Dragon scale mail/zh-CN
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龙鳞甲(dragon scale mail,通常缩写为DSM)是NetHack中的一类铠甲类防具。
龙鳞(dragon scales)是一种与龙鳞甲性质相似的铠甲。
颜色 | 外在特质 | 基础价(龙鳞) | 基础价(龙鳞甲) | 对应的龙 |
蓝色(blue) | 电击抵抗 | 500 | 900 | 蓝龙 |
黑色(black) | 分解抵抗 | 700 | 1200 | 黑龙 |
灰色(gray) | 魔法抵抗 | 700 | 1200 | 灰龙 |
绿色(green) | 毒素抵抗 | 500 | 900 | 绿龙 |
橙色(orange) | 睡眠抵抗 | 500 | 900 | 橙龙 |
红色(red) | 火焰抵抗 | 500 | 900 | 红龙 |
银色(silver) | 反射 | 700 | 1200 | 银龙 |
白色(white) | 寒冷抵抗 | 500 | 900 | 白龙 |
黄色(yellow) | 强酸抵抗 | 500 | 900 | 黄龙 |
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新增防具金龙鳞甲(gold dragon scale mail):其会在穿戴时发光,并赋予幻觉抵抗。此外,部分龙鳞甲现在能赋予额外的特质[4]。
3.7.0的龙鳞甲赋予的特质见下表:颜色 | 特质(NetHack 3.7.0) | 对应的龙 |
蓝色 | 电击抵抗、非常快速 | 蓝龙 |
黑色 | 分解抵抗、降级抵抗 | 黑龙 |
灰色 | 魔法抵抗 | 灰龙 |
绿色 | 毒素抵抗、疾病抵抗 | 绿龙 |
金色 | 光源、幻觉抵抗 | 金龙 |
橙色 | 睡眠抵抗、自由行动 | 橙龙 |
红色 | 火焰抵抗、红外视觉 | 红龙 |
银色 | 反射 | 银龙 |
白色 | 寒冷抵抗、慢消化 | 白龙 |
黄色 | 强酸抵抗、石化抵抗 | 黄龙 |
有两种主要的方法来获得龙鳞甲:直接许愿来获得,或是杀死龙获得龙鳞,并用龙鳞制作龙鳞甲。在英文版本游戏中许愿时,务必确保拼写正确,否则你很可能得到“scroll of mail”。
- 在变形陷阱上变形你的宠物来让它变成你需要的龙,然后抛弃它,直到它变回野生(也可以以降低幸运值为代价,直接杀死它)。
- 反向灭绝龙。
- 让阵营合适的怪物施放召唤恶物,直到你需要的龙出现(注意,这不会生成蓝色、灰色或白色的龙)。务必准备好应对其他有可能被召唤出来的怪物!
- 变成你需要的颜色的雌性龙,生几个蛋(使用坐下命令),让它们孵化,然后等它们成长为成年龙。利用怪物的被动攻击或陷阱杀死它们可以避免惩罚。
- 击杀城堡、吕底人堡垒及部分任务关卡里必定生成的龙。
- 地牢深层的王座房间里也可能生成龙。如果玩家在混乱状态下搜刮王座,它也有可能生成龙,不过要注意,王座每次被搜刮都会有1⁄10的概率变为无法被搜刮的状态。
灰龙鳞甲(gray dragon scale mail,简称“GDSM”)和银龙鳞甲(silver dragon scale mail,简称“SDSM”)通常被认为是最实用的两种龙鳞甲,但在不同情景下,哪种龙鳞甲更应当优先获取一直是玩家们争论的问题。灰龙甲提供魔法抵抗,可以抵御怪物法术和变形陷阱的效果;银龙甲提供反射,可以抵御魔杖、喷吐等射线效果。因为两种属性都很有用,最好先找到一个能提供魔抗或反射的来源,再去获取能提供另一个特质的龙鳞甲。
- 无许愿飞升:你当然可以通过反向灭绝获取龙鳞甲,但也有运气不好,既找不到卷轴也找不到魔笔的情况,这时最好先把你找到的第一件龙鳞做成龙鳞甲穿上,因为你需要它提供的AC加成和减负。
- 无食物或素食主义者飞升:虽然无食物行为玩家可以通过加冕获取绝大多数的抗性,这有时也是可遇不可求的(如果你同时还挑战无神论者的话,那就完全不能用这个手段)。龙鳞甲提供的其他特质有时也是玩家需要的(特别是已经从其他来源获取了魔抗和反射的时候)。使用龙鳞甲获取抗性比起戒指还有一个优势,那就是龙鳞甲不需要鉴定。最优先考虑的龙甲有三种:
- 如果你实在是不喜欢遭受强酸攻击:若没有自我变形手段或炼金术罩衫,黄龙鳞甲是唯一提供酸抗的来源。不过酸性攻击事实上威胁也不大。
- 黑龙鳞甲是唯一能够提供分解抵抗的外在来源,它可以保护玩家不受黑龙分解射线的影响。不过,反射特质也可以抵御射线攻击,而且分解抵抗特质也能通过食用黑龙的尸体获取。
- 夺心魔和夺心魔大师的多段攻击会触发多次怪物的被动攻击效果,因此适合穿戴黄龙鳞甲来抵御酸性怪物的被动攻击。
- 如果你没有多余的反射来源给宠物使用,可以考虑给宠物穿黑龙鳞甲来抵御黑龙的分解射线(当然,直接灭绝黑龙也是可行的选择)。
龙鳞甲最初于NetHack 3.0.0加入游戏。到NetHack 3.0.10版本为止,玩家需要通过变形龙的尸体来将其转化为对应颜色的龙鳞甲,且游戏中只有一种龙鳞甲,其提供火焰抵抗。
龙鳞最初于NetHack 3.1.0加入游戏,同时加入了颜色和特质加成不同的龙甲(银色除外),并引入了现版本龙鳞甲的制作方法。银龙鳞及银龙鳞甲于NetHack 3.3.0加入。
In some variants, dragon scale mail is phased out in favor of dragon-scaled armor, whose implementation is based on a proposal by dtsund. Instead of being made into mail of its own, the dragon scales are treated as a cloak, and reading a scroll of enchant armor melds them onto a worn set of body armor, generally augmenting that armor by adding its AC and conferred extrinsic properties to it.
Scrolls of enchant armor will always target worn dragon scales instead of other worn items: a blessed scroll will bless the body armor that the scales are melded to and repair any erosion (but will not erodeproof it), while a cursed scroll will cursed the body armor and lower its enchantment by 1 point. If the armor is already dragon-scaled, fusing another set of scales replaces the previous color. If reading a scroll of enchant armor while wearing scales without body armor, the hero will polymorph into the matching type of dragon, with polymorph control allowing you to choose whether to transform - if read while confused and wearing both scales and body armor, the scales fuse into the armor before your character polymorphs into a dragon.
Dragon-scaled armor is implemented in NetHack Fourk, xNetHack, EvilHack, and Hack'EM - these implementations differ from the proposal and from each other, and are covered in detail by the article linked above.
Several variants also give dragon scale mail additional properties while worn, and may even introduce other forms of dragon scale armor. Variants with object properties and/or partial intrinsics can also shift the use of other colors of dragon scale mail as well, generally creating more useful options.
SLASH'EM introduces two new types of dragons, and thus two types of dragon scales and dragon scale mail:
Color | Extrinsic |
Shimmering | displacement |
Deep | drain resistance |
SLASH'EM also makes several changes with regards to how dragon scale mail can be made or obtained:
- Baby dragons are more common to encounter in the dungeon, but take much longer to grow up into adult form, and polymorphing for monsters works as it does for the hero, meaning that pets cannot be polymorphed or otherwise reliably farmed for scales.
- The Wyrm Caves generates several adult dragons at level creation, providing a plentiful source of various scales.
- Shopkeeper services for used armor dealerships may include the ability to enchant armor - this allows illiterate heroes to obtain dragon scale mail without wishing, though only 1⁄4 of such shopkeepers will offer it.
- There are sources of guaranteed gray dragon scales/dragon scale mail in the Lawful Quest and the black market, respectively, though both are quite difficult to liberate from their owners.
- Some gnolls can be generated with dragon scale mail:
- Gnoll warriors have a 1⁄20 chance of receiving orange dragon scale mail.[7]
- Gnoll chieftains have a 1⁄10 chance of blue dragon scale mail.[8]
- Gnoll shamans have a 1⁄10 chance of silver dragon scale mail, and otherwise have a 1⁄5 chance of generating with red dragon scale mail.[9]
Though gray and silver are still popular colors of dragon scale mail, strategic uses of other colors are more common as well, especially for heroes that seek to obtain magic resistance and reflection by other means: SLASH'EM features several more level-draining threats, such as the wand of draining and the breath weapon of deep dragons; shimmering dragons are tougher to hit than other monsters, while making displacement obtainable without sacrificing the cloak slot typically used for MC3; and stronger acidic threats such as the shoggoth and giant shoggoth make yellow dragon scale mail's acid resistance much more viable.
NetHack brass
In NetHack brass, dragon scale mail weighs 250 aum and provides 8 AC.
GruntHack's implementation of object properties makes it possible for dragon scale mail and other magical items to have an additional property, unlike implementations of object properties in later variants. Since it is possible and commonplace to wish for an item that provides both magic resistance and reflection (e.g. usually "blessed greased +3 dragonhide cloak of magic resistance and reflection"), the remaining properties are usually covered via other wishes.
The result is that the choice between gray and silver dragon mail (or most other colors) for wishes is rendered moot: assuming a first wish to cover both magic resistance and reflection such as the example provided, yellow dragon scale mail of decay (which adds drain resistance) is the most common secondary wish for a majority of heroes, as it blocks two of the most pressing remaining threats: drain life and acid blast, which hostile spellcasters of certain levels can have access to. Most heroes that obtain wishes can also tailor their dragon mail choices to fit other desired builds - heroes of laying races that cannot wear body armor, such as giants, will have to consider a different series of wishes altogether for their property coverage.
SporkHack adds gold dragon scale mail, which act as a permanent light source while worn. Most sets of dragon scales and dragon scale mail are also given a secondary extrinsic:
Color | Extrinsic | Secondary extrinsic |
Blue | shock resistance | speed |
Black | disintegration resistance | passive blinding attack |
Gold | light source | none |
Gray | magic resistance | none |
Green | poison resistance | passive poison attack |
Orange | sleep resistance | passive slow attack |
Red | fire resistance | +1d6 to all melee damage |
Silver | reflection | none |
White | cold resistance | freezes water and lava under foot |
Yellow | acid resistance | stun and confusion resistance |
In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, dragon scales can made into dragon scale shields as well as dragon scale mail - reading a scroll of enchant armor while confused will harden worn dragon scales into a shield. All dragon armor and corresponding scales are given one or more secondary properties similar to SporkHack and other variants, with some being exclusive to particular types of scales or armor. Dragon scales and dragon scale mail also weigh 150 aum. Deep dragons and shimmering dragons are added along with their scales and armor.
In UnNetHack, dragon scale mail confers only 5 base AC. The powers of dragons and their scales (and thus scale mails) are also randomized in each game:
Appearances | Powers (randomized each game) |
tatzelworm | "magic" |
amphitere | "reflecting" |
draken | "fire" |
lindworm | "ice" |
sarkany | "sleep" |
sirrush | "disintegration" |
leviathan | "electric" |
wyvern | "poison" |
glowing* | "stone"** |
guivre | "acid" |
chromatic | all |
A glowing dragon will always emit light within a 2-square radius of itself - glowing dragon scales (and glowing dragon scale mail) do the same while worn. The dragon that produces stone dragon scales will always have a breath weapon that creates lava.
UnNetHack also makes significant changes to wishing rules: In particular, dragon scale mail and other magical items can only be obtained by a wish from a wand of wishing; dragon scales are non-magical and can be obtained from any wish source in UnNetHack. Any set of dragon scales or its corresponding mail can be wished for by appearance, e.g. wishing for "guivre scales", or "guivre scale mail" from a wand of wishing, will always work. To wish for dragon armor by its corresponding power, the armor must be formally identified first, e.g. by using a scroll of identify on dropped dragon scales (which identifies the matching scale mail along with it) or by witnessing the dragon use its breath weapon. The name of the power can then be used in the wish, e.g. "reflecting dragon scale mail".
FIQHack implements the shimmering dragon and its scales (and scale mail). Dragon scale mail now weighs 300 aum, and the weight of all worn armor is halved.
Dragon scale mail (and corresponding scales) confers additional benefits while worn:
Color | Extrinsic | Secondary extrinsic |
Blue | shock resistance | speed, slowing resistance |
Black | disintegration resistance | drain resistance |
Gray | magic resistance | none |
Green | poison resistance | sickness resistance |
Orange | sleep resistance | free action |
Red | fire resistance | infravision, warning, see invisible |
Shimmering | Displacement | stun resistance |
Silver | reflection | behaves like vanilla reflection (reflects dragonbreath and rays from wands used at Skilled or higher) |
White | cold resistance | automatic searching, swimming, magical breathing, wetproof inventory |
Yellow | acid resistance | stoning resistance |
Stephen had argued, and the expert armorer had grudgingly
admitted, that dragonscale shield or armor, provided it proved
feasible to make at all, ought to offer some real, practical
advantages over any metal breastplate or shield -- gram for
gram of weight, such a defense would probably be a lot
tougher and more protective than any human smiths could
make of steel.
by Fred Saberhagen ]
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- Jump up ↑ src/mon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 328
- Jump up ↑ src/mplayer.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 156
- Jump up ↑ https://github.com/NetHack/NetHack/commit/ef1eeed7550e38fa1e4ff0ef608f3c8b55eaa950
- Jump up ↑ src/polyself.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 501
- Jump up ↑ src/polyself.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 518
- Jump up ↑ makemon.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 691
- Jump up ↑ makemon.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 705
- Jump up ↑ makemon.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 718