Wizard quest

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The Wizard quest sees you fighting the Dark One for The Eye of the Aethiopica. For more information on the quest branch in general, see the quest article.

Home level The Lonely Tower
Locate level The Tower of Darkness
Goal level The Dark One's Dungeon
Leader Neferet the Green
Guardians apprentices
Nemesis The Dark One
Quest Artifact The Eye of the Aethiopica


Random monsters on this Quest are generated with the following frequencies:[1]

  • 96/175 (55%) vampire bat
  • 24/175 (14%) random B
  • 24/175 (14%) xorn
  • 6/175 (3%) random W
  • 1/7 (14%) normal random monster

The Lonely Tower


The two-way magic portal back to the Dungeons of Doom sits at the point marked above. Neferet the Green occupies the throne, with a chest next to her, and eight apprentices are spread throughout the Tower. The 'pond' is occupied by three giant eels, and six random B, one random i and one random W are placed near the pond bank at level creation - four more random B, two random i, and one random W are placed at the marked locations further from the pond on level creation.

There are six random traps on the level; the shaded areas of this floor are unlit. The entire level is no-teleport and has undiggable walls and floor.

Upper filler level

This is an "ordinary" room-and-corridor level with six rooms. Four vampire bats, four random i, nine random objects, and four random traps are generated on level creation.

The Tower of Darkness

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 .............        .......................................................

There are additional random clouds to the left of the Tower and random moat squares to the right, and each square of the rectangular moat has a 150 chance of being replaced with ordinary floor. The level has undiggable walls and floor, and teleportation is permitted.

Randomly placed on the level are seven vampire bats, twelve random B, and eight random i, along with fifteen random objects. The marked trap in the innermost chamber of the Tower is an anti-magic trap; the other five traps inside the Tower are falling rock traps, and the six outside are spiked pits. There are an additional two statue traps, a magic trap, a sleeping gas trap, a polymorph trap, and three dart traps all located randomly about the level.

Of the concentric rooms within the tower, the outermost pair each have a secret door randomly placed on one of their walls, and the third room has secret doors on the outer walls in its left third and right third; finally, the innermost room containing the down stairs has a secret door on a random wall.

Lower filler level(s)

As with the upper filler levels, these are "ordinary" room-and-corridor levels with six rooms. Two vampire bats, two xorns, and three random i are generated on level creation, along with nine random objects and four random traps.

The Dark One's Dungeon

       -------------                 -------------
       |...........|                 |...........|
       |...........|                 |...........|
       -------------                 -------------

The Dark One, with the Bell of Opening and the Eye of the Aethiopica, occupies the cross-aligned altar in the abandoned temple. The small 2x2 cells have the following peaceful occupants: a rogue called Pug occupies the leftmost cell on the top row, with a gnomish wizard two cells to the right, while the rightmost cell in that row is occupied by an owlbear. On the bottom row, a wizard called Newt inhabits the left most cell, with a prisoner in the cell next to theirs; a hill giant occupies the rightmost cell on that row, with a Grey-elf to the left of them, and a sleeping prisoner to the left of the Grey-elf. The level has an undiggable floor and walls, and teleportation is permitted.

Newt will have a quarterstaff (37.5%), an athame (37.5%), a long sword (12.5%) or a random melee weapon (12.5%), and some offensive, defensive and miscellaneous items.[2]

Eight vampire bats, eleven random B, and eight random i, all hostile, are placed randomly around the level; there are also fourteen random objects and six random traps.


Transporter level

On descending to the level where the transporter is located:

You receive a faint telepathic message from Neferet the Green:
Your help is urgently needed at the Lonely Tower!  Look for a ...ic transporter.
You couldn't quite make out that last message.


First time:

You are suddenly in familiar surroundings.  You notice what appears to
be a large, squat stone structure nearby.  Wait!  That looks like the
tower of your former teacher, Neferet the Green.
However, things are not the same as when you were last here.  Mists and
areas of unexplained darkness surround the tower.  There is movement in
the shadows.
Your teacher would never allow such unaesthetic forms to surround the
tower...  unless something were dreadfully wrong!

Next time:

Once again, you are back at the Lonely Tower.

If already rejected twice due to bad alignment:

You are back at the Lonely Tower.
You have an odd feeling this may be the last time you ever come here.

Quest guardians

If #chatting before the quest is complete:

"Would you happen to have some eye of newt in that overstuffed pack, <brother|sister>?"
"Ah, the spell to create the magic portal worked.  Outstanding!"
"Hurry!  Neferet the Green may not survive that casting of the
portal spell!!"
"The spells of the Dark One were just too powerful for us to withstand."
"I, too, will venture into the world, because the Dark One is but one of
many evils to be vanquished."

If #chatting after the quest is complete:

"I have some eye of newt to trade, do you have a spare blind-worm's sting?"
"The magic portal now seems like it will remain stable for quite some time."
"Have you noticed how much stronger Neferet the Green is since the Eye of the Aethiopica was recovered?"
"Thank <Thoth|Anhur>!  We weren't positive you would defeat the Dark One."
"I, too, will venture into the world, because the Dark One was but one of
many evils to be vanquished."

Quest leader

When you first meet your quest leader:

"Come closer, <playername>, for my voice falters in my old age.
Yes, I see that you have come a long way since you went out into the
world, leaving the safe confines of this tower.  However, I must first
determine if you have all of the skills required to take on the task
I require of you."

When you return, having been rejected due to lack of experience:

"Well, <playername>, you have returned.  Perhaps you are now ready..."

This message is not currently used:

"This is getting tedious, <playername>, but perseverance is a sign of a true mage.
I certainly hope that you are truly ready this time!"

When you are expelled from the quest for having failed the alignment test seven times:

"You fool, <playername>!  Why did I waste all of those years teaching you
the esoteric arts?  Get out of here!  I shall find another."

When being rejected due to lack of experience:

"Alas, <playername>, you have not yet shown your proficiency as a worthy
spellcaster.  As a <currentrank>, you would surely be overcome in the challenge
ahead.  Go, now, expand your horizons, and return when you have attained
renown as an Enchanter."

When being rejected due to having worse than pious alignment:

"You amaze me, <playername>!  How many times did I tell you that the way of a mage
is an exacting one.  One must use the world with care, lest one leave it
in ruins and simplify the task of the Dark One.
"You must go back and show your worthiness.  Do not return until you are
truly ready for this quest.  May <Thoth|Anhur> guide you in this task."

When finally assigned the quest:

"Yes, <playername>, you truly are ready for this dire task.  Listen,
carefully, for what I tell you now will be of vital importance.
"Since you left us to hone your skills in the world, we unexpectedly came
under attack by the forces of the Dark One.  As you know, we thought
the Dark One had perished at the end of the last age, but, alas, this was
not the case.
"The Dark One sent an army of abominations against us.  Among them was a
minion, mindless and ensorcelled, and thus, in the confusion, it was able
to penetrate our defenses.  Alas, this creature has stolen
the Eye of the Aethiopica and I fear it has delivered the Eye of the Aethiopica
to the Dark One.
"Over the years, I had woven most of my power into this amulet, and thus,
without it, I have but a shadow of my former power, and I fear that I
shall soon perish.
"You must travel to the Tower of Darkness, and within its dungeons, 
find and overcome the Dark One, and return the Eye of the Aethiopica to me.
"Go now, with <Thoth|Anhur>, and complete this quest before it is too late."


If you subsequently chat to your quest leader, you are encouraged:

"Beware, for the Dark One is immune to most magical attacks."
"To enter the Tower of Darkness you must pass many traps."
"The Dark One may be vulnerable to physical attacks."
"<Thoth|Anhur> will come to your aid when you call."
"You must utterly destroy the Dark One.  He will pursue you otherwise."
"The Eye of the Aethiopica is a mighty artifact.  With it you can
destroy the Dark One."
"Go forth with the blessings of <Thoth|Anhur>."
"I will have my apprentices watch for your return."
"Feel free to take any items in that chest that might aid you."
"You will know when the Eye of the Aethiopica is near.  Proceed with care!"

Locate and goal levels

When first entering the locate level:

Wisps of fog swirl nearby.  You feel that the Dark One's lair is close.

When returning:

You believe that you may once again invade the Tower of Darkness.

When first entering the goal level:

You feel your mentor's presence; perhaps the Eye of the Aethiopica is nearby.

When returning:

The aura of the Eye of the Aethiopica tingles at the edge of your perception.

Quest nemesis

When first encountering the quest nemesis:

"Ah, I recognize you, <playername>.  So, Neferet the Green has sent you to steal
the Eye of the Aethiopica from me, hmmm?  Well, Neferet the Green is a
fool to send such a mental weakling against me.
"Your destruction, however, should make for good sport.  In the end, you
shall beg me to kill you!"

Upon further meetings:

"How nice of you to return, <playername>!  I enjoyed our last meeting.  Are you
still hungry for more pain?
"Come!  Your soul, like the Eye of the Aethiopica, shall soon be mine to

And on the 4th and subsequent meetings:

"I'm sure that your perseverance shall be the subject of innumerable
ballads, but you shall not be around to hear them, I fear!"

When you have the Eye of the Aethiopica, but the Dark One is still alive:

"Thief!  The Eye of the Aethiopica belongs to me, now.  I shall feed
your living flesh to my minions."


The Dark One will occasionally utter maledictions:

"Your puny powers are no match for me, fool!"
"When you are defeated, your torment will last for a thousand years."
"After your downfall, <playername>, I shall devour Neferet the Green
for dessert!"
"Are you ready yet to beg for mercy?  I could be lenient..."
"Your soul shall join the enslaved multitude I command!"
"Your lack of will is evident, and you shall die as a result."
"Your faith in <Thoth|Anhur> is for naught!  Come, submit to me now!"
"A mere <currentrank> is nothing compared to my skill!"
"So, you are the best hope of Neferet the Green?  How droll."
"Feel my power, Wizard!  My victory is imminent!"


When picking up your quest artifact:

As you touch the Eye of the Aethiopica, its comforting power infuses you
with new energy.  You feel as if you can detect others' thoughts flowing
through it.  Although you yearn to wear the Eye of the Aethiopica
and attack the Wizard of Yendor, you know you must return it to its
rightful owner, Neferet the Green.

When killing the nemesis:

The Dark One croaks out, as his body begins to shrivel up:
    I shall haunt your progress until the end of time.  A thousand
    curses on you and Neferet the Green.
Then, the body bursts into a cloud of choking dust, and blows away.

When returning to your quest leader:

Neferet the Green notices the Eye of the Aethiopica in your possession,
beams at you and says:
   I knew you could defeat the Dark One and retrieve
   the Eye of the Aethiopica.  We shall never forget this
   brave service.
   Take the Eye of the Aethiopica with you in your quest for
   the Amulet of Yendor.  I can sense that it has attuned
   itself to you already.
   May <Thoth|Anhur> guide you in your quest, and keep you from harm.

When subsequently throwing the Eye of the Aethiopica to Neferet the Green:

"You are the keeper of the Eye of the Aethiopica now.  It is time to
recover the /other/ Amulet.  The Dungeons of Doom await your return through
the magic portal which brought you here."


When talking to Neferet the Green after the quest:

"Come near, my <son|daughter>, and share your adventures with me.
So, have you succeeded in your quest for the Amulet of Yendor?"

When talking to Neferet the Green after getting the Amulet:

"Congratulations, <playername>.  I always knew that if anyone could succeed
in defeating the Wizard of Yendor and his minions, it would be you.
"Go now, and take the Amulet to the astral plane.  Once there, present
the Amulet on the altar of <Thoth|Anhur>.  Along the way you shall pass through the
four elemental planes.  These planes are like nothing you have ever
experienced before, so be prepared!
"For this you were born, <brother|sister>!  I am very proud of you."


Due to the limited number of trap types available on the home level, there is a high chance that one of the random traps will be a polymorph trap - be prepared for a small chance of encountering an out-of-depth monster. The locate level moat has a roughly 12% chance of being generated in a way that blocks off the tower without some form of bridging - see the Castle strategy section for tips on how to cross it in this case, and remember that teleportation is permitted there.

The player monsters Newt and Pug on the goal level are likely to have several useful items: Newt in particular is a potential source of an athame. Players seeking their inventory (e.g., atheist Wizards who cannot obtain Magicbane via sacrifice gift) should use a pet to kill them if possible, both to preserve their offensive items and avoid alignment record and murder penalties.


In NetHack 3.4.3 and prior versions, alongside some variants based on them, the Eye grants magic resistance when carried and generates at the Dark One's feet instead of in his inventory; a quiet player could sneak up on him and zap him with a wand of death while he was still vulnerable. In current versions, the Eye grants magic resistance only while worn - as the Dark One will not wear it, he is ridiculously easy to kill in this manner without stealth.


This page is based on a spoiler by Dylan O'Donnell. The original license is:

Redistribution, copying, and editing of these spoilers, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. The original contributors to any spoiler must continue to be credited.
  2. Any modifications to the spoiler must be acknowledged and credited.