User:Tomsod/YANIs and patches/Infidel/Quest

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The Infidel quest sees you fighting the Paladin for the Idol of Moloch. Unlike other roles, both the Idol and the Bell of Opening are necessary to ascend.

Home level the Hidden Temple
Locate level the Howling Forest
Goal level ancient ruins
Leader the preacher of Moloch
Guardians cultists
Nemesis the Paladin
Quest Artifact the Idol of Moloch


The Hidden Temple (cliffside)

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The big area to the right is unlit and contains 3d4 random d and possibly a black unicorn. In addition to the marked dart trap, it also houses the magic portal and three other traps, located randomly. There are typically a few trees as well.

The left-central room is considered an abandoned temple. The preacher of Moloch stands on an unaligned altar, surrounding him/her are eight cultists. Three elf corpses and two human corpses lie near the altar. In the corners there are eight empty major demon statues.

The top-left room contains 2d2 potions of unholy water. The bottom-left room contains an axe and three other random items.

The level is no-teleport. Walls and floor are undiggable, but the trees can be chopped down.

Upper filler level (underground complex)

This is a room-and-corridor level with seven rooms, five k, three h, two O, nine random items, seven traps, a fountain, and a 25% chance of a throne room. The floor is undiggable.

The Howling Forest (forest's edge)

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The mapped area forms the rightmost third of the level. The room with the stairs contains a random k, the central room houses a random h, and the topmost room has a marked O and two chests. There are three marked piranha in the lake.

The rest of the level is an unlit woodland (a Mines-style level, but with trees instead of stone). There are three werewolves, 4d4 d, two u, and possibly a forest centaur and/or a woodchuck in the forest. The downstairs are somewhere in the left half of the level.

The level also contains four random items and six traps. The stone walls and the floor are undiggable, but all the trees can be chopped down.

Lower filler level(s) (the forest)

These are unlit woodland levels, with five werewolves, 6d4 d, four u, a forest centaur and possibly a woodchuck; four random items and eight traps. The floor is undiggable.

The ancient ruins (a clearing in the forest)


The mapped ruins are surrounded by a woodland level. The Paladin stands atop the cursed Idol of Moloch, surrounding her are six templars and two hostile priests of a lawful god, all asleep. There are four squeaky boards located randomly around the ruins. The ruins contain some buried treasure: two stacks of gold, three gems, and up to two rings and/or an amulet.

The surrounding woods house four werewolves, 5d4 d, three u, and possibly a forest centaur and/or a woodchuck; there are three random items and seven traps. The entire level is unlit, and the floor is undiggable.


Random monsters on this Quest are generated with the following frequencies:

  • 96/175 (55%) agent
  • 24/175 (14%) random d
  • 24/175 (14%) champion
  • 6/175 (3%) random u
  • 1/7 (14%) normal random monster

In addition to the nemesis, there's a few non-unique monsters specific to this Quest. All the monsters listed below are considered minions of their respective gods; as such, their full name depends on the game's pantheon. For instance, Infidels who have the Rogue pantheon will face the Paladin of Issek and templars of Issek, as well as champions of Mog and agents of Kos.

The Paladin

The Paladin is generated with a blessed, +3 to +5 morning star, a shield of reflection, a crystal plate mail, high boots, leather gloves, a leather cloak, and a potion of speed. She is considered a lawful minion; due to this, all her equipment is erodeproof and non-cursed, and she's not affected by the scroll of scare monster.

She covets both the Idol and the Amulet of Yendor; because of this, she may neglect to pick the Idol up if you carry the Amulet when you meet her.

The Paladin is intended to be a difficult opponent; you may want to think of your combat strategy before engaging her.


Templars are very similar to watch captains. They often carry a healing potion. Six templars are generated on the goal level; they don't appear anywhere else.


Champions are essentially enemy barbarians. They carry a battle-axe or a two-handed sword, and either a ring mail or a chain mail. In Infidel games only, they may appear in the main dungeon. Their difficulty is much lower than what their level and attacks might suggest.


Agents are a nuisance. They will attempt to steal the Amulet of Yendor when attacking you; if they succeed, they will teleport away and will subsequently try to avoid you. Agents will also pick up the Amulet left on the floor, both when you're nearby and when they're left alone on the level; in the latter case, they may pick up the Amulet even if it's inaccessible.

Agents are always generated with a potion of invisibility, which they're likely to quaff as soon as they see you. In Infidel games only, they may appear in the main dungeon. Their difficulty is slightly lower than what their level and attacks might suggest.