Graz'zt (dNetHack)

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For the monster as he appears in EvilHack and Hack'EM, see Graz'zt (EvilHack).

Graz'zt, &, is a unique monster that appears in dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack. Graz'zt is a strong humanoid demon prince that is capable of flight, has infravision, can be seen via infravision, can see invisible, will pick up items that he happens across, and can follow the hero to other levels if he is adjacent. Graz'zt is covetous and capable of warping, and desires the Amulet of Yendor, the invocation items, and the quest artifact of the hero's role. He cannot be tamed, and will turn traitor if somehow tamed.

Seeing Graz'zt directly will permanently inflict the "argent sheen" madness upon the hero, which reduces the spell damage they deal to monsters, increases the damage taken from male humanoids and centaurs, and causes them to intermittently lose turns by stopping to admire themselves in a mirror or any other source of reflection. Monsters with the argent sheen madness will panic, lose turns and occasionally gain reflection for a turn.

Graz'zt has a seduction claw attack, four weapon attacks, and the ability to cast mage monster spells once per round. His seduction attack rolls against the hero's charisma, constitution, and intelligence - if the check is failed, Graz'zt may steal some of the hero's possessions or force them to wear harmful equipment, and if they pass the check, the following effects occur base on their gender:

  • For women, Graz'zt will grant a potential boon, up to and including monster genocides or even wishes.
  • For men, an additional check is triggered that rolls against their current charisma - the check used is (ACURR(A_CHA) < rn2(35)), and failing this check causes Graz'zt to attack out of jealousy for heavy damage. Graz'at may also grant a boon and will do so regardless of whether or not he attacks the hero (provided the hero survives).

Graz'zt will then teleport away afterwards, and if he attempts to seduce the hero while the attack is on cooldown, or else the attempt is blocked by chastity, he will then use his normal attack routine similar to foocubi.

Graz'zt possesses fire resistance, poison resistance, drain resistance, and death resistance like most demons.

Graz'zt is poisonous to consume, which primarily comes up if he is digested by another monster or subjected to Ahazu.


Graz'zt is always generated hostile, and is not a valid form for polymorph.

Graz'zt is one of the four demon princes whose lair can appear as the second Abyss level.

Graz'zt is always generated with an amulet of reflection, leather armor, high boots, and the uncursed Doomscreamer: Doomscreamer is a chaotic intelligent artifact whose base item is a two-handed sword, and it has +1 to-hit, deals double damage against monsters without acid resistance, and grants acid resistance while wielded.

Graz'zt does not leave a corpse upon death.


Grazz't has a tendency to summon hordes of monsters that can quickly overwhelm a hero, so warding the upstairs and preparing an escape route are important considerations as well. While his melee attack is manageable, particularly with acid resistance, his extended seduction attack is extremely dangerous: even with the maximum of 25 charisma there is a significant chance of failure.


Graz'zt originates from Dungeons & Dragons, where he makes his debut in the 1983 Monster Manual II for the 1st Advanced edition. Graz'zt is known as the Dark Prince and the Prince of Pleasure, and rules the 45th, 46th and 47th layers of the Abyss, known as Azzagrat or the Triple Realm - he is the demon prince of decadence and unlimited self-indulgence, as well as the patron of corrupt authorities and tyrants who would rule by force.

Graz'zt appears as a lithe and muscular humanoid that stands 9 feet (2.7 meters) tall, with skin the color and luster of polished obsidian and green eyes that glitter with malevolent light; he has yellowed fangs, pointed ears, and six slender fingers decorating each hand, and is often depicted with six toes and six small black horns half-hidden amid thick black hair. Graz'zt is considered the comeliest demon in the Abyss, and is often dressed in the most expensive and elegant finery on the plane, though any form he took would retain his fiendish traits.

The Dark Prince is a very skilled combatant, with a vast repertoire of magical abilities at his disposal, along with an acid-drenched greatsword and a profane tower shield. Befitting his titles, Graz'zt is a master of seduction and guile above all else, and in many worlds he is spoken of as a legendary dark figure that would visit witches and sorcerers and grant them favors along with magical powers; as a result, he has half-fiend children across the multiverse. Though not a deity in his own right, many monstrous races also worship Graz'zt, including the mostly-female lamias, and many of his high priests (or "Chosen") are women as well - the rituals performed in his name are violent and involve themes of darkness and betrayal.

Encyclopedia entry

The figure standing before the throne is darkly handsome,
an ebon-skinned man nearly 9 feet tall. His slightly
pointed ears, yellow fangs, and six-fingered hands mark
him for the demon he is.
[ Hordes of the Abyss, by Ed Stark,
James Jacobs, and Erik Mona ]