Tourist quest/dNetHack

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For more information on the quest branch in general, see Quest.

In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, the Tourist quest pits a Tourist hero against the Master of Thieves for the Bell of Opening and The Platinum Yendorian Express Card.

Home level Ankh-Morpork
Locate level The Thieves' Guild Hall
Goal level The Shades
Leader Twoflower
Guardians guides
Nemesis The Master of Thieves
Quest Artifact The Platinum Yendorian Express Card


Random monsters on the Tourist quest are generated with the following frequencies:

  • 96175 (55%) dwarf
  • 24175 (14%) random r
  • 24175 (14%) rock troll
  • 6175 (3%) random h
  • 24175 (14%) normal random monster


The following level layouts are encountered in the Tourist quest.


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 ..................}}...........    @@    ...................................
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The two-way magic portal back to the Dungeons of Doom is at the marked point. The entire level is no-teleport, and has undiggable walls and floor.

Two watchmen are stationed outside the gate doors, while a river runs through the area and "underneath" the ground just in front of the watchmen—two piranhas, two krakens, and a giant eel are placed in the marked positions within the river. Near where the river terminates in the northwest, an unlit graveyard occupies the open structure, with normal graveyard monsters generated inside it, while to the southwest there are a trio of buildings with closed doors.

Inside the town walls, eleven guides are distributed among the marked positions in the five rooms, while Twoflower occupies the throne at its marked position, with a chest on its square that contains three scrolls of resistance. All doors on the town walls leading outside and connected to the inner chambers are locked, including the marked secret doors. Scattered across the level are a hostile player monster rogue, nine hostile thugs, two hostile dwarves, three rock trolls, two random h and six random r, along with nine random traps.

Upper filler level

The upper filler level of the quest is a cavern map level, with seven random items, four random traps and the following hostile monsters scattered randomly across the map at level creation: four thugs, three random h, and elven random r.

The Thieves' Guild Hall


The locate level is a series of rooms connected by a winding set of hallways that take up the entirety of the level. The entire level has undiggable walls and floor, and teleportation is permitted.

There are three barracks, two general stores, and a graveyard at the marked positions, which follow normal generation rules. There is also a zoo that is filled with monsters using the same random generation rules as the rest of the branch. The marked temple is abandoned and completely lacks an altar. Within a 3x2 secret room marked near one of the barracks is a throne, and two scrolls of blank paper placed opposite of it: a comment specifically denotes the scrolls as "toilet paper", in turn implying that the throne is a "porcelain" one (i.e. a toilet). A magic chest is placed somewhere at random on the level.

Sixteen dwarves and two random r (both groups of which are hostile) are placed randomly on the map at level creation, along with nine random traps and fourteen random items.

Lower filler level(s)

The lower filler level map of the quest is a cavern level, and each one generated has eleven random items, four random traps and the following monsters scattered randomly across the map at level creation: a player monster rogue, two thugs, two random h, and six random r—all of the monsters listed save for one random r are hostile.

The Shades

 |...@.....|barracks.|..........|..| |.................|........|........|..|
 |.........|.........|..........|..| |....--------.....|........|........|..|
 |------S--|--+-----------+------..| |....|......|.....|........|........|..|
 |.........|.......................| |....|......+.....--+-------------+--..|
 |barracks.|.......................| |....|......|..........................|
 |-S-----S-|......----------.......| |....|......|..........................|
 |..|..|...|......|.@..@...|.......| |....-----------.........----..........|
 |.&+..+.&.|......|.@......|.......| |....|.........|.........|}}|.....<....|
 |.........+......|+#-+#-+#|.......| |....-----------.......................|
 |---..----|......|.@|@.|@.|.......| |......................--------------..|
 |.&|..|.&.|......--#-#--#--.......| ||..|
 |..+..+...|.......................| |--.---...-----+-----..|............|..|
 |--|..----|--+-----------+------..| |.....|...|.........|..|------------|..|
 |.&+..+.&.|.........|..........|..| |grave|...|.........||..|
 |..|..|...|barracks.|..........|..| |.....|...|.........|..|............|..|

The goal level is divided in two by a middle column of all that has a pair of secret doors bridging the two sections. The entire Shades has undiggable walls, and teleportation is permitted. The Master of Thieves awaits in the northwestern-most room, with the Bell of Opening in his inventory and the Platinum Yendorian Express Card on his square.

The three barracks, two general stores and sole graveyard are generated with their normal monsters and contents. The four rooms in the lower portion of the west end have one incubus each, while the two rooms at the center-left have one succubus each. The police station in the center of the map's left half places a hostile group considering of a captain, two lieutenants, a sergeant, and five watchmen at the given locations during level creation, with each of the three attached cells containing one prisoner. There is also a hostile watchman standing guard just outside the left secret door at the halfway boundary. Sixteen dwarves and two random r are scattered randomly across the map at level creation, along with fourteen random objects and six random traps.



First time:

You breathe a sigh of relief as you find yourself back in the familiar
surroundings of Ankh-Morpork.
You quickly notice that things do not appear the way they did when you
left.  The town is dark and quiet.  There are no sounds coming from
behind the town walls, and no campfires burning in the fields.  As a
matter of fact, you do not <see|sense> any movement in the fields at all, and
the crops look as though they have been untended for many weeks.

Next time:

Once again, you are back at Ankh-Morpork.

If already rejected twice due to bad alignment:

You are back at Ankh-Morpork.
Things appear to have become so bad that you fear that soon
Ankh-Morpork will not be here to return to.

Quest guardians

If #chatting before the quest is complete:

"Gehennom on 5 zorkmids a day -- more like 500 a day if you ask me."
"Do you know where I could find some nice postcards of The Gnomish Mines?"
"Have you tried the weird toilets?"
"Don't stay at the Inn, I hear the food is terrible and it has rats."
"They told me that this was the off season!"

If #chatting after the quest is complete:

"Gehennom on 5 zorkmids a day -- more like 500 a day if you ask me."
"Do you know where I could find some nice postcards of The Gnomish Mines?"
"Have you tried the weird toilets?"
"If you stick around, I'll show you the pictures from my latest trip."
"Did you bring me back any souvenirs?"

Quest leader

When you first meet your quest leader:

"Is it really you, <playername>!  I had given up hope for your return.
As you can <see|sense>, we are desperately in need of your talents.  Someone must
defeat the Master of Thieves if our town is become what it once was.
"Let me see if you are ready to be that someone."

When you return, having been rejected due to lack of experience:

"Things are getting worse, <playername>.
I hope that this time you are ready."

This message is not currently used:

"I hope that for the sake of Ankh-Morpork you have prepared
yourself this time."

When you are expelled from the quest for having failed the alignment test seven times:

"It is too late, <playername>.  You are not even worthy to die amongst us.
Leave Ankh-Morpork and never return."

When being rejected due to lack of experience:

"There is still too much that you have to learn before you can undertake
the next step.  Return to us as a proven Traveler, and perhaps then
you will be ready.
"Go back now, and may the teachings of The Lady serve you well."

When being rejected due to having worse than pious alignment:

"It would be an affront to The Lady to have one not true to the
neutral path undertake her bidding.
"You must not return to us until you have purified yourself of these
bad influences on your actions.  Remember, only by following the neutral
path can you hope to overcome the obstacles you will face."

When finally assigned the quest:

"You have indeed proven yourself a worthy Tourist, <playername>.
"But now your kinfolk and I must ask you to put aside your travels and
help us in our time of need.  After you left us we elected a new mayor,
the Master of Thieves.  He proved to be a most heinous and vile creature.
"Soon after taking office he absconded with the Platinum Yendorian Express Card
and fled town, leaving behind his henchmen to rule over us.  In order
for us to regain control of our town, you must enter the Thieves' Guild Hall
and recover the Platinum Yendorian Express Card.
"Do not be distracted on your quest.  If you do not return quickly I fear
that all will be lost.  Let us both pray now that The Lady will guide you
and keep you safe."


If you subsequently chat to your quest leader, you are encouraged:

"Do not be fooled by the false promises of the Master of Thieves."
"To enter the Thieves' Guild Hall you must pass many traps."
"If you do not return with the Platinum Yendorian Express Card, your quest
will be in vain."
"Do not be afraid to call upon The Lady if you truly need help."
"If you do not destroy the Master of Thieves, he will follow you back here!"
"Take the Platinum Yendorian Express Card from the Master of Thieves
and you may be able to defeat him."
"You must hurry, <playername>!"
"You are like a <son|daughter> to me, <playername>.  Do not let me down."
"If you are neutral at all times you may succeed, <playername>."
"Let all who meet you on your journey know that you are on an quest for
Twoflower and grant safe passage."

Locate and goal levels

When first entering the locate level:

Only your faith in The Lady keeps you from trembling.  You <see|sense>
the handiwork of the Master of Thieves' henchlings everywhere.

When returning:

You know that this time you must find and destroy the Master of Thieves.

When first entering the goal level:

You sense the presence of the Platinum Yendorian Express Card.

When returning:

You gain confidence, knowing that you may soon be united with
the Platinum Yendorian Express Card.

Quest nemesis

When first encountering the quest nemesis:

"So, <playername>, Twoflower thinks that you can wrest
the Platinum Yendorian Express Card from me!
"It only proves how desperate he has become that he sends a <currentrank> to
try and defeat me.  When this day is over, I will have you enslaved
in the mines where you will rue the day that you ever entered
the Thieves' Guild Hall."

Upon further meetings:

"I let you live the last time because it gave me pleasure.
This time I will destroy you, <playername>."

And on the 4th and subsequent meetings:

"These meetings come to bore me.  You disturb my workings with
the Platinum Yendorian Express Card.
"If you do not run away now, I will inflict so much suffering on you that
Twoflower will feel guilty for ever having sent his <son|daughter> to me!"

When you have the Platinum Yendorian Express Card, but the Master of Thieves is still alive:

"You fool.  You do not know how to call upon the powers of
the Platinum Yendorian Express Card.
"Return it to me and I will teach you how to use it, and together we
will rule Ankh-Morpork.  But do so now, as my patience
grows thin."


The Master of Thieves will occasionally utter maledictions:

"I defeated Twoflower and I will defeat you, <playername>."
"Where is The Lady now!  You must realize no one can help you here."
"Beg for mercy now and I may be lenient on you."
"If you were not so neutral, you might have stood a chance."
"Vengeance is mine at last, <playername>."
"I only wish that Twoflower had a more worthy <currentrank> to send against me."
"With the Platinum Yendorian Express Card in my possession you cannot
hope to defeat me."
"The Master of Thieves has never been defeated, NEVER!"
"Are you truly the best Ankh-Morpork has to send against me?
I pity Twoflower."
"How do you spell <playername>?  I want to ensure the marker on your grave is
correct as a warning to your <brothers|sisters>."


When picking up your quest artifact:

As you pick up the Platinum Yendorian Express Card, you feel a great
weight has been lifted from your shoulders.  Your only thoughts are
to quickly return to Ankh-Morpork and find Twoflower.

When killing the nemesis:

You turn in the direction of the Master of Thieves.  As his earthly body begins
to vanish before your eyes, you hear him curse:
    You shall never be rid of me, <playername>!
    I will find you where ever you go and regain what is rightly mine.

When returning to your quest leader:

As Twoflower detects the presence of the Platinum Yendorian Express Card,
he almost smiles for the first time in many a full moon.
As he looks up from the Platinum Yendorian Express Card he says:
    You have recovered the Platinum Yendorian Express Card.  You are its
    owner now, but not its master.  Let it work with you as you continue
    your journey.  With its help, and The Lady to guide you on the
    neutral path, you may yet recover the Amulet of Yendor.

When subsequently throwing the Platinum Yendorian Express Card to Twoflower:

"The Platinum Yendorian Express Card is yours now.  The Dungeons of Doom await your
return through the magic portal that brought you here."


When talking to Twoflower after the quest:

"I could not be more proud than if you were my own <son|daughter>, <playername>!
Tell me of your adventures in quest of the Amulet of Yendor."

When talking to Twoflower after getting the Amulet:

"Stand back and let me look at you, <playername>.
Now that you have recovered the Amulet of Yendor, I'm afraid living
out your days in Ankh-Morpork would seem pretty tame.
"You have come too far to stop now, for there are still more tasks that
our oral history foretells for you.  Forever more, though, your name shall
be spoken by the guides with awe.  You are truly an inspiration to your