Juiblex (dNetHack)

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In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, Juiblex, &, is far stronger than his incarnation in NetHack.

Juiblex is a demon lord with an amorphous form, and he is amphibious and capable of swimming, has infravision, can see invisible, and can follow the hero to other levels if he is adjacent. Juiblex is both omnivorous and metallivorous, and seeing him directly will inflict the "gluttony" madness, which causes increased hunger.

Juiblex is covetous and capable of warping, and desires the Amulet of Yendor, the invocation items, and the quest artifact of the hero's role, though he does not have any attacks that can steal them from targets. Like other demon rulers, Juiblex cannot be made tame and will turn traitor if somehow tamed. Juiblex has 27 points of AC, all of which are in the natural category.

Juiblex has a touch attack that induces sliming, a second touch that causes corrosion, a third touch that deals elemental acid damage which is only halved by resistance, a powerful engulfing attack that inflicts disease, and a strong passive acid attack. Juiblex possesses fire resistance, poison resistance, acid resistance, stoning resistance, immunity to sickness, drain resistance, and death resistance.

Juiblex is acidic and poisonous to consume, though this will not come up in gameplay.


Juiblex is always generated hostile, and is not a valid target for genocide or polymorph. He is generated with 4 times the maximum HP for a monster of his size.

Juiblex is one of the five demon lords whose lair can appear as the first Abyss level. He will always generate meditating in the center of his swamp, with a chest made of stone on his square that contains six wages of gluttony and 12 demon vault-eligible items.

Juiblex never leaves a corpse upon death.


Juiblex, also known as the Faceless Lord, is a being that first appears in Dungeons & Dragons, where he debuts in the 1st Edition Monster Manual. Juiblex is the demon lord of oozes and shapeless things, and most commonly appears as a nine-foot cone of slime and jelly; he is often considered the most foul of all demon lords and deities in both appearance and aura. His amorphous form swirls with a mixture of hideous colors and constantly drips caustic slime, and is full of eyes that seep black grime and constantly pulsate and shift across it - the mass is bound by a thin membrane of oil and thick mucus, and can shift freely: at rest, he resembles little more than a spread-out mass of filth.

Regardless of form, Juiblex can manifest dripping pseudopods in all directions to lash out and hungrily scoop up nearby creatures, and favors using his ooze-like qualities to close in and attack as many foes as possible. His form makes him difficult to damage consistently with weapons that are not cold iron or good-aligned, and the toxicity of his mass also makes it a serious ordeal to even get near him, let alone preserve weapons and armor. Most of Juiblex's abilities revolve around controlling and spreading slime and ooze, summoning jellies, oozes and puddings, or enabling high mobility while possibly hindering that of his opponents. His primary domain Shedaklah is a realm of living rot and bubbling ooze, with a massive subterranean network of caves and sinkholes below it where all kinds of oozes and slimes breed and lurk.

Despite seeming weaker and simpler than other demon lords, Juiblex's mind is said to be eldritch beyond mortal comprehension and alien even by the standards of demons: despite his dominion over traditionally-mindless spawn, he possesses an incredibly vast intellect and acts with unknowable purposes, and moves cautiously and subtly even against rivals such as Zuggtmoy. With all this in mind, Juiblex is possibly the easiest of the demon lords to understand: his only active goal is the corrosion and eventual dissolving of all existence, and he has more than enough patience to mask any other agendas to that end. Additionally, the adaptability of his body and the omnipresence of oozes means that his "true" body is far greater than even his own intellect can manage.

Encyclopedia entry

A shuddering, glistening cone of jelly and slime striated
with veins of black and green rears up from the pit.
Baleful red eyes swim in the things gelatinous body, and
dripping pseudopods of tremulous ooze writhe with latent
hunger in every direction at once.

[ Hordes of the Abyss,
by Ed Stark, James Jacobs, and Erik Mona ]

Little is known about the Faceless Lord, even the correct
spelling of his name. He does not have a physical form as
we know it, and those who have peered into his realm claim
he is a slime-like creature who swallows other creatures
alive, spits acidic secretions, and causes disease in his
victims which can be almost instantly fatal.