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Doors are ways of moving in and out of rooms. They are distinct from trap doors and drawbridges. Open doors in vertical walls are represented by -; open doors in horizontal walls are represented by |; and closed doors are represented by +. A doorway without a door is represented by ..

A doorway may have no door, a broken door, an open door, or a closed door. A closed door may be locked or unlocked. A closed door may be untrapped or trapped.

A closed door may be secret, in which case it looks like a wall until you discover it somehow.


The game generates doors as part of dungeon creation.

You can create a door in an empty doorway by zapping a wand of locking or casting wizard lock. You can also create a door in any destroyed bit of wall that connects a room to a corridor.

There are numerous ways to break a door, leaving a broken door, or destroy a door, leaving an empty doorway.


Unlocked doors are opened using the open command (o), or by simply moving into them if the autoopen option is set to TRUE. Locked doors can be passed in a variety of ways:

Closing and locking

Open doors can be closed using the close command (c). Zapping a wand of locking at it will close (and lock) it.

Doors can be locked by applying a skeleton key or a lock pick to a closed door, casting the wizard lock spell, or by using a wand of locking.

Monsters getting through

Monsters can unlock locked doors if they are larger than tiny, have hands, and have a key. You might want to dispose of keys if you lock up the Minetown watch. [5]

Several monsters can get through any door, even a locked door.

Also, a monster with a breath weapon of fire, cold, lightning, or disintegration can destroy a door if their breath weapon hits the door. But they usually will not attack you if there is a door between you and them.

Secret doors

Some walls are in fact secret doors, which can be discovered by searching, brute force, or magic.

Searching is done with the s key, and is aided by wearing a ring of searching or lenses, or by wielding Excalibur. Luck affects the chance of searching successfully. Applying a stethoscope to a wall will always reveal whether it is a secret door.

The brute force method involves kicking at walls, applying a pick-axe, or zapping force bolt at a likely position where a secret door might be. This consumes time and is often dangerous.

The magical method involves using a wand of secret door detection, the spell of detect unseen, or the Bell of Opening; these will immediately reveal any nearby secret doors. A blessed scroll of magic mapping reveals secret doors on the entire level.

Door traps

At level 5 and below, about 3% of non-shop doors are booby-trapped.[6] A door trap does 1d(2+level2) damage, in addition to stunning you, abusing strength and abusing constitution.[7] You can check a door for traps with the #untrap command. [8]


Avoid destroying doors

Kicking down a door makes noise. So does a wand of striking or spell of force bolt. Even if you use a quiet way to destroy a door, then you still don't have a door to use later.

If you find a locked door and don't have an unlocking tool then first try going around it.

Use doors to get out of combat

A closed door, even an unlocked one, is a good way to get out of a fight for a while -- especially in the early game.

An open door does not allow either monsters or you to pass through diagonally. This can be a great advantage when fighting multiple foes. A door like the entrance to the treasure zoo at the top of Sokoban can become a killing ground for monsters who will stream through one by one, allowing you to avoid some of their ranged attacks. Beware of wands and breath weapons, though!

Untrap the door to the Sokoban zoo

Very few doors have booby traps. But there are dozens of monsters on the other side of that door, so it is worth a few turns attempting to untrap the door so that you do not wake them up while stunning yourself in the process.

(Also, because of the way dungeon levels work, the real level of a Sokoban level is higher than the level displayed on the status bar. The level with the zoo is much higher than the threshold for booby-trapped doors.)

Exercising strength

Opening and closing doors exercises your strength every time the door resists. However, this technique is of little practical use.


Messages about kicking a door

You kick at empty space.
Dumb move! You strain a muscle.
You kicked a doorway with an open door, a broken door, or no door.
As you kick the door, it shatters to pieces!
You kicked a closed door so hard that you destroyed it.
As you kick the door, it crashes open!
You kicked a closed door, opened it, and broke it.
"Halt, thief! You're under arrest!"
You kicked a door open, and a peaceful member of the town watch saw you do it.
You kicked a closed door, but failed to kick it open. This does not injure your legs.
"Hey, stop damaging that door!"
You kicked a closed door but failed to kick it open, and a peaceful member of the town watch saw you do it, and you have not been warned yet. This is your warning.
"Halt, vandal! You're under arrest!"
You kicked a closed door but failed to kick it open, and a peaceful member of the town watch saw you do it, and you have already been warned.

Messages about monsters and doors

"KABOOM!! You see a door explode."
A monster set off a door trap, and you saw it happen.
You hear a distant explosion.
A monster set off a door trap, and it was out of your sight.
<monster> unlocks and opens a door.
You see a door unlock and open.
You hear a door unlock and open.
A monster has unlocked and opened a door.
<monster> opens a door.
You see a door open.
You hear a door open.
A monster has opened an unlocked door.
<monster> smashes down a door.
You see a door crash open.
You hear a door crash open.
A monster has destroyed a door.

Messages about door traps and other traps

The boulder crashes through a door.
A rolling boulder has destroyed a door.
You see no door there.
You feel no door there.
You attempted to untrap a doorway with no door.
This door is safely open.
You attempted to untrap an open door.
This door is broken.
You attempted to untrap a broken door.
You find a trap on the door!
You attempted to find a trap on a closed door, and succeeded.
You set it off!
You attempted to disarm a trapped door, but failed.
You disarm it!
You attempted to disarm a trapped door, and succeeded.
You find no traps on the door.
You attempted to untrap a closed door, but did not find a trap.
KABOOM!! The door was booby-trapped!
You set off a door trap.

Messages about wands, spell effects, or breath weapons, and doors

(Your/The) (blast/bolt/zap) reveals a secret door.
A wand, spell effect, or breath weapon hit a secret door in your field of vision.
You feel a draft.
As above, but outside your field of vision.
The door is consumed in flames!
You smell smoke.
A ray of fire destroyed a closed door.
The door freezes and shatters!
You feel cold.
A ray of cold destroyed a closed door.
The door disintegrates!
You hear crashing wood.
A ray of disintegration destroyed a closed door.
The door splinters!
Your hear crackling.
A ray of lightning broke a closed door.
The door crashes open!
You feel a burst of cool air.
A wand of striking exploded and broke a closed door.
The door remains intact.
A wand exploded, but did not destroy or break a closed door.
The door absorbs (your/the) (blast/bolt/zap)!
A wand, spell effect, or breath weapon hit a closed door but did not destroy or break it.
You feel vibrations.
As above, but you did not see it.

Messages about digging and doors

You break through a secret door!
You dug through a wall that was actually a secret door.
You break through the door.
You dug through a door.
"Hey, stop damaging that door!"
You are digging through a door and a peaceful member of the town watch saw you do it. This is your warning.
"Halt, vandal! You're under arrest."
You are digging through a door, a peaceful member of the town watch saw you do it, and you have already been warned.
You feel an unexpected draft.
A monster dug through a door.
You feel like are (1-A/4-F).
As above, and you are hallucinating.
You feel a draft.
A monster dug through a secret door.
You feel like (enlisting/marching/protesting/fleeing).
As above, and you are hallucinating.
The door is razed!
A ray of digging destroyed a door.

Messages about opening, closing, locking and unlocking doors

This doorway has no door.
You attempted to open, close, lock, or unlock an empty doorway.
This door is broken.
You attempted to open, close, lock, or unlock a broken door.
This door is already open.
You attempted to open an open door.
This door is already closed.
You attempted to close a closed door.
This door is locked.
You attempted to open a locked door.
You cannot lock an open door.
You attemped to lock an open door.
You can't lock a door with a credit card.
With a credit card, you can unlock, but not lock.
You give up your attempt at (locking the door/unlocking the door/picking the lock).
You spent 50 turns and did not succeed. Or you have no hands, so you failed before you started.
You stop (locking the door/unlocking the door/picking the lock).
While you were working on the door, something interrupted you.
You resume your attempt at (locking the door/unlocking the door/picking the lock).
You got back to work on the door.
You succeed in (locking the door/unlocking the door/picking the lock).
You succeeded!
You find a trap! Do you want to try to disarm it?
You are unlocking a door with the Master Key of Thievery.
You succeed in disarming the trap. The door is still (unlocked/locked).
You disarmed a door trap with the Master Key of Thievery.
The door actually was a mimic!
You attempted to lock or unlock a door, but it is really a mimic hiding as a door.
You're too small to pull the door open.
The physical size of your current form is tiny.
You're too small to push the door closed.
The physical size of your current form is tiny.
The door opens.
You did it! You opened the door!
The door closes.
You did it! You closed the door!
The door resists!
You failed to open or close the door.
(<monster>/Some creature/Something/) blocks the way!
You attempted to close a door, but a monster is in the way.
Something's in the way
You attempted to close a door, but an object is in the way.
You are in the way!
You attempted to close a door on the same tile that you are.
A door appears in the wall!
You used a wand or a spell that revealed a secret door.
A cloud of dust springs up in the older, more primitive doorway.
You attempted to create a door on the rogue level.
You hear a swoosh.
As above, but outside of your vision.
The cloud quickly dissipates.
Your attempt failed because a monster or object obstructed the doorway.
The doorway vanishes!
You successfully created a door on the rogue level. It's a secret door.
The door locks!
You locked a closed door with a wand or a spell.
The door swings shuts, and locks!
You closed and locked an open door with a wand or a spell.
The hroken door reassembles and locks!
You repaired, closed, and locked a broken door with a wand or a spell.
A cloud of dust springs up and assembles itself into a door.
You created, closed, and locked a door with a wand or a spell.
The door unlocks!
You unlocked a closed door with a wand or a spell.
The door crashes open!
You broke open a closed door with a wand or a spell.
You hear a crashing sound.
As above, but outside of your vision.

Messages about movement and doors

You start chewing a hole in the door.
You (begin/continue) chewing on the door.
You chew through the door.
You chew through the secret door.
You are a monster that can eat doors.
You ooze under the door.
You are a monster than can ooze through tight spaces.
You try to ooze under the door, but can't squeeze your possessions through.
Same as above, but you are carrying too much stuff.
That door is closed.
You attempted to move into a closed door and failed.
Ouch! You bump into a door.
As above, and you are blind, stunned, fumbling, or have low dexterity.
You can't lead <monster> through that closed door.
As above, and you are riding a steed.
There is an obstacle there.
As above, and you are underwater.
You can't move diagonally into an intact doorway.
You can't move diagonally out of an intact doorway.
Only vertical and horizontal moves allowed here.
You stop in front of the door.
You are running, and you notice a door, so you stop running.

Messages about shopkeepers and doors

The shop door reappears!
Suddenly, the shop door reappears!
A shopkeeper magically repaired their shop door.
You feel more claustrophic than before.
The dungeon acoustics noticeably change.
A shopkeeper magically repaired some damage to their shop, perhaps including their shop door, outside of your vision.
"How dare you (damage/dig into) my door?"
You damaged a shop door.
<shopkeeper> is (quite upset/ticked off/furious) that you decided to (damage/dig into) (his/her) door!
Same as above, and you are deaf.
<shopkeeper> shouts: "Who dared (damage/dig into) my door?
Someone damaged a shop door, but shopkeeper does not know who.
<shopkeeper> is (quite upset/ticked off/furious) that someone decided to (damage/dig into) (his/her) door!
Same as above, and you are deaf.
<shopkeeper> blocks your way!
You attempt to enter or leave a shop and the shopkeeper won't let you.
<shopkeeper> senses your motion and blocks your way!
Same as above, and you are invisible.

Other messages about doors

It won't come off the hinges
You are in a doorway and tried to pick up the door itself.

Upcoming changes to door messages

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Some of these messages have changed.



In SLASH'EM, doors can be forced open the same way chests can.


In xNetHack, secret doors are less likely to appear on earlier dungeon levels; they will not appear at all before level 4.

xNetHack introduces iron doors, which cannot be destroyed by most brute-force methods (such as kicking and force bolts). These occasionally replace ordinary doors as the player reaches deeper dungeon levels.

The stunning door trap is replaced by a variety of traps with effects such as wetting your inventory, burning your hands or gloves, or creating noise with screechy hinges. The full list is found at xNetHack § Trap changes.

Encyclopedia entry

Through me you pass into the city of woe:
Through me you pass into eternal pain:
Through me among the people lost for aye.
Justice the founder of my fabric mov'd:
To rear me was the task of power divine,
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love.
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure.
All hope abandon ye who enter here.

[ The Inferno, from The Divine Comedy of Dante
                 Alighieri, translated by H.F. Cary ]
