Asmodeus' Lair (SpliceHack)

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In SpliceHack, Asmodeus' Lair has its layout changed significantly, and uses a map based on the second map for the level in UnNetHack, which in turn is base on the Lethe patch map.[1]


Asmodeus' Lair
Location Level 2–7 of
Bones Yes
Mappable Yes
Teleportable No, when Asmodeus is on level
Diggable floor No
Diggable walls No
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There are four random pieces of armor, four random weapons, two random potions and three random scrolls scattered across the level. The floor and all walls are undiggable.

The room containing the up stair has a cursed -2 helm of opposite alignment on the stairway's square, a cursed loadstone and a cursed amulet of strangulation on the adjacent square below it, and an imp in the corner to the right of the stairway.

A path leads from this room to a set of double doors, and behind them is an outer room, which has two fire traps, two magic traps, a spiked pit, and an anti-magic trap at the marked locations—there is a potion of polymorph on the square north of the anti-magic trap, a cursed scroll of elementalism in the northwest corner, and a single gold piece on each of the three marked squares and the anti-magic trap's square. The left pair of doors lead to a two-square room that contains a land mine and a magic trap, both with a single gold piece on each of their squares; the land mine also has a cursed scroll of earth on its square, while the magic trap also has a cursed scroll of fire on its square.

A set of secret corridors branching north from the hallway between the up stair room and trap room leads to the outer chamber, which has four hell hounds. To the east is a closet, and two other hallways branch out from the north and west parts of the room: the north hallway has a polymorph trap in the middle of it and leads to a room with a blue jelly; the west hallway is blocked by a secret corridor that has a scroll of teleportation in front of it. This west hallway leads to a room that has six fountains, four random & and two random V, with a fire trap between the rightmost pair of fountains and a rust trap between the center pair—this room is connected to a group of lemure pits (marked with "lmr") by a pair of closed drawbridges placed over a river of moat squares that divides the level into halves.

Beyond the lemure pits is a set of rooms similar to the central structure of Asmodeus' Lair in NetHack: an anti-magic trap and sleeping gas trap are placed at the marked locations at the first room, and the north doorway leads into a narrower room with a secret door partway through. The next room contains a spiked pit with a secret door leading into another room, which in turn has a secret door leading to a fake "throne room" like the one that Asmodeus normally occupies in NetHack. This room has a giant mimic in the guise of the down stair with four magic traps surrounding it, and a random & is generated in each corner with a potion of invisibility on their square. A secret door in the southern wall of the false "throne room" leads to a 3x4 room that has three fire traps, three squeaky boards, and two sleeping barbed devil—its southern walls consist entirely of doors leading to the real throne room (not to be confused with the special room type).

Within the throne room is Asmodeus himself, standing on the square directly north of the down stair—to the direct south is a throne with an incubus asleep on its square. A pair of sleeping mariliths are generated to the left of them, and a pair of sleeping succubi are generated to the right. A secret door on the east wall leads into a series of branching corridors that contain a magic trap, a fire trap, a spiked pit, and an anti-magic trap—this leads to a small treasure room containing an amulet of change and a cursed ring of hunger, along with three piles of 500 gold pieces that are each accompanied by a random & and a named cursed gem:

  • a diamond named The Tears of Koth
  • a ruby named The Heart of Cassanova
  • an emerald named The Eye of Hera


Having a means of opening or demolishing the drawbridges may be useful.

With the possible exception of the helm of opposite alignment, most of the loot on this level is of limited use to a late-game character.

There are likely to be a lot of demons (and perhaps Asmodeus himself) crowded in the 3x4 hallway with the squeaky boards and fire traps. It's a good place to cast an area-of-effect attack spell, such as psystrike or sonicboom.

See also
