Monk moves (dNetHack)

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Monks in dNetHack have special moves that are triggered by patterns of movement/attacks. Any action that is not movement or a melee attack breaks the current chain of input. All moves cost 8 energy.

Move inputs

  • ⇒⇒ or ⇘⇘: Swoop (Chiropteran)/Dive kick (other)
  • ⇗⇒ or ⇒⇘: Aura bolt
  • ⇑⇒ or ⇗⇘: Wing storm (Chiropteran)/Bird kick (other)
  • ⇖⇒ or ⇑⇘: Meteor drive
  • ⇐⇒ or ⇖⇘: Flurry/Pummel

Move explanations

Dive kick

A single target directly in front of the PC is kicked twice. Having high encumbrance can cause the kick to fail as normal.

Swoop (Chiropterans only)

A single target directly in front of the PC is attacked with the PC's main hand weapon, the off-hand weapon (if two-weaponing), and the Chiro's bite attack.

Aura bolt

Fires a ray capable of hitting multiple targets in front of the PC. The ray does not bounce off walls, and will not be fired if it could hit a peaceful or tame monster. The ray does 1d4 damage per three levels, reaching 10d4 damage at level 28 ((level+2)/3).

If the PC's alignment record is 4 or greater, the ray is holy energy that does 2x damage vs. holy-hating targets like demons and the undead.

If the PC's alignment record is -4 or lower, the ray is unholy energy that does 2x damage vs. unholy-hating targets like angels.

If the PC's alignment record is between 3 and -3, it is not possible to use this move.

Bird kick

All adjacent targets are kicked once. Having high encumbrance can cause the kick to fail as normal.

Wing storm (Chiropterans only)

All adjacent targets are knocked back up to 4 squares. This deals no damage, but does stun and slow the targets.

Meteor drive

A single target in front of the PC is thrown downwards. If the target is standing on ordinary room terrain, corridor, soil, sand, grass, or a doorway, they take size- and strength-dependent damage.


A single target in front of the PC is attacked twice with the PC's normal attack.