Deep gnome

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A deep gnome, G, is a type of monster that appears in SLASH'EM, SlashTHEM and Hack'EM. The deep gnome is an always-male monster that will seek out gold and gems to collect among other items, and can tunnel through walls with the aid of a pick-axe or dwarvish mattock. Though deep gnomes are part of the gnome monster class, in SLASH'EM they are not considered gnomish, despite being nearly identical to gnome kings - in SlashTHEM and Hack'EM, they are properly considered gnomish monsters. Deep gnomes share a glyph with the gnoll, G.

A deep gnome has a single weapon attack, and hits as a +1 weapon.


Deep gnomes may generate as peaceful towards neutral characters, gnomish characters and dwarven characters. They are only randomly generated in Gehennom, though they can also appear on other levels that generate G at level creation if the difficulty is appropriate.

Deep gnomes have a 12 chance of being generated with one of the seven default weapon sets, with an equal probability for each: 3-14 darts, a crossbow and 3-14 crossbow bolts, a bow and 3-14 arrows, a stack of 3-5 daggers, an aklys, a short sword, or a club.[1]

Deep gnomes are eligible for offensive items, defensive items, and miscellaneous items.


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