there is a +1 arrow bonus, similar to a racial bonus.

Encyclopedia entry

The arrow of choice of the samurai, ya are made of very
straight bamboo, and are tipped with hardened steel.

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