Difference between revisions of "NetHackWiki:Community Portal"

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m ("Large edits by new user" abuse filter is harmful: Adding name of contributor (sorry, when I wrote it some days ago I did not add it))
(all resolved)
(125 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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Welcome! Use this page to discuss general topics with NetHackWiki members. If you want to discuss a topic that is specifically about [[NetHack]], please consider discussing it at [[Forum:Watercooler|the forum]]. Purely technical issues (bugs, feature requests, etc.) may be reported at [[NetHackWiki:Technical issues|Technical issues]].
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Archives of this page: [[NetHackWiki:Community Portal/Archive1|1]], [[NetHackWiki:Community Portal/Archive2|2]], [[NetHackWiki:Community Portal/Archive3|3]], [[NetHackWiki:Community Portal/Archive4|4]]
Archives of this page: [[NetHackWiki:Community Portal/Archive1|1]], [[NetHackWiki:Community Portal/Archive2|2]], [[NetHackWiki:Community Portal/Archive3|3]], [[NetHackWiki:Community Portal/Archive4|4]], [[NetHackWiki:Community Portal/Archive5|5]]
Start a new section on the bottom of this page for each topic.
Start a new section on the bottom of this page for each topic.
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== Watchlists missing on new wiki ==
==Identification section==
Should pages for items include an "Identification" section?
I tend to add an explicit "Identification" section to item pages with advice for identification. However the "Identification" section I added for [[ring of conflict]] was removed, and all the relevant info was moved to "Strategy", so clearly not all of you feel the same way about this.
I think identification of items is separate from the strategy for using a particular item. A player benefits from identifying every item, even items with no strategic use, if for no other reason than to feel better about throwing them away. It also makes sense for identification to be described before strategy because a player will have to identify items before using them reliably.
Well, that's my take. Anybody else?
--[[User:Aximili|Aximili]] ([[User talk:Aximili|talk]]) 17:02, 21 March 2020 (UTC)
Actually, quick correction, I didn't add an "Identification" section to [[ring of conflict]], I merely moved identification advice from the pre-existing "Strategy" section. --[[User:Aximili|Aximili]] ([[User talk:Aximili|talk]]) 17:05, 21 March 2020 (UTC)
:I think I moved it back precisely ''because'' it just sounded like an extended strategy section more than anything. I'm not at all against the inclusion of separate sections for identification - rather, it's more that I interpret it as a section specifically for stuff like price-ID, auto-identifying, things of that nature. Informal identification CAN be and basically is part of that on paper, but with the ring of conflict, my rationale (which I'dve gladly explained had I been asked directly) was that it's also a vital part of any strategy around it, "it" being "not finding the thing and immediately dying from wear-testing it", such that it was worth noting first in that section. I'm more than willing to rewrite it more to accommodate, and I actually made a couple of edits in that direction - the larger question is more ''how'' to approach that than anything else. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 23:28, 22 March 2020 (UTC)
::Makes sense, if I add new identification sections in the future I might try considering that distinction as well --[[User:Aximili|Aximili]] ([[User talk:Aximili|talk]]) 23:23, 24 March 2020 (UTC)
== "What links here" link availability? ==
Hi. For things like fixing [[https://nethackwiki.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Astaroth&redirect=no this redirect]] so that it does follow wiki style while not creating double redirects, and for multiple other uses, it would be very nice to have readily available (preferably via a left-hand-side menu link, under Tools) the standard wiki "what links here" special page (and the rest of the special pages, for that matter). Is there some setting I need to change for this, or is this something needing correcting by admins? Thanks! -[[User:Actual-nh|Actual-nh]] ([[User talk:Actual-nh|talk]]) 18:05, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
== New NetHack tiles, can someone help with screenshots? ==
I just created a new set (2 sets actually) of tiles based on the default and Oryx tilesets. I called them Kinghack, they are located in the Pictographic Tiles section of the Tiles page.
Can someone add them to the NetHack tileset screenshots (Where one can see the different tilesets in different areas of the game, wall testing, monsters, objects, etc). Or tell me how to add them to that site?
Thank you.--[[User:Kingeorg|Kingeorg]] ([[User talk:Kingeorg|talk]]) 00:18, 6 October 2021 (UTC)
== GetIndie.wiki listing? ==
Would it be appropriate to submit the wiki to GetIndie.Wiki? It's a browser extension that redirects users from Fandom wikis to alternate better maintained wikis. It appears to use a manual list, and has a form for submitting suggestions. [[User:Sgeo|Sgeo]] ([[User talk:Sgeo|talk]]) 18:58, 10 February 2023 (UTC)
:I don't see why not.  It doesn't cost us anything and it might be helpful to a few new people who end up on Fandom without realizing that the community moved.  The old Fandom wiki is still high-ranking on searches: "Amulet of Yendor" on Google gives the old Fandom wiki page as the top result, for example.  [[User:Cathartes|Cathartes]] ([[User talk:Cathartes|talk]]) 21:35, 10 February 2023 (UTC)
::I [https://github.com/KevinPayravi/indie-wiki-buddy/issues/40 submitted] a request to add NetHackWiki to the extension.  [[User:Cathartes|Cathartes]] ([[User talk:Cathartes|talk]]) 22:52, 12 February 2023 (UTC)
== "Large edits by new user" abuse filter is harmful ==
[[Special:AbuseFilter/10]] implemented by [[User:Paxed]] currently denies all edits greater than 200 bytes in non-(talk,user talk) namespaces by new users.  This was instituted in response to some page-blanking vandalism a couple of months ago.  I think this is a bad idea.  Imagine being a new user, and you spent a good amount of time writing some content, only to have the filter deny your edit, and there's nothing you can do about it--you lose all your work!  This is an '''extremely bad''' welcome for new users.
Furthermore, it is not very useful against vandalism.  Sure, it works against one specific type, but a motivated vandal can easily make <200-byte edits that still need to be reverted.  There are multiple experienced users who monitor [[Special:RecentChanges]] (and #nethackwiki on IRC) on a daily basis; they can easily revert any vandalism that happens.  Also, we hardly ever get any vandalism anyway.
I would suggest that a more effective way to deter vandalism is via a rate limit on edits from new users (e.g. 10 per hour per account).  This will prevent a vandal from making too many edits before an admin comes to block them, while still allowing practically all good-faith new users to edit unimpeded, and having an easy remedy in case it actually is triggered by a good-faith user (just wait a bit before saving).  And the probability of a rate limit being triggered scales ''inversely'' with the amount of effort involved in an edit (since it takes *time* to make a large good edit), so the amount of effort lost is less even if it is triggered.  [[User:Cathartes|Cathartes]] ([[User talk:Cathartes|talk]]) 06:31, 26 May 2023 (UTC)
:Have to agree here - I've been somewhat vocal about how much of an annoyance a few of these filters are, but I think this one in particular is an active detriment. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 14:13, 26 May 2023 (UTC)
::I honestly had the same thought.  I just disabled the filter for now; it might be useful in a more targeted form (e.g. disallow new users from removing >5000 characters in a single edit, no limit on adding), but I don't think it's critical. -[[User:Ion frigate|Ion frigate]] ([[User talk:Ion frigate|talk]]) 14:39, 26 May 2023 (UTC)
:::Absolutely correct. Although misbehaved people present a problem in any place, a wiki has the tools for reverting evil changes easily, immediately after being discovered. The filter, as implemented by Mister Paxed, [[User:Paxed]], provokes more harm than gives help. It has NO PREVIOUS WARNING, and makes a new contributor lose his work. Including me, an experienced player of Nethack and some of its varieties, but new in the Nethack Wiki. [[User:Cssdixieland|Cssdixieland]] ([[User talk:Cssdixieland|talk]]) 17:58, 30 June 2023 (UTC)<!--was originally 14:06, 22 June-->
::::It's gone now.  I can't speak for the other admins, but for my own part I have no intention of bringing it back. -[[User:Ion frigate|Ion frigate]] ([[User talk:Ion frigate|talk]]) 23:40, 22 June 2023 (UTC)
== Ascensions per version or variety in Junethack 2023 ==
This text is a comment about the results of Junethack, not a notification related to NetHack Wiki.
The Junethack competition of 2023 has finished. This is the proportion of ascensions for each of the versions or varieties played. Eight servers have participated: one of Nethack Alt Org, one of Nethack 4, three of Gnollhack, and three of Hardfought. Hardfought servers also have few other versions available, such as NetHack version 1.3d, but they have not been included in Junethack. The list is ordered by the proportion of ascensions obtained.
Version or.............Ascensions...............Total games played......Per cent of ascensions
variety................of the hero..............in Junethack 2023.......per version or variety
NetHack 3.4.3...........23..............................575................................4
NetHack 3.6.7...........51.............................3936................................1.3
NetHack Fourk............1...............................84................................1.19
NetHack 3.7.0...........25.............................3333................................0.75
NetHack 1.3d.............0...............................61................................0
Average: 7 ascensions and 747 games per version or variety, less than 1 per cent ascended. On average, one ascension out of more than a hundred games, the others are not ascended. Dungeon games are amongst the most difficult, but they are also amongst the most addictive. A combination that seems to suggest a certain... 'masochism' amongst dungeon enthusiasts.
The table given above is reasonably well aligned on our screen, but maybe not so well on other screens, or printers, as it depends on the spacing and the character font used by each machine. If the automatic formatting executed by the wiki look gibberish, as I am afraid that it look, please look at the source by activating 'Edit'.
The table shows only the proportion of ascensions in Junethack 2023, not in other competitions, and not in the total number of games played throughout the years. It is also known in Statistical Science that samples with small numbers tend to be less reliable than samples with big numbers, therefore the table should not be taken as an absolute indication of play difficulty, especially for versions or varieties in which the number of games played, or of ascensions, has been small.
Let alone should the table be seen as indication of play 'enjoyability', a very subjective perception that varies greatly from an individual player to another. The style of a player may be rapid, playing our dungeon game almost as he would play a 'point and shoot' arcade game. The style of another player may be slow, playing almost as he would play a classic game of Chess, thinking every action and considering possibilities at every few turns. Or at every turn, in particularly difficult situations.
Turn-based dungeon games are unique in accommodating to both kinds of players, rapid and slow.
One is the 'action' player who goes for muscular Barbarians attacking in melée, at close quarters. The other is the reflexive player who prefers brainy Wizards casting magical spells. In between we have Walkyrie, Ranger, Knight, Samurai, Monk, and the other rôles. Every player has some choice for him.
Of 1630 games played in SpliceHack, not even one has been ascended. FIQHack, SporkHack and NetHack version 1.3d have not been ascended either, but they have been played less than 200 times each (196, 77 and 61 times), not 1630 times. At the opposite extreme we have NetHack version 3.4.3 heading the ranking with NotDNetHack and GnollHack, each with an impressive ascension rate of between three and four per cent. Four per cent exactly, in the case of NetHack version 3.4.3.
Some other factors may account for such disparities in results, from four per cent to virtually zero ascensions. NetHack version 3.4.3 was for many years the only official version available, meaning that plenty of detail in game mechanics is known to a vast number of players. Once the Dev Team decided to take action and release NetHack versions 3.6.x (NetHack version 3.5 never was official), a number of dungeon devotees started to migrate to them, but version 3.4.3 is still very well known.
However, that explanation does not account for NotDNetHack, which is not so well known. Let alone for GnollHack, which is, besides, a recent arrival on the field and known only to a select minority of dungeon enthusiasts. GnollHack can be played off-line in classic or modern mode (permanent death or not), casual or serious commit (preserving older sessions or not), with seven levels of difficulty (damage inflicted to the hero or by the hero to monsters), but in Junethack it is assumed that all the 92 GnollHack participating games have been played in standard configuration. Then, it is difficult to think of what has made GnollHack so successful in the number of ascensions. I have myself played GnollHack a few times and I am playing it at present. It is interesting in the unique features that do not exist in any other variety, but it is not 'excessively' easy. My hero has died a few times already, and in the others I have made him exit the dungeon from first depth, with the remaining pets beside.
It may be that the exclusive features of GnollHack (including even music and speech sounds with the recorded voices of actors when playing off-line) make GnollHack singularly attractive, therefore its players pay more attention and make fewer mistakes. However, that is only a hypothesis. The true cause may be a different one, yet to be discovered.
A more readable presentation of the statistical table given above can be read at the GnollHack Forum:
[[User:Cssdixieland|Cssdixieland]] ([[User talk:Cssdixieland|talk]]) 02:34, 1 July 2023 (UTC)
== Can I edit Template:Languages and Template:Languages/Lang ? ==
I want to use the new LinklessExists template in Languages/Lang. I don't anticipate changing Template:Languages but asking for that file too just in case.
Benefit: eliminates about 1400 redlinks from https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:WantedPages (out of about 5600 total).
Risk: might break the languages box if I do wrong. However, I'm good at rolling back, if needed.
[[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 02:23, 19 June 2024 (UTC)
:Do it!  If anything is broken, you can always revert.  You might also be able to test it in preview before you break anything by using the template in itself in a <nowiki><noinclude></noinclude></nowiki> section.  After you edit the template, go to a few pages that use it and purge the cache (append ?action=purge to the URL) to force the page to be immediately regenerated with the updated template, and check that it's not broken.  [[User:Cathartes|Cathartes]] ([[User talk:Cathartes|talk]]) 02:00, 20 June 2024 (UTC)
::Okay great! Gonna clear my plate and do this in about a day. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 03:35, 20 June 2024 (UTC)
::First attempt failed. The language box came up blank. Reverted after six minutes. Gonna study harder and try again on another day. (Also I am timing these attempts when there are no active translator editors working.) [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 16:08, 20 June 2024 (UTC)
==Interwiki entry requests==
Grouping all interwiki entry-related requests here for user and admin convenience.
To give further context: below is a series of interwiki links [[NetHackWiki:Community Portal/Archive5#Wikia Links|that were slated to be dealt with]] after the move to MediaWiki, but it fell to the wayside for more than a decade before another user decided to draw attention to the matter. Below is a series of lists meant to expedite the process and finish what was meant to be done back in 2011.
--[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 12:26, 24 June 2024 (UTC) [Original Message: 06:53, 21 June 2024 (UTC)]
:Alright, that's all the interwiki stuff addressed for the moment - I'll wait a month or so before moving forward in the event Furey decides to become active again. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 17:44, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
::No response from him and it's Sept. 1 - moving forward as planned, doing another scan and then marking these as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 04:10, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved top}}
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'a'===
I recently found 3 links in [[NetHackWiki:policy]] pointing to an ad farm for Vietnamese casinos and sports gambling. They were interwiki links, and the domain had transferred to a cybersquatter.
We have 581 interwiki entries. The table has been dormant since the move from Wikia (look at the log). We can safely delete a large number of these, preventing future problems.
Round 1. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'a', except for these 6:
* a-levels, annotation, answers, anthropology, apple, architecture
These 6 are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[apple:" or "apple:" so I have to look at hits for "apple" and there are too many of them. So punt those for now.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
'''Safe to delete'''
If you just came here from Wikia, you may have noticed that [[Special:Watchlist|your watchlist]] is empty. Apparently, the [[mw:Extension:MediaWikiAuth|MediaWikiAuth extension]] doesn't import it automatically. However, you can fix the problem easily:
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| abbenormal || http://www.ourpla.net/cgi-bin/pikie.cgi?$1 || 0 || operational || -
| abitur || http://abi_wiki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || "Not a valid community" || -
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| agohwiki || http://agoh.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| aiwiki || http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/ailab/aiwiki/aiw.cgi?$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| alaska || http://Alaska.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| alife || http://news.alife.org/wiki/index.php?$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| altereco || http://altereco.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || "Not a valid community" || -
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| amazone || http://Amazone.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || portuguese
| americanfederationofmusicians || http://afm.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || "Not a valid community" || -
| ancientcoins || http://ancientcoins.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| ancientworld || http://AncientWorld.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || russian
| andstuff || http://andstuff.org/wiki.php?$1 || 0 || redirects to a blog || -
| anime || http://anime.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| annotationwiki || http://www.seedwiki.com/page.cfm?wikiid=368&doc=$1 || 0 || This domain is available for sale! || -
| aocfinland || http://www.aocfinland.net/wiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
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| asimov || http://asimov.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| aspienetwiki || http://aspie.mela.de/Wiki/index.php?title=$1 || 0 || The requested URL was not found on this server. || -
| astronomy || http://astronomy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| asylum || http://Asylum.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| australiawiki || http://australia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| avegost || http://avegost.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
# Go to [http://nethack.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Watchlist/raw Special:Watchlist/raw at Wikia].  If you're logged in, you should see a textbox listing the contents of your watchlist on the old wiki.  Select it all and copy it to your clipboard.
'''Keep these for now'''
# Go to [[Special:Watchlist/raw|the corresponding page]] on the new wiki and paste in what you just copied.  Then click "{{int:watchlistedit-raw-submit}}".
Happy hacking!  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 01:08, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
unsearchable means: "foo" gives too many hits to look through. i cannot search for "foo:" or "[[foo:"
PS. It looks like user preferences don't get imported either, even though [[mw:Extension:MediaWikiAuth|the documentation]] says they should be. Alas, I know of no such easy shortcut to fixing that. --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 01:18, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| a-levels || http://a-levels.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || "There is currently no text in this page." || -
| annotation || http://bayle.stanford.edu/crit/nph-med.cgi/$1 || unsearchable || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| answers || http://answers.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
| anthropology || http://Anthropology.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
| apple || http://techessentials.org/apple/$1 || unsearchable || Opaque site, definitely not a wiki || -
| architecture || http://Architecture.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
== We need a new logo ==
[[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 06:56, 19 June 2024 (UTC)
[[File:Nethackwiki-logo.png|thumb|132px|Logo suggestion by [[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]]]]
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 02:49, 21 June 2024 (UTC)
Since we're no longer at Wikia, the [[:File:Wiki.png|current logo]] (which spells "wiki@") seems a bit inappropriate.  We should pick a new one.  To kick things off, here's [[:File:Nethackwiki-logo.png|my quick suggestion]] based on the old idea (monsters spelling out the name of the site).  There's also an [[:File:Nethackwiki-logo.svg|SVG version]], <s>although the SVG renderer here makes an awful mess of it</s>.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 02:12, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
:Looking good! :) Could be a bit less rainbow'ish, though, but that's just my opinion. &mdash;[[User:ZeroOne|ZeroOne]] (<small>[[User talk:ZeroOne|talk]]</small>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<small>[[Special:Emailuser/ZeroOne|@]]</small>) 09:05, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
::Verified. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 02:59, 21 June 2024 (UTC)
::I think it's pretty much perfect. Looks like happy and colourful and ... oh my god they're tearing me apart, help help! --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 10:42, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
:::Don't worry. It's just a dwarf king. :) [[User:Kynde|Kynde]] 06:00, 2 May 2011 (UTC)
== Problems on this Wiki ==
{{resolved top}}
:''Section moved to [[NetHackWiki:Technical issues]].  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 16:57, 1 December 2010 (UTC)''
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'b'===
== Move announcements at various places ==
Done: [[rgrn]] and most nethack forums.
Done: [http://community.livejournal.com/nethack/106620.html LiveJournal NetHack community]. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 16:17, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
Round 2. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'b', except for this 1:
* box
Most places in [http://nethack-de.sourceforge.net/nethack_poll_results.txt] still need announcement postings:
These 1 is probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[box:" or "box:" so I have to look at hits for "box" and there are too many of them. So punt this for now.
Adom Forum: http://www.adom.de/forums/
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
Angband forum: http://angband.oook.cz/forum/
Dwarf Fortress forum: http://www.bay12games.com/forum/
Kingdom of Loathing forum: http://forums.kingdomofloathing.com/vb/
Temple of Roguelikes: http://www.roguetemple.com/forums/
dplusplus's blog: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/dplusplus/
BSDForen.de Forum: http://www.bsdforen.de/
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
Done: FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/  (The NetHack Rules! -group with 860+ members)
[[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 12:14, 19 June 2024 (UTC)
I'm growing a bit wary of administrivia. Feel free to beat me to the task.[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 15:19, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
''' Safe to delete (b) '''
== Unified login (in the remote future) ==
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| babylon5 || http://babylon5.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| babysign || http://BabySign.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| bahrain || http://bahrain.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| baltimore || http://baltimore.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| bangalore || http://Bangalore.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| battlestarwiki || http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| beijing || http://beijing.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| bemi || http://bemi.free.fr/vikio/index.php?$1 || 0 || Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'bemi'@'' (using password: YES) in /mnt/105/sda/1/a/bemi/vikio/index.php on line 302 || -
| benefitswiki || http://www.benefitslink.com/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi?$1 || 0 || 410 - Page No Longer Available || -
| berlin || http://Berlin.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || german
| bestpractices || http://BestPractices.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| beyondvoting || http://beyondvoting.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| bloggingwiki || http://blogging.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| blogsome || http://blogsome.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| boppard || http://boppard.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| boston || http://Boston.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| brasilwiki || http://rio.ifi.unizh.ch/brasilienwiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| bridgeswiki || http://c2.com/w2/bridges/$1 || 0 || The requested URL was not found on this server. || -
| bswiki || http://en.bswiki.com/index.php/$1 || 0 || This domain is available for sale! || -
| bulbapedia || http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| businessowns || http://business_owns.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| bydgoszcz || http://bydgoszcz.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || polish
Each of several major NetHack sites has its own user namespace (this wiki, the old wiki, NAO, freenode, NAO forums, other gameservers). In a long term perspective, some form of unified login would be great. Users would benefit from less signup hassle (and less chance of impersonation). For the wiki, it's a great marketing ploy. Especially as we're competing against ourselves at Wikia. Silly as it seems, each signup act drives away visitors.
''' Keep these for now (b) '''
I realize this is pie-in-the-sky right now, and we have more pressing chores due to The Move.
unsearchable means: "foo" gives too many hits to look through. i cannot search for "foo:" or "[[foo:".
Colliding usernames will make unified login difficult. We could let Wikiuser play as w:Wikiuser, and Naoplayer edit as n:Naoplayer until people can merge their accounts themselves. Freenode requires some thought. As a first step, I propose adding a warning "You are about to create a username that already exists on NAO/the wiki/freenode/... Please consider choosing a different name unless you are the same person."
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| box || http://userboxes.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
See also: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Unified_login
:Addressed - Bulbapedia is untouched per related discussions regarding Pokemon in the 'p' section. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 08:14, 12 July 2024 (UTC)
:<s>The [[mw:Extension:CentralAuth|CentralAuth extension]], which Wikimedia uses, has been designed to address just those username collision issues.  (That's why it's so complicated; if starting from scratch, it would be much easier to just share the user table between wikis.)  However, it's been designed with the assumption that all the wikis are running on the same server(s).  I haven't really looked at the code to see if there might be any way to relax that assumption.</s>  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 21:29, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
::No response in more than 2 weeks - verified against the list and marking this as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 10:34, 3 August 2024 (UTC)
::Ah, scratch that, I misread what the issue was.  Still, looking at how CentralAuth handles username conflicts ''might'' be useful.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 21:31, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
{{resolved top}}
{{resolved top}}
== Announcing edits on IRC? ==
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'c'===
Round 3. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'c', except for these 9:
* cache, cities, clubpenguin, cm, commons, community, consciousness, cpp, creatures
Most of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[cache:" or "cache:" so I have to look at hits for "cache" and there are too many of them. So punt these for now.
"clubpenguin" has an actual use: I found an article with a <nowiki>[[clubpenguin:xxx]]</nowiki> reference. So for now, leave it alone.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
[[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 14:41, 19 June 2024 (UTC)
''' Safe to delete (c) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| c2find || http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FindPage&value=$1 || 0 || operational || -
| calgary || http://calgary.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| camarilarequiem || http://camarilarequiem.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| camcorder || http://Camcorder.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| cancerhelp || http://cancer.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| cantonese || http://cantonese.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || chinese
| castlemarrach || http://Marrach.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| casualty || http://casualty.shoutwiki.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| celebrity || http://celebrity.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| cellphones || http://cell.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| censorship || http://censorship.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| charlesmunch || http://charlesmunch.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| chdk || http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| chej || http://esperanto.blahus.cz/cxej/vikio/index.php/$1 || 0 || The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. || -
| chw || http://chw.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| ciscavate || http://ciscavate.org/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| cliki || http://ww.telent.net/cliki/$1 || 0 || Page not found || -
| cmwiki || http://www.ourpla.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 || 0 || No page found || -
| codersbase || http://www.codersbase.com/$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| collegehockey || http://chw.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| comedy || http://comedy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| commdesign || http://commdesign.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| computervision || http://computervision.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| concordwiki || http://Concord.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| conferencewiki || http://conferences.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| conlang || http://conlang.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| connectivity || http://connectivity.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| conworld || http://conworld.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| corpknowpedia || http://corpknowpedia.org/wiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| craftedbycarol || http://www.CraftedByCarol.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not Found [CFN #0005] || -
| creationmatters || http://www.ourpla.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 || 0 || No page found || -
| cyclisme || http://cyclisme.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
''' Keep these for now (c) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| cache || http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:$1 || unsearchable|| operational || -
| cities || http://cities.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| clubpenguin || http://clubpenguinwiki.info/wiki/$1 || 1 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || we have a <nowiki>[[clubpenguin:xxx]]</nowiki> link!
| cm || http://cm.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| commons || http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| community || http://community.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| consciousness || http://teadvus.inspiral.org/ || unsearchable || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || note the lack of $1
| cpp || http://cpp.wikia.com/ || unsearchable || operational || note the lack of $1
| creatures || http://creatures.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
MediaWiki can be set up to [[mw:Manual:IRC RC Bot|report edits on IRC]]. It would be kind of nice to have [[Rodney (bot)|Rodney]] announce whenever someone edits the wiki, although some checks would probably have to be set up to avoid flooding the channel if someone makes lots of edits in a short time.  (Just having it not report edits marked as minor might be a good start.)  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 21:53, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 15:33, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
:Please try it out. The usage data will be valueable, if nothing else. (Personally, I'm too old-fashioned to find value in Twitter.)
::No response for all of August - verified against the list and marking as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 11:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
:Speaking from RSS/Atom experience, [[Special:RecentChanges]] isn't the right thing to broadcast - too much traffic. At the very least, offer some filtering. E.g. keywords: I expect a Crawl person will want to follow all Crawl-related changes, and so on. [[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 15:17, 13 November 2010 (UTC)
::[[Rodney (bot)|Rodney]] will now announce edits in #nethackwiki. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 18:23, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
{{resolved bottom}}
== Google and optimization ==
{{resolved top}}
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'd'===
Round 4. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'd', except for these 7:
* delphi, dictionary, diy, dnd, documentation, doom, désencyclopédie
Most of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[delphi:" or "delphi:" so I have to look at hits for "delphi" and there are too many of them. So punt these for now.
"dnd" has 2 actual uses: articles with <nowiki>[[dnd:xxx]]</nowiki> references. So for now, leave it alone.
"désencyclopédie" has non-ASCII characters so I do not trust mediawiki search and interwiki prefix matching to work the same way.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
[[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 17:45, 19 June 2024 (UTC)
''' Safe to delete (d) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| datamining || http://datamining.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| datsun510 || http://Datsun510.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| dc database || http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| dcanimated || http://dcanimated.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| dcdatabase || http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| debatewiki || http://debate.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| dejanews || http://www.deja.com/=dnc/getdoc.xp?AN=$1 || 0 || operational || -
| demokraatia || http://wiki.demokraatia.ee/ || 0 || Best Text Blast Service || note the lack of $1
| desencyclopedie || http://desencyclopedie.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| detroit || http://detroit.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| deviousmud || http://deviousmud.shoutwiki.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || No such wiki || -
| dfw || http://dfw.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| diablowiki || http://diablo.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| discgolf || http://discgolf.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| disinfopedia || http://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| disney || http://Disney.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| diveintoosx || http://diveintoosx.org/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| dns || http://dns.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| docbook || http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| doctorwho || http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| doi || http://dx.doi.org/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| dolphinwiki || http://www.object-arts.com/wiki/html/Dolphin/$1 || 0 || ERR_TIMED_OUT || -
| doom_wiki || http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| downsyndrome || http://downsyndrome.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| dpl || http://semeb.com/dpldemo/index.php?title=$1 || 0 || 410 Gone || -
| drumcorpswiki || http://www.drumcorpswiki.com/index.php/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| dvdlab || http://dvdlab.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| dwjwiki || http://www.suberic.net/cgi-bin/dwj/wiki.cgi?$1 || 0 || operational || -
| dyslexia || http://dyslexia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| dystopia || http://dystopia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
''' Keep these for now (d) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| delphi || http://delphi.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| dictionary || http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Database=*&Form=Dict1&Strategy=*&Query=$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| diy || http://diy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| dnd || http://dandwiki.com/wiki/$1 || 2 || operational || we have 2 <nowiki>[[dnd:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| documentation || http://documentation.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| doom || http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| désencyclopédie || http://desencyclopedie.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0? || Not a valid community || -
Google was by far the largest source of traffic to the old site, so our Google ranking is very important. How can we raise it?
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 16:05, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
* '''Original and fresh content.''' When two sites offer identical content, one of them is downranked as copycat. We need to be different from Wikia, and we should offer Googlebot fresh stuff. Can we please have something like [[Special:AncientPages]], except that it shows only pages that have not been modified since Google spidered it, with (by humans) most visited pages sorted first?
::No response for all of August - verified against the list and marking as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 11:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
{{resolved top}}
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'e'===
* <s>Why did our main page see 1722 hits already, but all other articles go virtually unread? The page view counts were much closer on the old wiki. [[Special:PopularPages]], [[w:c:nethack:Special:Mostvisitedpages]].</s> I propose adding a box to our main page that explains briefly what NetHack is, aimed at people stumbling into the wiki.
Round 5. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'e', except for these 6:
* ec^ei, ed, emacswiki, en.cpp, events, eĉei
--[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 22:03, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
Most of these exceptions are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[ed:" or "ed:" so I have to look at hits for "ed" and there are too many of them. So punt these for now.
:The special page idea sounds interesting.  I suspect one reason for the main page being so far ahead here is that all the move announcements link to it.  People get curious, click the link, go "oh, it's just like the old wiki, just a different skin" and leave.  Things ought to even out once the idly curious folks are replaced by people actually interested in looking something up.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 22:26, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
"emacswiki" has 2 actual uses: articles with <nowiki>[[emacswiki:xxx]]</nowiki> references. So for now, leave it alone.
:<s>BTW, I ''think'' the reason [[-]] ranks so high is because MediaWiki uses it as a dummy page name for loading some site JS and CSS code.  Although the fact that those hits get counted at all could be considered a bug.  (At least, I hope that's it.  The other possibility is that there are some broken links somewhere actually sending people to that page.)  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 22:32, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
"eĉei" has non-ASCII characters so I do not trust mediawiki search and interwiki prefix matching to work the same way.
::There ''are'' broken links, see above near http://domain/article. [[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 22:40, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
:::Just to make it clear: Those broken links have been taken care of. Also: [[-]] is indeed used as a dummy page name by MW. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 15:22, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
:''Don't Panic!'' Most of the visitors right now are those who already know the wiki, but have seen the move announcement in RGRN, LJ, whatever. They just pop in, put the new link in their bookmarks, and go on with their lives. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 07:37, 12 November 2010 (UTC)</s>
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
::{{moon phase}} Agreed. It does suggest the possibility that a well timed main page redesign might encourage those visitors to look around a bit more.  We might as well do it anyway, seeing as the current design was optimized for Wikia. One idea I had was that we might borrow the idea of a [[wikipedia:WP:DYK|Did you know?]] section from Wikipedia (probably starting off without any age or length limits, basically just a regularly updated list of curious NetHack trivia).  It shouldn't be hard to manage, and should serve as a nice hook to lure casual visitors in.
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
::Ps. I already made some small tweaks to the main page, including greeting logged-in users by name and notifying them of full/new moon like the game does.  I also wrote a quick little [[Template:Moon phase|template]] for displaying moon phases like NAO does (although my version so far only has one image for each of the 8 phases nethack uses internally).  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 08:25, 12 November 2010 (UTC)
[[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 22:20, 19 June 2024 (UTC)
::Moon phase does not show up for me.[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 17:14, 12 November 2010 (UTC)
:::You mean on the main page or at [[Template:Moon phase]]?  The version I [{{fullurl:Main_Page|diff=56298&oldid=54072}} put on the main page] only says anything when the moon is new or full, just like in the game.  I was thinking of putting (something like) {{[[template:moon phase|moon phase]]}} on the main page too, but hadn't got around to the that yet. --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 19:32, 13 November 2010 (UTC)
* '''rel="nofollow"'''. I changed most high-ranking incoming links, but virtually all wikis make external links useless. This is the reason for our abysmal Google rank. (Forums fare better.) The only solution I can see is to ask the respective admins to add us to their interwiki table, and then to make those links interwiki links. Of course, we have to link to them with a "good" link first... --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 03:51, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
''' Safe to delete (e) '''
:: The [[User:Tjr/incoming_links|list of incoming links]]. Admins go to "view deleted". Our former wikihost should not see this.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| eagleparty || http://eagleparty.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| eaglesfans || http://eaglesfans.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| eberron || http://Eberron.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| ecei || http://www.ikso.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 || 0 || Not Found || -
| echei || http://www.ikso.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 || 0 || Not Found || -
| ecoreality || http://www.EcoReality.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || Under Construction || -
| ecovillage || http://ecovillage.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| ecxei || http://www.ikso.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 || 0 || Not Found || -
| education || http://education.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| efnetceewiki || http://purl.net/wiki/c/$1 || 0 || Page not found on this site. || -
| efnetcppwiki || http://purl.net/wiki/cpp/$1 || 0 || Page not found on this site. || -
| efnetpythonwiki || http://purl.net/wiki/python/$1 || 0 || Page not found on this site. || -
| efnetxmlwiki || http://purl.net/wiki/xml/$1 || 0 || An error has been encountered in accessing this page. || -
| efrat || http://Efrat.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| eisenbahn || http://eisenbahn.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || german
| elderscrollscs || http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || This wiki is currently down for backend maintenance. || -
| elibre || http://enciclopedia.us.es/index.php/$1 || 0 || operational || spanish
| eljwiki || http://elj.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || An error has been encountered in accessing this page. || -
| emailwiki || http://Email.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| en.anime || http://anime.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| en.hassa || http://en.Hassa.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| en.linuxwikia || http://en.Linux.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| en.linuxwikicity || http://en.Linux.wikicities.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || fandom.com (main page) || -
| en.miqra || http://en.miqra.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| en.phpbb || http://en.phpbb.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| en.tibia || http://en.tibia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| en.townn-titles || http://en.townn-titles.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| enciclopedialibre || http://enciclopedia.us.es/index.php/$1 || 0 || operational || spanish
| enmusic || http://en.music.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| eokulturcentro || http://esperanto.toulouse.free.fr/wakka.php?wiki=$1 || 0 || blank page || -
| esclarion || http://es.clarion.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| esperanto || http://esperanto.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| essences || http://Essences.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| everquest2 || http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| evolutionarybusiness || http://EvolutionaryBusiness.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| evowiki || http://www.evowiki.org/index.php/$1 || 0 || File not found. || -
| expressways || http://expressways.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
*SEO stuff
''' Keep these for now (e) '''
** valid html. [http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fnethackwiki.com&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0 errors on main page].
*** If MediaWiki generates non-valid html, bring it up with MediaWiki devels. Trying to patch those myself would be futile. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 14:40, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
**<s>Robots.txt needs a sitemap: "Sitemap: http://nethackwiki.com/sitemap.xml"
***See [[mw:Manual:GenerateSitemap.php]].  This should probably be run from cron or something.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 10:14, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
****Sitemap is now done, and will be generated once a week. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 15:22, 18 November 2010 (UTC)</s>
***** It doesn't work. Google thinks the sitemap says ''<nowiki>http://sitemap-wikihackdb-ns_0-0.xml.gz</nowiki>''. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 02:49, 23 November 2010 (UTC)
**Perhaps control how we appear in Google results. Example to improve upon: <meta name="description" content="NetHackWiki is about NetHack, the roguelike game, and its variants.">
**<s>The main page should not link to unrelated wikis in the footer.</s>
**Make it easy to link to us. Example, see the sidebar or the end of the text: http://www.wordsinarow.com/how-to-get-links.html, [http://www.wordsinarow.com/linktous.html linktous].
** Duplicate content should be removed. [http://searchenginewatch.com/3641430 Article on that.]
*** <s>www.nethackwiki.com now redirects to nethackwiki.com</s>
*'''broken internal links'''
** <s>[[Template:Timeline_of_NetHack]] generates ''<nowiki>http://nethackwiki.com/nethack/nethackwiki-test/mediawiki-1.16.0/index.php/Hack_1.0</nowiki>''
*** Looks like the EasyTimeline extension was broken before, and some of the broken imagemaps are still cached.  Bumping $wgTimelineSettings->epochTimestamp should fix it.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 13:02, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
**** Fixed. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 14:35, 18 November 2010 (UTC)</s>
** <s>''<nowiki>http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/$1</nowiki>'' is linked from 43 pages as Googlebot sees them, e.g. <nowiki>http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Detect_monsters</nowiki></s>
*** Huh? [[google:link:http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/$1]] says "''<nowiki>Your search - link:http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/$1 - did not match any documents.</nowiki>''" to me.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 13:19, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
**** It shows up in the Google Webmaster Tools. I've requested a "show as the Googlebot sees it". Please tell me your Google account, and I'll add you to webtools. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 14:03, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
***** http://pastebin.com/3EQUZU6f shows the offending page. -[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 06:55, 20 November 2010 (UTC)
******The only <tt>/wiki/$1</tt> in there is <tt>wgArticlePath</tt>, and that we cannot change, it's a MediaWiki variable which has to be like that. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 08:39, 20 November 2010 (UTC)</s>
** top really non-existant: [[forum:help]], [[NetHackWiki:Privacy_policy]]
** <s>Forums are excluded by robots.txt. Just look at the links in [[Forum:Watercooler]].</s>
*** <s>The posts are still reachable through non-disallowed links via [[:Category:Watercooler]] and [[Special:RecentChangesLinked/Category:Watercooler]].  Also, having sitemaps enabled should help search engines find them.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 13:02, 18 November 2010 (UTC)</s>
**** <s>Fixing [[Forum:Watercooler]] would be better because that would bestow page rank onto the forums. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 14:03, 18 November 2010 (UTC)</s>
***** We now allow robots to crawl /mediawiki/ --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 08:39, 20 November 2010 (UTC)
* <s>Top '''Google searches need to be articles''': [[net hack]], [[nethack]], [[nethacker]], [[roguelike]], [[wiki hack]], [[slashem]], [[nethack wiki]], [[sokoban level]], [[nethack spoilers]], [[nethack spoiler]], [[cursed armor]], [[game nethack]], [[nethack game]], [[nethack download]], [[download nethack]], [[nethack windows]], [[nethack for windows]], [[windows nethack]], [[nethack tiles]], [[online nethack]], [[nethack online]], [[nethack guide]], [[nethack sokoban]], [[sokoban nethack]], [[nethack pet]], [[dungeon siege class]], [[nethack armor]], [[linux nethack]], [[nethack commands]], [[play nethack]], [[nethack android]], [[android nethack]], [[nethack for android]], [[qt nethack]], [[nethack qt]], [[cursed artifacts]], [[zork zero]], [[psp nethack]], [[nethack for psp]], [[nethack psp]], [[nethack level]], [[nethack.alt.org]]. I guess the pure download links should redirect to an article about the Devteam site.</s>
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
* Our top 6 '''key words''' and their relevance are, as reported by Google: nethackwiki 100%, edit 63%, nethack 36%, monster 35%, navigate 33%, search 31%.
** <s>Please make <nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki> report ''NetHack Wiki''.</s>
! Prefix
*** <s>It should match link anchor texts, though... </s>
**** <s>Didn't we just go through a whole bunch of work standardizing on "NetHackWiki"?  Seems a bit silly to start changing the site name again already.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 13:19, 18 November 2010 (UTC)</s>
! Uses
***** <s>People enter "nethack wiki" and "nethack" into Google. So that's where we need to show up. [https://adwords.google.com/o/Targeting/Explorer?__u%3d1000000000%26__c%3d1000000000%26ideaRequestType%3dKEYWORD_IDEAS#search.none Google External Keyword Tool]. I didn't know better when using NetHackWiki, my fault. Changing it shouldn't be that hard with [[Special:ReplaceText]]. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 14:03, 18 November 2010 (UTC)</s>
! Site status
******<s>I'm in favor of keeping it "NetHackWiki", even if it means google doesn't like us. "NetHack Wiki" just doesn't do it for me. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 14:35, 18 November 2010 (UTC)</s>
! Comments
** Please '''hide MediaWiki keywords''' from bots, e.g. coding them in images/scripts/...: edit, navigate, search, stub, png (in monster template), and the other ones from the top, left, footer, and section edit bar.
*** That sounds like a hopeless and futile quest to me.  This is a wiki, there will always be wiki-ish things on it. --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 13:19, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
| ec^ei || http://www.ikso.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 || unsearchable || Not Found || special char in prefix
**** Doing it in the top, left, and footer bar would be enough. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 14:03, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
**** This'll make it impossible to use the wiki on browsers without javascript, though. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 14:35, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
| ed || http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/$1 || unsearchable || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
**<s>I am going to rename the category NetHackWiki into NetHack Wiki.[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 11:44, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
*** Decided against it to avoid keyword stuffing.--[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 02:49, 23 November 2010 (UTC)</s>
| emacswiki || http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 || 2 || operational || we have 2 <nowiki>[[emacswiki:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| en.cpp || http://en.cpp.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| events || http://Events.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
| eĉei || http://www.ikso.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 || unsearchable || Not Found || special char in prefix
* I've bought '''Google Adwords''' as a stop-gap measure. Please let me know if you see a way to improve the ads. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 20:31, 23 November 2010 (UTC)
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 16:27, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
** Unrelated to the ads, but I just noticed that the main page of this wiki is currently on the seventh position of first page the Google search "[https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=nethack+wiki nethack wiki]". :) &mdash;[[User:ZeroOne|ZeroOne]] (<small>[[User talk:ZeroOne|talk]]</small>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<small>[[Special:Emailuser/ZeroOne|@]]</small>) 13:22, 26 November 2010 (UTC)
::No response for all of August - verified against the list and marking as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 11:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
*** [http://amateurgeek.blogspot.com/search/label/NetHack Amateurgeek] even blogged about the move. I our Google rank sticks even after the various blog updates loose freshness. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 17:23, 26 November 2010 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
****At the moment this site is at position 7 after 2 en wikipedia articles and 5 old site entries. At the moment we appear to be our one worst enemy shouldn't we start considering removing the old wiki?--[[User:IngerAlHaosului|IngerAlHaosului]] 19:57, 12 December 2010 (UTC)
:::::If I could, I would. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 20:48, 12 December 2010 (UTC)
== Source code syntax highlighting? ==
{{resolved top}}
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'f'===
As we can now highlight syntax for several programming languages (Thanks to an [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi extension] using [http://qbnz.com/highlighter/ geshi]), should we change the source code pages to use that? For a short test, see [[User:Paxed/src geshi test]]. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 08:48, 17 November 2010 (UTC)
Round 6. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'f', except for these 5:
* fiction, fr.be, fr.org, freebsd, future
:Yes. --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 10:02, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
Most of these exceptions are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[fiction:" or "fiction:" so I have to look at hits for "fiction" and there are too many of them. So punt these for now.
How would we link to the function definitions in the source files? Geshi only knows the function name, so the links would have to be something like [[Source:invent.c#feel_cockatrice|http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Src/feel_cockatrice]], which would redirect to the correct place in the Source namespace. I already have a list of the functions at [[User:Paxed/Source Functions]], but what would be best format for the function redirects? [[Source/function_name]], or [[Src/nh343/function_name]] or what? --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 17:35, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
:You mean the text the human user will see? Why not <nowiki>[[Src/feel_cockatrice]]</nowiki>? BTW, your list of source functions is incomplete, and macros are excluded entirely. ---[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 20:32, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
::Yes, I know it's incomplete, it's automatically generated from the src-directory, and macros aren't as easy. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 20:50, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
:I think something like [[Source:function_name()]] (or [[Source:Nethack 3.4.3/function_name()]]) might make sense for redirects.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 00:06, 19 November 2010 (UTC)
[[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 12:03, 20 June 2024 (UTC)
:BTW, I wonder if it would be better to keep the line numbers hardcoded and somehow kluge GeSHi to skip over them?  One nice thing about the way the source files are currently marked up is that adding annotations is really easy and idiot-proof; you can't mess up the line numbering without spending some effort on it.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 00:06, 19 November 2010 (UTC)
''' Safe to delete (f) '''
::I'm kinda leery about the parenthesis there. Maybe [[SourceRef:function_name]]? Also, I've hacked on the hilight extension, see how it looks at [[User:Paxed/src geshi test2]]. Biggest problem with it: It currently makes editing page sections impossible. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 08:44, 20 November 2010 (UTC)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
::I solved the problem that prevented editing page sections, and I've changed all of the 3.4.3 source files to use this new syntax coloring. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 19:21, 20 November 2010 (UTC)
:::Currently the function names link to [[Source:Ref/function_name]], is that good? Comments? If no objections, I'll run a bot to add the redirects... --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 15:41, 21 November 2010 (UTC)
! Prefix
:::: Fine. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 16:34, 21 November 2010 (UTC)
:::::Added the source reference redirects. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 20:57, 23 November 2010 (UTC)
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| facialcleansingproducts || http://facialcleansingproducts.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| fadingsuns || http://FadingSuns.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| familyguy || http://FamilyGuy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| fastribe || http://fsatribe.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| featuregarden || http://FeatureGarden.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| fet || http://www.egnu.org/thelema/index.php/$1 || 0 || Not Found || -
| feuilleton || http://feuilleton.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| fi.marveldatabase || http://fi.marveldatabase.com/$1 || 0 || operational || finnish
| filmwiki || http://film.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || german
| finalempire || http://final-empire.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 || 0 || Could not create /home/groups/f/fi/final-empire/wiki: No such file or directory || -
| finalfantasy || http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| fineart || http://Fineart.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| firefly || http://firefly.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| firstwiki || http://firstwiki.org/index.php/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| fisherymanagement || http://fisherymanagement.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| flink || http://flink.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || norwegian
| foldoc || http://foldoc.org/?$1 || 0 || operational || -
| footy || http://footy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| foundationgame || http://foundation.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| foxwiki || http://fox.wikis.com/wc.dll?Wiki~$1 || 0 || The FoxPro Wiki is down, on purpose || -
| fr.miqra || http://fr.miqra.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| freebasic || http://FreeBASIC.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| freebsdman || http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi?apropos=1&query=$1 || 0 || operational || -
| fruawiki || http://frua.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| fundraising || http://Fundraising.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| furry || http://furry.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
Has anyone else noticed that the highlighting seems to make spaces and underscores
''' Keep these for now (f) '''
indistinguishable?  I'm using the old MonoBook skin, so that might have something to do with it. -[[User:Ion frigate|Ion frigate]] 03:25, 25 November 2010 (UTC)
:Indistinguishable? In what way? I don't see such a thing, even if I switch to monobook. Screenshot? --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 21:02, 25 November 2010 (UTC)
::Or rather, underscores seem to show up as spaces; I uploaded a screenshot as [[Image:Underscore.JPG|thumb]]. -[[User:Ion frigate|Ion frigate]] 04:02, 26 November 2010 (UTC)
:::Sorry, all I can say is that it Works For Me... --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 07:11, 26 November 2010 (UTC)
:::Perhaps what you're typing in the firefox search field isn't an underscore? Try entering the underscore via the [[wikipedia:alt_code|Windows alt-code]] (underscore is 95). --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 07:26, 26 November 2010 (UTC)
:::I can replicate the bug if I change the style <code>#line .de1, #line .de2 { font: 1em/1.2em monospace; }</code> to <code>font: 1em/1em monospace;</code>. This causes the lowest few pixels of all characters to be cut off, making underscores look like spaces. Perhaps on your browser even the 1.2em line height isn't enough?  It might be safer to set the line height to something larger, say 1.4em or more, and, if desired, use negative margins to tighten up the line spacing instead.  (For example, <code>#line .de1, #line .de2 { font: 1em/2em monospace; margin: -0.8em 0; }</code> looks identical to the current style for me, but avoids any risk of characters being cut off.)  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 09:55, 26 November 2010 (UTC)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
::::Apologies if this is a stupid question, but how do I change the font style?  My knowledge of firefox/mediawiki is somewhat lacking. -[[User:Ion frigate|Ion frigate]] 04:25, 27 November 2010 (UTC)
:::::Edit [[User:Ion frigate/vector.css]] (assuming you're using the Vector skin. You can find the link to each of the skin specific css files in your Preferences -> Appearance -> Custom CSS) put something what Ilmari suggested above. (I tested this with <code>#line .de1, #line .de2 { font: 1em/1.4em monospace !important; }</code>) --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 09:28, 27 November 2010 (UTC)
! Prefix
::::::Cool, that fixed it.  Thanks! -[[User:Ion frigate|Ion frigate]] 19:38, 27 November 2010 (UTC)
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| fiction || http://fiction.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| fr.be || http://fr.wikinations.be/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| fr.org || http://fr.wikinations.org/$1 || unsearchable || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| freebsd || http://freebsd.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
| future || http://future.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
::::::Actually, I was talking more about putting that style in [[MediaWiki:Common.css]] so it applies to everybody.  Which I've just done.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 18:41, 1 December 2010 (UTC)
:Addressed. I'm inclined to delete fr.be and fr.org, since neither of the URLs specified are operational anymore and give me a DNS error - I've found an alternative wiki for freebsd and updated accordingly. Separately, I'm also thinking we restore finalfantasy as an entry after you verify all of this: there is an independent wiki, but it's heavily lacking in info and the <s>Wikia</s> Fandom™ Wiki is much more complete, since it benefited from having a p. solid userbase in the times before the <s>Wikia</s> Fandom™ farm of wikis went bad. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 09:15, 14 July 2024 (UTC)
::No response in more than 2 weeks - verified against the list and marking this as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 10:34, 3 August 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
{{resolved top}}
{{resolved top}}
A lot of geishi links seem to point nowhere. I've put the list of 404 found by Googlebot at <nowiki>[[NetHackWiki:Community_Portal/geishi404]]</nowiki>. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]]
: Fixed. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 18:14, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'g'===
Round 7. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'g', except for these 6:
* gameinfo, games, gentoo-wiki, google, grammar, gta
Most of these exceptions are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[games:" or "games:" so I have to look at hits for "games" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.
"gameinfo" and "gta" have known live uses. "gameinfo" is complicated and I am working on a task for that. So keep these for now.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
''' Safe to delete (g) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site statu
! Comments
| gamefaqs || http://GameFAQs.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| gamemaker || http://gamemaker.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| gamewiki || http://gamewiki.org/wiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || Connection timed out || -
| garoumush || http://GarouMUSH.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| gausswiki || http://gauss.ffii.org/$1 || 0 || Not Found || -
| geck || http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/$1 || 0 || This wiki is currently down for backend maintenance. || -
| gej || http://www.esperanto.de/cgi-bin/aktivikio/wiki.pl?$1 || 0 || Server Error 404 Page Not Found || -
| genealogy || http://genealogy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| gknowledge || http://gknowledge.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| globalization || http://globalization.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| globalvoices || http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/dyn/globalvoices/wiki/$1 || 0 || 404 Page Cannot Be Found || -
| gmailwiki || http://www.gmailwiki.com/index.php/$1 || 0 || 404 Not Found || -
| googlegroups || http://groups.google.com/groups?q=$1 || 0 || operational || -
| googlewiki || http://google.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| gotamac || http://www.got-a-mac.org/$1 || 0 || operational || swedish
| granada || http://granada.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| grapeswiki || http://grapes.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| greencheese || http://www.greencheese.org/$1 || 0 || (sketchy site with a popup asking me to install a browser extension) || -
| grixml || http://grixml.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| guilds || http://guilds.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| guildwiki || http://guildwars.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| gw2w || http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| gww || http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
''' Keep these for now (g) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| gameinfo || http://gameinfo.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || several || Not a valid community || we have several <nowiki>[[gameinfo:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| games || http://games.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| gentoo-wiki || http://gentoo-wiki.com/$1 || unsearchable || 404 Not Found || -
| google || http://www.google.com/search?q=$1 || unsearchable || operational || how ironic
| grammar || http://grammar.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| gta || http://www.grandtheftwiki.com/$1 || 1 || operational || we have 1 <nowiki>[[gta:xxx]]</nowiki> link!
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 09:20, 14 July 2024 (UTC)
::No response in more than 2 weeks - verified against the list and marking this as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 10:34, 3 August 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
{{resolved bottom}}
== Site name "NetHack Wiki" or "NetHackWiki", important for Google search ==
{{resolved top}}
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'h'===
Round 8. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'h', except for this 1:
* homepage
This exception is probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[homepage:" or "homepage:" so I have to look at hits for "homepage" and there are too many of them. So keep this for now.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
People overwhelmingly search for "nethack" or "nethack wiki", and don't find us. Google has us keyworded and well-ranked for "nethackwiki". There seems to be no connection between "nethackwiki" and either "nethack wiki" or "nethack". (I'm sorry, I was not aware of this disconnect ahead of time.) This is a real problem because Google was the main referrer on the old wiki.
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
Monthly searches on Google: 60,500 for "nethack", 165,000 for "net+hack", 2,900 for "nethack+wiki", surprisingly same for "wikihack", negligible for "nethackwiki". [https://adwords.google.com/o/Targeting/Explorer?__u=1000000000&__c=1000000000&ideaRequestType=KEYWORD_IDEAS#search.none Source]
''' Safe to delete (h) '''
Our keywords are, as reported by Google Webmaster Tools: nethackwiki 100%, edit 63%, nethack 36%, monster 35%, navigate 33%, search 31%.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site statu
! Comments
| hammondwiki || http://www.dairiki.org/HammondWiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| haribeau || http://wiki.haribeau.de/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 || 0 || Your server is running PHP version 5.6.40-nmm8 but WordPress 6.3.4 requires at least 7.0.0. || -
| he.miqra || http://he.miqra.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| helpwiki || http://help.wikia.com/wiki/Help:$1 || 0 || This wiki has joined forces with another wiki on the Fandom network. The wiki has been archived and we ask that readers and editors move to the now combined wiki. -
| hembygd || http://Hembygd.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| heraldry || http://Heraldry.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| herzkinderwiki || http://www.herzkinderinfo.de/Mediawiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || Charities where You Can Sponsor a Child || -
| hewikisource || http://he.wikisource.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || hebrew
| highlandgames || http://highlandgames.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| historywiki || http://History.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| homeschooling || http://homeschooling.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| hongkong || http://hongkong.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| horrorfilms || http://Horrormovies.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| hrwiki || http://www.hrwiki.org/index.php/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| htmlwiki || http://HTML.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| hundewiki || http://hunde.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || german
| hypertexttheory || http://Hypertext.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
The goal is to make us relevant for "nethack", and for "nethack+wiki".
''' Keep this for now (h) '''
IMHO things can still be fixed at this time, and should be. Global on-site replacement is easy with [[Special:ReplaceText]]. I can edit the various other wikis myself. Most visitors won't even notice. But I would hate to annoy those helpful individuals who switched external links with another requested change. (Not very many have done so using NetHackWiki as anchor text.) I don't know how bad the mis-match between link anchor text + domain "nethackwiki" versus page title + contents "nethack wiki" is.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| homepage || http://www.wikia.com/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
What are your opinions? --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 14:45, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 08:44, 12 July 2024 (UTC)
:1) "net+hack" we can ignore, they're not looking for us. "nethackwiki" doesn't get more searches because there hasn't been a "nethackwiki". (the old site was called "wikihack", remember?) I'm sure "nethackwiki" will get more searches in the future when people realize that's our name. IMO, using extra spaces will just annoy, maybe create problems/annoyances with some things (category rename, text renames, etc). And most of the links that link to us from reputable roguelike sites will be either "NetHackWiki" or "NetHack Wiki", so eventually google will start ranking us higher than the old site. (domain name match!) --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 14:54, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
::No response in more than 2 weeks - verified against the list and marking this as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 10:34, 3 August 2024 (UTC)
::Google has already reacted, but we're not nethack (wiki) to them. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 15:07, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
::Edit: current keywords + goal. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 15:28, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
{{resolved top}}
{{resolved top}}
== Too many forums? ==
Do we really need a "Help Desk" forum and the Talk forum? I'm thinking maybe we could get rid of the help desk one... Would require moving the articles in the other one into the Talk forum. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 15:30, 24 November 2010 (UTC)
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'i'===
: Good idea. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 15:53, 24 November 2010 (UTC)
::I'm moving them. The trick is to replace <nowiki>{{Forumheader|Help desk}}</nowiki> with <nowiki>{{Forumheader|Watercooler}}</nowiki> in all articles in the Forum category. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 21:23, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
Round 9. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'i', except for these 3:
* ib, india, inferno
Most of these exceptions are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[ib:" or "ib:" so I have to look at hits for "ib" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
''' Safe to delete (i) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| iaudio || http://iaudio.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| iawiki || http://www.IAwiki.net/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| idokorea || http://IdoKorea.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || korea
| imdb || http://us.imdb.com/Title?$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| incubator || http://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| industrialengineering || http://IndustrialEngineering.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| infosecpedia || http://www.infosecpedia.org/pedia/index.php/$1 || 0 || Connection timed out Error code 522 || -
| insurancewiki || http://insurance.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| inteq || http://inteq.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || portuguese
| internationalbaccalaureate || http://ib.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| internshipswiki || http://internships.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| intuite || http://intuite.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || french
| inuyasha || http://InuYasha.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| inventions || http://inventions.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| investments || http://investments.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| investwiki || http://investwiki.ru/wiki/index.php?title=$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| ipodwiki || http://ipod.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| issuepedia || http://www.issuepedia.org/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| italia || http://Italia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
''' Keep these for now (i) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| ib || http://ib.frath.net/w/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| india || http://india.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| inferno || http://inferno.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 09:21, 12 July 2024 (UTC)
:: Done using [[Special:ReplaceText]]; however, [[Special:Statistics]] shows the commands just sitting in the [[Manual:job queue]]. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 21:32, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
::No response in more than 2 weeks - verified against the list and marking this as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 10:34, 3 August 2024 (UTC)
:::The runJobs-script runs every 3 hours. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 21:35, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
::::It might be worth speeding that up a bit.  Every 5 minutes or so could be fine, or even every minute: it's really quite fast if there are no jobs to run.  Use the --maxjobs option to make sure it won't run too long if there are lots of jobs.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 15:34, 7 December 2010 (UTC)
:::::OK, changed that to run every 6 minutes, and limited the number of jobs. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 16:02, 7 December 2010 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
{{resolved bottom}}
== Let's audit advice ==
{{resolved top}}
The wiki seems to contain a lot of bad advice. Most of its bad reputation is due to that. Advice should make clear its assumptions on player skill, conducts, and available in-game resources.
===Request for an admin to delete all interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'j'===
Let's audit all pages for junk.
Round 10. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'j'.
I suggest starting with [[special:popularpages]], and adding <nowiki>[[Category:AdviceAuditedBy|YourUsername]]</nowiki> to pages that you have checked.
There are no exceptions.
Thoughts? Better ideas? --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 00:50, 29 November 2010 (UTC)
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
:From a technical viewpoint, a template (e.g. <nowiki>{{Audited|YourUsername|~~~~~}}</nowiki>) would seem better. --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 01:06, 29 November 2010 (UTC)
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
::Good point. Especially if several people review the same page to minimize play style bias. BTW, is there a way to find all (popular) pages that are ''not'' in a given category? --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 01:10, 29 November 2010 (UTC)
''' Safe to delete (j) '''
:::Not in stock MediaWiki, but I think the [[mw:Extension:DynamicPageList (Wikimedia)|DynamicPageList extension]] should let you do that. --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 13:16, 2 December 2010 (UTC)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| japanwiki || http://japan.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| jargonfile || http://sunir.org/apps/meta.pl?wiki=JargonFile&redirect=$1 || 0 || Internal Server Error || -
| jefo || http://www.esperanto-jeunes.org/vikio/index.php?$1 || 0 || browser hang || -
| jerseycity || http://jc.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| jiniwiki || http://www.cdegroot.com/cgi-bin/jini?$1 || 0 || 404 Page not found || -
| joinme || http://JoinMe.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| journalism || http://journalism.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| jspwiki || http://www.jspwiki.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| judaism || http://Judaism.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| judgedredd || http://JudgeDredd.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
:While I think it's a great idea for us to have a concerted effort to audit advice found in this wiki, I don't think it's a good idea to have a "Audited by user X" sticker prominently shown on the page, since that has very little meaning to a reader unless he knows exactly who user X is and trusts his opinion. Also, anybody can change that advice, making that "audited sticker" practically worthless once the advice has changed. Of course, the reader can look at the history and see what changes have been made to the advice since it was lasted audited, but he might as well just go back and see who originally wrote the advice if he's going to bother looking that deep into the history of the article.
''' Keep nothing (j) '''
:IMO, a more low profile list of who audited what that is mainly visible only to the auditors would be a better way of organizing this effort, since it would reduce the chance of the readers having a false confidence in the advice given in the audited article. A simpler way of saying it: Even though an article has been audited, it's still an article on a wiki.
There are no interwiki entries to keep starting with lowercase 'j'.
:--[[User:Dptr1988|Dptr1988]] 21:07, 24 December 2010 (UTC)
== Privacy policy ==
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 14:05, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
::Verified. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 14:18, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
The footer on all of our pages carries a link to [[NetHackWiki:Privacy policy]], but there's currently no page there.  Should we
{{resolved top}}
:a) remove the link, or
:b) write a privacy policy, perhaps based on [[wikia:Privacy Policy|Wikia's]] or [[wikimedia:Privacy policy|Wikimedia's]] policies?
--[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 13:11, 2 December 2010 (UTC)
: It might be better to have some boilerplate. I don't see the need for a privacy policy, but I'm not a lawyer. (Still, why plaster the entire place with those footer links? Wouldn't links to key navigation pages be better, such as [[strategy]] etc?) --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 13:21, 2 December 2010 (UTC)
== Printed Nethack Guidebook ==
===Request for an admin to delete all interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'k'===
What would it take to get a comprehensive printed guide to nethack based on this wiki?
Round 11. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'k'.
There are no exceptions.
A 500 page tome of all nethack sounds like just about the best book you could ever own.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
--[[Special:Contributions/|]] 19:16, 2 December 2010 (UTC)
: It looks like it takes only [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Collection]] and [http://code.pediapress.com/wiki/wiki the tool] to make a custom book. In practical terms, you'd likely want to make the auditing advice project finish first. Also, I'm not sure how much would be lost if links aren't handled gracefully. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 21:53, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
==Help update incoming links==
''' Safe to delete (k) '''
Please help me checking and updating/contacting web sites that link to the old wiki. (I've done some 250 URLs.)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Progress list.  !! Url cut in pieces !! to foil address !! harvesters
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| kabbalah || http://Kabbalah.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| keene || http://keene.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| keiki || http://kei.ki/en/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| kerala || Not a valid community || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| kerimwiki || http://wiki.oxus.net/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| kmwiki || http://kmwiki.wikispaces.com/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| knowhow || http://www2.iro.umontreal.ca/~paquetse/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi?$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key= || 0AjD-idYyWZBQdHRVZHlWTnF || udjJCY1VUQjB1MjFzdFE&auth || key=CL-Qmc4J&hl=en#gid=0
| korea || http://korea.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| kulturwiki || http://feuilleton.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
''' Keep nothing (k) '''
# Find out who is in charge of the site, and check they haven't been bugged before.
# Find all pages linking to the old wiki
# Email them once, politely asking them to update. Append a complete list bad links.
# ''Mark the site(s)'' in the progress list above.
# Thank them if they do update.
Tell them who you are, what the wiki has that is relevant to site's audience, where they can find that relevant content, and why it's relevant to their visitors. Use your own judgement. I usually write:
There are no interwiki entries to keep starting with lowercase 'k'.
* The wiki moved here,
* Please update,
* List of affected URLs,
* The old site is a trap to surfers, we can't do anything about it,
* Really appreciate sending people to the active wiki (and Google ranking)
* [http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/NetHackWiki:Community_Portal/Archive4#New_.22Wikia.22_aka_.22Oasis.22_skin:_Problems.2C_legal_restrictions.2C_and_tweaks Why the move]
* Who you are (I say "Tjr, admin at the wiki")
More resources: [http://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/search?p=nethack.wikia.com&bwm=i&bwmo=d&bwmf=s Yahoo site explorer] (please don't bug somebody repeatedly!), and link-building howtos [http://www.seomoz.org/blog/email-is-still-the-key-to-a-successful-link-building-campaign 1], [http://www.seomoz.org/blog/good-seo-how-to-request-links-from-picky-sites 2].
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 11:17, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
--[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 21:53, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
::Verified. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 12:02, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
{{resolved top}}
{{resolved top}}
== Talk page signature checker ==
I've added a script to warn users if they edit a [[Help:talk page|talk page]] or a forum without signing their edit with <code>--~~<nowiki>~~</nowiki></code>. You may need to [[wikipedia:WP:BYPASS|clear your cache]] before it starts working. Logged-in users can turn it off in their [[Special:preferences|preferences]] (under "Gadgets") if they find it more annoying than useful. Any feedback or bug reports are very much appreciated.
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'l'===
Round 12. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'l', except for these 2:
* legal, logic
Most of these exceptions are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[legal:" or "legal:" so I have to look at hits for "legal" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
''' Safe to delete (l) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| l5r || http://l5r.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| laff || http://laff.tixen.net/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| lambengolmor || http://lambengolmor.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| lanifexwiki || http://opt.lanifex.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 || 0 || (sketchy site with a popup asking me to install a browser extension) || (specially deleted already.) use protection if you visit this url.
| lasvegas || http://lasvegas.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| lasvegaswiki || http://wiki.gmnow.com/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| lawandorder || http://LawandOrder.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| liberaltalk || http://LiberalTalkRadio.com/$1 || 0 || The domain name liberaltalkradio.com is for sale! || -
| libertarian || http://libertarian.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| libraries || http://libraries.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| linuxstudiowiki || http://linuxstudio.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| linuxwiki || http://linuxwiki.de/$1 || 0 || operational || german
| linuxwikia || http://Linux.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| linuxwikicity || http://Linux.wikicities.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || main page of fandom.com || -
| litcrit || http://litcrit.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| lojban || http://www.lojban.org/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=$1 || 0 || operational || -
| lomac || http://lomac.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| losangeles || http://losangeles.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| lostsoulswiki || http://lostsouls.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| lotr || http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| lqwiki || http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| lucid || http://Lucid.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| lug || http://lug.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| lugkr || http://lug-kr.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/lugwiki.pl?$1 || 0 || Could not create /home/groups/l/lu/lug-kr/wiki: No such file or directory || -
| luxembourg || http://luxembourg.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| lyricwiki || http://lyrics.wikia.com/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
''' Keep these for now (l) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| legal || http://legal.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| logic || http://logic.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
One known bug is that the script doesn't work on pages in the {{ns:Project}} namespace, such as here on the Community Portal.  The problem is that this namespace contains both discussion and content pages, and it's not trivial to tell them apart. One possible solution would be to simply hardcode a list of pages that should be treated as talk pages.  A better one might be to query the MediaWiki API to tell if the page contains <nowiki>__NEWSECTIONLINK__</nowiki>. --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 22:01, 7 December 2010 (UTC)
:Addressed, with a note that I plan to re-establish the lotr entry using [https://tolkiengateway.net/ Tolkien Gateway] as an alternative to <s>Wikia</s> Fandom™, and add a new entry "lspace" for [https://wiki.lspace.org/Main_Page the Discworld & Terry Pratchett wiki] as well. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 09:43, 14 July 2024 (UTC)
OK, I think I've made it work right on {{ns:Project}} pages too.  The tricky case is when editing an existing section on such a page, since then an API query is needed to load the complete text of the page. --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 00:15, 8 December 2010 (UTC)
::No response in more than 2 weeks - verified against the list and marking this as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 10:34, 3 August 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
{{resolved bottom}}
== Renaming the old site back to Wikihack ==
{{resolved top}}
===Request for an admin to delete many interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'm'===
Round 13. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'm', except for these 17:
* m, mac, mail, manual, matrix, me, meatball, mediawikiwiki, mediazilla, medicine, memoryalpha, metawiki, metawikimedia, metawikipedia, military, money, mw
Many of these exceptions are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[m:" or "m:" so I have to look at hits for "m" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
''' Safe to delete (m) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| manga || http://en.manga.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| mariowiki || http://www.mariowiki.com/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| marvel database || http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| marveldatabase || http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| mathsongswiki || http://SeedWiki.com/page.cfm?wikiid=237&doc=$1 || 0 || seedwiki.com This domain is available for sale! || -
| metareciclagem || http://www.metareciclagem.com.br/wiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || Error establishing a database connection || -
| metaweb || http://www.metaweb.com/wiki/wiki.phtml?title=$1 || 0 || 404. That’s an error. || -
| metodolcient || http://metodolcient.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| mexique || http://mexique.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| minneapolis || http://minneapolis.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| miqra || http://miqra.wikia.com/ || 0 || Not a valid community || note the lack of $1
| mittelalter || http://Mittelalter.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || german
| moinmoin || http://purl.net/wiki/moin/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| morrowind || http://morrowind.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| motorsport || http://motorsport.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| mozcom || http://mozilla.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| mozillawiki || http://wiki.mozilla.org/index.php/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| mozillazinekb || http://kb.mozillazine.org/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| moztwwiki || http://wiki.moztw.org/index.php/$1 || 0 || operational || chinese
| mozwiki || http://mozwiki.moznetwork.org/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| musicplayerdaemon || http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| muweb || http://www.dunstable.com/scripts/MuWebWeb?$1 || 0 || dunstable.com This domain is available for sale! || -
I've thought about it again, and I think Bhaak is right. It's too confusing to have two identically branded sites. And I'm not sure if renaming it to anything else except Wikihack wouldn't get reverted. My original motivation why I introduced NetHackWiki was to gently prepare readers for the move, without really thinking through what would happen if Google kept ranking the old site first. With the move notices gone, this point is moot now.
''' Keep these for now (m) '''
We can't win the fight for the keyword "wikihack" anyway. (We're on position 58.) Let's win "nethackwiki". --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 03:28, 10 December 2010 (UTC)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| m || http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| mac || http://mac.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| mail || http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/$1 || unsearchable || Not Found || -
| manual || http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| matrix || http://matrix.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| me || http://me.wikicities.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || main page of fandom.com || -
| meatball || https://www.usemod.org/cgi-bin/mb.pl?$1 || unsearchable, 4+ known uses || operational || we have 4+ <nowiki>[[meatball:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| mediawikiwiki || http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/$1 || 7 || operational || we have 7+ <nowiki>[[mediawikiwiki:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| mediazilla || https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/$1 || 2 || operational || we have 2 <nowiki>[[mediazilla:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| medicine || http://medicine.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
| memoryalpha || http://www.memory-alpha.org/en/index.php/$1 || 1 || ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED || we have 1 <nowiki>[[memoryalpha:xxx]]</nowiki> link!
| metawiki || http://sunir.org/apps/meta.pl?$1 || 1 || Internal Server Error || we have 1 <nowiki>[[metawiki:xxx]]</nowiki> link!
| metawikimedia || http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 || 4 || operational || we have 4 <nowiki>[[metawikimedia:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| metawikipedia || http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 || 5 || operational || we have 5 <nowiki>[[metawikipedia:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| military || http://military.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| money || http://money.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
| mw || http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/$1 || unsearchable, 5+ known uses || operational || we have 5+ <nowiki>[[mw:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
:Why not suggest it on the Community Portal there?  If nobody objects in a week or so, you can assume it has consensus. :)  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 04:19, 10 December 2010 (UTC)
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 17:30, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
: +1, what he said. Competing for "WikiHack" also doesn't make sense as pmostly only those already knowing it will look for it. I guess all others will google for "nethack wiki". --[[User:Bhaak|Bhaak]] 13:53, 10 December 2010 (UTC)
::No response for all of August - verified against the list and marking as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 11:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
== Better "Welcome" logo? ==
{{resolved top}}
===Request for an admin to delete all interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'n'===
Round 14. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'n'.
[[file:welcome.png|thumb||Current "Welcome" logo]]
There are no exceptions.
The current "Welcome" logo should be redone. It's got ugly edges, and it could match the wiki logo better... --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 16:28, 13 December 2010 (UTC)
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
[[File:Welcoming party.png|thumb|Proposition: new "Welcome" logo]]
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
:OK, I have created an image called [[:File:Welcoming party.png]], presented at right. How about that? :) &mdash;[[User:ZeroOne|ZeroOne]] (<small>[[User talk:ZeroOne|talk]]</small>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<small>[[Special:Emailuser/ZeroOne|@]]</small>) 23:53, 13 December 2010 (UTC)
:: I like the one with the heart better :-). Should the font be the same as the one from the nethackwiki logo? Seems to be from the bitstream vera family. --[[User:Bhaak|Bhaak]] 09:33, 14 December 2010 (UTC)
''' Safe to delete (n) '''
:::I like the new one better because it's easier to read. Also, I'd prefer to keep the automated welcome message short. The en.wikipedia.org occupies the entire screen - that's a bad example. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 19:48, 14 December 2010 (UTC)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| nagasaki || http://Nagasaki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| nashville || http://nashville.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| nationalparks || http://nationalparks.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| neopets || http://guilds.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| netvillage || http://www.netbros.com/?$1 || 0 || ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR || -
| networking || http://networking.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| neverend || http://Neverend.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| neworleans || http://neworleans.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| newyork || http://newyork.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| nickelodeon || http://Nickelodeon.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| nintendo || http://nintendo.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| nl.phpbb || http://nl.phpbb.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| nn.miqra || http://nn.miqra.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| novelas || http://novelas.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| novellas || http://novelas.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| nswiki || http://www.nswiki.net/index.php?title=$1 || 0 || Buy this domain || -
::::Bhaak, the font probably should be the same but I think only [[User:Ilmari Karonen]] can make it look the same as he is the one who made the current logo and thus knows the correct settings. But let's not rush as no decisions have been made yet. The current version can be considered just a mock-up if you wish.
''' Keep nothing (n) '''
::::Tjr, we can discuss the message contents at [[Template talk:Welcome]].
::::&mdash;[[User:ZeroOne|ZeroOne]] (<small>[[User talk:ZeroOne|talk]]</small>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<small>[[Special:Emailuser/ZeroOne|@]]</small>) 20:22, 14 December 2010 (UTC)
:::::The image also gobbles up space, that's why I'm mentioning it here. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 22:03, 14 December 2010 (UTC)
:::::There's an editable SVG version of the site logo at [[:File:Nethackwiki-logo.svg]].  The font is DejaVu Sans Mono, which I think is indeed basically identical to Bitstream Vera Sans Mono.  I didn't have any particular reason for picking it, except that it happened to be the nicest looking monospaced font I had installed.  (Also, the colors I used are a bit different from the standard CGA colors used in the site CSS; you can see them on the third line of [[User:Ilmari Karonen/Color schemes|this page]].  In particular, I made the yellow in the logo fairly dark so that the {{yellow|c}} wouldn't stand out too much, and brightened the blue to make the {{blue|e}} more visible.)
There are no interwiki entries to keep starting with lowercase 'n'.
:::::As for the proposed logos, I think both the original design and ZeroOne's new version are nice.  If anyone wants to see the original heart design redone in SVG, I could certainly do that, but I think a new design might be a welcome (pun not intended) change. --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 13:24, 15 December 2010 (UTC)
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 13:58, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
::Verified. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 14:13, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
{{resolved top}}
{{resolved top}}
== People have trouble with our captchas ==
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'o'===
Round 15. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'o', except for this 1:
* oracle
Reading [[s:w:awa:Talk:Moved_wikis#wikis_which_need_to_maybe_reconsider_login_procedures]], it seems a reasonable fraction of all visitors have problems with the captchas. As a quick fix, I propose rewording it as "Which symbol represents a wand ''in-game''". --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 04:04, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
This exception is probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[oracle:" or "oracle:" so I have to look at hits for "oracle" and there are too many of them. So keep this for now.
: I think that a new system using FancyCaptcha with a mix of English words and NetHack terms would be better. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]] 04:53, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
:...or perhaps even "Which symbol represents a wand ''in NetHack''?--[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 06:40, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
''' Safe to delete (o) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| oeis || http://www.research.att.com/cgi-bin/access.cgi/as/njas/sequences/eisA.cgi?Anum=$1 || 0 || Page Not Found || -
| olpc || http://wiki.laptop.org/go/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| onderwijs || http://onderwijs.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || dutch
| openfacts || http://openfacts.berlios.de/index.phtml?title=$1 || 0 || Internal Server Error || -
| openwiki || http://openwiki.com/?$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| opera7wiki || http://nontroppo.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || (sketchy site with a popup asking me to install a browser extension) || (expedited deletion requested) use protection if you visit this site.
| operabrowser || http://Operabrowser.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| orgpatterns || http://www.bell-labs.com/cgi-user/OrgPatterns/OrgPatterns?$1 || 0 || 404 Page not found || -
| orsonwelles || http://welles.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| osi reference model || http://wiki.tigma.ee/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| owiki || http://owiki.de/index.php?title=$1 || 0 || german
:This is a ''NetHack''Wiki after all, so what other symbols would we be asking? Also, it's really really simple to actually look up the symbols ''on the wiki itself''... --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 06:55, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
''' Keep this for now (o) '''
::...even on the [[Main Page]], in fact.  But I do think adding "in NetHack" to the questions would still be a good idea, not so much because there should be any ambiguity without it, but simply because it sounds better IMO.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 07:01, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
:::Added "in NetHack" --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 08:10, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| oracle || http://oracle.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
: What about [http://www.bad-behavior.ioerror.us/ "bad behavior"]? It promises to reduce spam without inconveniencing users at all, by filtering on the user agent http info. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 14:46, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 03:36, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
::That can't combat spam created by actual humans (such as spam bids via Amazon's Mechanical Turk). Our captcha doesn't inconvenience people who know ''anything at all'' about the subject. And if you know nothing about NetHack, you should be good enough to be able to look the information up on the wiki. Also, no captcha after registering. Frankly, I don't want to remove the captcha, as I believe this has been an overblown reaction by someone who just was bitching because he didn't know the answer '''and was too lazy to look it up himself'''. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 15:05, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
:: Reviewed. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 03:46, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
:::Sorry. I thought of an additional line of defence.
:::I think it's an overblown reaction with a small [http://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/ grain of truth] in it. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 15:16, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
{{resolved bottom}}
== Standard format for the "Messages" section. ==
{{resolved top}}
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'p'===
Round 16. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'p', except for these 5:
* pc, peace, php, pokemon, pokémon
I've noticed a variety of different formats used for lists nethack messages, but haven't found standard format. Is there a standard format that I have missed? If not, is there a good place to discuss this issue?
Most of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[pc:" or "pc:" so I have to look at hits for "pc" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.
Most places where I've seen messages being listed, they are usually in a table or "definition list" type of format, both of which are, IMO, interchangeable without losing any information or ease of use. I prefer the "definition list" way of doing it, since it appears to be a little more flexible, the messages stand out more and there is space for a bigger description of the message.  
"pokémon" has non-ASCII characters so I do not trust mediawiki search and interwiki prefix matching to work the same way.
Also would there be any benefit for using templates to list individual messages? Not only would that allow for a standard representation of messages, it could also allow for easily cross-referencing messages that appear on multiple pages or some other type of automated features with messages. IMO, it would be nice to have a since source for messages dedicated to listing all types of messages and fully explaining them. And then having other pages referring to those messages to prevent unnecessary duplication.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
--[[User:Dptr1988|Dptr1988]] 20:54, 24 December 2010 (UTC)
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
:Yes, a standard format for messages would be nice.  I also like the definition list format, even if it has some minor disadvantages (like the fact that colons in messages can mess it up unless encoded).  It would also be nice if we could automatically generate anchors for messages (like MediaWiki generates for section headings) so that one could link to them; I suppose a template could be made to do that.  I could look into it a bit later.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 09:51, 25 December 2010 (UTC)
''' Safe to delete (p) '''
== Wikia Links ==
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| pagan || http://pagan.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| pakistan || http://pakistan.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| palkbay || http://palkbay.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| pangalacticorg || http://www.pangalactic.org/Wiki/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| panzer_general || http://pg2.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| parenting || http://parenting.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| patwiki || http://gauss.ffii.org/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| pdamaps || http://pdamaps.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| pearpc || http://pearpc.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| peize || http://peize.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || dutch
| personals || http://personals.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| personaltelco || http://www.personaltelco.net/index.cgi/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| peteashdown || http://vote.peteashdown.org/wiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| pg2 || http://pg2.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| philadelphiawiki || http://philadelphia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| philippines || http://philippines.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| phpbb || http://phpbb.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| phpwiki || http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php?$1 || 0 || An error has been encountered in accessing this page. || -
| piki || http://pikminwiki.com/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| pikie || http://pikie.darktech.org/cgi/pikie?$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| pikifan || http://fanon.pikminwiki.com/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| pl.cpp || http://pl.cpp.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || polish
| plotwiki || http://www.gaiacast.com/wiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || 404 || -
| pmeg || http://www.bertilow.com/pmeg/$1.php || 0 || operational || esperanto
| pmid || https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/$1?dopt=Abstract || 0 || operational || -
| pmwiki || http://wiki.porplemontage.com/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| pnw || http://pnw.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| pnwcommunity || http://pnw.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| poetrywiki || http://poetry.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| poewiki || http://poewiki.org/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| poker || http://poker.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| polaqu || http://polaqu.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| powerrangers || http://PowerRangers.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| ppr || http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?$1 || 0 || operational || -
| protoscience || http://Protoscience.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| prowrestling || http://ProWrestling.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| psychographic || http://Psychographic.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| pt.linuxwikia || http://pt.Linux.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| pt.linuxwikicity || http://pt.Linux.wikicities.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || main page of fandom.com || -
| pt.tibia || http://pt.tibia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || portuguese
| purlnet || http://purl.oclc.org/NET/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| pythoninfo || http://wiki.python.org/moin/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| pythonwiki || http://www.pythonwiki.de/$1 || 0 || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
| pywiki || http://www.voght.com/cgi-bin/pywiki?$1 || 0 || Not Found || -
There are many links that point to help pages and community central pages on Wikia such as the links in [[NetHackWiki:Policy]] and [[NetHackWiki:Administrators]]. Is this intentional or just temporary? --[[Special:Contributions/|]] 08:36, 25 December 2010 (UTC)
''' Keep these for now (p) '''
:The latter, mostly. We should fix them to point to corresponding pages here, or rewrite the text they're in so that they're not needed. --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 08:52, 25 December 2010 (UTC)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| pc || http://pc.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| peace || http://peace.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| php || http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.$1.php || unsearchable, 1+ known uses || operational || we have 1+ <nowiki>[[php:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| pokemon || http://pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| pokémon || http://pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || special char in prefix
:I removed the Wikia links from [[NetHackWiki:Administrators]], and edited [[NetHackWiki:Policy]] to clarify that we're no longer part of Wikia (but left the links in for now, since they still describe sensible wiki behavior rules).  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 09:39, 25 December 2010 (UTC)
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 07:35, 9 July 2024 (UTC)
::Reviewed. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 00:26, 10 July 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
::A full list of pages with Wikia interwiki links ("<nowiki>[[w:c:something:article]]</nowiki>") other than user and user talk pages is: [[Ancient_Domains_of_Mystery]], [[Dogley_Dimension]], [[Douglas_Adams]], [[Freenode]], [[Vi]], [[Talk:Main_Page/Archive1]], [[Talk:Role_difficulty]], [[NetHackWiki:Community_Portal]], [[NetHackWiki:Community_Portal/Archive2]], [[NetHackWiki:Community_Portal/Archive4]], [[Forum:Main_page_and_skin_changes]].
{{resolved top}}
::Ordinary link syntax [http://nethackwiki.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Special:LinkSearch&target=wikia.com can be found with Special:Linksearch]. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 19:33, 27 January 2011 (UTC)
::And the string "ikia.com": [[Curses_interface]], [[Freenode]], [[Graphical_user_interface]], [[Internet_Relay_Chat]], [[Talk:Default_tileset_scaled_to_32x32]], [[Talk:Main_Page/Archive1]], [[Talk:Nethack.alt.org]], [[NetHackWiki:About]], [[NetHackWiki:Community_Portal]], [[NetHackWiki:Community_Portal/Archive1]], [[NetHackWiki:Community_Portal/Archive3]], [[NetHackWiki:Community_Portal/Archive4]], [[NetHackWiki:Community_Portal/Archive4]], [[NetHackWiki:Technical_issues]], [[NetHackWiki_talk:Featured_articles]], [[MediaWiki:Monobook.js]], [[MediaWiki_talk:Common.js]], [[Template:Gameinfo]], [[Template_talk:PD]], [[Template_talk:Wikipedia]], [[Source_talk:Qt_xpms.h]], [[Forum:Main_page_and_skin_changes]], [[Forum:Number_of_articles]]. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 20:39, 27 January 2011 (UTC)
:Most pages on that list are either corrected, extremely old, or legitimately linking to Wikia. An exception are the Forum pages - I'm not sure about the best solution. Perhaps deleting them outright? --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 22:21, 27 January 2011 (UTC)
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'q'===
== "Did you know" section ==
Round 17. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'q', except for this 1:
* query
Ilmari Karonen suggested a did you know section, as Wikipedia has it. I think that's a good idea. What would it take to implement it? -[[User:Tjr|Tjr]]
This is probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[query:" or "query:" so I have to look at hits for "query" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.
:The only complaint I can see is that people would not want the main page to spoil them on topics they did not specifically look up. --[[Special:Contributions/|]] 20:57, 27 December 2010 (UTC)
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
::I think we should be able to minimize that issue by choosing what to show and how to phrase it.  The idea isn't to plaster blatant spoilers on the main page, but more just to entice readers to look deeper if they want. So, for example, not "''Did you know that eating a [[lizard]] [[corpse]] can cure [[stoning]]?''", but "''Did you know that there are dozens of ways to be killed by a [[cockatrice]]?''". --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 18:53, 1 January 2011 (UTC)
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
:Anyway, I went and started collecting possible hooks at [[NetHackWiki:Did you know?]].  Please add more.  Once we have a bunch, we can start putting them on the main page.  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 20:40, 2 January 2011 (UTC)
'''Safe to delete (q)'''
== Incorrect title on left menu ==
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| quitsmoking || http://quitsmoking.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| quiz || http://quiz.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
It seems the correct title of this wiki is NetHackWiki without a space. It is used in that form throughout the wiki, but on the left menu, the link to the main page lists the title as NetHack Wiki with a space. --[[Special:Contributions/|]] 20:38, 27 December 2010 (UTC)
'''Keep this for now (q)'''
Maybe the link should be "Main page". That is more descriptive anyway. --[[Special:Contributions/|]] 02:27, 2 January 2011 (UTC)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| query || http://re.search.wikia.com/search.html#$1 || unsearchable || NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID || -
::Hmm, the mis-link was an attempt to gain more Google relevance for the keyword phrase "nethack+wiki". A lot more people search for that than for "nehackwiki". Ideally, we'd move the Main page to [[nethack_wiki]] and have some link to it on each page, using "nethack wiki" as anchor text. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]]
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 12:51, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
::Verified. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 12:55, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
{{resolved top}}
{{resolved top}}
== Merge "Ask an expert" with Forum? ==
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'r'===
Round 18. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'r', except for these 4:
* religion, religion-wiki, reviews, roguebasin
Most of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[religion:" or "religion:" so I have to look at hits for "religion" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
''' Safe to delete (r) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| radioscanning || http://radioscanning.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| raec || http://www.raec.clacso.edu.ar:8080/raec/Members/raecpedia/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| realestate || http://realestate.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| reallifesoap || http://rls.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| republiconline || http://RepublicOnline.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| revo || http://purl.org/NET/voko/revo/art/$1.html || 0 || operational || esperanto
| rfc || https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc$1 || 0 || operational || -
| roadcycling || http://RoadCycling.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| robotbattle || http://RobotBattle.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| rollercoastertycoon || http://rct.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| romhack || http://romhack.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| royalisme || http://Royalisme.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| rpg || http://rpg.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| ru.townn-titles || http://ru.townn-titles.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || russian
| runescape || http://RuneScape.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| russianworld || http://russianworld.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
I think the "[[Ask an expert]]" -page is kinda useless; maybe we should get the intro from that page and merge it with the [[Forum:Watercooler|Forum]]? --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 09:11, 2 January 2011 (UTC)
''' Keep these for now (r) '''
: I agree it should be done. But I don't quite see how without flooding the forum with bumped-up 4-year-old threads. This goes especially for the 4 archive pages. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 11:37, 2 January 2011 (UTC)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| religion || http://religion-wiki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
| religion-wiki || http://religion-wiki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
| reviews || http://reviews.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
| roguebasin || https://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=$1 || unsearchable, 10+ known uses || operational || we have 10+ <nowiki>[[roguebasin:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
::Stuff in the Ask an expert -page could be left as it is, with a note pointing towards the forums... --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 14:58, 2 January 2011 (UTC)
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 17:30, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
:::Done. -[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 16:07, 3 January 2011 (UTC)
::No response for all of August - verified against the list and marking as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 11:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
{{resolved bottom}}
== Encyclopedia entries ==
{{resolved top}}
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 's'===
Round 19. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 's', except for these 6:
* s, search, seeds, software, startup, students
Most of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[search:" or "search:" so I have to look at hits for "search" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.
"s" has at least one use.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
''' Safe to delete (s) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| s23wiki || http://is-root.de/wiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || Buy this domain. || -
| sageswiki || http://sages.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| sagewiki || http://sage.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| salmesykkel || http://salmesykkel.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| samplitude || http://Samplitude.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| sandiego || http://sandiego.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| sanfranciscowiki || http://sanfrancisco.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| sca21 || http://sca21.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| schoolcomputing || http://SchoolComputing.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| schools || http://schools.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| scoop || http://scoop.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| scouting || http://scouting.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| scoutpedia || http://www.scoutpedia.info/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| scratchpad || http://scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| scriptingwiki || http://scripting.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| seapig || http://www.seapig.org/$1 || 0 || Save Money on Shared or Dedicated Hosting || -
| seattlewiki || http://seattle.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| seattlewireless || http://seattlewireless.net/?$1 || 0 || 404. That’s an error. || -
| seldonshand || http://seldonhand.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| semweb || http://semweb.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| senseislibrary || http://senseis.xmp.net/?$1 || 0 || operational || -
| sgcommand || http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| sgwireless || http://sgwireless.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| shakti || http://cgi.algonet.se/htbin/cgiwrap/pgd/ShaktiWiki/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| shoppingwiki || http://shopping.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| simpsons || http://simpsons.shoutwiki.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || No such wiki || -
| sims || http://sims.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| sitelibrary || http://libraries.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| skypeme || skype:$1?chat || 0 || (url not tested) || -
| slashdot || http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=$1 || 0 || operational || -
| slektami || http://slektami.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| smarteam || http://cm.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| smikipedia || http://www.smikipedia.org/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| smw || http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| socialism || http://socialism.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| sockwiki || http://wiki.socklabs.com/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| solarconquest || http://SolarConquest.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| sosdancn || http://wiki.sosdancn.org/index.php?title=$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| sourceforge || http://sourceforge.net/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| sourcewatch || http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=$1 || 0 || operational || -
| spankart || http://spankingartwiki.animeotk.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| sport || http://armchairgm.wikia.com/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| sports || http://armchairgm.wikia.com/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| squeak || http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| srpstvo || http://Srpstvo.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| ssb || http://www.ssbwiki.com/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| stargate || http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| startrekwiki || http://startrek.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| starwars || http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || fully operational || -
| storypedia || http://Storypedia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| stpete || http://stpete.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| strategywiki || http://strategywiki.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| strikiwiki || http://ch.twi.tudelft.nl/~mostert/striki/teststriki.pl?$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| suceavacounty || http://Suceava.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| suisse || http://suisse.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| sunrisesunset || http://sunrisesunset.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| superstar || http://superstar.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || czech
| susning || http://www.susning.nu/$1 || 0 || ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED || -
| svgwiki || http://wiki.svg.org/$1 || 0 || Not Found || -
| svtwiki || http://SVT.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| swtrain || http://train.spottingworld.com/$1 || 0 || operational || -
''' Keep these for now (s) '''
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| s || http://www.shoutwiki.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable, 1+ known uses || operational || we have 1+ <nowiki>[[s:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| search || http://search.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| seeds || http://www.IslandSeeds.org/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| software || http://software.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| startup || http://startup.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
| students || http://students.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
:Addressed - calling audible and keeping starwars since we have the entire Jedi patch and its contents. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 17:42, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
The same encyclopedia entries are used on several pages. I think it would make sense to put the individual encyclopedia entries in one place, eg. under the encyclopedia template (for example, [[Template:encyclopedia/ant]], and then you could just use <nowiki>{{encyclopedia|ant}}</nowiki> to get it. (Similar to how [[Template:Monsym]] works) --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 13:07, 8 January 2011 (UTC)
::No response for all of August - verified against the list and marking as resolved. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 11:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
:Yes, I think this would be a good idea. {{tl|Encyclopedia-redirect}} also appears to address the same problem, but I think that in this case transclusion ( like you suggested ) is much better than redirection, especially given the way redirection was handled in {{tl|Encyclopedia-redirect}}.
{{resolved top}}
:--[[User:Dptr1988|Dptr1988]] 16:21, 8 January 2011 (UTC)
::Agreed. A special case is [[jabberwock]] - I propose we keep the complete poem. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 13:07, 12 January 2011 (UTC)
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 't'===
== Improving the special level maps ==
Round 20. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 't', except for these 3:
* town-titles, townn-titles, translation
Currently all the special level maps (eg. in [[Ranger quest]], [[Sokoban]]) are nothing but <nowiki><pre></nowiki>-blocks. I suggest we use the [[User:Paxed/ReplaceCharsBlock]]-extension to give them some color, making it easier to see the map features. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 21:14, 8 January 2011 (UTC)
Most of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[translation:" or "translation:" so I have to look at hits for "translation" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.
: That's an excellent idea. --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 13:07, 12 January 2011 (UTC)
"town-titles" and "townn-titles" have special characters so I do not trust mediawiki search and interwiki prefix matching to work the same way.
::There's only one problem: Apparently altar (underscore) will be hidden due to css line-height and such stuff. The same problem as with the c source syntax highlighting had. But the same solution doesn't apply... --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 15:05, 16 January 2011 (UTC)
:::Problem fixed, check out [[Barbarian quest]]. Not all articles have been updated to use that yet. --[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 20:26, 2 February 2011 (UTC)
== Improving our click-through rate ==
"tvtropes" was special. I found 4 uses of <nowiki>[[tvtropes:xxx]]</nowiki>. However, 2 of them did not work, because tvtropes re-organized their articles; and were not fixable, because our interwiki link points to the Main section of tvtropes and they moved their article on NetHack to the VideoGame section. And then I saw that our article on tvtropes had obsolete information, so I updated that article, added references, and so on. At the end of my editing session, there were 0 uses of <nowiki>[[tvtropes:xxx]]</nowiki>, so you can delete the interwiki link now. tvtropes certainly has a way of engaging people for longer than they planned.
Now that the wiki is running well, we need to focus on how fast newbies find us. Google consistently puts us on the first page for the most important query (nethack wiki). Overwhelmingly, we're positions 6-10 with a click through rate of 7%. The [http://www.seomad.com/SEOBlog/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/organic-CTR.jpg market average CTR] in these positions ranges from 13% to 7%.
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
That means there is a lot of room for improvement, and we need to do some testing and tuning. What do you suggest to put in [[MediaWiki:Description]] and [[MediaWiki:Pagetitle-view-mainpage]]? --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 00:18, 13 January 2011 (UTC)
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
:I have a suspicion that the main page title, while possibly helpful for our ranking, may also be hurting our click-through rate precisely because it looks like the kind of "keyword spam" that people have learned to semi-consciously ignore.  Something short and simple might be better.  Maybe just "NetHackWiki, the NetHack wiki"?  --[[User:Ilmari Karonen|Ilmari Karonen]] 00:50, 13 January 2011 (UTC)
''' Safe to delete (t) '''
::Done. Let's see if the CTR changes. -[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 01:28, 14 January 2011 (UTC)
That backfired -- only 5% CTR and 18% less clicks. Any other suggestions? --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 12:34, 26 January 2011 (UTC)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| tablature || http://tablature.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| talisman || http://talismanonlinewiki.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Top Live Casino || already done, expedited deletion
| tardis || http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| tavi || http://tavi.sourceforge.net/$1 || 0 || An error has been encountered in accessing this page. || -
| techcompare || http://TechCompare.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| tejo || http://www.tejo.org/vikio/$1 || 0 || operational || esperanto
| terrorwiki || http://www.liberalsagainstterrorism.com/wiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || How To Grow Your Small Business Into a Large Business || -
| tesoltaiwan || http://www.tesol-taiwan.org/wiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || no wiki, redirects to its main page || -
| thelemapedia || http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| theopedia || http://www.theopedia.com/$1 || 0 || Not found || -
| theowiki || http://www.theowiki.com/index.php/$1 || 0 || ERR_CONNECTION_RESET || -
| thinkwiki || http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| tianjin || http://Tianjin.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| tmbw || http://www.tmbw.net/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| tmnet || http://www.technomanifestos.net/?$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| tmwiki || http://www.EasyTopicMaps.com/?page=$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| toronto || http://toronto.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| tourism || http://tourism.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| trains || http://trains.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| transformers || http://tfwiki.net/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| transhumanism || http://transhumanism.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| tricities || http://huntricitiesde.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| turismo || http://www.tejo.org/turismo/$1 || 0 || operational || esperanto
| turriwiki || http://wiki.finfur.net/index.php/$1 || 0 || Fatal exception of type MWException || -
| tvtropes || http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/$1 || 0 || operational || our interwiki link points to Main and their NetHack article is no longer in Main, so we no longer use any tvtropes:xxx interwiki links
| twiki || http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| twistedwiki || http://purl.net/wiki/twisted/$1 || 0 || 404 Page not found on this site. || -
== Neat ideas to copy ==
''' Keep these for now (t) '''
* [http://deadrisingwiki.com/wiki/Dead_Rising_Wiki Dead Rising Wiki] has a chat box right on their main page. #Nethack would certainly help engage drive-by visitors.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
* [http://zelda-temple.net/wiki/Main_Page Zelda Temple] has an eye-catching main page. [http://tmbw.net/wiki/Main_Page tmbw] and [http://talismanonlinewiki.com/wiki/ Talisman Online] aren't bad either. I really should ask the maker of [http://www.thegreatestgameyouwilleverplay.com/ TheGreatestGameYouWillEverPlay].
* [http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Introduction_to_SMW Semantic mediawiki], to extract all kinds of lists of monsters, properties, NAO players, etc.
! Prefix
* [[meatball:TourBusMap]]. Could we perhaps get on the bus tour through interesting wikis?
* [http://www.thetransitioner.org/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=copyleft thetransitioner] explains copyleft in detail, we could just link to it.
! Uses
* <!--[http://clustrmaps.com/counter/maps.php?url=http://masteroforion2.blogspot.com -->A clustermap of visitors<!--]--> to the [http://masteroforion2.blogspot.com/2005_03_01_masteroforion2_archive.html Master of Orion] forum.
! Site status
Opinions, anybody? --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 18:38, 26 January 2011 (UTC)
! Comments
| town-titles || http://townn-titles.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || russian
| townn-titles || http://townn-titles.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || russian
| translation || http://translation.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
:Those chat boxes tend to be filled with profanities and other excrement. [[wikipedia:Sturgeon's_Law]] applies. Maybe just make the IRC channel link more prominent. (And I totally forgot about the cgi-irc gateway I was going to check out...)
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 03:07, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
:I like the tmbw main page, but if we do something like that, it would be best to create a whole new skin for our mediawiki. (And allow users to switch back to whatever skin they prefer)
::What about: tricities, turismo, turrikwiki, tvtropes, twiki, twistedwiki? [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 03:17, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
:If I understand correctly, the semantic MW is a bit too involved a patch; it's closer to a MW fork, so might be more work than worth.
:::...bleah, I tunnel-visioned on everything above the "keep" entries - should be good now. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 03:34, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
:No idea about meatball TourBus, I haven't heard of it (nor meatball) before.
::::Reviewed. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 04:19, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
:I'm neutral about the clustrmap.
{{resolved bottom}}
:--[[User:Paxed|paxed]] 17:29, 27 January 2011 (UTC)
== Collapsable sidebar? ==
{{resolved top}}
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'u'===
How about adding a collapsable sidebar to replace the menus Wikia killed? [http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Touhou_Wiki See an example].
Round 21. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'u', except for this 1:
* university
I'd like to add the browser tabs I always keep open. Right now I have: [[Wand]], [[Weapon]], [[Potion]], [[Ring]], [[Minetown#Maps]], [[Magic_marker#Ink_and_charges]], [[Shopkeeper#Shopkeeper_names]], [[armor]] (with probabilities added), [[Tool]] (with prob. added), [http://nethack.gridbug.de/mm.html Passtune solver], [[Gem#By_color]], and a table of good polyforms stating carrying capacity. –[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] 13:29, 18 May 2011 (UTC)
This is probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[university:" or "university:" so I have to look at hits for "university" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.
== Default font used in nethack? ==
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
All over the wiki (most apparent in the homepage screen shot), the font is much smoother than the one found in my terminal. I was wondering if someone can please tell me the name of this font? <small>—The preceding [[NetHackWiki:Style_guide#Sign_your_posts|unsigned]] comment was added by [[User:Matt493|Matt493]] ([[User talk:Matt493|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Matt493|contribs]]) 00:35, 9 April 2012‎.</small>
:It is Courier New. --[[Special:Contributions/|]] 02:47, 9 April 2012 (UTC)
:It varies based on which platform you view the page from; if you're viewing from Windows, it's most likely Courier New. The font used in the logo is DejaVu Sans Mono (incidentally, my preferred font for playing NetHack with), which is a likely choice on Linux. [[User:Ais523|Ais523]] 11:28, 9 April 2012 (UTC)
== Nethack welcome box: ==
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
The welcome box on the main menu that displays a welcome message and a rumor seems to be broken (or this feature has not been implemented, if that is the case I would like to propose that this be done then). The rumor from what I have seen is always the same "Acid blobs should be attacked bare-handed." Maybe we can fix it so it can use some of the hooks from the [[Project:Did you know?]] page, and some generic rumors that aren't too big on spoilers from the oracle. Not only would it bring a fresh change to recurring visitors, but it will hopefully spark the curiosity in the wiki/game from new visitors as well.
'''Safe to delete (u)'''
[[User:Matt493|Matt493]] 22:54, 10 April 2012 (UTC)
:[[Template:Random true rumor]] mentions in a comment that the acid blob rumor is the default if the javascript fails. Looking at the javascript though, I'm not seeing anything to do with the rumor. So it does look more like "never implemented" than broken. -- [[User:Qazmlpok|Qazmlpok]] 23:19, 10 April 2012 (UTC)
== Role articles ==
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| uea || http://www.tejo.org/uea/$1 || 0 || operational || esperanto
| ufology || http://ufology.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| ukrailways || http://ukrailways.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| ukroads || http://ukroads.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| uncyclopedia || http://www.uncyclopedia.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || File not found (404 error) || uncyclopedia moved. I changed all 1 uses of <nowiki>[[uncyclopedia:xxx]]</nowiki> to use direct https to current location.
| universitywikinodewiki || http://universitywikinodewiki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| unreal || http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| ursine || http://ursine.ca/$1 || 0 || Not Found || -
| usej || http://www.tejo.org/usej/$1 || 0 || operational || esperanto
| utopia || http://Utopia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
I know this has been said for a while, but the role articles could use some substantial work. They're not ''bad'' as they are, but they could be a lot more useful.
'''Keep this for now (u)'''
In particular, the Strategy section should be split into a couple sections, like Early Game, Midgame, and Late Game. Each section should consider things like weapon choice, general gameplay, and so on.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| university || http://universitywikinodewiki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
Should quest information be discussed on the role page, the quest page, or the quest nemesis page? I think we have some of each right now. The others should just link to there.
:Addressed with the exception of Uncyclopedia - ''perhaps'' we could put that to use since it's mentioned in relation to the game's introduction if I recall correctly (doing an ASCII rendition of the character discovering the dungeon). --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 03:05, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
::Fine to give Uncyclopedia a pass for now.
::How about "utopia" though? [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 03:12, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
Other ideas? If we agree on what to actually do, I'd be willing to do some restructuring work.
:::Oh, I just flat out missed that one, resolved it now - I'm tempted to think we can ditch "university" as well, since the results from just searching the word doesn't go beyond a single page, but I'm fine tabling that until the other letters are dealt with. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 03:16, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
[[User:Scorchgeek|Scorchgeek]] ([[User talk:Scorchgeek|talk]]) 01:23, 1 November 2012 (UTC)
::::Reviewed. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 03:20, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
:I think that's a good idea. (The sections might be named "Early '''g'''ame" etc. though for capitalization consistent with the other parts of the wiki.) Strategy can vary quite much between different stages of the game, obviously.
{{resolved top}}
:On quest information - I think it'd make sense for nemesis-specific information to be on the nemesis page, perhaps with a short note on the quest page. Other quest information ("there are many [[vampire bat]]s in the wizard quest", etc.) should be on the main quest page. The role page might mention the quest (something similar to [[Wizard#Quest]], maybe with a note about its difficulty), using {{tl|main}} to link to the quest page for the role in case readers want to know more things about the quest (thus keeping duplication of content to a minimum while still giving the most basic information).
===Request for an admin to delete all interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'v'===
:The strategy sections should probably mention when to do the quest, too, though details about ''how'' to do it are probably best placed on the quest page (or nemesis page in the case of nemesis strategy). This can then be linked to.
Round 22. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'v'.
:In some cases, the Strategy sections might need to mention different strategies; I don't think we should only specify one of them, especially in cases where all of them are rather common (I'm thinking mostly of [[wizard]]s here &ndash; some people prefer using metal armor early and throwing [[dagger]]s while others try not to use metal armor at all, instead preferring high [[spellcasting]] success rates for all of the game).
:A section about how the respective role is "different" from other roles might also be nice &ndash; [[wizard]]s, for example, are different in that they can use [[magic marker]]s more easily (and other things). --[[User:Bcode|Bcode]] ([[User talk:Bcode|talk]]) 11:24, 10 November 2012 (UTC)
I'm trying it out on [[Valkyrie]]. [[User:Scorchgeek|Scorchgeek]] ([[User talk:Scorchgeek|talk]]) 04:19, 2 December 2012 (UTC)
There are no exceptions.
I'm going to start revamping role articles to include better information on how the roles work in SLASH'EM, which is often significantly different than Vanilla. I've tried it out on [[Rogue#SLASH'EM]], any feedback would be appreciated. --[[User:Prometheus77|Prometheus77]] ([[User talk:Prometheus77|talk]]) 15:23, 23 April 2013 (UTC)
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
:Thank you, that's clearly a gap you're filling. (Sadly, I'm totally unqualified wrt slashem, so I can't say anything substantial about the content.) --[[User:Tjr|Tjr]] ([[User talk:Tjr|talk]]) 18:10, 23 April 2013 (UTC)
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
:Hi, new guy here. Been looking at the wiki for quite some time, decided to help. About the role articles, can we have a set formatting throughout all the articles? I propose the one on Arcs. --[[User:ASnail|ASnail]] ([[User_talk:ASnail|talk]] 7:30, a7/10/2013 (UTC) +0
''' Safe to delete (v) '''
== Password issues ==
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| vancouver || http://vancouver.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| vanishedlibrary || http://VanishedLibrary.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| vegas || http://lasvegas.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| villagearts || http://www.Village-Arts.org/wiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| vinismo || http://vinismo.com/en/$1 || 0 || ERR_TIMED_OUT || -
| virtualpets || http://VirtualPets.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| virus || http://virus.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| visualworks || http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/VisualWorks/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| vlaamseklantenbrussel || http://vlaamseklantenbrussel.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || dutch
| voterice || http://voterice.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
I used to be a member of the old wiki as Kahran042. So I tried to log in, but it wouldn't let me. I tried getting a new password on Wikia, but that didn't help. Can someone pleas help me? --[[Special:Contributions/|]] 05:35, 29 December 2012 (UTC)
''' Keep nothing (v) '''
Did you try the reset password option here? [[User:Scorchgeek|Scorchgeek]] ([[User talk:Scorchgeek|talk]]) 16:30, 29 December 2012 (UTC)
There are no interwiki entries to keep starting with lowercase 'v'.
Yes, but it claimed that I didn't have an e-mail address recorded. --[[Special:Contributions/|]] 01:27, 30 December 2012 (UTC)
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 16:16, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
::Still need to delete: vancouver, vanishedlibrary [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 19:54, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
:::Thought I'd gotten them with the rest - cleared out now. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 20:07, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
::::Verified. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 20:10, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
In that case, is there a reason you can't just create a new account? [[User:Scorchgeek|Scorchgeek]] ([[User talk:Scorchgeek|talk]]) 01:35, 30 December 2012 (UTC)
{{resolved top}}
===Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'w'===
I just did, but would I be allowed to transfer the stuff on my old user page to a new user page? --[[User:Kahran042 R|Kahran042 R]] ([[User talk:Kahran042 R|talk]]) 07:30, 31 December 2012 (UTC)
Round 23. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'w', except for these 12:
* w, why, wiki, wikia, wikibooks, wikicities, wikimedia, wikinfo, wikipedia, wikt, wiktionary, worlds
:Sure, if you're the same person (and there's no reason to assume you're not), just [[Special:MovePage/User:Kahran042|move]] your old user page to your new one. This will keep the history intact and create a redirect from your old user page to your new one. You might want to edit your new user page after that to clarify this.
Some of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[w:" or "w:" so I have to look at hits for "w" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.
:Alternatively, from [[Template:News]]: "30th March 2012 - PSA: Wiki login problems? Cannot reset your password? EMail paxed at alt dot org"
:(used to be on the [[Main Page]], but as new items were added, it moved "below the fold".) —[[User:bcode|bcode]]&nbsp;<sup>[[User talk:bcode|talk]]&nbsp;|&nbsp;[[Special:EmailUser/Bcode|mail]]</sup> 08:05, 31 December 2012 (UTC)
== Putting alternate tilesets in articles ==
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
Conversation moved to [[Template_talk:Alternate_tilesets]]
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
== Handling monster color changes in UnNetHack ==
''' Safe to delete (w) '''
Version 5.0 of UnNetHack changes color of multiple monsters ([https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unnethack/changeset/1455 r1455]). My suggested method of handling this in monsym templates is to it like it is done with Cthulhu (different symbols in UnNetHack and SLASH'EM)
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
* Create templates for variants ([[Template:Monsym/master mind flayer (UnNetHack)]] and [[Template:Monsym/master mind flayer (vanilla)]])
* replace [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Monsym/master_mind_flayer|Template:Monsym/master mind flayer]] by proper one (or maybe leave multivariant one)
! Prefix
* modify [[Template:Monsym/master mind flayer]] to look like [[Template:Monsym/Cthulhu]] (displays both possibilities)
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| w:c:academicjobs || http://academicjobs.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| w:c:wowwiki || http://www.wowwiki.com/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| warpedview || http://www.warpedview.com/mediawiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN || -
| warzone2100 || http://warzone2100.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| webdevwikinl || http://www.promo-it.nl/WebDevWiki/index.php?page=$1 || 0 || De website die u probeert te vinden is niet bereikbaar || dutch
| webisodes || http://www.webisodes.org/$1 || 0 || HTTP Status: 404 (not found) || -
| webseitzwiki || http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| westport || http://Westport.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| whitewolf || http://whiteWolf.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikiablog || http://blogs.wikia.com/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikiaentertainment || http://entertainment.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikiagaming || http://gaming.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikiahelp || http://help.wikia.com/wiki/Help:$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikianswers || http://answers.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| wikible || http://www.wikible.org/en/$1 || 0 || (sketchy site with a popup asking me to install a browser extension) || (expedited deletion requested) use protection if you visit this site.
| wikicomedy || http://comedy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikif1 || http://www.wikif1.org/$1 || 0 || ERR_TIMED_OUT || -
| wikifur || http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikihelp || http://help.wikia.com/wiki/Help:$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikihow || http://www.wikihow.com/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikiindex || http://wikiindex.com/$1 || 0 || 504 Gateway Time-out || -
| wikimac || http://mac.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikimon || http://wikimon.net/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikimoon || http://wikimoon.org/index.php?title=$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikinews || http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikiquote || http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikirps || http://www.wikirps.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || Page Not Found || -
| wikiscum || http://scum.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikisource || http://wikisource.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikispecies || http://species.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikitravel || http://wikitravel.org/en/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikiversity || http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikivoyage || http://www.wikivoyage.org/general/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wikiworld || http://WikiWorld.com/wiki/index.php/$1 || 0 || Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'Namespace' (T_NAMESPACE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in /var/www/vhosts/wikiworld.com/httpdocs/wiki/includes/Namespace.php on line 46 || -
| windsurfing || http://windsurfing.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| wlp || http://wlp.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| wlug || http://www.wlug.org.nz/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| wnc || http://wnc.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| worldcitizen || http://worldcitizen.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| wowwiki || http://www.wowwiki.com/$1 || 0 || operational || -
Is there anybody with a better method of handling this change? Second question - when this mass edit should be done? UnNetHack 5.0 will be used during Junethack and released after tournament [[User:Bulwersator|Bulwersator]] ([[User talk:Bulwersator|talk]]) 15:32, 29 May 2013 (UTC)
''' Keep these for now (w) '''
:I think something like [[Template:Monsym/master mind flayer/UnNetHack/5.0]] and [[Template:Monsym/master mind flayer/NetHack/3.4.3]] would be even better, actually. That'd involve some work, but it should be not too difficult to automate.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
:[[Template:Monsym]] would take a variant parameter and use that variant; it'd also take a version number. I'm not completely sure how to avoid having a duplicated page for ''every'' version released, but there's probably some way I could think of.
:Something like [[mw:Extension:Variables]] would help avoid specifying all the parameters everytime [[Template:Monsym]] is used on a page. Perhaps it could be combined with a modification of the templates suggested on [[NetHackWiki:Next version]], too: have a template that marks individual sections as specific to e.g. UnNetHack 5.0 or vanilla 3.4.3, then have that automatically set the variable. (I've tested something remotely similar to that on a local test installation of MediaWiki once, FWIW.) —[[User:bcode|bcode]]&nbsp;<sup>[[User talk:bcode|talk]]&nbsp;|&nbsp;[[Special:EmailUser/Bcode|mail]]</sup> 15:52, 29 May 2013 (UTC)
! Prefix
::[[Template:Monsymlink]] already takes parameters [[User:Bulwersator|Bulwersator]] ([[User talk:Bulwersator|talk]]) 15:57, 29 May 2013 (UTC)
:::It doesn't use them the way I'd like, though; see my description above. It also doesn't take a version parameter and asking for e.g. the UnNetHack symbol for a giant ant will not work (as that never changed from vanilla; making this work without duplication or at least redirects will probably involve some work). (I know rather well that [[Template:Monsymlink]] takes a variant parameter; I added it. It's more of a simple hack currently, though, just appending the variant name in parentheses.) —[[User:bcode|bcode]]&nbsp;<sup>[[User talk:bcode|talk]]&nbsp;|&nbsp;[[Special:EmailUser/Bcode|mail]]</sup> 16:06, 29 May 2013 (UTC)
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| w || http://community.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable, 6+ known uses|| operational || we have 6+ <nowiki>[[w:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| why || http://clublet.com/c/c/why?$1 || unsearchable || (domain for sale) || -
| wiki || http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| wikia || http://www.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || main page of fandom.com || -
| wikibooks || http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/$1 || 3 || operational || we have 3 <nowiki>[[wikibooks:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| wikicities || http://www.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 1 || main page of fandom.com || we have 1 <nowiki>[[wikicities:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| wikimedia || http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| wikinfo || http://www.wikinfo.org/index.php/$1 || 2 || wikinfo exists but rearranged site || we have 2 <nowiki>[[wikinfo:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| wikipedia || http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$1 || unsearchable, many || operational || we have many <nowiki>[[wikipedia:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| wikt || http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/$1 || 1 || operational || we have 1 <nowiki>[[wikt:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| wiktionary || http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/$1 || 3 || operational || we have 3 <nowiki>[[wiktionary:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
| worlds || http://worlds.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || Not a valid community || -
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 21:18, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
Can we have the YouTubePlayer template?
::Verified. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 21:27, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
Also, since this website is not part of wikia, do we have a .CSS page? -[[User:WaveDivisionMultiplexer|WaveDivisionMultiplexer]] ([[User talk:WaveDivisionMultiplexer|talk]]) 05:22, 12 January 2014 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
==The Front Page - Can we have the Table of Content section back?==
{{resolved top}}
There used to be a front page that had a sort of "top" TOC with links to Roles/Items/In-Depth/Monsters, etc.  What happened to that?
===Request for an admin to delete many interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'x', 'y', or 'z'===
Here is what I mean: http://nethackwiki.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Main_Page&oldid=67458
Round 24. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'x', 'y', or 'z', except for these 5:
* x-files, zh.anime, zh.mac, zh.wikimac, zzz wiki
As it is, the front page isn't very useful other than as a welcome page - you have to search for everything which is rather painful.
These 5 prefixes have special characters so I do not trust mediawiki search and interwiki prefix matching to work the same way.
--[[User:Raindog308|Raindog308]] ([[User talk:Raindog308|talk]]) 04:56, 11 January 2015 (UTC)
::I added it back :-) [[User:Raindog308|Raindog308]] ([[User talk:Raindog308|talk]]) 02:52, 30 January 2015 (UTC)
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
== Medica Ossium ==
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
''' Safe to delete (x), (y), and (z) '''
I didn't find a way to send a message to someone who could help, so I'm gonna write here. Sorry for that.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| xao || http://XAO.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| ypsieyeball || http://sknkwrks.dyndns.org:1957/writewiki/wiki.pl?$1 || 0 || ERR_TIMED_OUT || -
| zeldapendium || http://www.zeldapendium.de/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || german
| zeldawiki || http://zeldawiki.org/$1 || 0 || operational || -
| zemirot || http://zemirotdatabase.org/view_song.php?title=$1 || 0 || operational || -
| zhmusic || http://zh.music.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || operational || chinese
| zwiki || http://zwiki.org/$1 || 0 || zwiki.org link broken #6 || -
I'm here just to tell you I find a creature who wasn't cataloged in this website. I tried to create a new page for it myself, but I've failed.
''' Keep these for now (x), (y), and (z) '''
The creature is named "medica ossium" (same name of the healer's rank).
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| x-files || http://x-files.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| zh.anime || http://zh.anime.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || chinese
| zh.mac || http://zh.mac.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || chinese
| zh.wikimac || http://zh.mac.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || unsearchable || operational || chinese
| zzz wiki || http://wiki.zzz.ee/index.php/$1 || unsearchable || ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED || -
"Status of the medica ossium (neutral): Level 14    HP 65(65)   AC 10."
:In regards to specifically Zeldawiki, I think that one is likely to be worth keeping because we do have at least a few Zelda-inspired monsters, possibly among other stuff (see [[garo]], which also need a presentability pass but there you go). The rest of the "delete" table can go without contest. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 16:15, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
::I am fine with keeping Zeldawiki and others at your discretion. Just make notes like the above, delete the others, mark issue resolved. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 18:03, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
I took a couple of screenshots of it.
::Regarding Zeldawiki, the current interwiki link (zeldawiki.org) goes to the Fandom wiki. I think it might be better to link to the independent wiki, which is at https://zeldawiki.wiki/wiki/Main_Page. From what I recall, I think it's the same wiki team, who moved away from Fandom? --[[User:ScienceBall|ScienceBall]] ([[User talk:ScienceBall|talk]]) 11:05, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
:::Correct. My idea was to maintain links to independent non-<s>Wikia</s> Fandom™ wikis and edit or establish relevant interwiki entries accordingly while deleting the other unused ones - so far ZeldaWiki and Bulbapedia come to mind as "obvious" candidates. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 11:13, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
PS: Feel free to send me to hell for doing this. Bye :D
:Addressed pending a judgment on zeldapendium - it's a German wiki on ''The Legend of Zelda'' that's distinct from ZeldaWiki but still part of the NIWA (independent alliance of Nintendo wikis), so I'm trying to figure out what that's about - the rest's been dealt with. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 21:19, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
:It's a [[player monster]] (or most likely, a [[doppelganger]] pretending to be one). [[User:Ais523|Ais523]] ([[User talk:Ais523|talk]]) 19:48, 9 March 2015 (UTC)
::For the purposes of Phase 1, just keep zeldapendium. If it gets deleted or changed 5 minutes after this issue is resolved that's up to not-me.
::Verified. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 21:24, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
== New page please: Command line arguments ==
{{resolved top}}
===Request for an admin to delete many interwiki entries starting with other first characters===
Uh-oh! The Style Guide says not to create a missing page and just stick {-{stub}-} in it. I'm real busy this week ... maybe someone else has time to put the command line arguments supported by the NetHack binary into Wiki-ese? [[User:Netzhack|Netzhack]] ([[User talk:Netzhack|talk]]) 08:23, 24 April 2015 (UTC)
Round 25. This is the final round.
== Tiles ==
I would like to request that an admin delete many interwiki entries starting with other first characters except for these 2:
* Cache, Wikihack
I've noticed that a lot of people have been able to upload tiles, but they're only available in the source code as the little "color by letter" 16x16 squares. How would I go about getting the tiles for the defunct quest monsters for the SLASH'EM racial quests onto the wiki? --[[User:Kahran042|Kahran042]] ([[User talk:Kahran042|talk]]) 13:09, 18 June 2015 (UTC)
Some of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[Cache:" or "Cache:" so I have to look at hits for "Cache" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.
== I want to play on a tournament or server that uses tiles but I can't find one. help? ==
Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?
A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.
== This page may need to be updated for NetHack 3.6.0 ==
''' Safe to delete (other first character) '''
on a page which has one of these 3.6 banners how do i show that i have checked one of the links to the source?
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| 3dgame || http://3dgame.wikia.com/wiki/$1 || 0 || Not a valid community || -
| AwarenessWiki || http://taoriver.net/aware/$1 || 0 || ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE || -
| Legowiki || http://www.object-arts.com/wiki/html/Lego-Robotics/$1 || 0 || ERR_TIMED_OUT || -
i cant remove the 3.6 banner because i havent checked them all but i'd like to indicate to others that they dont have to check this particular link.
''' Keep these for now (other first character) '''
any ideas?
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Prefix
! Uses
! Site status
! Comments
| Cache || http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:$1 || unsearchable || operational || -
| Wikihack || http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/NetHackWiki:$1 || unsearchable, 2+ known uses || operational || we have 2+ <nowiki>[[Wikihack:xxx]]</nowiki> links!
[[User:Fenris|Fenris]] ([[User talk:Fenris|talk]]) 01:09, 26 May 2016 (UTC)
:Addressed. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 21:21, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
:: Verified. Looks good to me. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 21:22, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}
:Which page? You could always leave a note on the discussion page for starters. [[User:MyNameWasTaken|MyNameWasTaken]] ([[User talk:MyNameWasTaken|talk]]) 22:22, 29 June 2016 (UTC)
{{resolved top}}
::Fenris, thanks for getting involved in the wiki!
== "Disallow empty edit summary" abuse filter ==
::You can update in-text 3.4.3 source code references by opening up the [[NetHack 3.4.3 source code]] to the line number being referenced, finding the corresponding line in the [[NetHack 3.6.0 source code]], opening the page you are working on for editing, and changing the number in the Refsrc template call to the new line number.  The reorganization of the source code has caused some extreme shifts in line numbers, so take a good look at the line's context in the 3.4.3 source before you're sure of the new location.  Sometimes the same subheadings are used in both sources, so looking for the nearest subheading in the 3.4.3 source might help you orient yourself in the 3.6.0 source. 
::To make it clear that the reference is now to version 3.6.0, change the Refsrc template call to match the new "versioned" format, which you can find at [[Template:Refsrc]].  Usually this just means including the name of the folder of the file being referenced (src/allmain.c), and adding the name of the version (version=NetHack 3.6.0).  "Category:Pages with unversioned Refsrc templates" has a list of pages that need to be changed to the new syntax, but be aware that some of these are for pages related to [[patch]]es and [[variant]]s that reference a source code other than 3.6.0.
::I haven't figured out the correct new syntax for [[Template:Reffunc]], but if I ever do, I plan to post instructions on how to update it.--[[User:Cherokee Jack|Cherokee Jack]] ([[User talk:Cherokee Jack|talk]]) 13:58, 1 July 2016 (UTC)
== Macro implementation: nh 3.6, Windows 10 ==
I think it is generally useful to encourage users to use edit summaries, because it helps people looking at page history determine what was done and why.  We have [[Special:AbuseFilter/9]], which disallows empty edit summaries except on users' own pages. However, this edit filter might hinder new users trying to ask questions.  I propose that it should not trigger on talk namespaces, along with the Forum namespace, because users who are just trying to ask questions often make their first edits there.  Edits on these pages are obviously discussion, and having to add "reply" in the edit summary after a section name seems redundant.
I'm curious if (and how) there are successful recent implementations of the AutoHotKey macro method described at the Wiki "Macro" page.
I think this could be implemented by adding a condition <code>& !(((page_namespace % 2) == 1) | (page_namespace == 110))</code> to the edit filter (though somebody else should review this for correctness).  All talk namespaces are odd-numbered, and 110 is the Forum namespace.
In 3.6.0, running under Windows 10, I created the runmeonce and trigger ahk scripts, etc, but there is no NHLauncher.exe executable with which to start nethack in the nh distribution, and within the nethack UI (I tried both the "traditional" and windows graphical versions) CTRL+M does not launch the macro creator interface window.
''This'' page, as a discussion page that is not in a talk namespace, would not be exempt after the proposed change, but it is mostly used by experienced editors. It could still be added as a special case though (maybe using <code>page_title == "Community Portal"</code>?). [[User:Cathartes|Cathartes]] ([[User talk:Cathartes|talk]]) 04:10, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
Any help would be appreciated
:Seconding this with mod hat off (the filter is not something I had a hand in and have no experience with editing). --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 04:12, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
--[[User:GetOffThisPlanet|GetOffThisPlanet]] ([[User talk:GetOffThisPlanet|talk]]) 15:14, 2 December 2018 (UTC)
:I vote yes, on this or any variation of the design that Cathartes wants to do. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 04:26, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
== Link to GitHub with [[Template:Refsrc]]? ==
::I personally have thought of just turning that damn filter to warn, rather than disallow, though I can see the argument that even a warning might discourage newer users.  IMO a simpler version of what Cathartes wants to do would be to only apply the filter to places where it's needed, rather than try to carve out a list of exceptions.  Offhand, I don't think we need that filter anywhere but the main namespace and maybe places like Template and Source. -[[User:Ion frigate|Ion frigate]] ([[User talk:Ion frigate|talk]]) 06:56, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
I'd like to propose to amend [[Template:Refsrc]] to point to GitHub for vanilla NetHack source code links, and possibly some variants as well. This will get around the issue of line number anchors not working, and would work for NetHack 3.6.2 until the source is uploaded to the wiki.
:::Enabling it only in the main namespace and Template sounds good to me.  I think using warn instead of disallow is also acceptable since I think some new/infrequent editors can't figure out why their edits are disallowed before giving up.  [[User:Cathartes|Cathartes]] ([[User talk:Cathartes|talk]]) 00:07, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
[[User:Wooble]] has independently made the same suggestion on [[IRC]] just now.
::::Okay, I did both - set it to trigger only in main, Template, Source, and Category, and set it to warn.  If we get too many mainspace edits without summaries, we might want to put it back to disallow, but let's try the more permissive version for now. -[[User:Ion frigate|Ion frigate]] ([[User talk:Ion frigate|talk]]) 10:13, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
[[Template:Reffunc]] may not work with this, ''unless'' we write a list mapping function names to source lines and do a similar thing from there. - [[User:Andrio Celos|Andrio Celos]] ([[User talk:Andrio Celos|talk]]) 11:55, 24 May 2019 (UTC)
::::I think this should work out, though if it does come to that I might consider having a disallow after enough warnings in a given span of time, if at all possible - I doubt it'll be as much of a solve as needed at that juncture but it's a line of thought worth considering imo (if it's even possible with the filter). --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 10:15, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
:How hard (comparatively) would it be to fix the line number anchors? I know they used to work and I don't see that anything has changed, so I was surprised to see them broken all of a sudden.
{{resolved bottom}}
:The monst template directly links to the source files, but I've been meaning to re-generate them all anyway, since 95% of the templates use incorrect exp values. -- [[User:Qazmlpok|Qazmlpok]] ([[User talk:Qazmlpok|talk]]) 22:14, 24 May 2019 (UTC)
== [[Artifact weapon]] ==
==Regarding source references and hosting source code==
<s>Retyped from scratch because I managed to Thanos several hundred tabs...</s>
I'd appreciate more eyes on this and the talk page. In my view the recent additions are an incredible pile of verbose nonsense. [[User:Pinkbeast|Pinkbeast]] ([[User talk:Pinkbeast|talk]]) 21:45, 10 August 2019 (UTC)
So a discussion about [[User:Furey/References to source code|how to format source references]] prompted me to ponder about the current state of the wiki with regards to handling sources in general: Much of the structures set in place a decade or so back were created with the assumption that the latest stable version would be 3.4.3 for the foreseeable future, which is very evidently not the case, and the source reference templates are just one among many. While most of the current active editing base - which, it bears mentioning, is much different from that of the aforementioned era - is generally diligent about specifying versions when writing source references, it's clear that some level of overhaul is overdue, both in regard to how they are written and structured on a base and across the board with how the wiki is set up to work. With 3.7 to be released at some unknown point in the future, I think it's best we get ahead of that now, especially when we're still several versions behind on both uploading and annotating, and in general have many sorely out-of-date articles for vanilla ''NetHack'' (to say nothing of the variant workload).
== Identification section ==
Far as formatting references to source code, I think "formalizing" reference styles like <nowiki>{{refsrc|src/allmain.c|123|nethack=3.4.3}}{{refsrc|src/allmain.c|123|nethack=3.6.7}}</nowiki> and <nowiki>[[Source:Version/folder/file]]</nowiki> (not ''exactly'' those styles, but the general patterns displayed) may be a good start. In terms of specifically the source code hosted here, we also need to finish out the source listing for previous versions deal with the mixed syntax highlight problem: [[User:Paxed/MixedSyntaxHighlight|the feature]] is a small extension intended to automatically hilite source lines with GeSHi, but the feature does not seem to work on current MediaWiki software. Interestingly, [[Special:Diff/169720|as some edits I've made here and there]] seem to indicate, removing the magic word this was intended to work with makes linking to specific lines on source code articles functional. With that in mind, I feel like it might be a good idea to remove that from all the surce code articles in question, but it's absolutely worth discussing how to most constructively handle all of the above and more here, as well as perhaps on [[NetHackWiki talk:Style guide|the Style Guide talk page]]. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 10:17, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
Should pages for items include an "Identification" section?
: My view, in one sentence: ''Every reference to source code must explicitly specify a version number.''
I tend to add an explicit "Identification" section to item pages with advice for identification. However the "Identification" section I added for [[ring of conflict]] was removed, and all the relevant info was moved to "Strategy", so clearly not all of you feel the same way about this.
: Lots more here: [[User:Furey/References to source code]]
I think identification of items is separate from the strategy for using a particular item. A player benefits from identifying every item, even items with no strategic use, if for no other reason than to feel better about throwing them away. It also makes sense for identification to be described before strategy because a player will have to identify items before using them reliably.
: I've been fixing markup in the Source:NetHack 3.4.3 articles. They have a lot of references to <nowiki>[[foo.h]]</nowiki> and <nowiki>[[foo.c]]</nowiki> articles, and those basename articles quietly changed from 3.4.3 to 3.6.1 in December 2015, and that is completely wrong for 3.4.3 documentation.
Well, that's my take. Anybody else?
: Each time I commit an article in Source:NetHack 3.4.3, nearly every article gets added to https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Category:Pages_with_syntax_highlighting_errors. It's as if something in the GeSHi processing just chokes on nearly every article.
--[[User:Aximili|Aximili]] ([[User talk:Aximili|talk]]) 17:02, 21 March 2020 (UTC)
: Not only does the syntax highlighting fail, but we lost line number anchors as well. I would really like those line number anchors, more than I would like syntax highlighting, if I had to choose between them.
Actually, quick correction, I didn't add an "Identification" section to [[ring of conflict]], I merely moved identification advice from the pre-existing "Strategy" section. --[[User:Aximili|Aximili]] ([[User talk:Aximili|talk]]) 17:05, 21 March 2020 (UTC)
: https://web.archive.org/web/20140403230634/https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.4.3/src/allmain.c shows that syntax highlighting did work in 2014. https://web.archive.org/web/20220810194631/https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.4.3/src/allmain.c shows no syntax highlighting in 2022. https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Source:NetHack_3.4.3/src/allmain.c&action=history shows the last change was in 2013. So it was something in the GeSHi processing that changed, not something in the article.
:I think I moved it back precisely ''because'' it just sounded like an extended strategy section more than anything. I'm not at all against the inclusion of separate sections for identification - rather, it's more that I interpret it as a section specifically for stuff like price-ID, autoidentifying, things of that nature. Informal identification CAN be and basically is part of that on paper, but with the ring of conflict, my rationale (which I'dve gladly explained had I been asked directly) was that it's also a vital part of any strategy around it, "it" being "not finding the thing and immediately dying from wear-testing it", such that it was worth noting first in that section. I'm more than willing to rewrite it more to accommodate, and I actually made a couple of edits in that direction - the larger question is more ''how'' to approach that than anything else. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 23:28, 22 March 2020 (UTC)
: It would be good for Paxed to look into this, very interested in their knowledge and opinion.
::Makes sense, if I add new identification sections in the future I might try considering that distinction as well --[[User:Aximili|Aximili]] ([[User talk:Aximili|talk]]) 23:23, 24 March 2020 (UTC)
: [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 11:14, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
== "What links here" link availability? ==
: Edited to add: I spent more time on https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.4.3/*
: https://web.archive.org/web/20181003031605/http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.4.3/src/engrave.c is the latest capture with syntax coloring
: https://web.archive.org/web/20190407192043/https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.4.3/src/spell.c is the earlist capture without syntax coloring
: so something changed between october 3, 2018 and april 7, 2019.
: [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 11:56, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
Hi. For things like fixing [[https://nethackwiki.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Astaroth&redirect=no this redirect]] so that it does follow wiki style while not creating double redirects, and for multiple other uses, it would be very nice to have readily available (preferably via a left-hand-side menu link, under Tools) the standard wiki "what links here" special page (and the rest of the special pages, for that matter). Is there some setting I need to change for this, or is this something needing correcting by admins? Thanks! -[[User:Actual-nh|Actual-nh]] ([[User talk:Actual-nh|talk]]) 18:05, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
{{resolved top}}
== Proposal to eliminate bare filename redirectors such as <nowiki>[[Dungeon.h]]</nowiki> , <nowiki>[[attrib.c]]</nowiki>, and <nowiki>[[Arch.des]]</nowiki> ==
These redirectors are leftovers from an earlier age where we had only one source version, 3.4.3. (And even then, we had more than one source version, because we had variant sources such as SLASH'EM).
== New NetHack tiles, can someone help with screenshots? ==
These files, by their nature, must redirect to only one version of NetHack: either 3.4.3 or 3.6.1. For many callers, the redirection goes to the wrong file. Right now, I'm fixing all the callers that produce actual wrong results, changing the caller to get right results.
After that, there will be a few callers left where the redirector happens to give them the nethack version they want. I propose to change those too, so that the caller specifies the nethack version the caller wants, not leaving it to chance. Experience since the importation of 3.6.0 shows the current approach produces an epic number of incorrect references. And it will get worse the day 3.7.0 releases.
I just created a new set (2 sets actually) of tiles based on the default and Oryx tilesets. I called them Kinghack, they are located in the Pictographic Tiles section of the Tiles page.
Can someone add them to the NetHack tileset screenshots (Where one can see the different tilesets in different areas of the game, wall testing, monsters, objects, etc). Or tell me how to add them to that site?
Thank you.--[[User:Kingeorg|Kingeorg]] ([[User talk:Kingeorg|talk]]) 00:18, 6 October 2021 (UTC)
And then I propose deleting all the redirectors with names like <nowiki>[[Dungeon.h]]</nowiki> and <nowiki>[[attrib.c]</nowiki>.
== GetIndie.wiki listing? ==
The modern way to write a source reference is with refsrc, including a nethack=3.4.3 or nethack=3.6.7 parameter. You can also write refsrc with ref=no parameter to generate an inline link.
Would it be appropriate to submit the wiki to GetIndie.Wiki? It's a browser extension that redirects users from Fandom wikis to alternate better maintained wikis. It appears to use a manual list, and has a form for submitting suggestions. [[User:Sgeo|Sgeo]] ([[User talk:Sgeo|talk]]) 18:58, 10 February 2023 (UTC)
For now, there are some such as <nowiki>[[Monst.c]]</nowiki> that I may have to punt on. But I will get as much as I can.
:I don't see why not.  It doesn't cost us anything and it might be helpful to a few new people who end up on Fandom without realizing that the community moved. The old Fandom wiki is still high-ranking on searches: "Amulet of Yendor" on Google gives the old Fandom wiki page as the top result, for example.  [[User:Cathartes|Cathartes]] ([[User talk:Cathartes|talk]]) 21:35, 10 February 2023 (UTC)
::I [https://github.com/KevinPayravi/indie-wiki-buddy/issues/40 submitted] a request to add NetHackWiki to the extension.  [[User:Cathartes|Cathartes]] ([[User talk:Cathartes|talk]]) 22:52, 12 February 2023 (UTC)
== "Large edits by new user" abuse filter is harmful ==
This is a piece of a larger discussion on [[NetHackWiki talk:Style guide#Futureproofing_and_source_references]]. I am making this small proposal standalone to get started.
[[Special:AbuseFilter/10]] implemented by [[User:Paxed]] currently denies all edits greater than 200 bytes in non-(talk,user talk) namespaces by new users.  This was instituted in response to some page-blanking vandalism a couple of months ago.  I think this is a bad idea.  Imagine being a new user, and you spent a good amount of time writing some content, only to have the filter deny your edit, and there's nothing you can do about it--you lose all your work!  This is an '''extremely bad''' welcome for new users.
Thoughts and votes? [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 21:28, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
Furthermore, it is not very useful against vandalismSure, it works against one specific type, but a motivated vandal can easily make <200-byte edits that still need to be reverted. There are multiple experienced users who monitor [[Special:RecentChanges]] (and #nethackwiki on IRC) on a daily basis; they can easily revert any vandalism that happens.  Also, we hardly ever get any vandalism anyway.
:I definitely agree those should be removed from source references, but I propose that rather than be deleted, they be made into (short) articles describing what the file in question actually ''does''.  I'm not talking a full explication/annotation, just short little blurbs like "monst.c is the file that lists every monster along with common properties such as level, AC, and attacks" or "mon.c is a file that defines many monster behaviors, such as what items they will eat or what they will drop upon death"Basically, I think this is a more achievable (and version-agnostic) form of the long-stalled annotation project.
:We could also provide links to different versions of the source files on these pages, a process that should be easy to semi-automate with a template. -[[User:Ion frigate|Ion frigate]] ([[User talk:Ion frigate|talk]]) 10:51, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
I would suggest that a more effective way to deter vandalism is via a rate limit on edits from new users (e.g. 10 per hour per account).  This will prevent a vandal from making too many edits before an admin comes to block them, while still allowing practically all good-faith new users to edit unimpeded, and having an easy remedy in case it actually is triggered by a good-faith user (just wait a bit before saving).  And the probability of a rate limit being triggered scales ''inversely'' with the amount of effort involved in an edit (since it takes *time* to make a large good edit), so the amount of effort lost is less even if it is triggered. [[User:Cathartes|Cathartes]] ([[User talk:Cathartes|talk]]) 06:31, 26 May 2023 (UTC)
::I can undelete pages accordingly if need be, but this seems like a fine enough idea - I don't want it to be ''too'' short, though, just meaty enough that it can serve as a source-diving aid of sorts without getting too into the weeds. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 11:58, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
:Have to agree here - I've been somewhat vocal about how much of an annoyance a few of these filters are, but I think this one in particular is an active detriment. --[[User:Umbire the Phantom|Umbire the Phantom]] ([[User talk:Umbire the Phantom|talk]]) 14:13, 26 May 2023 (UTC)
:: Huh. This sounds like a good idea. They would be little disambiguation articles, with links at the bottom for 3.4.3, 3.6.7, 3.7-dev, and even for variant source code. They wouldn't have line numbers or functions. And if someone writes <nowiki>[[src/mon.c]]</nowiki> in a talk page, then the page won't get stale when a new version comes out, people who read source code can figure out that a comment from 2013 was talking about to the 3.4.3 version, especially if there is a link somewhere to a quickie list of release dates. [[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 12:10, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
::I honestly had the same thought. I just disabled the filter for now; it might be useful in a more targeted form (e.g. disallow new users from removing >5000 characters in a single edit, no limit on adding), but I don't think it's critical. -[[User:Ion frigate|Ion frigate]] ([[User talk:Ion frigate|talk]]) 14:39, 26 May 2023 (UTC)
This is more complicated than I thought. For example, NetHackWiki has 14 files and 15 redirects for the source file "dogmove.c". I would like to digest the current scheme before making proposals and carrying out sweeps. Interested editors are invited to read and comment on [[User:Furey/How many copies of dogmove.c?]].
:::Absolutely correct. Although misbehaved people present a problem in any place, a wiki has the tools for reverting evil changes easily, immediately after being discovered. The filter, as implemented by Mister Paxed, [[User:Paxed]], provokes more harm than gives help. It has NO PREVIOUS WARNING, and makes a new contributor lose his work. Including me, an experienced player of Nethack and some of its varieties, but new in the Nethack Wiki. [[User:Cssdixieland|Cssdixieland]] ([[User talk:Cssdixieland|talk]]) 17:58, 30 June 2023 (UTC)
Meanwhile, I withdraw this proposal. I'll come back with rewritten proposals if I can get some consensus on my "how many copies" page. I am still fixing pages that link to ''wrong'' source versions.
::::It's gone now.  I can't speak for the other admins, but for my own part I have no intention of bringing it back. -[[User:Ion frigate|Ion frigate]] ([[User talk:Ion frigate|talk]]) 23:40, 22 June 2023 (UTC)
[[User:Furey|Furey]] ([[User talk:Furey|talk]]) 03:15, 26 June 2024 (UTC)
{{resolved bottom}}

Latest revision as of 11:52, 1 September 2024

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Identification section

Should pages for items include an "Identification" section?

I tend to add an explicit "Identification" section to item pages with advice for identification. However the "Identification" section I added for ring of conflict was removed, and all the relevant info was moved to "Strategy", so clearly not all of you feel the same way about this.

I think identification of items is separate from the strategy for using a particular item. A player benefits from identifying every item, even items with no strategic use, if for no other reason than to feel better about throwing them away. It also makes sense for identification to be described before strategy because a player will have to identify items before using them reliably.

Well, that's my take. Anybody else?

--Aximili (talk) 17:02, 21 March 2020 (UTC)

Actually, quick correction, I didn't add an "Identification" section to ring of conflict, I merely moved identification advice from the pre-existing "Strategy" section. --Aximili (talk) 17:05, 21 March 2020 (UTC)

I think I moved it back precisely because it just sounded like an extended strategy section more than anything. I'm not at all against the inclusion of separate sections for identification - rather, it's more that I interpret it as a section specifically for stuff like price-ID, auto-identifying, things of that nature. Informal identification CAN be and basically is part of that on paper, but with the ring of conflict, my rationale (which I'dve gladly explained had I been asked directly) was that it's also a vital part of any strategy around it, "it" being "not finding the thing and immediately dying from wear-testing it", such that it was worth noting first in that section. I'm more than willing to rewrite it more to accommodate, and I actually made a couple of edits in that direction - the larger question is more how to approach that than anything else. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 23:28, 22 March 2020 (UTC)
Makes sense, if I add new identification sections in the future I might try considering that distinction as well --Aximili (talk) 23:23, 24 March 2020 (UTC)

"What links here" link availability?

Hi. For things like fixing [this redirect] so that it does follow wiki style while not creating double redirects, and for multiple other uses, it would be very nice to have readily available (preferably via a left-hand-side menu link, under Tools) the standard wiki "what links here" special page (and the rest of the special pages, for that matter). Is there some setting I need to change for this, or is this something needing correcting by admins? Thanks! -Actual-nh (talk) 18:05, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

New NetHack tiles, can someone help with screenshots?

Hello. I just created a new set (2 sets actually) of tiles based on the default and Oryx tilesets. I called them Kinghack, they are located in the Pictographic Tiles section of the Tiles page. https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Tileset Can someone add them to the NetHack tileset screenshots (Where one can see the different tilesets in different areas of the game, wall testing, monsters, objects, etc). Or tell me how to add them to that site? http://bilious.alt.org/~paxed/nethack/nhsshot/

Thank you.--Kingeorg (talk) 00:18, 6 October 2021 (UTC)

GetIndie.wiki listing?

Would it be appropriate to submit the wiki to GetIndie.Wiki? It's a browser extension that redirects users from Fandom wikis to alternate better maintained wikis. It appears to use a manual list, and has a form for submitting suggestions. Sgeo (talk) 18:58, 10 February 2023 (UTC)

I don't see why not. It doesn't cost us anything and it might be helpful to a few new people who end up on Fandom without realizing that the community moved. The old Fandom wiki is still high-ranking on searches: "Amulet of Yendor" on Google gives the old Fandom wiki page as the top result, for example. Cathartes (talk) 21:35, 10 February 2023 (UTC)
I submitted a request to add NetHackWiki to the extension. Cathartes (talk) 22:52, 12 February 2023 (UTC)

"Large edits by new user" abuse filter is harmful

Special:AbuseFilter/10 implemented by User:Paxed currently denies all edits greater than 200 bytes in non-(talk,user talk) namespaces by new users. This was instituted in response to some page-blanking vandalism a couple of months ago. I think this is a bad idea. Imagine being a new user, and you spent a good amount of time writing some content, only to have the filter deny your edit, and there's nothing you can do about it--you lose all your work! This is an extremely bad welcome for new users.

Furthermore, it is not very useful against vandalism. Sure, it works against one specific type, but a motivated vandal can easily make <200-byte edits that still need to be reverted. There are multiple experienced users who monitor Special:RecentChanges (and #nethackwiki on IRC) on a daily basis; they can easily revert any vandalism that happens. Also, we hardly ever get any vandalism anyway.

I would suggest that a more effective way to deter vandalism is via a rate limit on edits from new users (e.g. 10 per hour per account). This will prevent a vandal from making too many edits before an admin comes to block them, while still allowing practically all good-faith new users to edit unimpeded, and having an easy remedy in case it actually is triggered by a good-faith user (just wait a bit before saving). And the probability of a rate limit being triggered scales inversely with the amount of effort involved in an edit (since it takes *time* to make a large good edit), so the amount of effort lost is less even if it is triggered. Cathartes (talk) 06:31, 26 May 2023 (UTC)

Have to agree here - I've been somewhat vocal about how much of an annoyance a few of these filters are, but I think this one in particular is an active detriment. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 14:13, 26 May 2023 (UTC)
I honestly had the same thought. I just disabled the filter for now; it might be useful in a more targeted form (e.g. disallow new users from removing >5000 characters in a single edit, no limit on adding), but I don't think it's critical. -Ion frigate (talk) 14:39, 26 May 2023 (UTC)
Absolutely correct. Although misbehaved people present a problem in any place, a wiki has the tools for reverting evil changes easily, immediately after being discovered. The filter, as implemented by Mister Paxed, User:Paxed, provokes more harm than gives help. It has NO PREVIOUS WARNING, and makes a new contributor lose his work. Including me, an experienced player of Nethack and some of its varieties, but new in the Nethack Wiki. Cssdixieland (talk) 17:58, 30 June 2023 (UTC)
It's gone now. I can't speak for the other admins, but for my own part I have no intention of bringing it back. -Ion frigate (talk) 23:40, 22 June 2023 (UTC)

Ascensions per version or variety in Junethack 2023

This text is a comment about the results of Junethack, not a notification related to NetHack Wiki.

The Junethack competition of 2023 has finished. This is the proportion of ascensions for each of the versions or varieties played. Eight servers have participated: one of Nethack Alt Org, one of Nethack 4, three of Gnollhack, and three of Hardfought. Hardfought servers also have few other versions available, such as NetHack version 1.3d, but they have not been included in Junethack. The list is ordered by the proportion of ascensions obtained.

Version or.............Ascensions...............Total games played......Per cent of ascensions
variety................of the hero..............in Junethack 2023.......per version or variety

NetHack 3.4.3...........23..............................575................................4
NetHack 3.6.7...........51.............................3936................................1.3
NetHack Fourk............1...............................84................................1.19
NetHack 3.7.0...........25.............................3333................................0.75
NetHack 1.3d.............0...............................61................................0

Average: 7 ascensions and 747 games per version or variety, less than 1 per cent ascended. On average, one ascension out of more than a hundred games, the others are not ascended. Dungeon games are amongst the most difficult, but they are also amongst the most addictive. A combination that seems to suggest a certain... 'masochism' amongst dungeon enthusiasts.

The table given above is reasonably well aligned on our screen, but maybe not so well on other screens, or printers, as it depends on the spacing and the character font used by each machine. If the automatic formatting executed by the wiki look gibberish, as I am afraid that it look, please look at the source by activating 'Edit'.

The table shows only the proportion of ascensions in Junethack 2023, not in other competitions, and not in the total number of games played throughout the years. It is also known in Statistical Science that samples with small numbers tend to be less reliable than samples with big numbers, therefore the table should not be taken as an absolute indication of play difficulty, especially for versions or varieties in which the number of games played, or of ascensions, has been small.

Let alone should the table be seen as indication of play 'enjoyability', a very subjective perception that varies greatly from an individual player to another. The style of a player may be rapid, playing our dungeon game almost as he would play a 'point and shoot' arcade game. The style of another player may be slow, playing almost as he would play a classic game of Chess, thinking every action and considering possibilities at every few turns. Or at every turn, in particularly difficult situations.

Turn-based dungeon games are unique in accommodating to both kinds of players, rapid and slow. One is the 'action' player who goes for muscular Barbarians attacking in melée, at close quarters. The other is the reflexive player who prefers brainy Wizards casting magical spells. In between we have Walkyrie, Ranger, Knight, Samurai, Monk, and the other rôles. Every player has some choice for him.

Of 1630 games played in SpliceHack, not even one has been ascended. FIQHack, SporkHack and NetHack version 1.3d have not been ascended either, but they have been played less than 200 times each (196, 77 and 61 times), not 1630 times. At the opposite extreme we have NetHack version 3.4.3 heading the ranking with NotDNetHack and GnollHack, each with an impressive ascension rate of between three and four per cent. Four per cent exactly, in the case of NetHack version 3.4.3.

Some other factors may account for such disparities in results, from four per cent to virtually zero ascensions. NetHack version 3.4.3 was for many years the only official version available, meaning that plenty of detail in game mechanics is known to a vast number of players. Once the Dev Team decided to take action and release NetHack versions 3.6.x (NetHack version 3.5 never was official), a number of dungeon devotees started to migrate to them, but version 3.4.3 is still very well known.

However, that explanation does not account for NotDNetHack, which is not so well known. Let alone for GnollHack, which is, besides, a recent arrival on the field and known only to a select minority of dungeon enthusiasts. GnollHack can be played off-line in classic or modern mode (permanent death or not), casual or serious commit (preserving older sessions or not), with seven levels of difficulty (damage inflicted to the hero or by the hero to monsters), but in Junethack it is assumed that all the 92 GnollHack participating games have been played in standard configuration. Then, it is difficult to think of what has made GnollHack so successful in the number of ascensions. I have myself played GnollHack a few times and I am playing it at present. It is interesting in the unique features that do not exist in any other variety, but it is not 'excessively' easy. My hero has died a few times already, and in the others I have made him exit the dungeon from first depth, with the remaining pets beside.

It may be that the exclusive features of GnollHack (including even music and speech sounds with the recorded voices of actors when playing off-line) make GnollHack singularly attractive, therefore its players pay more attention and make fewer mistakes. However, that is only a hypothesis. The true cause may be a different one, yet to be discovered.




A more readable presentation of the statistical table given above can be read at the GnollHack Forum:


Cssdixieland (talk) 02:34, 1 July 2023 (UTC)

Can I edit Template:Languages and Template:Languages/Lang ?

I want to use the new LinklessExists template in Languages/Lang. I don't anticipate changing Template:Languages but asking for that file too just in case.

Benefit: eliminates about 1400 redlinks from https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:WantedPages (out of about 5600 total).

Risk: might break the languages box if I do wrong. However, I'm good at rolling back, if needed.

Furey (talk) 02:23, 19 June 2024 (UTC)

Do it! If anything is broken, you can always revert. You might also be able to test it in preview before you break anything by using the template in itself in a <noinclude></noinclude> section. After you edit the template, go to a few pages that use it and purge the cache (append ?action=purge to the URL) to force the page to be immediately regenerated with the updated template, and check that it's not broken. Cathartes (talk) 02:00, 20 June 2024 (UTC)
Okay great! Gonna clear my plate and do this in about a day. Furey (talk) 03:35, 20 June 2024 (UTC)
First attempt failed. The language box came up blank. Reverted after six minutes. Gonna study harder and try again on another day. (Also I am timing these attempts when there are no active translator editors working.) Furey (talk) 16:08, 20 June 2024 (UTC)

Interwiki entry requests

Grouping all interwiki entry-related requests here for user and admin convenience.

To give further context: below is a series of interwiki links that were slated to be dealt with after the move to MediaWiki, but it fell to the wayside for more than a decade before another user decided to draw attention to the matter. Below is a series of lists meant to expedite the process and finish what was meant to be done back in 2011.

--Umbire the Phantom (talk) 12:26, 24 June 2024 (UTC) [Original Message: 06:53, 21 June 2024 (UTC)]

Alright, that's all the interwiki stuff addressed for the moment - I'll wait a month or so before moving forward in the event Furey decides to become active again. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 17:44, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
No response from him and it's Sept. 1 - moving forward as planned, doing another scan and then marking these as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 04:10, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'a'


I recently found 3 links in NetHackWiki:policy pointing to an ad farm for Vietnamese casinos and sports gambling. They were interwiki links, and the domain had transferred to a cybersquatter.

We have 581 interwiki entries. The table has been dormant since the move from Wikia (look at the log). We can safely delete a large number of these, preventing future problems.

Round 1. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'a', except for these 6:

  • a-levels, annotation, answers, anthropology, apple, architecture

These 6 are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[apple:" or "apple:" so I have to look at hits for "apple" and there are too many of them. So punt those for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
abbenormal http://www.ourpla.net/cgi-bin/pikie.cgi?$1 0 operational -
abitur http://abi_wiki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 "Not a valid community" -
abiwiki http://abi_wiki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 "Not a valid community" -
absurdopedia http://absurdopedia.net/wiki/$1 0 operational russian
academicjobs http://academicjobs.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
acadwiki http://xarch.tu-graz.ac.at/autocad/wiki/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
accountingwiki http://accounting.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
acronym http://www.acronymfinder.com/af-query.asp?String=exact&Acronym=$1 0 operational -
activeworlds http://activeworlds.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
activism http://activism.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
advogato http://www.advogato.org/$1 0 redirects to an archive.org capture from 2017 -
agohwiki http://agoh.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
aiwiki http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/ailab/aiwiki/aiw.cgi?$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
alaska http://Alaska.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
alife http://news.alife.org/wiki/index.php?$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
altereco http://altereco.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 "Not a valid community" -
althistory http://althistory.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
altscience http://altscience.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
amazone http://Amazone.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational portuguese
americanfederationofmusicians http://afm.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 "Not a valid community" -
ancientcoins http://ancientcoins.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
ancientworld http://AncientWorld.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational russian
andstuff http://andstuff.org/wiki.php?$1 0 redirects to a blog -
anime http://anime.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
annotationwiki http://www.seedwiki.com/page.cfm?wikiid=368&doc=$1 0 This domain is available for sale! -
aocfinland http://www.aocfinland.net/wiki/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
appropedia http://www.appropedia.org/$1 0 operational -
ar.hassa http://ar.Hassa.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
arbeitslos http://Arbeitslos.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational german
arcapedia http://www.sasoriza.us/a/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
archaeology http://archaeology.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
argentumonline http://ao2.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
armchair http://armchairgm.wikia.com/$1 0 operational -
armchairgm http://armchairgm.wikia.com/$1 0 operational -
armoriale http://armoriale.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
artemisfowl http://ArtemisFowl.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operatonal -
arxiv http://www.arxiv.org/abs/$1 0 lands on empty page -
asheron http://ac.wikkii.net/wiki/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
ashleesimpson http://ashleesimpson.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
asimov http://asimov.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
aspienetwiki http://aspie.mela.de/Wiki/index.php?title=$1 0 The requested URL was not found on this server. -
astronomy http://astronomy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
asylum http://Asylum.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
australiawiki http://australia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
avegost http://avegost.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -

Keep these for now

unsearchable means: "foo" gives too many hits to look through. i cannot search for "foo:" or "[[foo:"

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
a-levels http://a-levels.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable "There is currently no text in this page." -
annotation http://bayle.stanford.edu/crit/nph-med.cgi/$1 unsearchable DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
answers http://answers.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
anthropology http://Anthropology.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
apple http://techessentials.org/apple/$1 unsearchable Opaque site, definitely not a wiki -
architecture http://Architecture.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -

Furey (talk) 06:56, 19 June 2024 (UTC)

Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 02:49, 21 June 2024 (UTC)
Verified. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 02:59, 21 June 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'b'


Round 2. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'b', except for this 1:

  • box

These 1 is probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[box:" or "box:" so I have to look at hits for "box" and there are too many of them. So punt this for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Furey (talk) 12:14, 19 June 2024 (UTC)

Safe to delete (b)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
babylon5 http://babylon5.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
babysign http://BabySign.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
bahrain http://bahrain.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
baltimore http://baltimore.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
bangalore http://Bangalore.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
battlestarwiki http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
beijing http://beijing.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
bemi http://bemi.free.fr/vikio/index.php?$1 0 Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'bemi'@'' (using password: YES) in /mnt/105/sda/1/a/bemi/vikio/index.php on line 302 -
benefitswiki http://www.benefitslink.com/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi?$1 0 410 - Page No Longer Available -
berlin http://Berlin.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational german
bestpractices http://BestPractices.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
beyondvoting http://beyondvoting.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
bloggingwiki http://blogging.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
blogsome http://blogsome.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
boppard http://boppard.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
boston http://Boston.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
brasilwiki http://rio.ifi.unizh.ch/brasilienwiki/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
bridgeswiki http://c2.com/w2/bridges/$1 0 The requested URL was not found on this server. -
bswiki http://en.bswiki.com/index.php/$1 0 This domain is available for sale! -
bulbapedia http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/$1 0 operational -
businessowns http://business_owns.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
bydgoszcz http://bydgoszcz.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational polish

Keep these for now (b)

unsearchable means: "foo" gives too many hits to look through. i cannot search for "foo:" or "[[foo:".

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
box http://userboxes.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
Addressed - Bulbapedia is untouched per related discussions regarding Pokemon in the 'p' section. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 08:14, 12 July 2024 (UTC)
No response in more than 2 weeks - verified against the list and marking this as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 10:34, 3 August 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'c'


Round 3. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'c', except for these 9:

  • cache, cities, clubpenguin, cm, commons, community, consciousness, cpp, creatures

Most of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[cache:" or "cache:" so I have to look at hits for "cache" and there are too many of them. So punt these for now.

"clubpenguin" has an actual use: I found an article with a [[clubpenguin:xxx]] reference. So for now, leave it alone.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Furey (talk) 14:41, 19 June 2024 (UTC)

Safe to delete (c)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
c2find http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FindPage&value=$1 0 operational -
calgary http://calgary.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
camarilarequiem http://camarilarequiem.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
camcorder http://Camcorder.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
cancerhelp http://cancer.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
cantonese http://cantonese.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational chinese
castlemarrach http://Marrach.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
casualty http://casualty.shoutwiki.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
celebrity http://celebrity.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
cellphones http://cell.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
censorship http://censorship.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
charlesmunch http://charlesmunch.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
chdk http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
chej http://esperanto.blahus.cz/cxej/vikio/index.php/$1 0 The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. -
chw http://chw.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
ciscavate http://ciscavate.org/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
cliki http://ww.telent.net/cliki/$1 0 Page not found -
cmwiki http://www.ourpla.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 0 No page found -
codersbase http://www.codersbase.com/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
collegehockey http://chw.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
comedy http://comedy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
commdesign http://commdesign.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
computervision http://computervision.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
concordwiki http://Concord.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
conferencewiki http://conferences.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
conlang http://conlang.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
connectivity http://connectivity.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
conworld http://conworld.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
corpknowpedia http://corpknowpedia.org/wiki/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
craftedbycarol http://www.CraftedByCarol.com/wiki/$1 0 Not Found [CFN #0005] -
creationmatters http://www.ourpla.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 0 No page found -
cyclisme http://cyclisme.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -

Keep these for now (c)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
cache http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:$1 unsearchable operational -
cities http://cities.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
clubpenguin http://clubpenguinwiki.info/wiki/$1 1 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN we have a [[clubpenguin:xxx]] link!
cm http://cm.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
community http://community.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
consciousness http://teadvus.inspiral.org/ unsearchable DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN note the lack of $1
cpp http://cpp.wikia.com/ unsearchable operational note the lack of $1
creatures http://creatures.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 15:33, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
No response for all of August - verified against the list and marking as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 11:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'd'

Round 4. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'd', except for these 7:

  • delphi, dictionary, diy, dnd, documentation, doom, désencyclopédie

Most of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[delphi:" or "delphi:" so I have to look at hits for "delphi" and there are too many of them. So punt these for now.

"dnd" has 2 actual uses: articles with [[dnd:xxx]] references. So for now, leave it alone.

"désencyclopédie" has non-ASCII characters so I do not trust mediawiki search and interwiki prefix matching to work the same way.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Furey (talk) 17:45, 19 June 2024 (UTC)

Safe to delete (d)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
datamining http://datamining.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
datsun510 http://Datsun510.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
dc database http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
dcanimated http://dcanimated.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
dcdatabase http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
debatewiki http://debate.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
dejanews http://www.deja.com/=dnc/getdoc.xp?AN=$1 0 operational -
demokraatia http://wiki.demokraatia.ee/ 0 Best Text Blast Service note the lack of $1
desencyclopedie http://desencyclopedie.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
detroit http://detroit.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
deviousmud http://deviousmud.shoutwiki.com/wiki/$1 0 No such wiki -
dfw http://dfw.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
diablowiki http://diablo.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
discgolf http://discgolf.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
disinfopedia http://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
disney http://Disney.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
diveintoosx http://diveintoosx.org/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
dns http://dns.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
docbook http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/$1 0 operational -
doctorwho http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
doi http://dx.doi.org/$1 0 operational -
dolphinwiki http://www.object-arts.com/wiki/html/Dolphin/$1 0 ERR_TIMED_OUT -
doom_wiki http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
downsyndrome http://downsyndrome.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
dpl http://semeb.com/dpldemo/index.php?title=$1 0 410 Gone -
drumcorpswiki http://www.drumcorpswiki.com/index.php/$1 0 operational -
dvdlab http://dvdlab.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
dwjwiki http://www.suberic.net/cgi-bin/dwj/wiki.cgi?$1 0 operational -
dyslexia http://dyslexia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
dystopia http://dystopia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -

Keep these for now (d)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
delphi http://delphi.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
dictionary http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Database=*&Form=Dict1&Strategy=*&Query=$1 unsearchable operational -
diy http://diy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
dnd http://dandwiki.com/wiki/$1 2 operational we have 2 [[dnd:xxx]] links!
documentation http://documentation.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
doom http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
désencyclopédie http://desencyclopedie.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0? Not a valid community -
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 16:05, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
No response for all of August - verified against the list and marking as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 11:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'e'

Round 5. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'e', except for these 6:

  • ec^ei, ed, emacswiki, en.cpp, events, eĉei

Most of these exceptions are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[ed:" or "ed:" so I have to look at hits for "ed" and there are too many of them. So punt these for now.

"emacswiki" has 2 actual uses: articles with [[emacswiki:xxx]] references. So for now, leave it alone.

"eĉei" has non-ASCII characters so I do not trust mediawiki search and interwiki prefix matching to work the same way.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Furey (talk) 22:20, 19 June 2024 (UTC)

Safe to delete (e)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
eagleparty http://eagleparty.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
eaglesfans http://eaglesfans.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
eberron http://Eberron.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
ecei http://www.ikso.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 0 Not Found -
echei http://www.ikso.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 0 Not Found -
ecoreality http://www.EcoReality.org/wiki/$1 0 Under Construction -
ecovillage http://ecovillage.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
ecxei http://www.ikso.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 0 Not Found -
education http://education.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
efnetceewiki http://purl.net/wiki/c/$1 0 Page not found on this site. -
efnetcppwiki http://purl.net/wiki/cpp/$1 0 Page not found on this site. -
efnetpythonwiki http://purl.net/wiki/python/$1 0 Page not found on this site. -
efnetxmlwiki http://purl.net/wiki/xml/$1 0 An error has been encountered in accessing this page. -
efrat http://Efrat.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
eisenbahn http://eisenbahn.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational german
elderscrollscs http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/$1 0 This wiki is currently down for backend maintenance. -
elibre http://enciclopedia.us.es/index.php/$1 0 operational spanish
eljwiki http://elj.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php/$1 0 An error has been encountered in accessing this page. -
emailwiki http://Email.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
en.anime http://anime.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
en.hassa http://en.Hassa.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
en.linuxwikia http://en.Linux.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
en.linuxwikicity http://en.Linux.wikicities.com/wiki/$1 0 fandom.com (main page) -
en.miqra http://en.miqra.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
en.phpbb http://en.phpbb.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
en.tibia http://en.tibia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
en.townn-titles http://en.townn-titles.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
enciclopedialibre http://enciclopedia.us.es/index.php/$1 0 operational spanish
enmusic http://en.music.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
eokulturcentro http://esperanto.toulouse.free.fr/wakka.php?wiki=$1 0 blank page -
esclarion http://es.clarion.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
esperanto http://esperanto.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
essences http://Essences.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
everquest2 http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
evolutionarybusiness http://EvolutionaryBusiness.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
evowiki http://www.evowiki.org/index.php/$1 0 File not found. -
expressways http://expressways.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -

Keep these for now (e)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
ec^ei http://www.ikso.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 unsearchable Not Found special char in prefix
ed http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/$1 unsearchable DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
emacswiki http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 2 operational we have 2 [[emacswiki:xxx]] links!
en.cpp http://en.cpp.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
events http://Events.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
eĉei http://www.ikso.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 unsearchable Not Found special char in prefix
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 16:27, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
No response for all of August - verified against the list and marking as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 11:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'f'

Round 6. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'f', except for these 5:

  • fiction, fr.be, fr.org, freebsd, future

Most of these exceptions are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[fiction:" or "fiction:" so I have to look at hits for "fiction" and there are too many of them. So punt these for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Furey (talk) 12:03, 20 June 2024 (UTC)

Safe to delete (f)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
facialcleansingproducts http://facialcleansingproducts.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
fadingsuns http://FadingSuns.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
familyguy http://FamilyGuy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
fastribe http://fsatribe.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
featuregarden http://FeatureGarden.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
fet http://www.egnu.org/thelema/index.php/$1 0 Not Found -
feuilleton http://feuilleton.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
fi.marveldatabase http://fi.marveldatabase.com/$1 0 operational finnish
filmwiki http://film.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational german
finalempire http://final-empire.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 0 Could not create /home/groups/f/fi/final-empire/wiki: No such file or directory -
finalfantasy http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
fineart http://Fineart.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
firefly http://firefly.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
firstwiki http://firstwiki.org/index.php/$1 0 operational -
fisherymanagement http://fisherymanagement.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
flink http://flink.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational norwegian
foldoc http://foldoc.org/?$1 0 operational -
footy http://footy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
foundationgame http://foundation.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
foxwiki http://fox.wikis.com/wc.dll?Wiki~$1 0 The FoxPro Wiki is down, on purpose -
fr.miqra http://fr.miqra.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
freebasic http://FreeBASIC.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
freebsdman http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi?apropos=1&query=$1 0 operational -
fruawiki http://frua.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
fundraising http://Fundraising.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
furry http://furry.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -

Keep these for now (f)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
fiction http://fiction.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
fr.be http://fr.wikinations.be/$1 unsearchable operational -
fr.org http://fr.wikinations.org/$1 unsearchable DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
freebsd http://freebsd.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
future http://future.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
Addressed. I'm inclined to delete fr.be and fr.org, since neither of the URLs specified are operational anymore and give me a DNS error - I've found an alternative wiki for freebsd and updated accordingly. Separately, I'm also thinking we restore finalfantasy as an entry after you verify all of this: there is an independent wiki, but it's heavily lacking in info and the Wikia Fandom™ Wiki is much more complete, since it benefited from having a p. solid userbase in the times before the Wikia Fandom™ farm of wikis went bad. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 09:15, 14 July 2024 (UTC)
No response in more than 2 weeks - verified against the list and marking this as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 10:34, 3 August 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'g'

Round 7. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'g', except for these 6:

  • gameinfo, games, gentoo-wiki, google, grammar, gta

Most of these exceptions are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[games:" or "games:" so I have to look at hits for "games" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.

"gameinfo" and "gta" have known live uses. "gameinfo" is complicated and I am working on a task for that. So keep these for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (g)

Prefix URL Uses Site statu Comments
gamefaqs http://GameFAQs.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
gamemaker http://gamemaker.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
gamewiki http://gamewiki.org/wiki/index.php/$1 0 Connection timed out -
garoumush http://GarouMUSH.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
gausswiki http://gauss.ffii.org/$1 0 Not Found -
geck http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/$1 0 This wiki is currently down for backend maintenance. -
gej http://www.esperanto.de/cgi-bin/aktivikio/wiki.pl?$1 0 Server Error 404 Page Not Found -
genealogy http://genealogy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
gknowledge http://gknowledge.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
globalization http://globalization.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
globalvoices http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/dyn/globalvoices/wiki/$1 0 404 Page Cannot Be Found -
gmailwiki http://www.gmailwiki.com/index.php/$1 0 404 Not Found -
googlegroups http://groups.google.com/groups?q=$1 0 operational -
googlewiki http://google.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
gotamac http://www.got-a-mac.org/$1 0 operational swedish
granada http://granada.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
grapeswiki http://grapes.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
greencheese http://www.greencheese.org/$1 0 (sketchy site with a popup asking me to install a browser extension) -
grixml http://grixml.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
guilds http://guilds.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
guildwiki http://guildwars.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
gw2w http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
gww http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -

Keep these for now (g)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
gameinfo http://gameinfo.wikia.com/wiki/$1 several Not a valid community we have several [[gameinfo:xxx]] links!
games http://games.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
gentoo-wiki http://gentoo-wiki.com/$1 unsearchable 404 Not Found -
google http://www.google.com/search?q=$1 unsearchable operational how ironic
grammar http://grammar.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
gta http://www.grandtheftwiki.com/$1 1 operational we have 1 [[gta:xxx]] link!
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 09:20, 14 July 2024 (UTC)
No response in more than 2 weeks - verified against the list and marking this as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 10:34, 3 August 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'h'

Round 8. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'h', except for this 1:

  • homepage

This exception is probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[homepage:" or "homepage:" so I have to look at hits for "homepage" and there are too many of them. So keep this for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (h)

Prefix URL Uses Site statu Comments
hammondwiki http://www.dairiki.org/HammondWiki/$1 0 operational -
haribeau http://wiki.haribeau.de/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 0 Your server is running PHP version 5.6.40-nmm8 but WordPress 6.3.4 requires at least 7.0.0. -
he.miqra http://he.miqra.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
helpwiki http://help.wikia.com/wiki/Help:$1 0 This wiki has joined forces with another wiki on the Fandom network. The wiki has been archived and we ask that readers and editors move to the now combined wiki. -
hembygd http://Hembygd.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
heraldry http://Heraldry.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
herzkinderwiki http://www.herzkinderinfo.de/Mediawiki/index.php/$1 0 Charities where You Can Sponsor a Child -
hewikisource http://he.wikisource.org/wiki/$1 0 operational hebrew
highlandgames http://highlandgames.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
historywiki http://History.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
homeschooling http://homeschooling.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
hongkong http://hongkong.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
horrorfilms http://Horrormovies.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
hrwiki http://www.hrwiki.org/index.php/$1 0 operational -
htmlwiki http://HTML.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
hundewiki http://hunde.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational german
hypertexttheory http://Hypertext.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -

Keep this for now (h)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
homepage http://www.wikia.com/$1 unsearchable operational -
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 08:44, 12 July 2024 (UTC)
No response in more than 2 weeks - verified against the list and marking this as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 10:34, 3 August 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'i'

Round 9. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'i', except for these 3:

  • ib, india, inferno

Most of these exceptions are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[ib:" or "ib:" so I have to look at hits for "ib" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (i)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
iaudio http://iaudio.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
iawiki http://www.IAwiki.net/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
idokorea http://IdoKorea.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational korea
imdb http://us.imdb.com/Title?$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
incubator http://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
industrialengineering http://IndustrialEngineering.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
infosecpedia http://www.infosecpedia.org/pedia/index.php/$1 0 Connection timed out Error code 522 -
insurancewiki http://insurance.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
inteq http://inteq.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational portuguese
internationalbaccalaureate http://ib.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
internshipswiki http://internships.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
intuite http://intuite.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational french
inuyasha http://InuYasha.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
inventions http://inventions.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
investments http://investments.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
investwiki http://investwiki.ru/wiki/index.php?title=$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
ipodwiki http://ipod.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
issuepedia http://www.issuepedia.org/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
italia http://Italia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -

Keep these for now (i)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
ib http://ib.frath.net/w/$1 unsearchable operational -
india http://india.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
inferno http://inferno.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 09:21, 12 July 2024 (UTC)
No response in more than 2 weeks - verified against the list and marking this as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 10:34, 3 August 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete all interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'j'

Round 10. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'j'.

There are no exceptions.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (j)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
japanwiki http://japan.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
jargonfile http://sunir.org/apps/meta.pl?wiki=JargonFile&redirect=$1 0 Internal Server Error -
jefo http://www.esperanto-jeunes.org/vikio/index.php?$1 0 browser hang -
jerseycity http://jc.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
jiniwiki http://www.cdegroot.com/cgi-bin/jini?$1 0 404 Page not found -
joinme http://JoinMe.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
journalism http://journalism.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
jspwiki http://www.jspwiki.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
judaism http://Judaism.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
judgedredd http://JudgeDredd.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -

Keep nothing (j)

There are no interwiki entries to keep starting with lowercase 'j'.

Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 14:05, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
Verified. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 14:18, 24 June 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete all interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'k'

Round 11. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'k'.

There are no exceptions.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (k)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
kabbalah http://Kabbalah.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
keene http://keene.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
keiki http://kei.ki/en/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
kerala Not a valid community 0 Not a valid community -
kerimwiki http://wiki.oxus.net/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
kmwiki http://kmwiki.wikispaces.com/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
knowhow http://www2.iro.umontreal.ca/~paquetse/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi?$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
korea http://korea.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
kulturwiki http://feuilleton.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -

Keep nothing (k)

There are no interwiki entries to keep starting with lowercase 'k'.

Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 11:17, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
Verified. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 12:02, 23 June 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'l'

Round 12. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'l', except for these 2:

  • legal, logic

Most of these exceptions are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[legal:" or "legal:" so I have to look at hits for "legal" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (l)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
l5r http://l5r.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
laff http://laff.tixen.net/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
lambengolmor http://lambengolmor.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
lanifexwiki http://opt.lanifex.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?$1 0 (sketchy site with a popup asking me to install a browser extension) (specially deleted already.) use protection if you visit this url.
lasvegas http://lasvegas.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
lasvegaswiki http://wiki.gmnow.com/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
lawandorder http://LawandOrder.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
liberaltalk http://LiberalTalkRadio.com/$1 0 The domain name liberaltalkradio.com is for sale! -
libertarian http://libertarian.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
libraries http://libraries.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
linuxstudiowiki http://linuxstudio.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
linuxwiki http://linuxwiki.de/$1 0 operational german
linuxwikia http://Linux.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
linuxwikicity http://Linux.wikicities.com/wiki/$1 0 main page of fandom.com -
litcrit http://litcrit.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
lojban http://www.lojban.org/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=$1 0 operational -
lomac http://lomac.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
losangeles http://losangeles.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
lostsoulswiki http://lostsouls.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
lotr http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
lqwiki http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
lucid http://Lucid.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
lug http://lug.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
lugkr http://lug-kr.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/lugwiki.pl?$1 0 Could not create /home/groups/l/lu/lug-kr/wiki: No such file or directory -
luxembourg http://luxembourg.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
lyricwiki http://lyrics.wikia.com/$1 0 Not a valid community -

Keep these for now (l)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
legal http://legal.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
logic http://logic.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
Addressed, with a note that I plan to re-establish the lotr entry using Tolkien Gateway as an alternative to Wikia Fandom™, and add a new entry "lspace" for the Discworld & Terry Pratchett wiki as well. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 09:43, 14 July 2024 (UTC)
No response in more than 2 weeks - verified against the list and marking this as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 10:34, 3 August 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete many interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'm'

Round 13. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'm', except for these 17:

  • m, mac, mail, manual, matrix, me, meatball, mediawikiwiki, mediazilla, medicine, memoryalpha, metawiki, metawikimedia, metawikipedia, military, money, mw

Many of these exceptions are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[m:" or "m:" so I have to look at hits for "m" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (m)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
manga http://en.manga.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
mariowiki http://www.mariowiki.com/$1 0 operational -
marvel database http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
marveldatabase http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
mathsongswiki http://SeedWiki.com/page.cfm?wikiid=237&doc=$1 0 seedwiki.com This domain is available for sale! -
metareciclagem http://www.metareciclagem.com.br/wiki/index.php/$1 0 Error establishing a database connection -
metaweb http://www.metaweb.com/wiki/wiki.phtml?title=$1 0 404. That’s an error. -
metodolcient http://metodolcient.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
mexique http://mexique.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
minneapolis http://minneapolis.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
miqra http://miqra.wikia.com/ 0 Not a valid community note the lack of $1
mittelalter http://Mittelalter.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational german
moinmoin http://purl.net/wiki/moin/$1 0 operational -
morrowind http://morrowind.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
motorsport http://motorsport.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
mozcom http://mozilla.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
mozillawiki http://wiki.mozilla.org/index.php/$1 0 operational -
mozillazinekb http://kb.mozillazine.org/$1 0 operational -
moztwwiki http://wiki.moztw.org/index.php/$1 0 operational chinese
mozwiki http://mozwiki.moznetwork.org/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
musicplayerdaemon http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
muweb http://www.dunstable.com/scripts/MuWebWeb?$1 0 dunstable.com This domain is available for sale! -

Keep these for now (m)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
m http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
mac http://mac.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
mail http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/$1 unsearchable Not Found -
manual http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$1 unsearchable operational -
matrix http://matrix.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
me http://me.wikicities.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable main page of fandom.com -
meatball https://www.usemod.org/cgi-bin/mb.pl?$1 unsearchable, 4+ known uses operational we have 4+ [[meatball:xxx]] links!
mediawikiwiki http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/$1 7 operational we have 7+ [[mediawikiwiki:xxx]] links!
mediazilla https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/$1 2 operational we have 2 [[mediazilla:xxx]] links!
medicine http://medicine.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
memoryalpha http://www.memory-alpha.org/en/index.php/$1 1 ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED we have 1 [[memoryalpha:xxx]] link!
metawiki http://sunir.org/apps/meta.pl?$1 1 Internal Server Error we have 1 [[metawiki:xxx]] link!
metawikimedia http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 4 operational we have 4 [[metawikimedia:xxx]] links!
metawikipedia http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 5 operational we have 5 [[metawikipedia:xxx]] links!
military http://military.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
money http://money.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
mw http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/$1 unsearchable, 5+ known uses operational we have 5+ [[mw:xxx]] links!
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 17:30, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
No response for all of August - verified against the list and marking as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 11:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete all interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'n'

Round 14. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'n'.

There are no exceptions.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (n)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
nagasaki http://Nagasaki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
nashville http://nashville.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
nationalparks http://nationalparks.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
neopets http://guilds.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
netvillage http://www.netbros.com/?$1 0 ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR -
networking http://networking.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
neverend http://Neverend.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
neworleans http://neworleans.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
newyork http://newyork.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
nickelodeon http://Nickelodeon.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
nintendo http://nintendo.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
nl.phpbb http://nl.phpbb.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
nn.miqra http://nn.miqra.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
novelas http://novelas.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
novellas http://novelas.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
nswiki http://www.nswiki.net/index.php?title=$1 0 Buy this domain -

Keep nothing (n)

There are no interwiki entries to keep starting with lowercase 'n'.

Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 13:58, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
Verified. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 14:13, 24 June 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'o'

Round 15. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'o', except for this 1:

  • oracle

This exception is probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[oracle:" or "oracle:" so I have to look at hits for "oracle" and there are too many of them. So keep this for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (o)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
oeis http://www.research.att.com/cgi-bin/access.cgi/as/njas/sequences/eisA.cgi?Anum=$1 0 Page Not Found -
olpc http://wiki.laptop.org/go/$1 0 operational -
onderwijs http://onderwijs.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational dutch
openfacts http://openfacts.berlios.de/index.phtml?title=$1 0 Internal Server Error -
openwiki http://openwiki.com/?$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
opera7wiki http://nontroppo.org/wiki/$1 0 (sketchy site with a popup asking me to install a browser extension) (expedited deletion requested) use protection if you visit this site.
operabrowser http://Operabrowser.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
orgpatterns http://www.bell-labs.com/cgi-user/OrgPatterns/OrgPatterns?$1 0 404 Page not found -
orsonwelles http://welles.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
osi reference model http://wiki.tigma.ee/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
owiki http://owiki.de/index.php?title=$1 0 german

Keep this for now (o)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
oracle http://oracle.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 03:36, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
Reviewed. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 03:46, 8 July 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'p'

Round 16. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'p', except for these 5:

  • pc, peace, php, pokemon, pokémon

Most of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[pc:" or "pc:" so I have to look at hits for "pc" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.

"pokémon" has non-ASCII characters so I do not trust mediawiki search and interwiki prefix matching to work the same way.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (p)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
pagan http://pagan.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
pakistan http://pakistan.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
palkbay http://palkbay.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
pangalacticorg http://www.pangalactic.org/Wiki/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
panzer_general http://pg2.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
parenting http://parenting.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
patwiki http://gauss.ffii.org/$1 0 operational -
pdamaps http://pdamaps.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
pearpc http://pearpc.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
peize http://peize.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational dutch
personals http://personals.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
personaltelco http://www.personaltelco.net/index.cgi/$1 0 operational -
peteashdown http://vote.peteashdown.org/wiki/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
pg2 http://pg2.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
philadelphiawiki http://philadelphia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
philippines http://philippines.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
phpbb http://phpbb.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
phpwiki http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php?$1 0 An error has been encountered in accessing this page. -
piki http://pikminwiki.com/$1 0 operational -
pikie http://pikie.darktech.org/cgi/pikie?$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
pikifan http://fanon.pikminwiki.com/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
pl.cpp http://pl.cpp.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational polish
plotwiki http://www.gaiacast.com/wiki/index.php/$1 0 404 -
pmeg http://www.bertilow.com/pmeg/$1.php 0 operational esperanto
pmid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/$1?dopt=Abstract 0 operational -
pmwiki http://wiki.porplemontage.com/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
pnw http://pnw.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
pnwcommunity http://pnw.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
poetrywiki http://poetry.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
poewiki http://poewiki.org/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
poker http://poker.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
polaqu http://polaqu.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
powerrangers http://PowerRangers.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
ppr http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?$1 0 operational -
protoscience http://Protoscience.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
prowrestling http://ProWrestling.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
psychographic http://Psychographic.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
pt.linuxwikia http://pt.Linux.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
pt.linuxwikicity http://pt.Linux.wikicities.com/wiki/$1 0 main page of fandom.com -
pt.tibia http://pt.tibia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational portuguese
purlnet http://purl.oclc.org/NET/$1 0 operational -
pythoninfo http://wiki.python.org/moin/$1 0 operational -
pythonwiki http://www.pythonwiki.de/$1 0 NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
pywiki http://www.voght.com/cgi-bin/pywiki?$1 0 Not Found -

Keep these for now (p)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
pc http://pc.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
peace http://peace.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
php http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.$1.php unsearchable, 1+ known uses operational we have 1+ [[php:xxx]] links!
pokemon http://pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
pokémon http://pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational special char in prefix
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 07:35, 9 July 2024 (UTC)
Reviewed. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 00:26, 10 July 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'q'

Round 17. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'q', except for this 1:

  • query

This is probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[query:" or "query:" so I have to look at hits for "query" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (q)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
quitsmoking http://quitsmoking.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
quiz http://quiz.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -

Keep this for now (q)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
query http://re.search.wikia.com/search.html#$1 unsearchable NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID -
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 12:51, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
Verified. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 12:55, 24 June 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'r'

Round 18. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'r', except for these 4:

  • religion, religion-wiki, reviews, roguebasin

Most of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[religion:" or "religion:" so I have to look at hits for "religion" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (r)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
radioscanning http://radioscanning.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
raec http://www.raec.clacso.edu.ar:8080/raec/Members/raecpedia/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
realestate http://realestate.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
reallifesoap http://rls.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
republiconline http://RepublicOnline.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
revo http://purl.org/NET/voko/revo/art/$1.html 0 operational esperanto
rfc https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc$1 0 operational -
roadcycling http://RoadCycling.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
robotbattle http://RobotBattle.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
rollercoastertycoon http://rct.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
romhack http://romhack.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
royalisme http://Royalisme.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
rpg http://rpg.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
ru.townn-titles http://ru.townn-titles.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational russian
runescape http://RuneScape.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
russianworld http://russianworld.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -

Keep these for now (r)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
religion http://religion-wiki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
religion-wiki http://religion-wiki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
reviews http://reviews.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
roguebasin https://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=$1 unsearchable, 10+ known uses operational we have 10+ [[roguebasin:xxx]] links!
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 17:30, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
No response for all of August - verified against the list and marking as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 11:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 's'

Round 19. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 's', except for these 6:

  • s, search, seeds, software, startup, students

Most of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[search:" or "search:" so I have to look at hits for "search" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.

"s" has at least one use.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (s)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
s23wiki http://is-root.de/wiki/index.php/$1 0 Buy this domain. -
sageswiki http://sages.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
sagewiki http://sage.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
salmesykkel http://salmesykkel.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
samplitude http://Samplitude.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
sandiego http://sandiego.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
sanfranciscowiki http://sanfrancisco.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
sca21 http://sca21.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
schoolcomputing http://SchoolComputing.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
schools http://schools.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
scoop http://scoop.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
scouting http://scouting.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
scoutpedia http://www.scoutpedia.info/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
scratchpad http://scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
scriptingwiki http://scripting.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
seapig http://www.seapig.org/$1 0 Save Money on Shared or Dedicated Hosting -
seattlewiki http://seattle.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
seattlewireless http://seattlewireless.net/?$1 0 404. That’s an error. -
seldonshand http://seldonhand.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
semweb http://semweb.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
senseislibrary http://senseis.xmp.net/?$1 0 operational -
sgcommand http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
sgwireless http://sgwireless.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
shakti http://cgi.algonet.se/htbin/cgiwrap/pgd/ShaktiWiki/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
shoppingwiki http://shopping.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
simpsons http://simpsons.shoutwiki.com/wiki/$1 0 No such wiki -
sims http://sims.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
sitelibrary http://libraries.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
skypeme skype:$1?chat 0 (url not tested) -
slashdot http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=$1 0 operational -
slektami http://slektami.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
smarteam http://cm.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
smikipedia http://www.smikipedia.org/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
smw http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
socialism http://socialism.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
sockwiki http://wiki.socklabs.com/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
solarconquest http://SolarConquest.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
sosdancn http://wiki.sosdancn.org/index.php?title=$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/$1 0 operational -
sourcewatch http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=$1 0 operational -
spankart http://spankingartwiki.animeotk.com/wiki/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
sport http://armchairgm.wikia.com/$1 0 operational -
sports http://armchairgm.wikia.com/$1 0 operational -
squeak http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/$1 0 operational -
srpstvo http://Srpstvo.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
ssb http://www.ssbwiki.com/$1 0 operational -
stargate http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
startrekwiki http://startrek.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
starwars http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 fully operational -
storypedia http://Storypedia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
stpete http://stpete.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
strategywiki http://strategywiki.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
strikiwiki http://ch.twi.tudelft.nl/~mostert/striki/teststriki.pl?$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
suceavacounty http://Suceava.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
suisse http://suisse.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
sunrisesunset http://sunrisesunset.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
superstar http://superstar.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational czech
susning http://www.susning.nu/$1 0 ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED -
svgwiki http://wiki.svg.org/$1 0 Not Found -
svtwiki http://SVT.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
swtrain http://train.spottingworld.com/$1 0 operational -

Keep these for now (s)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
s http://www.shoutwiki.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable, 1+ known uses operational we have 1+ [[s:xxx]] links!
search http://search.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
seeds http://www.IslandSeeds.org/wiki/$1 unsearchable DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
software http://software.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
startup http://startup.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
students http://students.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
Addressed - calling audible and keeping starwars since we have the entire Jedi patch and its contents. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 17:42, 6 August 2024 (UTC)

No response for all of August - verified against the list and marking as resolved. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 11:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 't'

Round 20. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 't', except for these 3:

  • town-titles, townn-titles, translation

Most of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[translation:" or "translation:" so I have to look at hits for "translation" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.

"town-titles" and "townn-titles" have special characters so I do not trust mediawiki search and interwiki prefix matching to work the same way.

"tvtropes" was special. I found 4 uses of [[tvtropes:xxx]]. However, 2 of them did not work, because tvtropes re-organized their articles; and were not fixable, because our interwiki link points to the Main section of tvtropes and they moved their article on NetHack to the VideoGame section. And then I saw that our article on tvtropes had obsolete information, so I updated that article, added references, and so on. At the end of my editing session, there were 0 uses of [[tvtropes:xxx]], so you can delete the interwiki link now. tvtropes certainly has a way of engaging people for longer than they planned.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (t)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
tablature http://tablature.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
talisman http://talismanonlinewiki.com/wiki/$1 0 Top Live Casino already done, expedited deletion
tardis http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
tavi http://tavi.sourceforge.net/$1 0 An error has been encountered in accessing this page. -
techcompare http://TechCompare.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
tejo http://www.tejo.org/vikio/$1 0 operational esperanto
terrorwiki http://www.liberalsagainstterrorism.com/wiki/index.php/$1 0 How To Grow Your Small Business Into a Large Business -
tesoltaiwan http://www.tesol-taiwan.org/wiki/index.php/$1 0 no wiki, redirects to its main page -
thelemapedia http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/$1 0 operational -
theopedia http://www.theopedia.com/$1 0 Not found -
theowiki http://www.theowiki.com/index.php/$1 0 ERR_CONNECTION_RESET -
thinkwiki http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
tianjin http://Tianjin.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
tmbw http://www.tmbw.net/wiki/$1 0 operational -
tmnet http://www.technomanifestos.net/?$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
tmwiki http://www.EasyTopicMaps.com/?page=$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
toronto http://toronto.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
tourism http://tourism.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
trains http://trains.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
transformers http://tfwiki.net/wiki/$1 0 operational -
transhumanism http://transhumanism.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
tricities http://huntricitiesde.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
turismo http://www.tejo.org/turismo/$1 0 operational esperanto
turriwiki http://wiki.finfur.net/index.php/$1 0 Fatal exception of type MWException -
tvtropes http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/$1 0 operational our interwiki link points to Main and their NetHack article is no longer in Main, so we no longer use any tvtropes:xxx interwiki links
twiki http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/$1 0 operational -
twistedwiki http://purl.net/wiki/twisted/$1 0 404 Page not found on this site. -

Keep these for now (t)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
town-titles http://townn-titles.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational russian
townn-titles http://townn-titles.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational russian
translation http://translation.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 03:07, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
What about: tricities, turismo, turrikwiki, tvtropes, twiki, twistedwiki? Furey (talk) 03:17, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
...bleah, I tunnel-visioned on everything above the "keep" entries - should be good now. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 03:34, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
Reviewed. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 04:19, 8 July 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'u'

Round 21. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'u', except for this 1:

  • university

This is probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[university:" or "university:" so I have to look at hits for "university" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (u)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
uea http://www.tejo.org/uea/$1 0 operational esperanto
ufology http://ufology.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
ukrailways http://ukrailways.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
ukroads http://ukroads.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
uncyclopedia http://www.uncyclopedia.org/wiki/$1 0 File not found (404 error) uncyclopedia moved. I changed all 1 uses of [[uncyclopedia:xxx]] to use direct https to current location.
universitywikinodewiki http://universitywikinodewiki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
unreal http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
ursine http://ursine.ca/$1 0 Not Found -
usej http://www.tejo.org/usej/$1 0 operational esperanto
utopia http://Utopia.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -

Keep this for now (u)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
university http://universitywikinodewiki.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
Addressed with the exception of Uncyclopedia - perhaps we could put that to use since it's mentioned in relation to the game's introduction if I recall correctly (doing an ASCII rendition of the character discovering the dungeon). --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 03:05, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
Fine to give Uncyclopedia a pass for now.
How about "utopia" though? Furey (talk) 03:12, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
Oh, I just flat out missed that one, resolved it now - I'm tempted to think we can ditch "university" as well, since the results from just searching the word doesn't go beyond a single page, but I'm fine tabling that until the other letters are dealt with. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 03:16, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
Reviewed. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 03:20, 8 July 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete all interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'v'

Round 22. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'v'.

There are no exceptions.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (v)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
vancouver http://vancouver.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
vanishedlibrary http://VanishedLibrary.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
vegas http://lasvegas.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
villagearts http://www.Village-Arts.org/wiki/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
vinismo http://vinismo.com/en/$1 0 ERR_TIMED_OUT -
virtualpets http://VirtualPets.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
virus http://virus.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
visualworks http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/VisualWorks/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
vlaamseklantenbrussel http://vlaamseklantenbrussel.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational dutch
voterice http://voterice.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -

Keep nothing (v)

There are no interwiki entries to keep starting with lowercase 'v'.

Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 16:16, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
Still need to delete: vancouver, vanishedlibrary Furey (talk) 19:54, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
Thought I'd gotten them with the rest - cleared out now. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 20:07, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
Verified. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 20:10, 28 June 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete most interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'w'

Round 23. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'w', except for these 12:

  • w, why, wiki, wikia, wikibooks, wikicities, wikimedia, wikinfo, wikipedia, wikt, wiktionary, worlds

Some of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[w:" or "w:" so I have to look at hits for "w" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (w)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
w:c:academicjobs http://academicjobs.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
w:c:wowwiki http://www.wowwiki.com/$1 0 operational -
warpedview http://www.warpedview.com/mediawiki/index.php/$1 0 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN -
warzone2100 http://warzone2100.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
webdevwikinl http://www.promo-it.nl/WebDevWiki/index.php?page=$1 0 De website die u probeert te vinden is niet bereikbaar dutch
webisodes http://www.webisodes.org/$1 0 HTTP Status: 404 (not found) -
webseitzwiki http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
westport http://Westport.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
whitewolf http://whiteWolf.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
wikiablog http://blogs.wikia.com/$1 0 operational -
wikiaentertainment http://entertainment.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
wikiagaming http://gaming.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
wikiahelp http://help.wikia.com/wiki/Help:$1 0 operational -
wikianswers http://answers.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
wikible http://www.wikible.org/en/$1 0 (sketchy site with a popup asking me to install a browser extension) (expedited deletion requested) use protection if you visit this site.
wikicomedy http://comedy.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
wikif1 http://www.wikif1.org/$1 0 ERR_TIMED_OUT -
wikifur http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
wikihelp http://help.wikia.com/wiki/Help:$1 0 operational -
wikihow http://www.wikihow.com/$1 0 operational -
wikiindex http://wikiindex.com/$1 0 504 Gateway Time-out -
wikimac http://mac.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
wikimon http://wikimon.net/$1 0 operational -
wikimoon http://wikimoon.org/index.php?title=$1 0 operational -
wikinews http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
wikiquote http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
wikirps http://www.wikirps.org/wiki/$1 0 Page Not Found -
wikiscum http://scum.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational -
wikisource http://wikisource.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
wikispecies http://species.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
wikitravel http://wikitravel.org/en/$1 0 operational -
wikiversity http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/$1 0 operational -
wikivoyage http://www.wikivoyage.org/general/$1 0 operational -
wikiworld http://WikiWorld.com/wiki/index.php/$1 0 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'Namespace' (T_NAMESPACE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in /var/www/vhosts/wikiworld.com/httpdocs/wiki/includes/Namespace.php on line 46 -
windsurfing http://windsurfing.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
wlp http://wlp.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
wlug http://www.wlug.org.nz/$1 0 operational -
wnc http://wnc.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
worldcitizen http://worldcitizen.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
wowwiki http://www.wowwiki.com/$1 0 operational -

Keep these for now (w)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
w http://community.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable, 6+ known uses operational we have 6+ [[w:xxx]] links!
why http://clublet.com/c/c/why?$1 unsearchable (domain for sale) -
wiki http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?$1 unsearchable operational -
wikia http://www.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable main page of fandom.com -
wikibooks http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/$1 3 operational we have 3 [[wikibooks:xxx]] links!
wikicities http://www.wikia.com/wiki/$1 1 main page of fandom.com we have 1 [[wikicities:xxx]] links!
wikimedia http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
wikinfo http://www.wikinfo.org/index.php/$1 2 wikinfo exists but rearranged site we have 2 [[wikinfo:xxx]] links!
wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$1 unsearchable, many operational we have many [[wikipedia:xxx]] links!
wikt http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/$1 1 operational we have 1 [[wikt:xxx]] links!
wiktionary http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/$1 3 operational we have 3 [[wiktionary:xxx]] links!
worlds http://worlds.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable Not a valid community -
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 21:18, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
Verified. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 21:27, 29 June 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete many interwiki entries starting with lowercase 'x', 'y', or 'z'

Round 24. I would like to request that an admin delete all interwiki entries starting with 'x', 'y', or 'z', except for these 5:

  • x-files, zh.anime, zh.mac, zh.wikimac, zzz wiki

These 5 prefixes have special characters so I do not trust mediawiki search and interwiki prefix matching to work the same way.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (x), (y), and (z)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
xao http://XAO.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
ypsieyeball http://sknkwrks.dyndns.org:1957/writewiki/wiki.pl?$1 0 ERR_TIMED_OUT -
zeldapendium http://www.zeldapendium.de/wiki/$1 0 operational german
zeldawiki http://zeldawiki.org/$1 0 operational -
zemirot http://zemirotdatabase.org/view_song.php?title=$1 0 operational -
zhmusic http://zh.music.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 operational chinese
zwiki http://zwiki.org/$1 0 zwiki.org link broken #6 -

Keep these for now (x), (y), and (z)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
x-files http://x-files.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational -
zh.anime http://zh.anime.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational chinese
zh.mac http://zh.mac.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational chinese
zh.wikimac http://zh.mac.wikia.com/wiki/$1 unsearchable operational chinese
zzz wiki http://wiki.zzz.ee/index.php/$1 unsearchable ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED -
In regards to specifically Zeldawiki, I think that one is likely to be worth keeping because we do have at least a few Zelda-inspired monsters, possibly among other stuff (see garo, which also need a presentability pass but there you go). The rest of the "delete" table can go without contest. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 16:15, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
I am fine with keeping Zeldawiki and others at your discretion. Just make notes like the above, delete the others, mark issue resolved. Furey (talk) 18:03, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
Regarding Zeldawiki, the current interwiki link (zeldawiki.org) goes to the Fandom wiki. I think it might be better to link to the independent wiki, which is at https://zeldawiki.wiki/wiki/Main_Page. From what I recall, I think it's the same wiki team, who moved away from Fandom? --ScienceBall (talk) 11:05, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
Correct. My idea was to maintain links to independent non-Wikia Fandom™ wikis and edit or establish relevant interwiki entries accordingly while deleting the other unused ones - so far ZeldaWiki and Bulbapedia come to mind as "obvious" candidates. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 11:13, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
Addressed pending a judgment on zeldapendium - it's a German wiki on The Legend of Zelda that's distinct from ZeldaWiki but still part of the NIWA (independent alliance of Nintendo wikis), so I'm trying to figure out what that's about - the rest's been dealt with. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 21:19, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
For the purposes of Phase 1, just keep zeldapendium. If it gets deleted or changed 5 minutes after this issue is resolved that's up to not-me.
Verified. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 21:24, 29 June 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Request for an admin to delete many interwiki entries starting with other first characters

Round 25. This is the final round.

I would like to request that an admin delete many interwiki entries starting with other first characters except for these 2:

  • Cache, Wikihack

Some of these are probably not used, but https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Special:Search does not let me search for "[[Cache:" or "Cache:" so I have to look at hits for "Cache" and there are too many of them. So keep these for now.

Q: what if we delete an entry someone is using?

A: the link will show up in https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages&limit=5000&offset=0 . Just look for Furey:xyzzy and see how it got into the table. Basically, an interwiki reference without a table entry becomes a redlink and goes into WantedPages.

Safe to delete (other first character)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
3dgame http://3dgame.wikia.com/wiki/$1 0 Not a valid community -
AwarenessWiki http://taoriver.net/aware/$1 0 ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE -
Legowiki http://www.object-arts.com/wiki/html/Lego-Robotics/$1 0 ERR_TIMED_OUT -

Keep these for now (other first character)

Prefix URL Uses Site status Comments
Cache http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:$1 unsearchable operational -
Wikihack http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/NetHackWiki:$1 unsearchable, 2+ known uses operational we have 2+ [[Wikihack:xxx]] links!
Addressed. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 21:21, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
Verified. Looks good to me. Furey (talk) 21:22, 29 June 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

"Disallow empty edit summary" abuse filter

I think it is generally useful to encourage users to use edit summaries, because it helps people looking at page history determine what was done and why. We have Special:AbuseFilter/9, which disallows empty edit summaries except on users' own pages. However, this edit filter might hinder new users trying to ask questions. I propose that it should not trigger on talk namespaces, along with the Forum namespace, because users who are just trying to ask questions often make their first edits there. Edits on these pages are obviously discussion, and having to add "reply" in the edit summary after a section name seems redundant.

I think this could be implemented by adding a condition & !(((page_namespace % 2) == 1) | (page_namespace == 110)) to the edit filter (though somebody else should review this for correctness). All talk namespaces are odd-numbered, and 110 is the Forum namespace.

This page, as a discussion page that is not in a talk namespace, would not be exempt after the proposed change, but it is mostly used by experienced editors. It could still be added as a special case though (maybe using page_title == "Community Portal"?). Cathartes (talk) 04:10, 23 June 2024 (UTC)

Seconding this with mod hat off (the filter is not something I had a hand in and have no experience with editing). --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 04:12, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
I vote yes, on this or any variation of the design that Cathartes wants to do. Furey (talk) 04:26, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
I personally have thought of just turning that damn filter to warn, rather than disallow, though I can see the argument that even a warning might discourage newer users. IMO a simpler version of what Cathartes wants to do would be to only apply the filter to places where it's needed, rather than try to carve out a list of exceptions. Offhand, I don't think we need that filter anywhere but the main namespace and maybe places like Template and Source. -Ion frigate (talk) 06:56, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
Enabling it only in the main namespace and Template sounds good to me. I think using warn instead of disallow is also acceptable since I think some new/infrequent editors can't figure out why their edits are disallowed before giving up. Cathartes (talk) 00:07, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
Okay, I did both - set it to trigger only in main, Template, Source, and Category, and set it to warn. If we get too many mainspace edits without summaries, we might want to put it back to disallow, but let's try the more permissive version for now. -Ion frigate (talk) 10:13, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
I think this should work out, though if it does come to that I might consider having a disallow after enough warnings in a given span of time, if at all possible - I doubt it'll be as much of a solve as needed at that juncture but it's a line of thought worth considering imo (if it's even possible with the filter). --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 10:15, 24 June 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.

Regarding source references and hosting source code

Retyped from scratch because I managed to Thanos several hundred tabs...

So a discussion about how to format source references prompted me to ponder about the current state of the wiki with regards to handling sources in general: Much of the structures set in place a decade or so back were created with the assumption that the latest stable version would be 3.4.3 for the foreseeable future, which is very evidently not the case, and the source reference templates are just one among many. While most of the current active editing base - which, it bears mentioning, is much different from that of the aforementioned era - is generally diligent about specifying versions when writing source references, it's clear that some level of overhaul is overdue, both in regard to how they are written and structured on a base and across the board with how the wiki is set up to work. With 3.7 to be released at some unknown point in the future, I think it's best we get ahead of that now, especially when we're still several versions behind on both uploading and annotating, and in general have many sorely out-of-date articles for vanilla NetHack (to say nothing of the variant workload).

Far as formatting references to source code, I think "formalizing" reference styles like {{refsrc|src/allmain.c|123|nethack=3.4.3}}{{refsrc|src/allmain.c|123|nethack=3.6.7}} and [[Source:Version/folder/file]] (not exactly those styles, but the general patterns displayed) may be a good start. In terms of specifically the source code hosted here, we also need to finish out the source listing for previous versions deal with the mixed syntax highlight problem: the feature is a small extension intended to automatically hilite source lines with GeSHi, but the feature does not seem to work on current MediaWiki software. Interestingly, as some edits I've made here and there seem to indicate, removing the magic word this was intended to work with makes linking to specific lines on source code articles functional. With that in mind, I feel like it might be a good idea to remove that from all the surce code articles in question, but it's absolutely worth discussing how to most constructively handle all of the above and more here, as well as perhaps on the Style Guide talk page. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 10:17, 23 June 2024 (UTC)

My view, in one sentence: Every reference to source code must explicitly specify a version number.
Lots more here: User:Furey/References to source code
I've been fixing markup in the Source:NetHack 3.4.3 articles. They have a lot of references to [[foo.h]] and [[foo.c]] articles, and those basename articles quietly changed from 3.4.3 to 3.6.1 in December 2015, and that is completely wrong for 3.4.3 documentation.
Each time I commit an article in Source:NetHack 3.4.3, nearly every article gets added to https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Category:Pages_with_syntax_highlighting_errors. It's as if something in the GeSHi processing just chokes on nearly every article.
Not only does the syntax highlighting fail, but we lost line number anchors as well. I would really like those line number anchors, more than I would like syntax highlighting, if I had to choose between them.
https://web.archive.org/web/20140403230634/https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.4.3/src/allmain.c shows that syntax highlighting did work in 2014. https://web.archive.org/web/20220810194631/https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.4.3/src/allmain.c shows no syntax highlighting in 2022. https://nethackwiki.com/index.php?title=Source:NetHack_3.4.3/src/allmain.c&action=history shows the last change was in 2013. So it was something in the GeSHi processing that changed, not something in the article.
It would be good for Paxed to look into this, very interested in their knowledge and opinion.
Furey (talk) 11:14, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
Edited to add: I spent more time on https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.4.3/*
https://web.archive.org/web/20181003031605/http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.4.3/src/engrave.c is the latest capture with syntax coloring
https://web.archive.org/web/20190407192043/https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.4.3/src/spell.c is the earlist capture without syntax coloring
so something changed between october 3, 2018 and april 7, 2019.
Furey (talk) 11:56, 23 June 2024 (UTC)

Proposal to eliminate bare filename redirectors such as [[Dungeon.h]] , [[attrib.c]], and [[Arch.des]]

These redirectors are leftovers from an earlier age where we had only one source version, 3.4.3. (And even then, we had more than one source version, because we had variant sources such as SLASH'EM).

These files, by their nature, must redirect to only one version of NetHack: either 3.4.3 or 3.6.1. For many callers, the redirection goes to the wrong file. Right now, I'm fixing all the callers that produce actual wrong results, changing the caller to get right results.

After that, there will be a few callers left where the redirector happens to give them the nethack version they want. I propose to change those too, so that the caller specifies the nethack version the caller wants, not leaving it to chance. Experience since the importation of 3.6.0 shows the current approach produces an epic number of incorrect references. And it will get worse the day 3.7.0 releases.

And then I propose deleting all the redirectors with names like [[Dungeon.h]] and [[attrib.c].

The modern way to write a source reference is with refsrc, including a nethack=3.4.3 or nethack=3.6.7 parameter. You can also write refsrc with ref=no parameter to generate an inline link.

For now, there are some such as [[Monst.c]] that I may have to punt on. But I will get as much as I can.

This is a piece of a larger discussion on NetHackWiki talk:Style guide#Futureproofing_and_source_references. I am making this small proposal standalone to get started.

Thoughts and votes? Furey (talk) 21:28, 23 June 2024 (UTC)

I definitely agree those should be removed from source references, but I propose that rather than be deleted, they be made into (short) articles describing what the file in question actually does. I'm not talking a full explication/annotation, just short little blurbs like "monst.c is the file that lists every monster along with common properties such as level, AC, and attacks" or "mon.c is a file that defines many monster behaviors, such as what items they will eat or what they will drop upon death". Basically, I think this is a more achievable (and version-agnostic) form of the long-stalled annotation project.
We could also provide links to different versions of the source files on these pages, a process that should be easy to semi-automate with a template. -Ion frigate (talk) 10:51, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
I can undelete pages accordingly if need be, but this seems like a fine enough idea - I don't want it to be too short, though, just meaty enough that it can serve as a source-diving aid of sorts without getting too into the weeds. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 11:58, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
Huh. This sounds like a good idea. They would be little disambiguation articles, with links at the bottom for 3.4.3, 3.6.7, 3.7-dev, and even for variant source code. They wouldn't have line numbers or functions. And if someone writes [[src/mon.c]] in a talk page, then the page won't get stale when a new version comes out, people who read source code can figure out that a comment from 2013 was talking about to the 3.4.3 version, especially if there is a link somewhere to a quickie list of release dates. Furey (talk) 12:10, 24 June 2024 (UTC)

This is more complicated than I thought. For example, NetHackWiki has 14 files and 15 redirects for the source file "dogmove.c". I would like to digest the current scheme before making proposals and carrying out sweeps. Interested editors are invited to read and comment on User:Furey/How many copies of dogmove.c?.

Meanwhile, I withdraw this proposal. I'll come back with rewritten proposals if I can get some consensus on my "how many copies" page. I am still fixing pages that link to wrong source versions.

Furey (talk) 03:15, 26 June 2024 (UTC)

This issue has been resolved.