Arachnid or centipede

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The arachnid or centipede is a monster class that appears in NetHack, and is represented by the lowercase s glyph (s). Arachnids and centipedes are designated internally by the macro S_SPIDER.[1]

The monster class contains the following monsters:[2]

Common traits

Monsters in the arachnid or centipede monster class are carnivorous and oviparous animals that have limbs, but no hands, and primarily attack via bites. They are neutral-aligned, with the exception of the chaotic Scorpius. Except for giant spiders and Scorpius, arachnids and centipedes are capable of hiding under objects.


Randomly generated arachnids and centipedes are always created hostile.

The arachnid or centipede is the first quest monster class for Tourists, and make up 24175 of the monsters that are randomly generated on the Tourist quest. Some arachnids and/or centipides are also generated on a few levels within the quest branch at level creation: two are generated on the locate and goal levels, and one is generated on each of the lower filler level(s). The arachnid or centipede is also the second quest monster class for Rangers, and make up 6175 of the monsters that are randomly generated on the Ranger quest; two random s are generated on the locate level at level creation, and one is generated on the goal level at level creation.

Arachnids and centipedes generated at level creation are given a random item to hide under, even if they are incapable of actually hiding (as with giant spiders).[3]


The scorpion first appears in Hack 1.0; a possible predecessor in the giant scorpion appears in Hack for PDP-11, based on Jay Fenlason's Hack. The giant spider first appears in NetHack 1.3d - from this version to NetHack 2.3e, the giant spider uses the s glyph in place of the scorpion if the SPIDERS compile-time option is defined, with the scorpion appearing otherwise.

NetHack 3.0.0 introduces the cave spider and establishes the monster class, with the giant spider and scorpion as default members; the centipede and Scorpius are introduced in NetHack 3.3.0.


All monsters in the arachnid or centipede monster class are based on real life non-insect arthropods.



SLASH'EM introduces several new monsters to the monster class:

The Snake Pit in the Lawful Quest may generate one or two arachnids or centipedes at level creation.

The Spider Caves generates ten random monsters from the arachnid or centipede class alongside Shelob, Girtab and the several spiders that inhabit the caves.


dNetHack introduces several new monsters to the monster class:

The Cartouche of the Cat Lord and Sign of the Scion Queen Mother are wards that can scare off arachnids and centipedes.


notdNetHack retains the monsters added in dNetHack, and adds one other new monster to the monster class:


EvilHack adds many new monsters to the monster class:

If the summon insects monster spell is cast by Lolth or a drow monster, they will summon arachnid or centipede monsters instead of insects.
