Shield of reflection/zh-CN
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反射之盾(shield of reflection)是NetHack中的一种盾牌类防具。它是一种魔法防具,由银制成。未鉴定时,它的外观为抛光银盾(polished silver shield)。若玩家处于失明状态,它的外观会被描述为平滑的盾(smooth shield)。
反射之盾最初于NetHack 3.0.0加入游戏。
In variants with object materials systems, the shield of reflection may appear as a polished shield when unidentified.
Some variants incorporate the Itlachiayaque patch, which replaces The Orb of Detection with Itlachiayaque as the Archeologist quest artifact: Itlachiayaque typically uses a shield of reflection as its base item.
In SLASH'EM, Devas have a 1⁄4 chance of being generated with a shield of reflection, and Planetars and Solars always generate with shields of reflection. One-eyed Sam is also always generated with a shield of reflection.
Mirrorbright is a neutral artifact shield of reflection that acts as the first guaranteed sacrifice gift for Healers. While worn, it confers hallucination resistance in addition to reflection.
In UnNetHack, One-eyed Sam is always generated with a shield of reflection. Durin's Bane has a 1⁄3 chance of generating with a shield of reflection.
The shield of reflection is made non-magical, which makes it a viable candidate for a wish obtained from any source including a wand of wishing (which can also create magical items).
UnNetHack also incorporates the Itlachiayaque patch: the artifact is a lawful shield of reflection that confers fire resistance while carried, and grants telepathy and half spell damage while worn. Invoking Itlachiayaque can create a stinking cloud on a square within range, similar to the scroll of stinking cloud.
In dNetHack, a shield of reflection grants 2 base AC, 0 DR and reflection while worn, and it appears as a "polished shield" when unidentified, though it is always made of silver. Its weight is increased to 60 aum.
Argenach Rilmani that generate with a broadsword have a 1⁄6 chance of generating with a shield of reflection.
The minor spires encountered in the Outlands of the Neutral Quest may contain a shield of reflection and a silver wand. It may also contain a silver long sword and a shield of reflection if Mirror Brand has already been generated.
xNetHack incorporates Itlachiayaque, but does so much differently compared to other variants: Itlachiayaque is a lawful golden shield of reflection that confers fire resistance while carried and warning while worn; when invoking the artifact, a character can either can create a poison cloud as in other variants, or else search for an object, monster, or furniture symbol as with a crystal ball (much like the Orb of Detection). Schliemann, who replaces the Minion of Huhetotl as the Archeologist quest nemesis, is able to use Itlachiayaque's invoke ability against a player Archeologist.
In SpliceHack, One-eyed Sam is always generated with a shield of reflection.
A small shield or large shield can be combined with an amulet of reflection at a furnace to create a shield of reflection.
In notdNetHack, in addition to dNetHack details, Ose generates with a shield of reflection when summoned by an Illithanachronounbinder.
In EvilHack, the Paladin and Graz'zt are always generated with a shield of reflection.
A shield of reflection can be combined with barding at a forge to create barding of reflection.
The November NetHack Tournament
In The November NetHack Tournament, all Devteam members are generated with a shield of reflection.
The deathmatch opponent has a 1⁄2 chance of generating with a +4 or +5 shield of reflection if they represent a character that is not a monk, wizard, healer, priest, or barbarian, and do not have a shield.
In addition to SLASH'EM details, SlashTHEM incorporates the Itlachiayaque patch, with the artifact serving as the Archeologist's first sacrifice gift and retaining most of its traits.