Immunity to sickness

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Immunity to sickness (also known as sickness resistance) is a property that appears in NetHack.


A monster with immunity to sickness is completely immune to both food poisoning from tainted corpses and disease attacks from monsters like Juiblex. The following monsters have sickness resistance:

There are no items or corpses that confer immunity to sickness, but you can obtain the immunity by polymorphing into the above monsters.[1]

Disease attacks do not damage other monsters, regardless of immunity to sickness.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Per commit 017a868, disease attacks can now damage other monsters unless they have sickness resistance, addressing issue #594.

Green dragon scale mail and green dragon scales provide immunity to sickness.


While the property itself is highly useful for specific cases (e.g. dealing with Pestilence and Demogorgon), the only methods to obtain it are polyself forms that are all but useless for combat and most other purposes.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Green dragon scales and mail make the property much more accessible, and some builds may consider it for their body armor if all other necessary properties are addressed, or else they are specifically on the hunt for Demogorgon.


In NetHack 3.4.3 and earlier versions, including some variants based on those versions, throne farming characters that set themselves up by a throne on an undiggable no-teleport level (such as a quest home level) and have enough Elbereth engravings and/or a boulder fort prepared may consider turning into a fungus or ghoul to cover the last remaining weakness using their immunity to sickness.


You feel a slight illness.
A monster used its disease attack against you, but you have immunity to sickness.
It doesn't seem at all sickening though...
You ate a corpse that would give you food poisoning, but you have immunity to sickness.
You are immune to sickness.
You have immunity to sickness as viewed via enlightenment.


Many variants incorporate the Convict role, which starts with intrinsic immunity to sickness (likely built up as a result of horrendous prison food).


In SLASH'EM, the Necromancer and the Undead Slayer role each start the game with innate immunity to sickness.


In UnNetHack, Convicts start with intrinsic immunity to sickness.


In dNetHack, Convicts start with intrinsic immunity to sickness.

Immunity to sickness can be obtained extrinsically by wearing green dragon scales or green dragon-scaled armor, a body glove, a healer uniform, or an amulet versus sickness.


In FIQHack, immunity to sickness is one of the intrinsic properties a non-cursed potion of wonder can confer when quaffed; dipping an appropriate item in a non-cursed potion also has a chance to randomly bestow immunity to sickness as an object property.


In EvilHack, immunity to sickness is made a much more commonplace property, though it is still quite rare.

In addition to the same monster types as NetHack, the following monsters have sickness resistance:

The property can be obtained intrinsically through the following methods:

  • Convicts start the game with sickness resistance.
  • Healers gain sickness resistance at level 15.
  • Monks gain sickness resistance at level 30.
  • Crowning has a 110 chance of granting sickness resistance. Infidels that are crowned will gain sickness resistance from their demonic form.
  • Polymorphing into a monster with sickness resistance confers the property for its duration.

The property can be obtained extrinsically through the following methods:
