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In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, the Tourist is one of the roles from NetHack that is available to the hero.

Tourists can be humans or incantifiers, and always start as neutral.

Starting equipment

Each Tourist starts with the following equipment:

Incantifier Tourists do not have their food items replaced with scrolls of food detection like incantifier heroes of other roles, which is done intentionally to maintain the role's difficulty for them.

The Tourist's default starting pet is a little dog or kitten with equal probability.


Tourists gain the following intrinsic properties upon reaching the given experience levels:


The Tourist's starting attributes are distributed as follows

Attributes Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma Remaining
Minimum attributes 7 7 7 10 6 10 28
Distribution percentages 15% 15% 30% 10% 10% 20%
Mean w/ standard deviation (human) 11.60±1.99 11.31±1.94 15.28±2.10 12.89±1.65 8.89±1.66 15.29±1.86


Tourists have the following skills available to them before racial adjustments:

Tourist skills
Max Skills

Tourists start with Basic skill in darts and no other weapon skills. They use the intelligence stat to cast spells, and their special spell is charm monster.

Special rules

Shopkeepers recognize Tourists that are below experience level 15 as suckers and charge them an extra 13 markup when buying, and only offer 13 the base price of sold items—this does not stack with the same extra markup for heroes that are wearing a visible Hawaiian shirt, T-shirt, pair of Hawaiian shorts, or a dunce cap.

Tourists have a -1 penalty to casting emergency spells.

Rank titles

The status line displays one of the following ranks for the corresponding experience levels:

  • XL 1-2: Rambler
  • XL 3-5: Sightseer
  • XL 6-9: Excursionist
  • XL 10-13: Peregrinator/Peregrinatrix
  • XL 14-17: Traveler
  • XL 18-21: Journeyer
  • XL 22-25: Voyager
  • XL 26-29: Explorer
  • XL 30: Adventurer


Main article: Religion

The Tourist pantheon is based on the pantheon of the Discworld.


The Tourist's quest sees them fighting the Master of Thieves for The Platinum Yendorian Express Card, an artifact credit card. The Platinum Yendorian Express Card grants magic resistance, telepathy and half spell damage while carried. Invoking the Card can charge objects like a scroll of charging, with an effect partly dependent on the Card's beatitude: Tourists can invoke the blessed Platinum Yendorian Express Card to charge objects in the same way as a blessed scroll of charging, and otherwise the artifact only charges as an uncursed scroll does.


A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"Detail to match the layout of other NetHack role strategy sections if possible."