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Medusa is a dangerous unique monster that appears in NetHack. She is always found in the Dungeons of Doom between the level containing the magic portal to the Quest and the level containing the Castle.


Main article: Medusa's Island

Medusa will always appear on her own level; the first and second variants will place her on the downstair along with a statue of Perseus, while the third raven-populated version has 3 eligible areas for Medusa and the downstairs to be generated. The snake-infested fourth version will place her on the leftmost and largest island, with four eligible squares for Medusa and the downstairs to be generated on.


The most difficult part of reaching Medusa is crossing the sea monster-infested waters. Levitation or water walking boots are the most common ways to cross the water. Using a wand of cold, a frost horn or the cone of cold spell to freeze a path across the water is another option, as is filling the water with boulders and/or some means of jumping.

If you are trying to reach the island using boulders, the most efficient method is an uncursed scroll of earth. If need be, you can also push any boulder you find on the level above to the downstair and throw items to make them roll down. 8 boulders are needed for the first version, and 16 are needed for the second; this can be reduced to 7 and 14 respectively if you are willing to jump into water and crawl out. An amulet of magical breathing may also be used to traverse the level underwater, though you should waterproof your inventory beforehand to prevent as much of it getting wet as possible.

If crossing the water is not an option, you may also opt to dig a hole to the next level and then come back up by using the staircase. The stairs to the next level are always in the same room as Medusa, so be sure you are ready for her before going up!


Beware: as in Greek mythology, her gaze can turn people to stone, as will attempting to eat her corpse—which, among other things, makes facing her as a purple worm or mind flayer a very bad idea.[1] The quickest way to deal with Medusa is to have reflection or apply a mirror towards her, which will reflect her gaze back upon her and turn her to stone. Alternately, blinding yourself or polymorphing into a stoning-resistant creature protects you from her gaze; rendering yourself invisible will make reflection ineffective against Medusa's gaze.

You can also use the speed system to kill her in one turn, e.g. with a spell or wand of death—this do not rely on the sleep spell to neutralize her gaze. Hallucination can protect against all gaze attacks 75% of the time,[2] but this should not be relied upon.

Cancelling Medusa renders her gaze ineffective and generates YAFM: "Medusa doesn't look all that ugly."[3] You can then take her on like any other monster.

Pacifists will want to avoid reflecting Medusa's gaze to kill her, which breaks the conduct; they can instead blind her and leave her to their pets, or additionally blind themselves, prepare a source of reflection, and give Medusa some powerful attack wands so she can kill herself with the rebounds.

While she is not covetous, Medusa can and will escape to the stairs and travel up or down them if made to flee; should you lose track of her (e.g., seeing her disappear from the level while blind and using telepathy, but not finding her corpse or seeing a death message), beware of her around her lair and on the levels immediately above and below.

Players lacking reflection might like to find and investigate the statue of Perseus on the level, as it may contain a shield of reflection.


Medusa first appears in NetHack 2.2a, where she was generated within a room in an ordinary level, and many an adventurer likely met an untimely end from not knowing they would soon see Medusa. NetHack 3.0.0 adds a number of statues to her room, though this is an ambiguous clue; in any case, the use of telepathy or a potion of monster detection is advisable in versions up to and including 3.0.10.

Medusa's Island first appears in NetHack 3.1.0; Nethack 3.6.0 added two new possible layouts for the level.

Multi-Medusa bug

Medusa will never directly appear in a bones file.[4] However, her statue can appear in bones files in NetHack 3.4.3 and previous versions; this was bug C342-54 (now fixed). As this does not prevent generation of an ordinary Medusa in the game loading the bones until the statue is unstoned, this could be used to have two or more Medusas in a single game; corpses of any unique monster could also be left in bones, allowing you to revive multiple Medusa corpses as well.


In classical folklore, Medusa was one of the three monstrous Gorgons, generally described as winged human women with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Medusa was the only mortal among the trio—a later version of her origin written in Ovid's Metamorphoses asserted that she was originally a mortal human maiden, transformed into her current state by Athena as a punishment. While the Bulfinch variant of the tale asserts that this was a result of Medusa's own hubris regarding her beauty (as quoted by the encyclopedia entry), other versions have this occur after Poseidon and Medusa lay together in one of Athena's temples and desecrated it—the original Latin Metamorphoses and other interpretations indicate Medusa did so against her will.

In the tale of Perseus, he is sent to fetch Medusa's head by King Polydectes of Seriphus, who wanted to marry Perseus's mother Danaë and gave Perseus the task as a way to bring them a gift (though he secretly hoped to get rid of Perseus). The gods were well aware of this, and gave Perseus divine assistance in the form of a mirrored shield (from Athena), gold winged sandals (from Hermes), a sword forged by Hephaestus, and Hades's helm of darkness (both given by Zeus). These items were entrusted to the Hesperides, who also gave him a knapsack to safely contain Medusa's head.

Perseus viewed Medusa safely using her reflection on the mirrored shield, then used it to guide his sword and behead her; as she was pregnant by Poseidon at the time, Pegasus the winged horse and the golden sword-wielding giant Chrysaor sprang from the neck of her headless body. Perseus then bagged Medusa's head and used the helm to escape the other two Gorgons; upon returning to Seriphus and discovering that his mother was taking refuge from Polydectes's violent advances, Perseus saved her by showing the king the head, which turned Polydectes and his attendant nobles to stone.

In popular culture, her "weakness" to reflection is often made more direct, with games such as NetHack making her vulnerable to her own reflected gaze. The fourth variant of Medusa's Island serves as a sort of "palace" for her, with an abundance of snakes and black nagas as well as a yellow dragon—after her decapitation in some tales, her spilled blood was said to have given birth to several creatures, including the Sahara's poisonous vipers and the venomous, twin-headed dragon-like serpent known as Amphisbaena (represented by the yellow dragon. Black nagas, yellow dragons, and their offspring are also acidic and thus resistant to stoning. The crystal ball may also be an allusion to the Graeae, daughters of the sea-deities Phorcys and Ceto and sisters to the Gorgons (who were sometimes called "Graeae")—Perseus stole their sole shared eye in order to ransom it for information on the location of either Medusa herself or the three objects needed to slay her, depending on the telling.



In UnNetHack, hallucination can protect you from Medusa's stoning gaze.


In dNetHack, Medusa has an additional pair of grabbing hug attacks; the first does 1d4 damage, while the second is far stronger at 4d8, making it more dangerous to approach her in melee. Her hair also makes 1-3 bite attacks against all adjacent hostile monsters once per global turn; these bites deal 1d6 damage and have a strength-draining poison. All monsters peaceful and hostiles can be affected by her stoning gaze if they can perceive her.


In EvilHack, Medusa is a far more formidable opponent - she is capable of stoning you using the snakes in her hair, and will deflect her reflected gaze most of the time where possible. She is also generated with a bow and arrows, giving her a means to damage players keeping out of her melee range.


In addition to dNetHack changes above, Medusa in notdNetHack also has a poisonous 1d6 bite that drains strength.

Being turned to stone by Medusa is reported in the livelog and high score list as "petrified by Poseidon's curse".

Monster stats by variant

Encyclopedia entry

Medusa, one of the three Gorgons or Graeae, is the only one
of her sisters to have assumed mortal form and inhabited the
dungeon world.
When Perseus was grown up Polydectes sent him to attempt the
conquest of Medusa, a terrible monster who had laid waste the
country. She was once a beautiful maiden whose hair was her
chief glory, but as she dared to vie in beauty with Minerva,
the goddess deprived her of her charms and changed her
beautiful ringlets into hissing serpents. She became a cruel
monster of so frightful an aspect that no living thing could
behold her without being turned into stone. All around the
cavern where she dwelt might be seen the stony figures of men
and animals which had chanced to catch a glimpse of her and
had been petrified with the sight. Perseus, favoured by
Minerva and Mercury, the former of whom lent him her shield
and the latter his winged shoes, approached Medusa while she
slept and taking care not to look directly at her, but guided
by her image reflected in the bright shield which he bore, he
cut off her head and gave it to Minerva, who fixed it in the
middle of her Aegis.

[ Bulfinch's Mythology, by Thomas Bulfinch ]
