Gauntlets of dexterity/zh-CN

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[ Leather gloves.png[ Padded gloves.png[ Riding gloves.png[ Fencing gloves.png
外观 随机
装备槽位 手套
AC 1
基础价 50 zm
重量 10
材料 皮革

敏捷手套(gauntlets of dexterity,有时缩写为GoD)是NetHack中的一种手套防具。它是一种魔法防具,由皮革制成,未鉴定时外观是随机[1]









敏捷手套最初于NetHack 3.0.0加入游戏。




In SLASH'EM, upgrading leather gloves has a 12 chance of producing gauntlets of dexterity, and upgrading gauntlets of dexterity always produces leather gloves.

The Gauntlets of Defense are a neutral pair of artifact gauntlets of dexterity that provide half physical damage while worn, and can be invoked to toggle invisibility.

Dexterity improves your AC at higher values, making gauntlets of dexterity much more attractive to the point that they may feature in ascension kits. It is debatable whether they are worth spending a wish on, since they are much more available through mundane means, especially for gnomish characters who have the ability to tinker.

NetHack brass

In NetHack brass, gauntlets of dexterity set the wearer's dexterity to their race or role's maximum similar to gauntlets of power, and they will always auto-identify when worn or removed.


In dNetHack and notdNetHack, gauntlets of dexterity confer 2 base AC, 0 base DR and add their enchantment to the wearer's dexterity while worn. Both variants also incorporate SLASH'EM-styled bonuses to AC.

Female droven Anachrononauts start with a +1 pair of gauntlets of dexterity.

dNetHack has two pairs of artifact gauntlets of dexterity:

The November NetHack Tournament

In The November NetHack Tournament, the deathmatch opponent has a 34 chance of generating with blessed erodeproof +4 or +5 gauntlets of dexterity if they represent a character that is a healer, priest or wizard who does not have gloves.


In EvilHack, a character's dexterity confers bonuses to AC while unburdened, somewhat similar to SLASH'EM, making gauntlets of dexterity somewhat more desirable.

Gauntlets of dexterity are generated as part of various kits for player monsters, including centaurs in several roles and monks of all races.


In SlashTHEM, in addition to SLASH'EM details, The Pickpocket's Gloves are a pair of chaotic artifact gauntlets of dexterity: they confer stealth and automatic searching while worn, and additionally provide a +20 bonus to stealing from monsters via the borrow extended command.


In Hack'EM, upgrading gauntlets of dexterity will produce gauntlets of fumbling and vice versa. All other SLASH'EM details apply to gauntlets of dexterity in Hack'EM.
