Potion of hallucination

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! Pink potion.png
Name hallucination
Appearance random
Base price 100 zm
Weight 20
Monster use Will not be used by monsters.

A potion of hallucination is a type of potion that appears in NetHack.


Wizards may be given a potion of hallucination as any of the three random potions in their starting inventory.[1]

Potions of hallucination make up 125 (4%) of all randomly-generated potions. General stores and liquor emporiums can sell potions of hallucination.

Mixing a potion of booze with a potion of gain level or a potion of gain energy creates a potion of hallucination.[2]


Main article: Hallucination

Quaffing the potion causes hallucination, with the duration dependent on the potion's beatitude: blessed potions cause the hero to hallucinate for 300–499 turns, uncursed potions cause hallucination for 600–799 turns, and cursed potions cause hallucination for 900–1099 turns.[3] Dipping a unicorn horn into a potion of hallucination turns it into uncursed water.[4] Mixing a potion of healing, extra healing, or full healing with a potion of hallucination will create water.

Inhaling vapors from a potion of hallucination will print a message with no other effect, followed by prompting the player to type-name the potion.[5]

Hallucination resistance, which is only granted by wielding Grayswandir, suppresses the effects of the potion of hallucination and other sources instead of blocking or curing it outright.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Drinking a non-cursed potion of hallucination may now give enlightenment; wielding Grayswandir also blocks this effect. The chance of gaining enlightenment is 49 for a blessed potion and 16 for an uncursed potion; this also exercises wisdom.


Potions of hallucination tend to have relatively few uses, as there are more reliable ways to confuse hostile monsters, and there are even fewer benefits to quaffing them directly - as such, they are generally considered prime candidates for dilution. However, hallucinating while being hit by a touch of death prevents it from killing the hero, which can make the potions life-savers against hostile high-level spellcasters for a hero that has not yet obtained magic resistance.


The potion of hallucination first appears in NetHack 1.3d.


Oh wow! Everything <looks/feels> so cosmic!
You are hallucinating - "feels" is used if you are also blind at the time.
You have a momentary vision.
You inhaled vapors from a broken potion of hallucination.



In SLASH'EM, the Lawful Quest has a 25 chance of generating a cursed potion of hallucination within the Chamber of Junk.

Hallucination in SLASH'EM also distorts items in the hero's inventory and on their square are standing on, which makes randomly quaffing potions far more hazardous; additionally, it is still only a minor problem in the eyes of their deity. Be sure to have the inventory letter of your remedy memorized: in addition to unicorn horns and potions of extra healing or full healing, medical kits can also cure hallucination, though their reliability depends heavily on the hero's role.

The potion of hallucination also has a less fringe benefit: asking a shopkeeper to uncurse an item while hallucinating has a chance of blessing it instead, providing a means of doing so without breaking atheist conduct.


In dNetHack, the potion of hallucination has some additional possible effects: hallucinating while eating a corpse that grants telepathy adds a point of insight, while quaffing a cursed potion of hallucination reduces the hero's insight by one point. As with SLASH'EM, requesting the item-uncursing service while hallucinating may also cause the item to be blessed instead.

The closet behind the hidden door in the home level of the Madman quest has a potion of hallucination in its pile of items.


In xNetHack, the Oracle has a 23 chance of generating with a potion of hallucination.

Drinking a non-cursed potion of hallucination may grant enlightenment alongside hallucination, which is blocked by sources of hallucination resistance (i.e. wielding Grayswandir); this exercises wisdom and has a 49 chance of occurring when quaffing a blessed potion, or a 16 chance when quaffing an uncursed potion.


In SpliceHack, the extraplanar merchants in the City of Brass have a 12 chance of generating with a potion of hallucination among their additional items.


In EvilHack, intelligent monsters can be generated with the potion of hallucination as an offensive item, and will throw them at the hero if possible.


In Hack'EM, the Oracle has a 23 chance of generating with a potion of hallucination as in xNetHack.

Quaffing the potion of hallucination also behaves as it does in xNetHack; intelligent monsters can generate with the potion of hallucination as an offensive item and will throw them at the hero if possible, as in EvilHack.
