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A gug is a type of monster that appears in SLASH'EM, dNetHack, SlashTHEM, and Hack'EM.


The gug has several differences in attributes and even monster class between its appearance in dNetHack and its appearances in SLASH'EM and related variants.

In SLASH'EM and its variants, the gug, Z, is a member of the zombie monster class.

Gugs are non-mindless humanoid undead that possess two claw attacks and a paralyzing bite, and have the typical resistances to cold, sleep, poison, and draining magic. They are capable of tunneling with a pick-axe, and can follow you to other levels if they are close enough. A tame gug has a chance of turning traitor.


Randomly generated gugs often appear in large groups. A gug will never leave a corpse upon death.


Gugs move at a speed of 18, making gug swarms incredibly dangerous in the mid-game even for fast characters - being paralyzed and then surrounded by a group of gugs is a painful source of potential deaths. Free action can neutralize the paralyzing bites, while MC3 can significantly reduce its threat.

Since gugs are not mindless, telepathy can and should be used to scan for them when possible: a Z that shows up via telepathy can either be a gug, a ghoul mage or a ghoul queen, the latter two of which are quite dangerous in their own right.

Encyclopedia entry

SLASH'EM, SlashTHEM and Hack'EM

These foul creatures dwell in the endless darkness of the
Gulf of N'Kai, scavenging the bones of whatever luckless
intruders have stumbled into it.  It is suspected that they
may be some warped form of ghoul, but few have survived
seeing them so information is scarce.


It was a paw, fully two feet and a half across, and equipped
with formidable talons. Alter it came another paw, and after
that a great black-furred arm to which both of the paws were
attached by short forearms. Then two pink eyes shone, and the
head of the awakened Gug sentry, large as a barrel, wabbled
into view. The eyes jutted two inches from each side, shaded
by bony protuberances overgrown with coarse hairs. But the
head was chiefly terrible because of the mouth. That mouth
had great yellow fangs and ran from the top to the bottom of
the head, opening vertically instead of horizontally.
[ The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath, by H.P. Lovecraft ]