Life saving/zh-CN
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复活(life saving)是NetHack中的一种特质。持有复活特质能够使玩家角色或怪物在死亡时恢复生命。
- 玩家角色失去1点体质[3]。
- 玩家的生命值恢复到最大值。如果玩家死亡前的最大生命值低于10,或低于玩家经验等级的两倍,则先将其最大生命值提升到两者中的最大值。
- 玩家的营养值若低于500,则恢复到此数值。如果玩家因哽噎而死,则将营养值设置为900,且玩家会呕吐。
- 玩家的疾病会被治愈。
- 被困在熔岩里的角色会被救出。
- 如果玩家被怪物消化而死,其会被怪物吐出[4]。
- 如果玩家被淹溺攻击杀死,则将玩家从淹死玩家的怪物的束缚中救出[5]。
- 如果角色因黏液化而死,其会以绿色黏液的形态复活,该形态变化被视作临时的变形效果,会自然消失。
- 因作弊导致游戏结束并不算作死亡,因此不会触发护身符效果。如果在探索模式或调试模式下进行游戏,游戏会输出一条关于作弊的提示消息,并删除受影响的关卡存档,使得游戏能够继续。
- 如果角色因自我灭绝或无脑而死,其被复活后会立即再次死亡。若在探索模式或调试模式下,此时角色可以选择拒绝死亡:
- 如果角色因自我灭绝而死时拒绝死亡,其他受影响的怪物仍然会被灭绝。
- 如果角色因无脑而死时拒绝死亡,角色的智力会被回复到5点,然后再结算食脑攻击的智力下降效果。
- 如果地层传送至负数楼层,护身符会拯救角色的生命,但不会拯救这局游戏——角色会活下来,但游戏会以逃脱地牢告终[6][7]。
- 地层传送至第0层不触发此机制(0不是负数),此时角色会直接死亡,并会照常被护身符复活[8]。
- 若在摩洛的圣所的主祭坛上将岩德护身符献祭给摩洛,角色会被摩洛杀死,若被复活护身符复活,摩洛会再次尝试杀死角色,因此无论是否有复活护身符,玩家都无法逃脱死亡的结局[9]。若在探索模式或调试模式下选择拒绝死亡,游戏会以逃脱地牢告终[10]。
- 你活着。(You survived.)
- 你在被杀死<x>次后活了下来。(You survived after being killed <x> times.)
在NetHack 3.6.1及更早版本中,如果玩家在被怪物消化的过程中,因其他原因而死亡并被复活,则吞噬玩家的怪物的下一次消化攻击必定会杀死玩家。此漏洞在NetHack 3.6.2,通过commit 858e9ce修复。
- 你的生命将被拯救。(Your life will be saved.)
- 若你拥有复活特质,启蒙界面会显示此信息。
- 你在那次求生中活了下来。(You survived that attempt on your life.)
- 你被复活特质救活,且没有立即再次死亡。
- 你感觉像一具稻草人。(You feel like a scarecrow.)
- 你在探索或调试模式下因无脑而死,并拒绝死亡。
Some variants add other methods and sources of life saving.
In SLASH'EM, the amulet versus stone confers life saving to its wearer that only applies if they are petrified, with the same effects as an amulet of life saving.
dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack add multiple sources of life saving for heroes and monsters:
- Witnesses of the Great Fracture have intrinsic life saving that triggers 1⁄2 of the time - each time a Witness is revived by its intrinsic life saving, it gains 4 monster levels.
- Uvuudaums have an intrinsic life saving property that revives them upon death, though it will activate no more than once every 34 turns.
- The artifact Crystals have two sources of life saving: one comes from The Black Crystal, and a second use of the property is granted if all four Crystals are together.
- If a hero dies while wearing a charged ring of wishes, the ring will apply life saving and use up a charge.
- Jack is a spirit that saves the hero's life if they die with him bound, though this also immediately unbinds him afterward.
- A life-saving object property exists that applies the property if the item's wearer dies and is removed from the object afterward; an amulet of life saving takes priority over this effect, but the object property is applied before any other sources of life saving. On objects that are not fully identified, it appears as "haloed" on helmets, "gold-feather-encrusted" on silver items, and "silver-feather-encrusted" on other items.
Life saving in any form will cause gevurah sephirah to begin generating randomly.
TNNT (the game)
In TNNT (the game), survivor is tracked as a formal conduct.
A devteam member dying causes the game to end, and life saving will revive the hero only for them to die again, similar to genocide or brainlessness.
- Unfortunately, you are still buried under tons of rock...
- Your amulet of life saving triggered after a devteam member died, but the game still ends. The cause of death is instead logged as "dungeon debris".
In SpliceHack, the worn amulet of reincarnation applies life saving if the wearer dies, but polymorphs them into a random form upon revival and confers unchanging.
In SlashTHEM, in addition to SLASH'EM details, the amulet of second chance saves a hero's life, though their health is set to the value it was at right before they were killed.
If a troll hero dies while they are at least experience level 3, there is a 3⁄4 chance of them reviving as though their life was saved, draining two levels afterward.
- Jump up ↑ src/end.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 867
- Jump up ↑ src/end.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1168
- Jump up ↑ src/end.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1179
- Jump up ↑ src/end.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 898
- Jump up ↑ src/end.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 901
- Jump up ↑ src/teleport.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 945
- Jump up ↑ src/teleport.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 957
- Jump up ↑ src/teleport.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 865
- Jump up ↑ src/pray.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1527
- Jump up ↑ src/pray.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1542
- Jump up ↑ src/mon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1868