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A property is one of several traits which the hero or a monster either has or does not have. Properties vary widely; some properties correspond to particular rings while others apply only to a few monsters. The hero can reveal many of his or her properties through enlightenment. A property is "boolean", you either have it or you do not. Thus luck and the prayer timeout are not properties in this sense; there is no hero for whom luck and prayer timeout does not apply. This page only discusses properties of the hero.

In the source code, prop.h#line8 lists most of the properties. Each property has a representative integer constant. Particularly in objects.c and artilist.h, the integer constants assign the properties granted by using certain items.

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic

A property can be gained intrinsically by reaching a certain experience level as a certain starting race, or "from outside": by eating corpses, praying, or sitting on thrones.

A property can be gained extrinsically by wearing an object or polymorphing into a monster.

Intrinsic properties

In the below lists, a flag from monflag.h#line53 or artifact.h#line8 indicates polymorphing into a form with that flag.

Common name of the property Integer from prop.h#line8 Notable sources
fire resistance FIRE_RES MR_FIRE
cold resistance COLD_RES MR_COLD
sleep resistance SLEEP_RES MR_SLEEP, Elf at level 4
disintegration resistance DISINT_RES MR_DISINT
shock resistance SHOCK_RES MR_ELEC
poison resistance POISON_RES MR_POISON
sickness resistance SICK_RES
invulnerability INVULNERABLE
see invisible SEE_INVIS
invisible INVIS
teleportation/teleportitis TELEPORT M1_TPORT, (sometimes) eat a leprechaun, nymph, or tengu

ring of teleport control, (sometimes) eat a tengu

polymorph POLYMORPH
polymorph control POLYMORPH_CONTROL
stealth STEALTH
aggravate monster AGGRAVATE_MONSTER
conflict CONFLICT
protection from shape changers PROT_FROM_SHAPE_CHANGERS
warning WARNING
hunger HUNGER ring of hunger
magical breathing MAGICAL_BREATHING M1_BREATHLESS, amulet of magical breathing
undead warning WARN_UNDEAD
sustain ability FIXED_ABIL
slow digestion SLOW_DIGESTION
warning WARN_OF_MON
jumping JUMPING

play as an elf, dwarf, gnome or orc

Properties obtainable only extrinsically

Common name of the property Integer from prop.h#line8 Notable sources
acid resistance ACID_RES MR_ACID, yellow dragon scale mail, alchemy smock
stone resistance STONE_RES MR_STONE
draining resistance DRAIN_RES Polymorph into any undead, demon, werecreature; wield Stormbringer, Excalibur, or The Staff of Aesculapius
adornment ADORNED Ring of adornment
levitation LEVITATION
protection PROTECTION Cloak of protection, divine protection
reflection REFLECTING Silver dragon scale mail, shield of reflection, amulet of reflection, poly'd silver dragon, or SPFX_REFLECT
life saving LIFESAVED amulet of life saving
magic resistance ANTIMAGIC cloak of magic resistance, gray dragon scale mail, Magicbane
phasing PASSES_WALLS poly'd xorn or earth elemental
hallucination resistance HALLUC_RES Grayswandir
water walking WWALKING Water walking boots
displacement DISPLACED
clairvoyance CLAIRVOYANT Wizard wearing cornuthaum, donating to priests
energy regeneration ENERGY_REGENERATION The Eye of the Aethiopica
half spell damage HALF_SPDAM SPFX_HSPDAM; carry The Orb of Detection, The Platinum Yendorian Express Card, The Orb of Fate or The Eye of the Aethiopica
half physical damage HALF_PHDAM SPFX_HPHDAM; carry The Master Key of Thievery or The Orb of Fate
sickness resistance SICK_RES poly'd ghoul or any fungus
swimming SWIMMING
flying FLYING M1_FLY
unchanging UNCHANGING
free action FREE_ACTION

Properties with special timeout behaivour

Common name of the property Integer from prop.h#line8 Notable sources
monster detection DETECT_MONSTERS
confusion CONFUSION
sickness SICK
wounded legs WOUNDED_LEGS
stoning STONED
nausea/vomiting VOMITING
strangulation STRANGLED
hallucination HALLUC
fumbling FUMBLING
slippery fingers GLIB
invulnerability INVULNERABLE
slime SLIMED

Properties with special behaviour

Common name of the property Conditions
speed (fast) FAST
very fast timeout or extrinsic FAST
telepathy (see monsters on level) TELEPAT and blind or poly'd floating eye, (master) mind flayer
telepathy (see nearby monsters) extrinsic TELEPAT
blindness (BLINDED or wearing blindfold or towel or poly'd form without eyes) and not wearing Eyes of the Overworld
amphibiousness magical breathing or poly'd amphibious form
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