Plate mail/zh-CN
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板甲(plate mail)是NetHack中的一种铠甲类防具。板甲由铁制成。武士称其为短甲(tanko)。
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根据commit 20cbadcf,骑士任务的领袖亚瑟王生成时会携带一件+4板甲。描述
板甲是除龙鳞甲外基础AC加成最高的铠甲之一,但是非常重(450 aum),因此多数角色都很难使用,负重能力高的非施法角色可以在前期穿板甲作为过渡,不过,考虑到重量管理,后续换用秘银胶衣仍可能是更优选。
板甲最初于Jay Fenlason's Hack的衍生作品Hack 1.21和Hack for PDP-11出现,也是Hack 1.0中最初加入游戏的物品之一。
板甲由大块金属板构成。最简单的板甲是胸甲(cuirass),由数块保护躯干的护板组成,而全身板甲(full plate)则包括了由分段的护甲板组成的头盔、护手等部分,用于保护全身。NetHack中的板甲不包含头盔、护手或靴子,因此应该属于胸甲。
虽然板甲显得沉重笨拙,但全套板甲的重量(若制作工艺足够精良,不会超过25 kg)实际上会分摊到穿戴者全身,优质的板甲还会有分节化设计,因此穿戴者能最大限度保持灵活性。
In SLASH'EM, Knights start the game with +0 plate mail.
Plate mail can be found on the goal level of the Yeoman quest, placed on the altar of the lawful temple.
In dNetHack, plate mail grants 5 AC, 5 DR and MC3 while worn, and its weight is reduced to 225 aum.
Vlad the Impaler is always generated with plate mail. The militant cleric of the rebel party that serves as the collective quest nemeses for the Noble's default quest always generates with plate mail. Large dogs have an effective 1⁄1000 chance of generating with plate mail fitted to their size and body shape.
Soldier ants and queen bees generated on the Lawful Quest have an effective 3⁄50 chance of generating with plate mail fitted to their size and body shape. Fighter driver Amm Kamerel always generate with +1 plate mail, which has an equal probability of its material being either bronze, silver or glass. The four player monster knights generated on the Ancient Temple floor of the Chaos Temple Quest each have plate mail placed on their square.
There are a few artifact sets of plate mail:
- Soulmirror is a neutral artifact that is made of mithril: it grants reflection, MC3, and drain resistance while worn, and can be enchanted to +7. One of the possible item sets for minor spire map inclusions contains Soulmirror, and it will be replaced with normal mithril plate mail and an amulet of reflection if Soulmirror was generated previously.
- The Armor of Erebor is a lawful artifact that is the quest artifact for dwarven Nobles, and grants magic resistance, half physical damage, +10 AC, fire resistance and cold resistance while worn.
- The Ringed Brass Armor is a chaotic intelligent artifact that is made of copper, and acts as the crowning gift for chaotic female half-dragon Nobles. It can be safely enchanted to +10, and acts as a "living item" while worn, having a chance per turn of lashing out at any hostile monsters within 2 squares of the wearer. It has three random effects when lashing out, and invoking the Armor will cause one of these effects to occur immediately.
In xNetHack, Croesus always generates with gold body armor - the armor has a 1⁄8 chance of being plate mail, and will otherwise be chain mail.
In notdNetHack, in addition to dNetHack details, Berith and Dantalion are generated with plate mail when summoned by an Illithanachronounbinder.
In EvilHack, plate mail's weight is reduced to 350 aum.
human, orcish and centaur Knights start the game with plate mail.
Croesus has a 1⁄2 chance of generating with gold plate mail. Kas is always generated with plate mail.
Plate mail can be created at a forge by combining chain mail and splint mail. Plate mail can be used to forge a few items:
- Plate mail can be combined with 3 dilithium crystals to create crystal plate mail.
- Two sets of plate mail can be combined to create large splint mail.
- Plate mail can be combined with a saddle to create barding.
In SlashTHEM, in addition to SLASH'EM details, the militant cleric in the rebel party of the Noble quest generates with plate mail, as in dNetHack.
The chest within the thieves' hideout in the village of the Town branch has a 1⁄20 chance of containing a blessed +5 plate mail named Erdrick's Armor, and an independent 3⁄20 chance of containing a cursed -5 plate mail named Alucart Mail. Erdrick's Armor is named for Erdrick, the title given to a legendary hero in the Dragon Quest series of video games, with the first three games featuring a main character descended from the hero; Alucart Mail is a type of mail found in the Castlevania series of video games, where it exists as an inferior knock-off of Alucard's real mail armor that can still have useful effects if paired with the other "Alucart" equipment.
In Hack'EM, EvilHack details apply for plate mail, including generation and forging recipes.
Plate mail also generates on the temple altar in the Yeoman quest goal level, as in SLASH'EM.
Samurai plate armor of the Yamato period (AD 300 - 710).