Dragon scale mail/zh-CN

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[[[[[[[[[Black dragon scale mail.pngBlue dragon scale mail.pngGray dragon scale mail.pngGreen dragon scale mail.pngOrange dragon scale mail.pngRed dragon scale mail.pngSilver dragon scale mail.pngWhite dragon scale mail.pngYellow dragon scale mail.png
外观 <颜色>龙鳞甲
装备槽位 铠甲
AC 9
  • <依颜色而定>
基础价 900~1200 zm
重量 40
材料 龙皮
[[[[[[[[[Black dragon scales.pngBlue dragon scales.pngGray dragon scales.pngGreen dragon scales.pngOrange dragon scales.pngRed dragon scales.pngSilver dragon scales.pngWhite dragon scales.pngYellow dragon scales.png
外观 <颜色>龙鳞
装备槽位 铠甲
AC 3
  • <依颜色而定>
基础价 500~700 zm
重量 40
材料 龙皮

龙鳞甲(dragon scale mail,通常缩写为DSM)是NetHack中的一类铠甲防具,它们是游戏中防护性能最高的单件防具。它们的基础AC加成为9,重量仅有40,提供一项实用的外在特质,免疫侵蚀损伤,而且不阻碍施法。但它不提供销魔效果,因此最好搭配高MC的斗篷使用。

龙鳞(dragon scales)是被击杀后可能掉落的一种铠甲。龙鳞的基础AC加成只有3,但其他基础特性和同色的龙鳞甲相同。龙鳞可以转化成龙鳞甲。

玩家最常用的两种龙鳞甲是能够赋予反射的银龙鳞甲(silver dragon scale mail,简称“SDSM”)和能够赋予魔法抵抗灰龙鳞甲(gray dragon scale mail,简称“GDSM”)。




颜色 外在特质 基础价(龙鳞) 基础价(龙鳞甲)
蓝色 电击抵抗 500 900
黑色 分解抵抗 700 1200
灰色 魔法抵抗 700 1200
绿色 毒素抵抗 500 900
橙色 睡眠抵抗 500 900
红色 火焰抵抗 500 900
银色 反射 700 1200
白色 寒冷抵抗 500 900
黄色 强酸抵抗 500 900


以下内容涉及即将到来的版本(NetHack 3.7.0)之信息。如果该版本已发布,请验证此处信息是否准确,并作出相应修改,以将其并入页面。


颜色 特质(NetHack 3.7.0)
蓝色 电击抵抗非常快速
黑色 分解抵抗降级抵抗
灰色 魔法抵抗
绿色 毒素抵抗疾病抵抗
金色 光源幻觉抵抗
橙色 睡眠抵抗自由行动
红色 火焰抵抗红外视觉
银色 反射
白色 寒冷抵抗慢消化
黄色 强酸抵抗石化抵抗






有两种主要的方法来获得龙鳞甲:直接许愿来获得,或是杀死龙获得龙鳞,并用龙鳞制作龙鳞甲。在英文版本游戏中许愿时,务必确保拼写正确,否则你很可能得到“scroll of mail”。




  1. 穿戴你需要转化的龙鳞
  2. 阅读一张非诅咒的防具附魔卷轴








  1. 变形陷阱变形你的宠物来让它变成你需要的龙,然后抛弃它,直到它变回野生(也可以以降低幸运值为代价,直接杀死它)。
  2. 反向灭绝龙。
  3. 阵营合适的怪物施放召唤恶物,直到你需要的龙出现(注意,这不会生成蓝色、灰色或白色的龙)。务必准备好应对其他有可能被召唤出来的怪物!
  4. 变成你需要的颜色的雌性龙,生几个蛋(使用坐下命令),让它们孵化,然后等它们成长为成年龙。利用怪物的被动攻击或陷阱杀死它们可以避免惩罚。
  5. 击杀城堡吕底人堡垒及部分任务关卡里必定生成的龙。












  • 无许愿飞升:你当然可以通过反向灭绝获取龙鳞甲,但也有运气不好,既找不到卷轴也找不到魔笔的情况,这时最好先把你找到的第一件龙鳞做成龙鳞甲穿上,因为你需要它提供的AC加成和减负。
  • 无食物飞升:虽然无食物行为玩家可以通过加冕获取绝大多数的抗性,这有时也是可遇不可求的(如果你同时还挑战无神论者的话,那就完全不能用这个手段)。龙鳞甲提供的其他特质有时也是玩家需要的(特别是已经从其他来源获取了魔抗和反射的时候)。使用龙鳞甲获取抗性比起戒指还有一个优势,那就是龙鳞甲不需要鉴定。最优先考虑的龙甲有三种:
  • 红龙鳞甲:保护玩家免受葛汉诺姆火焰陷阱伤害,功能可被戒指覆盖。
  • 绿龙鳞甲:保护玩家免受尖刺坑、淬毒发射物和剧毒近战攻击的影响,功能可被炼金术罩衫、对应的护身符戒指覆盖,部分角色天生或升级后自带毒抗。
  • 橙龙鳞甲:提供睡眠抗性,保护玩家免受睡眠效果的陷阱、魔杖或投掷药水的影响。精灵升到4级就会获得该特质,但其他角色无法通过自由行动戒指覆盖其功能,因此该龙鳞甲有一定实用性。
  • 如果你实在是不喜欢遭受强酸攻击:若没有自我变形手段或炼金术罩衫,黄龙鳞甲是唯一提供酸抗的来源。不过酸性攻击事实上威胁也不大。




Getting dragon scale mail is a bit different in SLASH'EM. Baby dragons take much longer to grow up, and it is not feasible anymore to polymorph pets into dragons for their death drop (due to polymorph working like it does for player characters). However, there are many dragons in the Wyrm Caves, and there are the guaranteed gray dragon scales in the Lawful Quest and the gray dragon scale mail worn by One-eyed Sam. The last two may be somewhat difficult to liberate from their previous owners, and the law quest one is generated cursed -9.

Some of the gnolls can be generated with dragon scale mail: gnoll warriors may be generated with orange dragon scale mail, chieftains may get blue dragon scale mail, and shamans may get either red or silver dragon scale mail.

SLASH'EM's used armor dealers can sometimes enchant armor for you. Using this service on dragon scales will turn them into dragon scale mail, providing a way for illiterate characters to obtain dragon scale mail without violating conduct. However, the player is far from guaranteed to find a shopkeeper who offers the appropriate service: only 25% of armor dealers will offer it.

New colors in SLASH'EM

Color Extrinsic
Shimmering displacement
Deep level-drain resistance

While still less useful than GDSM and SDSM, these two new dragon scale mails are still worth using for some players. Drain resistance is a lot more important in SLASH'EM, given the abundance of wands of draining and the breath of deep dragons in its later game; a player who has magic resistance and reflection from other sources may well consider deep dragon scale mail as an option. Meanwhile, shimmering dragon scale mail provides a way for players to get displacement and MC 3 at the same time without sacrificing their cloak slot. Finally, due to the presence of shoggoths and giant shoggoths with their high speed and massive acid damage, yellow dragon scale mail is also a viable option.


In SporkHack, all colors of DSM save gray and silver have some kind of secondary effect. Spork also adds an additional color, gold, which acts as a permanent light source.

Color Extrinsic SporkHack secondary extrinsic
Blue shock resistance speed
Black disintegration resistance passive blinding attack
Gray magic resistance none
Green poison resistance passive poison attack
Orange sleep resistance passive slow attack
Red fire resistance +1d6 to all melee damage
Silver reflection none
White cold resistance freezes water and lava under foot
Yellow acid resistance stun and confusion resistance

New colors in SporkHack

Color Extrinsic
Gold radius 2 light


In dNetHack, shimmering dragon scales/mail and deep dragon scales/mail are also added. All old DS/DSM have additional properties too.

Color Extrinsic dNetHack additional extrinsics
Blue shock resistance very fast speed
Black disintegration resistance drain resistance
Gray magic resistance half spell damage
Green poison resistance sickness resistance
Orange sleep resistance free action, hallucination resistance
Red fire resistance flying (scales and mail only, not shield), protects from sliming
Silver improved reflection* none
White cold resistance magical breathing, swimming, and protects inventory from water damage.
Yellow acid resistance stoning resistance
Shimmering displacement infinite range see invisible
Deep drain resistance unchanging

In addition, dragon scale shields can now be made. They are made by reading a scroll of enchant armor while confused, and will harden worn dragon scales into a shield. They grant the same extrinsics that the same color of mail does, except that red dragon scale shields do not grant flying.

Also, dNetHack silver dragon scale mail/shields is much more valuable. Amulets and shields of reflection no longer reflect dragon breath, but SDSM/SDSS do.


In UnNetHack, dragon scale mails have AC 5 (down from 9) and dragon scales have AC 1 (down from 3).

The powers of dragons and thus their scales and scale mails is randomized each game:

Appearances Powers (randomized each game)
tatzelworm "magic"
amphitere "reflecting"
draken "fire"
lindworm "ice"
sarkany "sleep"
sirrush "disintegration"
leviathan "electric"
wyvern "poison"
glowing* "stone"**
guivre "acid"
chromatic all

(*) Dragons described as "glowing" always emit light, and wearing their scales or scale mail grants radius 2 light, like SporkHack.

(**) The dragon with the "stone" power has lava breath, not stoning. However, wearing its scales or scale mail confers stoning resistance.

Before wishing for dragon armor, note the new rules for wishing in UnNetHack. In particular, wands of wishing only have 0-2 charges (plus 1 wrest), and only wishes from wands can grant wishes for magical items. Dragon scale mails, magic markers, scrolls of genocide and scrolls of enchant armor all count as magical items. However, dragon scales are considered non-magical items and can thus be obtained from any wish source.

Any dragon armor can be wished for by appearance, so wishing for "guivre scale mail" (from a wand of wishing) or "guivre scales" will always work.

To wish for dragon armor by its power, the corresponding armor must be formally identified first, e.g. by using a scroll of identify on dropped dragon scales (the matching scale mail will be identified with it). The name of the power (from the table above) can then be used in the wish, e.g. "reflecting dragon scale mail".


  • Dragon scale mail in FIQHack weighs 300 when carried (150 when worn).
  • White dragon scale mail protects your inventory from water damage.
  • Shimmering dragon scale mail provides displacement and stun resistance.
  • Blue dragon scale mail gives 100% resistance against slow monsters.

Colored DSM (all except silver/gray) have new benefits, in addition to the standard ones above:


NetHack Fourk, xNetHack, EvilHack, and Hack'EM implement the dtsund dragon-scaled armor patch. In these variants, dragon scales are cloaks instead of body armor. Dragon scale mail is removed; instead, a set of dragon scales can be fused into a suit of body armor by reading a scroll of enchant armor while wearing the scales over the armor. Scrolls of enchant armor will always target worn dragon scales instead of other worn items. Any body armor infused with dragon scales confers 3 extra AC and the scales' extrinsic. If the armor is already dragon-scaled, fusing another set of scales will replace the previous color.

If the scroll is blessed, the fused armor becomes blessed and has its erosion repaired (but it is not made erodeproof). If the scroll is cursed, the fused armor becomes cursed and loses a point of enchantment.

If you read a scroll of enchant armor while wearing scales without body armor, you polymorph into the matching type of dragon. (If you have polymorph control, you choose whether to transform.) If you read it while confused and wearing both scales and body armor, the scales fuse into the armor, and then you polymorph into a dragon.


In xNetHack's implementation of dtsund-DSM, the additional extrinsics that were added to most scales in 3.7.0 only apply to dragon-scaled armor, not to the scales by themselves.


In Hack'EM's implementation of dtsund-DSM, dragon-scaled armor provides an additional extrinsic and a passive attack. In the table below, a set of scales provides only the primary extrinsic, while a suit of dragon-scaled armor provides all three benefits. Passive attacks marked with an asterisk (*) may affect attackers' items.

Color Primary extrinsic Secondary extrinsic Passive attack
Black disintegration resistance slow digestion disintegration*
Blue shock resistance very fast speed shock*
Deep drain resistance stability (hurtling resistance) level drain
Gold light source automatic searching blinding
Gray magic resistance protection from cancellation cancellation*
Green poison resistance sickness resistance poison
Orange sleep resistance free action slowing
Red fire resistance +1d6 melee damage fire*
Shimmering displacement stealth, warning, and see invisible confusion, stunning, and slowing
Silver reflection blinding resistance scares like a mirror
Sea magical breathing swimming rust*
White cold resistance freeze water and lava underfoot cold*
Yellow acid resistance stoning resistance acid*


Stephen had argued, and the expert armorer had grudgingly
admitted, that dragonscale shield or armor, provided it proved
feasible to make at all, ought to offer some real, practical
advantages over any metal breastplate or shield -- gram for
gram of weight, such a defense would probably be a lot
tougher and more protective than any human smiths could
make of steel.
[ The Last Book of Swords: Shieldbreaker's Story,
by Fred Saberhagen ]
