Giant (monster)

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A giant, H, is a type of monster that appears in NetHack. It is a type of giant that serves as the base monster for the corpse left by a giant zombie or giant mummy. Its stats are identical to those of the stone giant.

A giant has a single weapon attack.

Eating a giant corpse or tin has a 12 chance (50%) of increasing a character's strength.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

The attacks of giants and other sufficiently large monsters can inflict knockback, sending targets flying one or more squares.

Giants and other large humanoids can wear mummy wrappings.


Standard giants are not randomly generated.

A giant zombie or giant mummy will leave an aged human corpse behind upon death.[1][2] Giants can also be generated by zapping a wand of undead turning at a giant corpse that is not left by a zombie or mummy, wishing for a figurine of a giant and applying it, or else selecting giants while reading a cursed scroll of genocide.

Giants that are somehow generated normally have a 12 chance (50%) of being generated with either a boulder or a club with equal probability, and an independent chance of being generated with a small assortment of gems.[3][4] They are eligible for offensive items, defensive items, and miscellaneous items.


Giant corpses left behind by zombies and mummies can be a risky source of additional strength for characters, due to the chance of contracting food poisoning. A tinning kit can render them both safe to consume and much less nutrition-heavy.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Knockback can make giants and other large monsters exceedingly dangerous if the player character is positioned between them and a hazard, such as pools of water or lava. This also includes giant zombies and mummies, which can make it more difficult to obtain their corpses in some situations.


The giant first appears in NetHack 1.3d. From this version to NetHack 2.3e, the monster uses the 9 glyph.

NetHack 3.0.0 moves the giant to the giant humanoid monster class and introduces most of the distinct giant types minus the storm giant - the standard giant remains in the game's data as a placeholder for the corpse left by the giant zombie and giant mummy, which are introduced in the same version.



In SLASH'EM, 20 giants are generated in the Giant Caverns at level generation.


Main article: Giant (starting race)

In GruntHack, giants are a playable race, and they also generate as racial monsters - both leave behind giant corpses upon death. The giant's level is lowered to 3, and its monster difficulty is also lowered to 4.


Main article: Giant (starting race)

SporkHack includes the giant as a playable race.


In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, giants are neutral-aligned and vulnerable to iron. They have a 14 chance of being generated with a club.

Giants may appear among the court of a titan-ruled throne room.

NetHack Fourk

Main article: Giant (starting race)

NetHack Fourk includes the giant as a playable race, and standard giants now generate randomly: they are used as a replacement for the stone giant due to its identical stats, and are generated in the same locations that stone giants are in NetHack.


Main article: Giant (starting race)

In EvilHack, giants are also a playable race and can generate as racial monsters, similar to GruntHack. The giant's stats are changed to reflect its status as a placeholder: its monster level is lowered to 0, its difficulty is lowered 2, its AC is set to 6, and its weapon attack can inflict knockback like other giants.

All of the above information also applies to Hack'EM.


Main article: Giant (starting race)

In SlashTHEM, in addition to SLASH'EM details, the giant is also a playable race: the monster is given a second weapon attack with the same dice to reflect the role's twoweapon ability, and its monster difficulty is increased to 11.

Encyclopedia entry

Giants have always walked the earth, though they are rare in these times. They range in size from little over nine feet to a towering twenty feet or more. The larger ones use huge boulders as weapons, hurling them over large distances. All types of giants share a love for men - roasted, boiled, or fried. Their table manners are legendary.


  1. src/mon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 147: Converting monster index of undead to corpses of their living counterparts
  2. src/mon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 372: Undead corpses and their ages are handled with other "special" death drops
  3. src/makemon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 183
  4. src/makemon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 706