SlashTHEM races
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In SlashTHEM, there are a total of 19 playable races:
- The 5 base races from NetHack - Dwarf, elf, human, gnome, and orc;
- The 5 additional races from SLASH'EM - Doppelganger, drow, hobbit, lycanthrope, vampire); and
- 9 new playable races introduced by SlashTHEM, either entirely new or inherited from Slash'EM Extended - Clockwork automata, ghouls, giants, illithids, incantifiers, kobolds, nymphs, ogres, trolls
In terms of possible alignments, the following applies to the new raceS: Clockwork automata are always neutral; illithids, ghouls, ogres, and trolls are always chaotic; nymphs and kobolds can be neutral or chaotic; and giants and incantifiers can be any alignment.
Racial intrinsics
Each race has various intrinsics, unique abilities and weaknesses that are detailed in the table below. The also gain a dNetHack-style boost to certain skills, with their minimum caps in parenthesis - if a monster of a listed race is paired with a role that has a boosted skill, that skill's cap will be one level higher.
Race | Intrinsics | Skills (standard cap) | Notes |
Clockwork automata | none | long sword (Basic) | TBA |
Doppelganger | polymorph control at experience level 25 | dagger (Basic) body spells (Skilled) |
Drow | none | saber (Basic) musicalize spells (Basic) bow (Skilled) |
Dwarf | none | pick-axe (Skilled) axe (Skilled) hammer (Skilled) |
Elves | sleep resistance at level 4 | bow (Skilled) musicalize spell (Skilled) |
Multishot bonus for elven arrows from elven bows |
Ghouls | none | bare-handed combat (Skilled) attack spells (Basic) |
Giants | none | two-handed sword (Skilled) | TBA |
Gnomes | none | Can use uncursed touchstones as blessed Multishot bonus for crossbow bolts gains bonus AC from gnomish armor | |
Humans | none | none | No infravision |
Hobbits | none | sling (Expert) | TBA |
Illithids | none | attack spells (Expert) divination spells (Skilled) enchantment spells (Skilled) matter spells (Expert) |
Incantifiers | TBA | All spell schools (Expert) | TBA |
Kobolds | TBA | spear (Basic) dagger (Basic) dart (Basic) |
Lycanthropes | TBA | bare-handed combat (Expert) short sword (Skilled) |
Nymphs | TBA | healing spells (basic) musicalize spells (Skilled) |
Orcs | poison resistance at level 1 | scimitar (Skilled) | Cannibalism is ok. Multishot bonus for orcish arrows from orcish bows |
Trolls | TBA | polearms (Skilled) | cannot obtain fire resistance |
Vampires | TBA | bare-handed combat (basic) dagger (basic) knife (basic) |