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Printable ASCII characters
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + space
` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = { } |
Qq Ww Ee Rr Tt Yy Uu Ii Oo Pp : " [ ] \
Aa Ss Dd Ff Gg Hh Jj Kk Ll ? ; ' Ctrl
Zz Xx Cc Vv Bb Nn Mm , . / < > Alt

In NetHack, the en dash or short dash symbol (-) serves the following purposes:

  • - represents a horizontal wall.
  • - represents an open door in a vertical wall.
  • - is used to draw horizontal rays.
  • Pressing - followed by a direction will cause you to attack in that direction regardless of what is there - this is useful for attacking invisible or mimicked foes, pets or peaceful denizens of the dungeon, without a prompt for safety.
  • For some item prompts, pressing - chooses your hands instead of an item, e.g. you can engrave with your finger, wield nothing and fight bare-handed, or apply grease to your hands. For other item prompts, you will mime performing the action instead.
  • In a menu, pressing - deselects all items.