Advent calendar

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Advent Calendar
Author Patric Mueller
Download link
NetHack PatchDB 338

The Advent Calendar is a patch by Patric Mueller, originally written against NetHack 3.4.3. It has been incorporated into several variants, including UnNetHack, DynaHack, NetHack Fourk, and possibly others.

The patch adds a dungeon branch called the Advent Calendar, which consists of a single special level that can only be reached via a magic portal in one of the early levels of the Dungeons of Doom - the portal is only generated during the month of December.



The level itself contains 24 small rooms, each protected by undiggable, unphaseable walls and an initially locked artifact door, which is indestructible and cannot be bypassed or unlocked by normal means. Unlike the artifact doors in SLASH'EM and dNetHack, no corresponding artifact key is generated, so the doors cannot be opened until they unlock. Engravings on the ground outside each door number them from 1 to 24. Additionally, pieces of colored glass are scattered around the level for atmosphere, and there are several trees.

Each door unlocks if the level is visited on the corresponding day of the month. Most of the doors contain a minor treat, such as a piece of food; however, the twenty-fourth door contains a "Christmas present", which is typically a more desirable item -- in some cases a magic tool.


You smell chocolate!
You entered the level containing the portal to the Advent Calendar level.
You try to ooze under the door, but the gap is too small.
You tried to move through an artifact door while polymorphed into an amorphous monster.
You hurt your teeth on the re-enforced door.
You tried to move through an artifact door while polymorphed into a monster that can tunnel without a pick.
Ouch! You bump into a heavy door.
You bumped into an artifact door while blind, stunned, fumbling, or with low dexterity. This abuses dexterity.
That door is closed.
You bumped into an artifact door, and none of the above special conditions applied.

Treats and Presents

The treats in the first 23 rooms can be any of the following, in order of descending probability:

The Christmas present in room 24 can be any one of the following, in order of appearance in the source code: