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An explosion results from the use, or misuse, of certain items or from some traps. Most items that can explode are magical. Most explosions will cause damage to the adventurer or monster that provokes them; some explosions can cause damage in the surrounding squares as well.

Some types of explosions are listed here.

Dark explosion

Dark explosions have tiles assigned to them, but are nowhere invoked in the program.

Noxious explosion

A noxious explosion results from a gas spore bursting. It does physical damage to any nearby creature; the gas spore itself dies in the process.

Muddy explosion

Muddy explosions have tiles assigned to them, but are nowhere invoked in the program.

Wet explosion

Wet explosions have tiles assigned to them, but are nowhere invoked in the program.

Magical explosion

Magical explosions result from the destruction of a magic trap or from attempting to place a wand of cancellation, bag of holding, or bag of tricks into a bag of holding. Magical explosions that cause damage to nearby squares result from breaking most types of wands.

Magical explosions do magical damage to creatures without magic resistance.

Fiery explosion

A fiery explosion results from any of these acts:

Fiery explosions do fire damage to monsters without fire resistance, destroy potions, scrolls and spellbooks, and melt ice.

Frosty explosion

A frosty explosion results from breaking a wand of cold or from casting cone of cold at Skilled or better. All such explosions damage surrounding squares. Frosty explosions do cold damage to creatures without cold resistance, destroy potions, and freeze water and lava.

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