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'''Erosion''' in [[NetHack]] is an attribute that can apply to some items depending on their [[material]].  The performance of an eroded [[weapon]] (including [[tool]]s that can be used as weapons (specifically, [[pick-axe]]s) or piece of [[armor]] will be degraded - weapons will have their [[damage]] decreased and armor's intrinsic [[AC]] bonus will be reduced by one for each level of erosion (in neither case affecting [[enchantment]], and never reducing intrinsic damage or AC below zero). This means a +0 [[dwarvish iron helm]]'s AC is -2, while a thoroughly rusty +1 dwarvish iron helm's AC is -1. Erosion does not affect an item's other enchantment-based effects; a thoroughly rusty +2 [[helm of brilliance]] still provides +2 to INT and WIS. The following types of erosion exist:
'''Erosion''' is an attribute that applies to items in ''[[NetHack]]'', and makes it possible for items of a certain [[material]] to degrade in quality, which in turn can potentially affect their performance.
'''Rust''' affects only items made from [[iron]]. It results from [[wet]]ting (by [[potion of water|potion]], [[fountain]], [[pool]], etc.) or the attack of a [[rust monster]] or [[gray ooze]].
There are four types of erosion recognized by the game.
'''Corrosion''' affects [[copper]] or [[iron]] items. Exposure to [[acid]]ic environments ([[potion of acid|potions]] or some [[monster]]s) results in this form of damage.
<span id="Rust">'''Rust''' affects items made of [[iron]], and is caused by:</span>
* [[Water damage]]
* The bite of a [[gray ooze]], or the touch attacks and [[passive attack]] of a [[rust monster]] (which all use the '''<tt>AD_RUST</tt>''' [[damage type]])
'''Burning''' affects [[wood]], [[leather]], [[cloth]], and [[plastic]], and results from [[fire]].
<span id="Corrosion">'''Corrosion''' affects items made of [[copper]] or iron, and is caused by:</span>
* The [[potion of acid]], when [[thrown]] or [[dipped]] into
* The [[acid]] [[breath weapon]] of a [[yellow dragon]], the passive acid attacks of a [[green mold]], [[spotted jelly]] or [[ochre jelly]], or the [[engulfing attack]] of an ochre jelly
* The bite and passive of a [[black pudding]] (which both use the '''<tt>AD_CORR</tt>''' damage type)
'''Rotting''' affects [[wood]], [[leather]], and [[cloth]], and results solely from exposure to [[brown pudding]]s.
<span id="Burning">'''Burning''' affects items made of [[wood]], [[leather]], [[cloth]], and [[plastic]], and is caused by [[fire]] damage from most of its sources, as well as a passive effect of attacking certain fire-element monsters.</span>
Items can suffer up to three levels of erosion, for example: <code>rusty</code>, <code>very rusty</code>, and <code>thoroughly rusty</code>. The types of damage do not add; rather the greater damage is used. Thus, a very rusty corroded short sword has a -2 penalty rather than -3. An item can be both thoroughly rusty ''and'' thoroughly corroded, but it will never suffer more than 3 points of damage.
<span id="Rotting">'''Rotting''' affects items made of wood, leather and cloth, and is caused by the bite attack of a [[brown pudding]] (which uses the '''<tt>AD_DCAY</tt>''' damage type).</span>
== Other erodible items ==
There are three levels of erosion possible, with each instance of erosion adding one level, i.e. [[banded mail]] can become "rusty", then "very rusty", then "thoroughly rusty". An item that is at the maximum for a particular type of erosion cannot be further eroded that way, though it can still be subject to other applicable types of erosion, e.g. a thoroughly rusty banded mail can also be corroded.
Metal wands, rings, stethoscopes, and skeleton keys can rust and corrode, but this does not affect their performance.  
Also, if you are polymorphed into an [[iron golem]], rust traps will kill your monster form (even if [[unchanging]], unless you have the [[half physical damage]] extrinsic){{refsrc|src/trap.c|1070|version=NetHack 3.6.0}}. All iron golems suffer this fate. Similarly, a [[wood golem]] can be rotted and destroyed.
== Preventing and curing erosion ==
Erosion does not affect [[body armor]] worn under a [[cloak]], and does not affect a [[shirt]] worn under body armor or a cloak.
Many objects can be protected from erosion, and any existing erosion repaired.  A metal object that is so protected [[identification|identifies]] as rustproof, and an organic or plastic object identifies as fireproof. The procedure is the same for both types:
* A [[weapon]] (including [[tool]]s that can be used as weapons) can be protected from erosion, and any damage repaired, by wielding it and reading a [[BUC|non-cursed]] [[scroll of enchant weapon]] while [[confusion|confused]].
{{upcoming|3.7.0|Per {{commit|e9c58c2fe4277fc64433df3c9a2e8d954fd1d16a}}, damage to [[glass]] objects is treated as erosion rather than immediately destroying the objects: a glass item can be '''cracked''', very cracked at 2 levels, or thoroughly cracked at 3 levels, and any damage to a thoroughly cracked glass item destroys it. The chance of glass items being damaged is also raised from 5% to 10%.}}
* Any [[armor]] can be protected from erosion, and any damage repaired, by wearing it, removing all other armor, and reading a [[BUC|non-cursed]] [[scroll of enchant armor]] while [[confusion|confused]].
===Item effects===
Erosion has particular negative effects on items from specific [[object class]]es.
* Any [[armor]] can also be protected from erosion by wearing it, removing all other armor, and reading a [[BUC|''cursed'']] [[scroll of destroy armor]] while [[confusion|confused]].  This procedure does not repair existing damage.
* Eroded [[weapon]]s and [[weapon-tool]]s have their damage decreased by 1 for each level of erosion, to a minimum of 0, and this penalty is doubled for weapons that do double damage against certain monsters: a [[short sword]] that is very rusty has a &minus;2 penalty to damage. Bladed weapons that are eroded are more likely to break when used to [[force]] locked [[container]]s.{{refsrc|src/lock.c|237|version=NetHack 3.6.7}} Eroded weapons and weapon-tools that are used to dig (i.e. a [[pick-axe]] or [[dwarvish mattock]]) will dig slower than ones that are not eroded.{{refsrc|src/dig.c|300|nethack=3.6.7}}
* Eroded [[armor]] has its base [[AC]] reduced by one point for each level of erosion, to a minimum of 0: a +0 dwarvish iron helm grants 2 points of AC, while a thorough rusty +1 dwarvish iron helm grants 1 point of AC (0 from base item + 1 from [[enchantment]]).
* Successfully dipping for [[Excalibur]] will remove any existing erosion on the long sword and make it rustproof.
Penalties from erosion are not cumulative, and are applied based on the highest level of erosion for that object - e.g., if the very rusty short sword from the above example becomes corroded as well, it still has has a &minus;2 damage penalty rather than &minus;3. Erosion does not affect an item's other enchantment-based effects, e.g. a thoroughly rusty +2 [[helm of brilliance]] still provides +2 to [[intelligence]] and [[wisdom]].
* Any wishable item can be [[wish]]ed for in an unerodable state. (This is achieved either via using an adjective such as "rustproof", or more commonly, "fixed", which is intended for [[crysknife|crysknives]] but shares the same bit in memory as erosion proofing.)
{{todo|Specifics on damage penalties for erosion.}}
* Items retain erode-proof status when polymorphed. One can create a fireproof bag of holding or magic marker this way, whose presence (as seen in a dump file, for example) would normally indicate a wish.
===Monster effects===
A few [[monster]]s in ''NetHack'' are capable of being damaged by erosion attacks:
If the scroll of enchant weapon or armor is cursed, this procedure instead strips the item of any protection from erosion, and has no effect on existing erosion.
* An [[iron golem]] (including a [[hero]] in the form of one) that is subjected to rusting from water damage or being hit by a rust-inducing attack takes damage equal to its current [[HP]].{{refsrc|src/trap.c|2370|version=NetHack 3.6.7|comment=Rust trap on monsters}} {{refsrc|src/mhitm.c|1094|version=NetHack 3.6.7|comment=Monster hit by rusting attack}}
* A [[wood golem]] (including a hero in the form of one) that is subjected to decay from a brown pudding's attack takes damage equal to its current HP.{{refsrc|src/mhitm.c|1120|version=NetHack 3.6.7}}{{refsrc|src/uhitm.c|1876|version=NetHack 3.6.7}}
No erosion event will ever affect [[body armor]] worn under a [[cloak]], nor a [[shirt]] worn under body armor or a cloak. One might choose, then, to wear a [[junk]] cloak such as a [[dwarvish cloak]] to protect a [[banded mail]] from rust.
A hero in golem form that dies this way is returned to normal form, even if they have [[unchanging]].{{refsrc|src/trap.c|1162|version=NetHack 3.6.7|comment=Rust trap on hero in iron golem}}{{refsrc|src/trap.c|3773|version=NetHack 3.6.7|comment=Stepping into water as iron golem}}{{refsrc|src/mhitu.c|1440|version=NetHack 3.6.7|comment=Hit by rusting attack in iron golem form}}{{refsrc|src/mhitu.c|1458|version=NetHack 3.6.7|comment=Rotted in wood golem form}}
Objects can be temporarily protected from rust or corrosion by greasing them.  An event which would normally rust or corrode the item will instead have a chance of removing the grease.  Also, one level of rust and/or corrosion can be removed from a weapon by dipping it into a [[potion of oil]].
==Erosion-proofing and repair==
Objects can be made '''erodeproof''' (or '''[[foo]]proof''' informally) and protected from all forms of erosion, and existing erosion on erodible objects can be repaired - certain materials are also considered to be inherently erodeproof, such as [[silver]], [[metal]] and [[dragon hide]]. The process for making items erodeproof varies with the object class:
The [[Prayer#Favors_and_gifts|prayer boon]] does not erode-proof your wielded weapon, though it does repair existing damage.
* A hero [[read]]ing a non-cursed [[scroll of enchant weapon]] while [[confused]] will erodeproof the currently [[wield]]ed weapon and repair any existing damage. Doing so with a cursed scroll will remove any erodeproofing.
* A hero reading a non-cursed [[scroll of enchant armor]] while [[confused]] will erodeproof a random piece of currently [[worn]] armor and repair any existing damage to it. Doing so with a cursed scroll will remove any erodeproofing from a random piece of armor.
* A hero reading a ''[[cursed]]'' [[scroll of destroy armor]] while [[confused]] will erodeproof a random piece of currently [[worn]] armor without repairing existing damage to it.
* Any item can be [[wish]]ed for as erodeproof, even if they are made of a normally-erodeproof material.
In addition to erode-proofing, blessed items may resist erosion, with a chance dependent on your [[Luck]]<ref>{{function|rnd.c|rnl|version=NetHack 3.6.0}}</ref>
The word used to describe an item as erodeproof varies with the item's material: '''rustproof''' for iron items, '''corrodeproof''' for copper items, and '''fireproof''' for items vulnerable to burning; though the description '''"rotproof"''' is recognized by the game, all materials that can be rotted can also be subjected to burning.{{refsrc|src/objnam.c|3031|version=NetHack 3.6.7|name="erodeproof"}} The '''"fixed"''' status exists for [[crysknives]] and is intended for displaying how likely they are to revert to a [[worm tooth]] ({{frac|10}} for a fixed crysknife versus always for a normal one), but shares the same bit in the object data structure as erode-proofing, and a wish for a "fixed" item will set this bit.<ref name="erodeproof/> An erodeproof item is protected from all erosion, regardless of if its description mentions that form of erosion.
There are other methods that can make items erodeproof, repair erosion or otherwise offer protection from it:
In [[SLASH'EM]] rust may also be removed from a weapon by applying a [[whetstone]] while standing over a [[water]] source.
* Dipping a [[long sword]] into a [[fountain]] with a {{frac|6}} chance, or else [[crowning]] while wielding one as a lawful hero, will transform it into [[Excalibur]], repairing any erosion and making the sword rustproof.
* An erodeproof item that is [[polymorph]]ed into another item retains its erodeproof status.
* Erosion can be removed from a wielded weapon as a boon from successful [[prayer]].
* [[Grease]] applied to an item blocks all forms of erosion, but has a chance to dissolve after each instance of blocked erosion.
* Dipping a rusty and/or corroded item into a [[potion of oil]] removes one level of rust or corrosion from it.
* [[Blessed]] items have a [[luck]]-dependent chance to resist erosion.
* [[Artifact]]s given as gifts from [[sacrifice]] and crowning are always made erodeproof - a wielded weapon that is enhanced as part of the crowning process (i.e. if the hero cannot be given the normal crowning gift) is repaired and made erodeproof.
{{todo|Specify the erodeproofing methods that ID the proofing.}}
{{upcoming|3.7.0|Per {{commit|e9c58c2fe4277fc64433df3c9a2e8d954fd1d16a}}, glass items can be made erodeproof, and those items are referred to as '''crackproof''' or '''tempered'''.}}
In most cases, using scrolls of enchant armor to erode-proof armor is a waste of resources. Since erosion only affects the object's base AC, and most items don't have more than 1 or 2 base AC, scrolls are usually better spent increasing the enchantment of your gear (unless you are unable to enchant your gear safely any more and don't have enough markers to make use of blanking the surplus scrolls). Many forms of body armor grant 3 or more AC, but usually the only suits you should consider enchanting are [[dragon scale mail]] and perhaps [[mithril-coat]]s, neither of which can erode. Using extra scrolls to fix erosion is an option, however. It might also be worthwhile to fire-proof [[speed boots]], [[jumping boots]], or [[water walking boots]], as any of these will be destroyed should you accidentally step into lava. This applies particularly to Valkyries whose quest contains lava in abundance. [[Cloak of protection]] may also be worth erodeproofing, since its base AC is 3.
A hero should erodeproof their primary weapon of choice at minimum to avoid damage penalties, if it is not already made of an erodeproof material; a character focused on [[two weapon combat]] should erode-proof their offhand weapon as well if applicable. However, most characters' primary weapons of choice are artifacts, which are automatically erode-proofed if obtained via sacrifice, crowning or explicitly wishing for an erodeproof artifact weapon - but ''not'' if that artifact is randomly generated or acts as their [[quest artifact]], such as [[The Sceptre of Might]] for [[Cavepeople]]. An erode-proofed weapon is also unlikely to lose that status, barring carelessness with a scroll of enchant weapon.
Conversely, making armor erodeproof may often be lower priority for many characters, depending on the current stage of the game and the armor in question: in general, this is best saved until a hero has settled on a long-term set of armor, and enchanted it as far as they desire to or can safely do so; any excess scrolls can then be used to repair erosion and proof armor as needed. High luck and blessed armor (which usually occurs when reading blessed scrolls of enchant armor) can reduce the odds of any one piece of armor being eroded, and a worn cloak will protect both body armor and shirts underneath them.
Fireproofing boots is generally worthwhile to avoid destroying them should the hero accidentally walk into [[lava]] - other armor with low base AC is somewhat lower-priority, due to how AC penalties for erosion function, e.g. many [[helm]]s, most cloaks except the [[cloak of protection]], and all [[gloves]] provide a base AC of 1. While erode-proofing the hero's suit of armor is a good idea, on top of their protection by a worn cloak it is also highly unlikely to be necessary if the aim is to wear [[dragon scale mail]] or even a [[mithril-coat]] (both of which cannot be eroded) in the long term.
It is a common habit for players wishing up items to request those items fixed or otherwise erodeproof as a form of precaution, even if the risk of that item being eroded is unlikely to come up: for example, any player wishing for a [[T-shirt]] or [[Hawaiian shirt]] is likely to request it as fixed or fireproof, even though neither shirt grants any base AC (and thus will not lose any if burnt) and will usually be covered by their suit of armor and cloak.
There are certain rare cases where a player may prefer that an item be eroded:
* [[Dividing]] black puddings and brown puddings deliberately to farm for resistances from their [[glob]]s is best done using a thoroughly eroded weapon in order to minimize damage dealt to the puddings themselves outside of splitting them.
* Armor that is thoroughly rusted cannot be rusted further, trivializing encounters with rust monsters (though rustproofing also trivializes them).
The modern erosion system is introduced in [[NetHack 3.1.0]]. In [[NetHack 3.0.10]] and previous versions, erosion occurs in the form of reducing that item's enchantment - a rust monster in these versions is more similar to a modern [[disenchanter]] as a result, except that its attack is blocked by rustproofing (which exists in those versions) rather than [[magic cancellation]].
In [[NetHack 3.4.3]] and earlier versions, including some variants based on those versions, [[pudding farming]] is generally performed using [[Puddingbane]]s, which are weak and thoroughly corroded weapons such as [[orcish dagger]]s, to maximize the amount of [[corpse]]s obtained.
In [[NetHack 3.6.0]] and earlier versions, including some variants based on those versions, [[wand]]s, [[ring]]s, and [[tool]]s such as [[stethoscope]]s and [[skeleton key]]s can rust and corrode, but this does not affect their use.
[[Variants]] of ''NetHack'' typically add new monsters that can corrode objects and/or new materials that can be eroded, and sometimes change which existing materials can be eroded as well - this is especially true of variants with [[object materials]] systems. For details on those materials, see the appropriate article for that material; for details on which materials can or cannot be eroded, see the object materials article for that variant if applicable.
In [[SLASH'EM]], rust can be removed from a weapon by [[apply]]ing a [[whetstone]] while standing over a [[water]] source, such as a [[fountain]].
In [[SporkHack]], the [[Destroy armor (monster spell)|destroy armor]] monster spell is reworked to instead inflict one to three levels of erosion on a piece of armor that it targets: if the spell targets an [[erosion]]-proofed piece of armor, it will remove that proofing, which counts towards the erosion levels; if the armor is made of an inherently proofed material such as [[mithril]], it will instead ignore the proofing without removing it. [[Magic resistance]] lowers the armor damage to one level per casting, and thoroughly eroded armor targeted by the spell is destroyed as in ''NetHack''.
In contrast, you generally will want an erode-proof main weapon, particularly since the erosion penalty is doubled for double-damage weapons.  However, it is rarely necessary to do the erode-proofing yourself: artifact weapons from [[sacrifice]] will always be erode-proof, while those from wishes can be explicitly wished for erode-proof. However, in the case of a good weapon found randomly in the dungeon (for example one of [[Fire and Frost Brand|the Brands]]), it is worth spending a scroll of enchant weapon to make it rustproof.  Also, [[cavemen]] using the [[Sceptre of Might]] will also want to make it rustproof, as it is not generated so.
In [[EvilHack]], erosion can affect the buy and sell prices of objects in [[shop]]s. Items that have 3 levels of erosion and are subjected to erosion of that same type are destroyed, making it possible for e.g. a long sword to rust away from being dipped in enough fountains without being transformed into Excalibur, or for a rust monster to completely destroy a pair of thoroughly rusted [[gauntlets of power]] while the hero is holding a [[footrice]] [[corpse]].
== History ==
The destroy armor spell also functions similarly to how it does in SporkHack, though it cannot erode or destroy [[crystal plate mail]], [[quest artifact]] armor, or [[The Hand of Vecna (EvilHack)|The Hand of Vecna]]; armor that grants [[disintegration resistance]] (including artifacts) always resists destruction from the spell, and all other artifacts that do not fall into the previous categories have a base {{frac|9|10}} chance (90%) of resisting destruction from the spell.
Before [[NetHack 3.1.0]], items did not have erosion as such; rather, damage operated by reducing the enchantment.  Thus a [[rust monster]] attacked rather like a modern [[disenchanter]], except that its attack was blocked by rustproofing rather than [[magic cancellation]].
[[Category:Item attributes]]
[[Category:Item attributes]]
[[Category:Monster damage types]]
[[Category:Monster damage types]]

Latest revision as of 20:19, 12 August 2024

Erosion is an attribute that applies to items in NetHack, and makes it possible for items of a certain material to degrade in quality, which in turn can potentially affect their performance.


There are four types of erosion recognized by the game.

Rust affects items made of iron, and is caused by:

Corrosion affects items made of copper or iron, and is caused by:

Burning affects items made of wood, leather, cloth, and plastic, and is caused by fire damage from most of its sources, as well as a passive effect of attacking certain fire-element monsters.

Rotting affects items made of wood, leather and cloth, and is caused by the bite attack of a brown pudding (which uses the AD_DCAY damage type).

There are three levels of erosion possible, with each instance of erosion adding one level, i.e. banded mail can become "rusty", then "very rusty", then "thoroughly rusty". An item that is at the maximum for a particular type of erosion cannot be further eroded that way, though it can still be subject to other applicable types of erosion, e.g. a thoroughly rusty banded mail can also be corroded.

Erosion does not affect body armor worn under a cloak, and does not affect a shirt worn under body armor or a cloak.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Per commit e9c58c2f, damage to glass objects is treated as erosion rather than immediately destroying the objects: a glass item can be cracked, very cracked at 2 levels, or thoroughly cracked at 3 levels, and any damage to a thoroughly cracked glass item destroys it. The chance of glass items being damaged is also raised from 5% to 10%.

Item effects

Erosion has particular negative effects on items from specific object classes.

  • Eroded weapons and weapon-tools have their damage decreased by 1 for each level of erosion, to a minimum of 0, and this penalty is doubled for weapons that do double damage against certain monsters: a short sword that is very rusty has a −2 penalty to damage. Bladed weapons that are eroded are more likely to break when used to force locked containers.[1] Eroded weapons and weapon-tools that are used to dig (i.e. a pick-axe or dwarvish mattock) will dig slower than ones that are not eroded.[2]
  • Eroded armor has its base AC reduced by one point for each level of erosion, to a minimum of 0: a +0 dwarvish iron helm grants 2 points of AC, while a thorough rusty +1 dwarvish iron helm grants 1 point of AC (0 from base item + 1 from enchantment).

Penalties from erosion are not cumulative, and are applied based on the highest level of erosion for that object - e.g., if the very rusty short sword from the above example becomes corroded as well, it still has has a −2 damage penalty rather than −3. Erosion does not affect an item's other enchantment-based effects, e.g. a thoroughly rusty +2 helm of brilliance still provides +2 to intelligence and wisdom.

A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"Specifics on damage penalties for erosion."

Monster effects

A few monsters in NetHack are capable of being damaged by erosion attacks:

  • An iron golem (including a hero in the form of one) that is subjected to rusting from water damage or being hit by a rust-inducing attack takes damage equal to its current HP.[3] [4]
  • A wood golem (including a hero in the form of one) that is subjected to decay from a brown pudding's attack takes damage equal to its current HP.[5][6]

A hero in golem form that dies this way is returned to normal form, even if they have unchanging.[7][8][9][10]

Erosion-proofing and repair

Objects can be made erodeproof (or fooproof informally) and protected from all forms of erosion, and existing erosion on erodible objects can be repaired - certain materials are also considered to be inherently erodeproof, such as silver, metal and dragon hide. The process for making items erodeproof varies with the object class:

  • A hero reading a non-cursed scroll of enchant weapon while confused will erodeproof the currently wielded weapon and repair any existing damage. Doing so with a cursed scroll will remove any erodeproofing.
  • A hero reading a non-cursed scroll of enchant armor while confused will erodeproof a random piece of currently worn armor and repair any existing damage to it. Doing so with a cursed scroll will remove any erodeproofing from a random piece of armor.
  • A hero reading a cursed scroll of destroy armor while confused will erodeproof a random piece of currently worn armor without repairing existing damage to it.
  • Any item can be wished for as erodeproof, even if they are made of a normally-erodeproof material.

The word used to describe an item as erodeproof varies with the item's material: rustproof for iron items, corrodeproof for copper items, and fireproof for items vulnerable to burning; though the description "rotproof" is recognized by the game, all materials that can be rotted can also be subjected to burning.[11] The "fixed" status exists for crysknives and is intended for displaying how likely they are to revert to a worm tooth (110 for a fixed crysknife versus always for a normal one), but shares the same bit in the object data structure as erode-proofing, and a wish for a "fixed" item will set this bit.[11] An erodeproof item is protected from all erosion, regardless of if its description mentions that form of erosion.

There are other methods that can make items erodeproof, repair erosion or otherwise offer protection from it:

  • Dipping a long sword into a fountain with a 16 chance, or else crowning while wielding one as a lawful hero, will transform it into Excalibur, repairing any erosion and making the sword rustproof.
  • An erodeproof item that is polymorphed into another item retains its erodeproof status.
  • Erosion can be removed from a wielded weapon as a boon from successful prayer.
  • Grease applied to an item blocks all forms of erosion, but has a chance to dissolve after each instance of blocked erosion.
  • Dipping a rusty and/or corroded item into a potion of oil removes one level of rust or corrosion from it.
  • Blessed items have a luck-dependent chance to resist erosion.
  • Artifacts given as gifts from sacrifice and crowning are always made erodeproof - a wielded weapon that is enhanced as part of the crowning process (i.e. if the hero cannot be given the normal crowning gift) is repaired and made erodeproof.

A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"Specify the erodeproofing methods that ID the proofing."

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Per commit e9c58c2f, glass items can be made erodeproof, and those items are referred to as crackproof or tempered.


A hero should erodeproof their primary weapon of choice at minimum to avoid damage penalties, if it is not already made of an erodeproof material; a character focused on two weapon combat should erode-proof their offhand weapon as well if applicable. However, most characters' primary weapons of choice are artifacts, which are automatically erode-proofed if obtained via sacrifice, crowning or explicitly wishing for an erodeproof artifact weapon - but not if that artifact is randomly generated or acts as their quest artifact, such as The Sceptre of Might for Cavepeople. An erode-proofed weapon is also unlikely to lose that status, barring carelessness with a scroll of enchant weapon.

Conversely, making armor erodeproof may often be lower priority for many characters, depending on the current stage of the game and the armor in question: in general, this is best saved until a hero has settled on a long-term set of armor, and enchanted it as far as they desire to or can safely do so; any excess scrolls can then be used to repair erosion and proof armor as needed. High luck and blessed armor (which usually occurs when reading blessed scrolls of enchant armor) can reduce the odds of any one piece of armor being eroded, and a worn cloak will protect both body armor and shirts underneath them.

Fireproofing boots is generally worthwhile to avoid destroying them should the hero accidentally walk into lava - other armor with low base AC is somewhat lower-priority, due to how AC penalties for erosion function, e.g. many helms, most cloaks except the cloak of protection, and all gloves provide a base AC of 1. While erode-proofing the hero's suit of armor is a good idea, on top of their protection by a worn cloak it is also highly unlikely to be necessary if the aim is to wear dragon scale mail or even a mithril-coat (both of which cannot be eroded) in the long term.

It is a common habit for players wishing up items to request those items fixed or otherwise erodeproof as a form of precaution, even if the risk of that item being eroded is unlikely to come up: for example, any player wishing for a T-shirt or Hawaiian shirt is likely to request it as fixed or fireproof, even though neither shirt grants any base AC (and thus will not lose any if burnt) and will usually be covered by their suit of armor and cloak.

There are certain rare cases where a player may prefer that an item be eroded:

  • Dividing black puddings and brown puddings deliberately to farm for resistances from their globs is best done using a thoroughly eroded weapon in order to minimize damage dealt to the puddings themselves outside of splitting them.
  • Armor that is thoroughly rusted cannot be rusted further, trivializing encounters with rust monsters (though rustproofing also trivializes them).


The modern erosion system is introduced in NetHack 3.1.0. In NetHack 3.0.10 and previous versions, erosion occurs in the form of reducing that item's enchantment - a rust monster in these versions is more similar to a modern disenchanter as a result, except that its attack is blocked by rustproofing (which exists in those versions) rather than magic cancellation.

In NetHack 3.4.3 and earlier versions, including some variants based on those versions, pudding farming is generally performed using Puddingbanes, which are weak and thoroughly corroded weapons such as orcish daggers, to maximize the amount of corpses obtained.

In NetHack 3.6.0 and earlier versions, including some variants based on those versions, wands, rings, and tools such as stethoscopes and skeleton keys can rust and corrode, but this does not affect their use.


Variants of NetHack typically add new monsters that can corrode objects and/or new materials that can be eroded, and sometimes change which existing materials can be eroded as well - this is especially true of variants with object materials systems. For details on those materials, see the appropriate article for that material; for details on which materials can or cannot be eroded, see the object materials article for that variant if applicable.


In SLASH'EM, rust can be removed from a weapon by applying a whetstone while standing over a water source, such as a fountain.


In SporkHack, the destroy armor monster spell is reworked to instead inflict one to three levels of erosion on a piece of armor that it targets: if the spell targets an erosion-proofed piece of armor, it will remove that proofing, which counts towards the erosion levels; if the armor is made of an inherently proofed material such as mithril, it will instead ignore the proofing without removing it. Magic resistance lowers the armor damage to one level per casting, and thoroughly eroded armor targeted by the spell is destroyed as in NetHack.


In EvilHack, erosion can affect the buy and sell prices of objects in shops. Items that have 3 levels of erosion and are subjected to erosion of that same type are destroyed, making it possible for e.g. a long sword to rust away from being dipped in enough fountains without being transformed into Excalibur, or for a rust monster to completely destroy a pair of thoroughly rusted gauntlets of power while the hero is holding a footrice corpse.

The destroy armor spell also functions similarly to how it does in SporkHack, though it cannot erode or destroy crystal plate mail, quest artifact armor, or The Hand of Vecna; armor that grants disintegration resistance (including artifacts) always resists destruction from the spell, and all other artifacts that do not fall into the previous categories have a base 910 chance (90%) of resisting destruction from the spell.
