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)   Cleaver   (No tile)
Base item battle-axe
Damage vs. small 1d8+1d4 +1d6 (3-18)
Damage vs. large 1d6+2d4 +1d6 (4-20)
To-hit bonus +1d3
Bonus versus (any)
Weapon skill axe
Size two-handed
When carried


When wielded


When invoked


Base price 1500 zm
Weight 120
Material iron

Cleaver is an artifact that appears in NetHack. It is neutral-aligned, and its base item is a battle-axe.


A randomly generated battle-axe on the ground has a base 120 chance of being made into an artifact, which will always be Cleaver if it has not yet been generated. Cleaver is the first guaranteed sacrifice gift for Barbarians, and neutral characters may receive it as a sacrifice gift.

Player monsters on the Astral Plane that generate with a battle axe have a 12 chance of that hammer being turned into a compatible artifact that is not yet generated, which will always be Cleaver if it has not yet been generated.[1][2]


Cleaver has +1d3 to-hit and +d6 damage bonuses, and can hit multiple monsters in an arc with one swing while wielded: each attack will first strike the monster 45 degrees to one side of the target, then the targeted monster, and then the monster 45 degrees to the other side, and the direction of attack alternates with each swing.[3][4] The arc only occurs if the attack directly hits a monster (e.g. it will not occur when using the fight command at empty air), and does not discriminate between hostile monsters and pets or peaceful monsters.[5] If the hero attacks with Cleaver while held or engulfed, they can only hit the monster holding or engulfing them.

Like other axes, applying Cleaver in a given direction can chop down trees and destroy doors, and applying it at a monster will attack with the same conditions above. Cleaver's arc prevents it from being used to perform shattering blows or sneak attacks.[6]


Cleaver's arc attack potentially makes it one of the most damaging weapons in the game by pure damage-per-turn calculation. Moreover, it is most effective in "one vs. many" scenarios, which are also the most dangerous situations for a player to find themselves in. Cleaver's arced strikes can help you in these situations by opening gaps to flee through or to reposition yourself in.

For the same reason, this weapon is also extremely dangerous to wield in peaceful-populated areas such as the Quest, Minetown, shops, and temples - it is particularly advisable to use a different weapon while altar-scumming with a co-aligned priest in the room. In general, combat with Cleaver proves far easier if you can lure your foes away from peaceful targets.

Because your pets are just as much endangered by Cleaver's attack as hostile monsters, it may be prohibitively difficult to keep them around. A magic whistle can help orient them "properly" before you attack, as can blocking them off using doors or cursed items if you are aware of the potential for combat beforehand. Slower pets such as dragons and balrogs are easier to work with, as you can move a few steps away before attacking.

As a two-handed artifact that is not an intelligent artifact weapon, Cleaver risks being welded to your hands if it becomes cursed. The usual strategies for two-handed weapons apply: make sure to keep some keep curse removal items on hand, including carrying holy water in a spare sack to #tip out if necessary.

Average damage calculation

The average damage calculations in the following table do not include bonuses from weapon skills, strength, or from using a blessed weapon against undead or demons.

Weapon Small monsters Large monsters
+0 Cleaver \frac{1+8}{2}+\frac{1+4}{2}+\frac{1+6}{2}=\bold{10.5} \frac{1+6}{2}+\frac{2+8}{2}+\frac{1+6}{2}=\bold{12}
+7 Cleaver \frac{1+8}{2}+\frac{1+4}{2}+\frac{1+6}{2}+7=\bold{17.5} \frac{1+6}{2}+\frac{2+8}{2}+\frac{1+6}{2}+7=\bold{19}


Cleaver first appears in NetHack 3.0.0. From this version to NetHack 3.0.10, including some variants based on these versions, Cleaver is a chaotic axe that is not tied to any role. In NetHack 3.1.0, Cleaver is made neutral and associated with the Barbarian.

's striking arc is introduced in NetHack 3.6.1, and is adapted from FIQHack.


Variants based on NetHack 3.4.3 and earlier versions may not incorporate the wide-cutting arc from later versions of NetHack.


In SLASH'EM, Cleaver has +3 to-hit and +6 damage like all artifacts with damage bonuses (as opposed to double damage). Since SLASH'EM is based on NetHack 3.4.3, Cleaver does not attack monsters in an arc.

The above strategies regarding two-handed weapons still apply, especially given the proliferation of item-cursing spellcasters in SLASH'EM—ghoul mages, nabassus, vampire mages, devas, and the like. Additionally, non-human Barbarians in SLASH'EM have a second guaranteed sacrifice gift in Deathsword, which is only particularly effective against humans - it is considered an obstacle to a better artifact weapon, and as a result some Barbarians may find themselves using Cleaver for longer than they might want.

Given that 13 of neutral sacrifice gifts are non-weapons (Deluder, Gauntlets of Defense, Mirrorbright, and Whisperfeet) and another 14 are of limited use (Disrupter vs. non-undead, Giantkiller vs. non-giants, and Sword of Balance vs. neutrals), a neutral hero who receives Cleaver early should consider himself lucky - only Magicbane and Mjollnir are more powerful as general-use neutral weapons, particularly in the early and midgame where curses are not a significant threat.


In UnNetHack, Cleaver behaves as it does in NetHack.

The Executioner is guaranteed to be generated with Cleaver if it has not yet appeared in-game.


In dNetHack, Cleaver is the first sacrifice gift for Barbarians that start their game with a battle-axe. Cleaver has +1d3 to-hit and deals double damage, does not resist being held second to other weapons when wielded by Barbarians, and automatically performs shattering blows against monsters wielding weapons.


In FIQHack, Cleaver has the ability to hit multiple foes, but will not hit pets or peacefuls unless they are directly targeted. This behavior is adapted from FIQHack for the artifact in NetHack.


In xNetHack, Cleaver's arc will not strike peaceful monsters unless the hero attacks by force-fighting with F.


In EvilHack, Cleaver will not hit peaceful monsters in its arc unless it is cursed.

Cleaver can be combined with Mjollnir at a forge to create Tempest, an artifact halberd.

Encyclopedia entry

Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed,
sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic
melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled
thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet.

[ The Phoenix on the Sword, by Robert E. Howard ]


  1. src/mplayer.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 170: Barbarian replacements for player monster melee weapons
  2. src/mplayer.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 270: Artifact generation for Astral Plane player monsters
  3. src/uhitm.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 522: hitum_cleave
  4. src/uhitm.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 591: set direction between swings
  5. src/uhitm.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 567: target's location for cleave
  6. src/uhitm.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 771