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A property is one of several traits which the hero or a monster either has or does not have. Properties vary widely; some properties correspond to particular rings. The hero can expose many properties through enlightenment. A property is "boolean", you either have it or you do not. Thus luck and the prayer timeout are not properties in this sense; there is no hero for whom luck and prayer timeout does not apply.

Properties include:

In the source code, prop.h#line8 lists most of the properties and artifact.h#line53 lists the special powers. Each property has a representative integer constant. Particularily in objects.c and artilist.h, the integer constants assign the properties granted by using certain items.

Full list

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A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"Please add more monflag.h flags, artifact.h flags, and notable sources to the below table!"

Intrinsic/extrinsic properties

The intrinsic/extrinsic properties are the largest group. Each intrinsic/extrinsic property has a list of worn items that grant the property, a list of worn items that block the property, a duration (which is decreased by one every turn), and a list of intrinsic sources (race at level, role at level, from outside). You are considered to have the property if you do not have a blocking item, and you have an intrinsic source, an item which grants the property, or maybe a source from polymorphing.

Intrinsic/extrinsic properties which have only an extrinsic form

Common name of the property Integer from prop.h#line8 Flag from monflag.h#line53 or artifact.h#line8 Notable sources
acid resistance ACID_RES MR_ACID
stone resistance STONE_RES MR_STONE
draining resistance DRAIN_RES
adornment ADORNED
levitation LEVITATION
protection PROTECTION
reflection REFLECTING
life saving LIFESAVED - amulet of life saving
magic resistance ANTIMAGIC - cloak of magic resistance, gray dragon scale mail
infravision INFRAVISION M3_INFRAVISION play as an elf, dwarf, gnome or orc
hallucination resistance HALLUC_RES
water walking WWALKING
displacement DISPLACED
clairvoyance CLAIRVOYANT - Wizard wearing cornuthaum
energy regeneration ENERGY_REGENERATION
half spell damage HALF_SPDAM SPFX_HSPDAM carry The Orb of Detection, The Platinum Yendorian Express Card, The Orb of Fate or The Eye of the Aethiopica
half physical damage HALF_PHDAM SPFX_HPHDAM carry The Master Key of Thievery or The Orb of Fate
sickness resistance SICK_RES
swimming SWIMMING
flying FLYING M1_FLY
unchanging UNCHANGING
monster detection DETECT_MONSTERS

Intrinsic/extrinsic properties which have both intrinsic and extrinsic

Common name of the property Integer from prop.h#line8 Flag from monflag.h#line53 or artifact.h#line8 Notable sources
fire resistance FIRE_RES MR_FIRE
cold resistance COLD_RES MR_COLD
sleep resistance SLEEP_RES MR_SLEEP Elf at level 4
disintegration resistance DISINT_RES MR_DISINT
shock resistance SHOCK_RES MR_ELEC
poison resistance POISON_RES MR_POISON
sickness resistance SICK_RES
invulnerability INVULNERABLE
see invisible SEE_INVIS
invisible INVIS
teleportation/teleportitis TELEPORT M1_TPORT (sometimes) eat a leprechaun, nymph, or tengu
teleport control TELEPORT_CONTROL M1_TPORT_CNTRL, SPFX_TCTRL ring of teleport control, (sometimes) eat a tengu
polymorph POLYMORPH
polymorph control POLYMORPH_CONTROL
stealth STEALTH
aggravate monster AGGRAVATE_MONSTER
conflict CONFLICT
protection from shape changers PROT_FROM_SHAPE_CHANGERS
warning WARNING
hunger HUNGER - ring of hunger
magical breathing MAGICAL_BREATHING MR2_MAGBREATH amulet of magical breathing
free action FREE_ACTION
undead warning WARN_UNDEAD
sustain ability FIXED_ABIL
slow digestion SLOW_DIGESTION
warning WARN_OF_MON

Intrinsic/extrinsic properties with special timeout behaivour, or only a timeout

Common name of the property Integer from prop.h#line8 Flag from monflag.h#line53 or artifact.h#line8 Notable sources
confusion CONFUSION
sickness SICK
wounded legs WOUNDED_LEGS
stoning STONED
nausea/vomiting VOMITING -
strangulation STRANGLED
hallucination HALLUC
fumbling FUMBLING
slippery fingers GLIB
invulnerability INVULNERABLE
slime SLIMED

Properties with special behaiviour

Common name of the property Integer from prop.h#line8 Flag from monflag.h#line53 or artifact.h#line8 Notable sources
speed FAST
telepathy TELEPAT
blindness BLINDED

Special powers

Special power is an invocation property. You must #invoke an artifact to use it; you do not obtain the property simply by carrying or wielding the artifact.

Property Integer from artifact.h#line53 Source
healing HEALING The Staff of Aesculapius
gain energy ENERGY_BOOST The Mitre of Holiness
untrap UNTRAP The Master Key of Thievery
charging CHARGE_OBJ The Platinum Yendorian Express Card
level teleport LEVEL_TELE The Orb of Fate
branchport CREATE_PORTAL The Eye of the Aethiopica
enlightenment ENLIGHTENING The Eyes of the Overworld
arrow creation CREATE_AMMO The Longbow of Diana