Domestic animal
A domestic animal is a monster in NetHack that has the M2_DOMESTIC flag. This is not to be confused with HI_DOMESTIC, which is a stand-in for the color white and applied to monster glyphs.
List of domestic animals
These monsters are domestic:[1]
Throwing a treat, a suitable corpse, or certain other food may tame a domestic animal and make it a pet.[2][3][4]
Food sufficient for taming a domestic carnivore (any cat or dog):
- tripe ration
- huge chunk of meat, meatball, meat ring, or meat stick
- any safe non-vegan corpse (unsafe corpses include anything acidic, poisonous, petrifying, or tainted)
- food ration, cram ration, lembas wafer, K-ration, or C-ration
- candy bar, pancake, lump of royal jelly, fortune cookie
An egg or cream pie would also work, but they usually splat when you throw them. (Except for petrifying eggs, of course, those do worse than splat.)
Food sufficient for taming a domestic herbivore (any horse):
- apple, banana, orange, pear, or slime mold
- carrot, clove of garlic, kelp frond, eucalyptus leaf, or sprig of wolfsbane
- lichen corpse
A melon would also work, but they usually splat when you throw them.
The beatitude of the thrown food does not matter.
Certain other monsters may be tamed with food as well, such as monkeys and apes, even though they are not domestic.
A shapeshifter in the form of a domestic animal can be tamed, and will remain tame even as it changes forms.
At night during a full moon, dogs are more likely to resist taming.[5]
If a domestic animal is not tamed by thrown food, it may be pacified, even if the item is something that the domestic animal would not normally eat. Nearly any food will pacify a carnivorous domestic animal (cat or dog). Even a tin will do. Only a veggy food item will pacify an herbivorous domestic animal (horse).
For example, throwing a carrot or a lichen corpse will pacify a dog, and throwing a food ration or a fortune cookie will pacify a horse.
Pacifying will make the domestic animal peaceful and remove any fear effects.
Other differences
A tame domestic animal starts with a tameness of 10; any other tame monster starts with a tameness of 5.[6]
A domestic animal which can be saddled (i.e. a horse) has a 1⁄100 chance of being equipped with a saddle when it is generated.[7]
Eating the corpse of certain domestic animals confers the aggravate monster intrinsic, unless the character is a Caveman or an Orc.[8] Relevant monsters are cats and dogs, but not horses.
In NetHack 3.6.0 and earlier versions, throwing any food item would pacify an herbivorous domestic animal (horse).
NetHack 3.6.1 introduced the chance of a saddle-able domestic animal being generated with a saddle.
SLASH'EM adds the following domestic animals:[9]
c chicken
c cockatoo
c parrot
d pit bull
q lamb
q sheep
q goat
q cow
q bull
z koala (only tameable with eucalyptus leaves)[10]
z wombat
Also, some animals in SLASH'EM can be tamed or pacified with specific foods; throwing other kinds of comestibles at them has no pacifying effect.[11]
Tameable with cheese:
Tameable with carrots:
r rabbit
r rabid rabbit
Tameable with bananas: all apelike creatures (monsters represented by Y)
See also
- ↑ src/monst.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 104: M2_DOMESTIC
- ↑ src/dothrow.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1769
- ↑ include/mondata.h in NetHack 3.6.7, line 225: befriend_with_obj
- ↑ src/dog.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 860: function tamedog
- ↑ src/dog.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 878
- ↑ src/dog.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 37
- ↑ src/makemon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1386
- ↑ src/eat.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 696
- ↑ monst.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 106
- ↑ dog.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 734: "Koalas can only eat eucalyptus"
- ↑ mondata.h in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 239: "[Tom] Dorothy wants more pets..."