Straw golem

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A straw golem, ', is a type of monster that appears in NetHack. The straw golem is the weakest type of golem in the monster class, and is likely to be the first one a hero encounters.

Straw golems have two claw attacks, and possess sleep resistance and poison resistance like all golems. A straw golem that is subjected to stoning will become a stone golem.[1] Fire damage that sets a straw golem aflame will cause them to burn up completely;[2][3][4] fire traps and the fire effect of magic traps cause straw golems to lose half of their maximum HP.[5] A hero polymorphed into a straw golem can also burn up if they take fire damage, including losing half their maximum HP from the same traps as regular straw golems;[6][7] dying in this manner returns them to normal form, even if they are wearing an amulet of unchanging.[8]


Randomly-generated straw golems are always created hostile. Straw golems are always generated with 20 HP.[9]

Straw golems can generate as a result of polypiling if there are enough liquid, wax, veggy, dragon hide, or plastic objects in a pile of items.[10]

A straw golem does not leave behind a corpse upon death. They are not a valid target for genocide.


Hostile straw golems are not especially threatening with their weak claw attacks, unless the hero is low on HP and struggling to gain distance from one. In a pinch, any available source of fire damage (such as a wand of fire or a lit potion of oil) can be used to instantly destroy one.


The straw golem first appears in NetHack 3.0.0.


You smell burning straw.
You hit a straw golem with a fire attack while blind, destroying it instantly.



In SLASH'EM, straw golems are always generated with 40 HP and hits as a +1 weapon.[11]

Polypiling enough plastic objects will instead create a plastic golem.

NetHack brass

In NetHack brass, straw golems leave behind multiple sheaves of straw upon death.


In dNetHack, notdNetHack, notnotdNetHack, straw golems leave behind 2-8 sheaves of hay upon death, with a separate 110 chance of dropping a sedge hat as well.


In SlashTHEM, in addition to SLASH'EM details, scythes have +6 to-hit and +20 damage bonuses against straw golems.

As part of the incorporated biodiversity patch, straw golems have a 23 chance of leaving behind one or more sheaves of straw upon death, and a separate 12 chance of leaving behind an eroded fedora.

Encyclopedia entry

Dorothy leaned her chin upon her hand and gazed thoughtfully at the Scarecrow. Its head was a small sack stuffed with straw, with eyes, nose, and mouth painted on it to represent a face. An old, pointed blue hat, that had belonged to some Munchkin, was perched on his head, and the rest of the figure was a blue suit of clothes, worn and faded, which had also been stuffed with straw. On the feet were some old boots with blue tops, such as every man wore in this country, and the figure was raised above the stalks of corn by means of the pole stuck up its back.

[ The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum ]
