Electric Mage

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A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"Role exists de-SLEXed in SlashTHEM - retool accordingly"

The Electric Mage is a role specific to SlashTHEM. They are a spellcaster class, and can be clockwork automata, doppelgänger, drow, elves, gnomes, human, illithid, incantifiers or nymphs of any alignment.

An Electric Mage starts the game with equipment and abilities related to lightning magic, including shock resistance. Their starting pet is a shock hound pup.

The Electric Mage quest sees you fighting the ghost of Elvis Presley for the Thunder Whistle.

Starting Equipment

A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"additionally, sequential !rn2(5) chances of an oil lamp, a blindfold, or a magic marker (u_init.c:2344"


Electric mages gain techniques at these experience levels:


To use your polymorph ability, you must use the extended command #youpoly.


Electric Mage Skills
Max Skills


Main article: Religion
  • Lawful: Static
  • Neutral: Magnet
  • Chaotic: Lightning

Electric Mage rank titles

The status line shows you to be one of the following ranks when you reach the specified experience level:

  • XL 1-2: Charger
  • XL 3-5: Bolter
  • XL 6-9: Buzzer
  • XL 10-13: Hummer
  • XL 14-17: Energic
  • XL 18-21: Arclite
  • XL 22-25: Volt Technician
  • XL 26-29: Thundermage
  • XL 30: Shock-Master


The Electric Mage is a battlemage similar to the flame/ice mage, with the main difference being that they specialize in lightning magic. Their starting pet is also shock resistant, making it much safer to use lightning spells/wands. Upon leveling up enough, the shock hound pup will grow into an adult shock hound which is very strong and capable of taking down lots of enemies.

The Electric Mage quest mainly spawns shoggoths and blobs, and the player may suffer from acid damage quite often. Their quest nemesis, the ghost of Elvis Presley, isn't too hard to take out.


The Electric Mage is a lightning-based pendant to SLASH'EM's flame and ice mages.
