A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:
"pet #chatting messages need to be linked from here. Also, we need tips on how to equip your weapon/armor-using pet. [rgrn thread]"
애완동물이란 던전 탐험에 동행하고 당신을 보조하는 길들여진 몬스터를 말합니다. 기본적으로 캐릭터는 애완동물을 데리고 게임을 시작하지만, 진행하며 더 많이 얻을 수도 있습니다. 애완동물의 길들여짐 수치는 당신이 애완동물을 어떻게 관리하느냐에 영향을 받습니다.
- 아이템의 저주 여부를 확인하는 데 쓰일 수 있습니다.[1]
- 상점 주인을 화나게 만들지 않고도 아이템을 훔칠 수 있습니다.
- 전투에 큰 도움이 됩니다.
- 평화로운 몬스터를 대신 죽여줄 수 있습니다. 이 때, 당신은 애완동물의 행동으로 불이익을 받지 않습니다.
- 주변의 함정들에 대해 종종 낑낑대거나 해제시킴으로써 당신에게 경고해 줍니다.
- 몇몇 애완동물은 플레이어가 탈 수 있는데, 그 애완동물이 당신보다 빠르거나 혹은 날 수 있다면 매우 유용합니다.
- 육식성 애완동물은 종종 당신이 먹으려던 맛있는 시체를 뺏어먹고는 합니다.
- 초식성 애완동물은 계속해서 먹이를 주기 까다로우며, 배고픔으로 인해 혼란에 빠진 경우 당신을 공격할 수도 있습니다.
- 당신이 살려두고 싶은 평화로운 몬스터를 죽일 수 있습니다. 특히 이 문제는 애완동물이 사제나 상점 주인을 죽일 만큼 강력할 때 발생합니다.
- 잠든 상태로 두고 싶은 님프[2]나 레프리콘[3]을 깨울 수도 있습니다.
- 중요한 주문이나 완드, 원거리 공격의 궤도를 가로막을 수 있습니다.
중요한 마법이나 완드, 원거리 공격을 방해할 수 있음
- 애완동물을 많이 데리고 다닐수록 애완동물 관리가 까다롭습니다. 이 문제는 마법 호루라기가 있으면 한결 편해집니다.[4]
- 먹지 않는 애완동물은 길들임 수치를 올릴 수 없기 때문에, 당신이 애완동물을 다른 층에 오랫동안 두거나 다른 게임상 실수를 저질렀을 경우 길들임 수치가 감소하여 해당 애완동물이 적대화할 수 있습니다. 당신이 준 장비를 끼고 있고, 당신보다 레벨이 8 이상 높은 적대적인 폴리모프한 전-애완동물 뱀파이어 군주은 참으로 무섭기 짝이 없습니다.
- 애완 그렘린이 물 근처에 있을 경우 곤란한 수준까지 증식할 수 있습니다.
애완동물 얻기
시작 애완동물
당신이 설정 파일에서 pettype:none을 설정해두지 않았다면, 모든 캐릭터는 애완동물과 함께 던전에 들어갑니다. 만약 하단의 표에서 당신의 직업에 정해진 애완동물 종이 있다면, 당신의 애완동물은 항상 그 종이 될 것입니다. 이외의 경우에는 당신이 설정한 애완동물 종이 나오거나, 반반의 확률로 아기 고양이 또는 작은 개가 나옵니다. 참고로, 기사로 시작한 경우에만 조랑말을 가지고 시작합니다.
당신이 설정 파일에 있는 catname이나 dogname, horsename을 설정해뒀을 경우, 해당 애완동물은 그 이름을 가진 채로 게임이 시작될 것입니다. 게다가, 특정 직업들은 당신이 이름을 지정해두지 않았을 경우 고유한 기본 애완동물 이름을 가집니다. 애완동물(및 기타 동물)의 이름은 #call 명령어를 이용해서 바꿀 수 있습니다.
새 애완동물
대부분의 몬스터들은 길들임의 두루마리, 마법 하프, 몬스터 매혹 주문으로 길들여질 수 있습니다. (즉, 애완동물로 만들 수 있습니다.)
가축(개, 고양이, 말의 모든 성장형)의 경우에는 특정 종류의 음식을 던져서 길들일 수 있습니다.
- 개와 고양이는 '사람이 먹는 음식'(식료품, 팬케이크, 포춘 쿠키 등)과 육류(말린 내장, 대부분의 독이 없고 신선한 고기 시체, 미트볼과 같이 '돌에서 떡으로' 마법으로 만들어진 아이템들)로 길들일 수 있습니다. 알도 사용할 수는 있지만, 이것들은 보통 던지면 그냥 깨져버립니다.
- 말은 과일(사용자 지정 과일 포함;기본 설정은 슬라임 몰드)과 야채, 대부분의 독이 없는 식물성 시체로 길들일 수 있습니다.
- 가축의 경우에는 그들이 먹지 않을 음식(통조림이나 오래된 사체 포함)이더라도 던짐으로써 중립화시킬 수 있습니다.
만약 당신이 ~인간 몬스터(늑대인간/자칼인간/쥐인간)라면, #monster 명령어를 사용해서 길들여진 상태의 '형제들'을 소환할 수 있습니다. 이 전략은 폴리모프 함정과 함께 사용하여 강한 애완동물 군대를 만들 수 있습니다.
신선한 몬스터 알을 플레이어가 가방이나 상자에 넣지 않고 휴대할 때, 알이 부화하면 몬스터가 길들여진 상태로 생성될 수도 있습니다. 드래곤의 알과 당신이 낳은 알은 항상 길들여진 채로 부화하지만, 당신의 캐릭터가 남성일 경우에는 50% 확률로 길들여진 상태로 생성됩니다.
해당 종의 우호적인 알을 얻는 가장 쉬운 방법은 그 종의 암컷으로 폴리모프하여 알을 낳는 것 입니다.
패밀리어 생성 주문을 시전하면 1/3 확률로 길들여진 가축(개/고양이/말) 또는 2/3 확률로 길들여진 무작위 몬스터가 생성됩니다.(해당 몬스터가 길들일 수 없는 종일 경우 제외)
발록과 인큐버스, 서큐버스 이외의 악마로 폴리모프한 상태에서 무기를 사용하지 않고 몬스터를 때리면 때때로 애완 악마가 소환됩니다.
연기나는 물약을 마시거나 마법 램프를 문질렀을 때, 지니가 확률적으로 우호적인 상태로 소환될 수 있습니다. 지니가 길들여질 확률은 결코 높지 않지만, 물약이나 램프가 저주받지 않은 상태일 때 확률이 가장 높습니다. 하지만 일반적으로 소원이 길들여진 지니보다 가치가 있기 때문에, 대부분의 플레이어는 아이템을 축복하는 것을 선호합니다.
The easiest way to acquire the most esoteric and powerful pets (such as Archons) is using figurines, preferably blessed. Figurines will bypass taming restrictions, but most types of restricted pets cannot have figurines of them created in the first place. 아콘과 같이 강력한 몬스터를 애완동물로 삼는 가장 쉬운 방법은 축복받은 조각상(figurine)을 사용하는 것입니다. 조각상은 길들임 제한을 무시할 수 있지만, 애완동물로 삼을 수 없는 몬스터 종류는 대부분 조각상으로 만들 수 없습니다.
You will get a guardian Angel upon entering the Astral Plane unless you are generating conflict or badly aligned. 성향치가 나쁘거나 conflict 상태가 아니라면 천상계 (Astral plane)에 입장했을 때 수호 천사를 얻게 됩니다.
Reading the blessed Book of the Dead, if you are not standing on the vibrating square, will tame coaligned undead. Other nearby undead will become peaceful and flee 떨리는 사각형 위에 있지 않을 때, 축복받은 Book of the Dead를 읽으면 길들여진 언데드를 생성합니다. 주위에 있는 언데들은 peaceful 상태가 되거나 도망갑니다.
A magic trap will tame adjacent monsters with 4.8% probability whenever it gives you the "You feel charismatic!" effect. This effect does not check monster MR, so it can tame otherwise resistant monsters. 마법 함정을 밟으면 4.8% 확률로 주위에 있는 몬스터들을 길들이고 플레이어 카리스마를 1 올립니다. ( You feel charismatic! ) 이 효과는 몬스터의 마법저항 (MR)을 무시하기 때문에 마법 저항이 높은 몬스터도 길들일 수 있습니다.
However, magic traps also have a variety of harmful effects, so be prepared to deal with them. 하지만 마법 함정은 여러 나쁜 효과들이 있으니 사용하기전에 충분히 준비를 해야 합니다.
애완동물 제한
Certain monsters cannot be made tame no matter what you do. In most cases, they will be made peaceful instead. They are: 몇 몇 몬스터들은 어떤 방법으로도 길들일 수 없습니다. 대신 그 몬스터는 peaceful 상태가 될 것입니다. 제한 몬스터는 :
Quest nemeses, Medusa, and the Wizard of Yendor, none of whom can even be made peaceful. 퀘스트 보스, 메두사, 옌더의 마법사는 peaceful 상태로도 만들 수 없습니다.
Humans (any K or @ except elves). Werecreatures can only be tamed in creature form, but will remain tame when they switch to human form. 인간 ( 엘프를 제외한 모든 K, @ ). 웨어크리쳐의 경우 동물 형태일 때는 길들일 수 있지만 인간 형태일 때는 길들일 수 없습니다.
Shopkeepers, guards, aligned priests, quest leaders, and the Wizard of Yendor can all be polymorphed or slimed, but will remember who they were, and still resist taming. 상점 주인, 경비병, 사제, 퀘스트 리더, 옌더의 마법사는 폴리모프시키거나 슬라임으로 만들 수 있지만, 그들 자신이 누구인지 기억하고 길들이는 것에 저항합니다.
Covetous monsters: unique demons, Vlad the Impaler, and master- and arch-liches. Covetous(아뮬렛을 탐내는) 태그가 붙은 몬스터: 네임드 악마, 블라드, 마스터 리치, 고대 리치
Hostile minions sent after you by an angry god. 분노한 신이 플레이어에게 보낸 몬스터
Demons, unless you yourself are polymorphed into a demon. 당신이 악마로 폴리모프한 상태가 아닐경우, 악마
It is still possible to obtain a covetous lich or a demon as a pet, however, if an already existing pet grows up or polymorphs into one. 애완동물이 성장( 그냥 리치 -> 마스터 리치 )하거나 폴리모프한 경우에는 악마와 리치를 애완동물로 얻을 수 있습니다.
애완동물 지키기
It is in very bad form to attack your pet. 애완동물을 공격하는 것은 매우 좋지 않습니다.
You should also be very careful when confused, stunned, or when wielding Stormbringer or Cleaver. 플레이어가 혼란, stunned 상태이거나 스톰브링어, 클리버를 들고있을 때도 애완동물을 공격하지 않도록 주의해야 합니다.
If you are blinded or hallucinating, try using the #chat command to figure out which of the strange beings around you is your pet. 만약 플레이어가 볼 수 없는 상태거나 환각 상태일 때는 #chat 명령어를 이용하여 주위에 있는 이상한 존재가 애완동물인지 확인할 수 있습니다.
Pets are vulnerable, especially when young. 애완동물은 특히 어릴 때 취약합니다.
In the first few dungeon levels it is incumbent on you to lead, not follow your pet into unexplored rooms, where pits and other traps are far more dangerous to your pet than to you; 게임의 극 초반에는 애완동물을 따라서 움직이지 말고, 애완동물이 플레이어를 따라오도록 해야합니다. 구덩이와 여러 함정들은 플레이어보다 애완동물에게 더 위험합니다.
the humble falling rock trap is probably one of the most well-known culprits, hence its nicknames of "kitty killer" and "puppy pounder". 낙석 함정이 위험하다는 뜻
If your pet does get trapped, try #untrapping it. 만약 애완동물이 함정에 걸리면 #untrapping 으로 함정을 해제해줄 수 있습니다.
Be warned that unsuccessfully attempting to remove a bear trap will injure your pet, and if done repeatedly may kill it. 곰 덫을 해제하는 데 실패할 경우 애완동물을 다치게 할 수 있고, 계속 실패하면 애완동물을 죽일 수도 있습니다.
Attempting to rescue a pet from a pit when there is no adjacent non-pit square (other than the one you are standing on) may have the same effect. 구덩이에 빠진 애완동물을 구출할 때, 주위에 구덩이가 아닌 땅이 없을 경우에도 같은 결과가 발생합니다.
Some pets are vulnerable to polymorph traps and level teleporters. Moreover, holes and trap doors can inconveniently separate you from your pet. Thus, it is useful to detect and disarm traps as quickly as possible. 몇 몇 애완동물은 폴리모프 함정과 레벨 텔레포트 함정에 취약합니다. 또한 구멍과 트랩 도어는 플레이어와 애완동물을 떨어트릴 수 있습니다. 그러므로 최대한 빠르게 함정을 감지하고 해제하는 것이 중요합니다.
Avoid displacing your pet into water or traps. 물이나 함정에 있을 때 애완동물과 자리를 바꾸지 마십시오.
If you have lots of pets or are in a tight space, they may have no other place to go, and pets will easily drown. 만약 애완동물이 많거나 공간이 좁을 경우에는, 애완동물이 탈출 할 장소가 없어 쉽게 익사할 수 있습니다.
Like you, pets level up by defeating monsters. 애완동물도 플레이어처럼 몬스터를 죽여서 레벨업 합니다.
However, while your character gains experience points that build towards new experience level, the pets gain a random number of hit points between one and one more than the defeated monster's level, and their level is increased to keep it adequate to the hit points they have. 하지만 플레이어는 레벨업을 하기 위해서 경험치를 얻지만, 애완동물은 1d( 죽인 몬스터의 레벨 ) 만큼의 HP를 얻습니다. 아래는 몰겠음 ㅋㅋ
That means they can level up faster than the player. 즉, 애완동물은 플레이어보다 빠르게 레벨업 할 수 있습니다.
Thus, it may be helpful to allow your pet to finish off weak monsters like grid bugs or newts to quickly gain levels early on, so that it can become strong enough to survive the traps and encounters in the lower dungeon levels.
따라서, 애완동물이 그리드 버그나 뉴트와 같은 약한 몬스터를 처치해서 레벨을 빠르게 올림으로서, 던전 초반의 함정에서 살아남을 수 있도록 강하게 만드는 것이 좋습니다.
See Growing up for more details about pet advancement. 애완동물의 발달에 따른 자세한 내용은 Growing Up 항목에서 볼 수 있습니다.
Pets cannot escape engulfing attacks, so use telepathy to find and eliminate purple worms, trappers, and lurkers above often. 애완동물은 삼키기 공격을 탈출 할 수 없으므로 (= purple worm, lurker above, trapper 한테 맞으면 한 방에 죽음) 텔레파시를 이용하여 purple wrom, trapper, lurker above를 죽여야 합니다.
If your pet is killed, a wand or spell of undead turning can be used to resurrect it, but only if the manner of its demise leaves a corpse. 애완동물이 죽었을 경우, undead turning 마법이나 완드를 사용하여 애완동물을 부활시킬 수 있지만, 시체가 남아있어야 합니다.
However, it's not guaranteed that the pet will be resurrected tame— if, while your pet was alive, you abused it or were the one who actually killed it (even if accidentally), it will always be resurrected hostile. 하지만 애완동물이 반드시 길들여진 상태로 부활하지는 않습니다. 애완동물이 살아있었을 때 애완동물을 학대했거나 애완동물을 죽였을 경우 ( 실수로 죽였을지라도 ) 에는, 애완동물이 항상 적대적으로 부활합니다.
Even if you didn't abuse or kill it, there's still a chance, though smaller, that it will come back hostile. 애완동물을 학대하거나 죽이지 않을 경우에도 낮은 확률로 애완동물이 적대적으로 부활할 수 있습니다.
So you should have the means to (re)tame your pet ready in case you decide to resurrect it. 따라서 애완동물을 부활시키려는 경우에는 애완동물을 다시 길들일 수 있도록 준비를 하는 것이 좋습니다.
애완동물이 공격하지 않는 것들
They say discretion is the better part of valor. 용기보다 중요한 것은 신중함이라는 말이 있습니다.
Pets don't always possess such discretion, and often find themselves overpowered by opponents they take on. 애완동물이 항상 그런 신중함을 가지는 것은 아니며, 때로는 상대방이 애완동물을 압도하기도 합니다. ( 번역 불확실 )
Although a pet will not attack a monster whose passive attack could kill it in one round, this calculation takes no account of the monster's weapon or likely counter-attacks.
애완동물이 상대의 패시브 공격을 맞고 죽지 않더라도, 이 계산은 몬스터의 반격이나 무기를 고려하지 않은 상태의 예상입니다.
Be especially careful about bringing dogs or cats into the Gnomish Mines, or horses into shops, especially in the deeper levels. 개나 고양이를 노움광산에 데려오거나 말을 상점에 데려오는 것을 특히 주의해야 합니다.
Horses seem especially vulnerable to mimics, and have also been known to attack shopkeepers, as they reach a higher level than dogs or cats. 말은 특히 미믹에게 취약하고 ( 왜 그런진 몰겠음; ) 개나 고양이보다 레벨이 높게 올라가기 때문에 레벨이 높을 때는 상점 주인을 공격하기도 합니다.
A pet will not attack: 다음과 같은 상황에서는 애완동물이 공격하지 않습니다:
a monster which is two or more levels higher than itself (A fully grown large cat or dog is level 9, a fully grown warhorse is level 10, and a shopkeeper is level 11, so a warhorse may attack a shopkeeper but a large cat or large dog will not.) 자신보다 2레벨 이상인 몬스터 ( 큰 개와 큰 고양이 만렙 9, 전투마 만렙 10, 상점 주인 레벨 11, 그래서 만렙 전투마는 상점주인을 공격하고 개랑 고양이는 안 함 )
a floating eye 90% of the time, provided the pet can see. ( 애완동물이 볼 수 있는 상태일 때 ) floating eye 는 90% 확률로 공격 안 함.
a gelatinous cube 90% of the time. gelatinous cube는 90% 확률로 공격 안 함.
a monster whose maximum passive damage exceeds the pet's current hit points. 패시브 반격 (jelly 몬스터들)의 최대 피해량이 애완동물의 현재 체력보다 클 때
a peaceful monster if the pet is below 25% of its maximum HP. 애완동물의 체력이 25% 이하일 때, peaceful 몬스터
a peaceful quest leader or quest guardian. peaceful 상태의 퀘스트 리더나 퀘스트 가디언들
a stoning monster, if the pet is not stoning-resistant. 석화저항이 없을 때, 만지면 돌 되는 몬스터
Conflict overrides all of these restrictions, and will cause a pet to attack any nearby monster, provided it doesn't resist. 분쟁(Conflict) 효과는 이러한 모든 제약을 무시하고, 저항하지 못할 경우 애완동물이 주위에 있는 아무 몬스터나 공격합니다.
사망 메시지
There are a number of subtly different messages associated with the death of a pet. 애완동물이 죽었을 때 나오는 많은 메세지들이 있습니다.
- You hear the rumble of distant thunder...
- You killed it yourself. Penalty −15 alignment and −1 Luck.
- 먼 곳에서 천둥소리가 들린다..
- 플레이어가 애완동물을 죽였을 때. 성향치 -15, 운 -1
- You hear the studio audience applaud!
- As above while hallucinating.
- 관객들의 박수소리가 들린다!
- 위와 동일한데 환각 상태
- You feel guilty about losing your pet like this.
- You displaced it causing it to drown or die. Penalty −15 alignment and an angry god.
- 애완동물을 이런 식으로 잃은 것에 대해 죄책감을 느낀다.
- 애완동물과 자리 바꿨는데 애완동물이 익사하거나 죽음. 성향치 -15, 신 화남
- You feel sad for a moment.
- Pet starved to death.
- 잠시 슬픈 기분이 들었다.
- 애완동물이 굶어 죽음
- You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.
- Pet died in combat or due to a trap.
- 잠시 슬픈 기분이 들었지만, 곧 사라졌다.
- 애완동물이 전투중에 죽거나, 함정으로 죽음
- You have a melancholy feeling for a moment, then it passes.
- Pet (light or sphere) exploded.
- 잠시 멜랑꼴리한 기분이 들었지만, 곧 사라졌다.
- 애완동물 ( light 나 sphere 종류. 자폭 공격함 ) 이 폭발함
- You have a peculiarly sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.
- Pet turned to stone.
- 잠시 아주 슬픈 기분이 들었지만, 곧 사라졌다.
- 애완동물이 돌이 됨
- You have a sad thought for a moment, then it passes.
- Pet (master) mind flayer ate the brain of Medusa.
- 잠시 슬픈 생각을 했지만, 곧 사라졌다.
- 애완 mind flayer 가 메두사의 뇌를 빨아먹고 죽음
- You have a strangely sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.
- Pet clay golem was canceled by a gremlin.
- 잠시 이상하게 슬픈 기분이 들었지만, 곧 사라졌다
- 애완 진흙 골렘이 그렘린에게 캔슬되서 죽음.
- You have a queasy feeling for a moment, then it passes.
- Pet purple worm, trapper, or lurker above swallowed one of the Riders.
- 잠시 메스꺼운 기분이 들었지만, 곧 사라졌다.
- 애완 purple worm, trapper, lurker above가 Rider를 삼켜서 죽음.
- May rust in peace.
- Pet iron golem was hit by a rusting attack.
- 고(故)철의 명복을 빕니다.
- 애완 강철 골렘이 부식 공격에 맞아서 죽음
- May rot in peace.
- Pet wood golem was hit by a rotting attack.
- 고목의 명복을 빕니다.
- 애완 나무 골렘이 부패 공격에 맞아서 죽음
There is no special penalty for abandoning or losing track of pets, eating your pets' corpses (normal penalty from corpses of the pets' species still apply, such as cannibalism for cat and dog corpses), or (surprisingly) for genociding your pet's species or class. 애완동물을 버리거나, 애완동물의 시체를 먹거나 ( 개나 고양이 시체에 원래 있는 식인 패널티는 받음 ), 애완동물의 종류를 학살(genocide) 하여도 플레이어에게 패널티는 없습니다.
Your pets follow you along stairways and portals if they are adjacent to you when you climb, descend, or enter (except when they're busy eating or can't move). 플레이어가 계단을 올라가거나 내려갈 때, 포탈을 이용할 때 애완동물이 플레이어와 인접해있으면 애완동물과 함께 이동합니다. ( 애완동물이 밥먹거나 움직일 수 없을 때를 제외 )
Life can be frustrating if you are considerably faster than your pet. 플레이어가 애완동물보다 빠를 경우 인생이 지루해질 수 있습니다. (?? ㅋㅋ)
A wand of speed monster can be helpful, as can a whistle, especially a magic whistle. speed monster 완드나 마법 호루라기가 크게 도움이 될 수 있습니다.
However, speed beyond normal player speed does not increase your pet's damage output (except if confused or conflicted). 하지만 플레이어의 속도를 초과하는 속도는 애완동물의 공격력을 증가시키지는 않습니다. ( 혼란에 걸렸거나 conflict 상태 제외 ) 몬 말인지 몰겠음 ㅋㅋ;;
Removal of items which may be cursed from corridors can't hurt, unless one of the items is a loadstone. In that case (or if a corridor is blocked by a trap), try digging a path around the item or trap in question. 몰겠음 ㅋㅋ;; 일자 통로에서 길 막혔으면 옆으로 갈 수있도록 샛길 파라는 말인듯??
If you try to walk on a pet's square, you have 6⁄7 chance of swapping places with it unless it's a long worm or you are in a shop or punished. 애완동물과 자리를 바꾸려 하면 6/7 확률로 자리를 바꿀 수 있습니다. ( 플레이어가 상점에 있지 않고, 애완동물이 long worm 이 아니고, 플레이어가 puished 상태가 아닐 때 )
If the pet can't move, but you otherwise would swap places, you have a 1⁄6 chance of swapping places anyway. 애완동물이 움직일 수 없지만 자리를 바꾸려는 경우 1/6 확률로 자리를 바꿀 수 있습니다. ( 번역 부정확 )
The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.
It is no longer possible to displace a pet out of a trap, directly onto a trap, into water or into other hazardous terrain. It is also no longer possible to displace a sleeping or paralysed pet, but a sessile pet can sometimes be displaced. It may be possible to displace a pet near a trap, causing it to move onto the trap.애완동물 밥주기
For the three cardinal domestic species, appropriate foods for routine feeding are as for taming. Eggs (including rotten eggs) are appropriate for feeding carnivorous (and omnivorous) pets like dogs and cats, but they should be dropped with the d command, not thrown. (Eggs that pets will not eat are probably cockatrice and should be #named and saved.) Additionally, starving pets will eat some foods which they will not otherwise (e.g., starving horses will eat "people food" such as food rations).
Pets will never eat food that would cause them harm: pets without poison resistance won't eat poisonous corpses; pets without acid resistance won't eat acidic corpses; pets without petrification resistance won't eat footrice corpses (or eggs) or Medusa's corpse; and no pet will eat green slime or Rider corpses.
Pets gain two to eight times more nutrition than players from food (smaller ones gain more), but take the same time to eat it.[5] A starving pet will "devour" the food, taking only half the normal time required to eat it, but also gaining only 3⁄4 the nominal nutrition. Generally, your pets (especially the carnivorous ones) will feed themselves. Sometimes they will feed you, as they will kill monsters of types that they will not eat but that you might, or you stand a chance of beating them to the corpse. For some pet types, notably domesticated animals and intelligent monsters, it is advisable to #chat with your pet frequently. Their vocalizations change noticeably when they are hungry.
애완동물이 굶주린 상태일때 (500 turns after they became hungry) they become confused and their maximum hit points is divided by 3.[6] See "Messages", below.
Pets can be trained to more reliably drop items near you by giving them treats after they drop something; this willingness to 'fetch' is known as apport.
Every time a pet eats (no matter what they eat), their tameness goes up by 1, to a max of 20.
다른 레벨에 남겨진 애완동물들은 길들여짐을 잃지만 여전히 영양이 소모됩니다. 만약 다른 레벨의 있는 애완동물이 길들여짐이 해제되기 전에 굶어죽었더라면, 그것은 적대적이 될 것입니다. 그렇지 않으면 평화적이거나 적대적이 될 것입니다. 초식성 애완동물을 위한 충분한 음식을 찾을 수 없다면, 그것을 굶게 하지 말고 다른 레벨에 놓아두고, 나중에 음식이 가능할때 그것을 다시 길들이는게 좋습니다.
Pets left on another level from you lose tameness but still burn nutrition. If a pet on a different level would have starved before becoming untame, it will become hostile. Otherwise, it will either become peaceful or hostile. If you cannot find enough food for your herbivorous pet, leave it on another level and let it become untame rather than letting it starve, then re-tame it later when food is available.
Carnivorous and omnivorous pets will eat wraith corpses and gain one level for each, capped at 15 over base level. (There is no cap for gains from engulfing live wraiths.) They will also eat chameleon and doppelganger corpses, which will polymorph them.
The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.
Pets will no longer eat shapeshifter corpses unless they are starving, or they have been mistreated enough to lower their tameness to 1.메시지
- <pet> is confused from hunger.
- Your pet is starving. It becomes confused from hunger, its maximum HP is reduced to 25%, and it has 250 more turns to live.[7]
- You feel worried about your <pet>.
- As above, but your pet is out of sight.
애완동물을 위한 장비
Monsters can use equipment like the player can, too, although there are a lot fewer things they can use. The best way to equip a pet is to gather the items you want to give to the pet, put them in a dead end, and stand on them till your pet comes near, swap places with the pet and keep it standing over the pile till it picks up something and starts using it. If it drops something it had been using, you will need to swap places again to pick up their old stuff. For replacing equipment, the best way to do that is in a 2 long corridor with a locked door: +@A. This will take a long time as pets don't like to pick up things if you are nearby. If you just have a pile of stuff and they don't have anything that is being replaced, locking them in a closet will be faster, as pets with large values of apport are more likely to pick up things if you are far away. This only works if the pet isn't carrying a key of its own.
Armor and extrinsics
Many humanoid monsters will pick up and wear armor. Only medium-sized monsters can wear body armor or shirts, and only medium or smaller monsters will fit into cloaks. All monsters know the enchantment of armor, and will replace one piece of armor with something that gives more AC [8][9] than what they are currently wearing. For example, your pet Archon will replace their +0 shield of reflection with a +3 small shield in some valkyrie's bone pile.
Generally for pets, you want to give them magic resistance, magic cancellation, and reflection. All items that work for the player also work for monsters, provided they fit into it or actually wear amulets. Silver-haters will not use silver items. Large pets get MC1 only from the cornuthaum. Feel free to load up on metal armor, it does not hinder monster spellcasting. Magicbane grants magic resistance, but monsters can swap artifact weapons, see below. Pets will not hang on to quest artifacts.
Most magical armor is not as useful for monsters as it is for players. Speed boots make monsters fast, but not very fast. An alchemy smock confers only poison resistance. Dragon scale mail and scales will grant their extrinsics to monsters. Other armor properties than those discussed do not affect monsters. After deciding what extrinsics your can give your pet with equipment, the rest of their armor should be to improve AC.
Monsters with a weapon attack will be able to pick up and wield weapons. They will ignore the enchantment and BUC status of the weapon, and instead select which one to wield based on type. (Pets do not pick up cursed objects.) They prefer (in this order): any usable artifact weapon, cockatrice or chickatrice corpse, tsurugi, runesword, dwarvish mattock, two-handed sword, battle-axe, katana, unicorn horn, crysknife, trident, long sword, elven broadsword, broadsword, scimitar, silver saber, morning star, elven short sword, dwarvish short sword, short sword, orcish short sword, mace, axe, dwarvish spear, silver spear, elven spear, spear, orcish spear, flail, bullwhip, quarterstaff, javelin, aklys, club, pick-axe, rubber hose, war hammer, silver dagger, elven dagger, dagger, orcish dagger, athame, scalpel, knife, worm tooth.
이탤릭체로 된 무기는 두 손으로, 괴물이 강하고 방패를 쓰지 않으면 선택될 것입니다. 코카트리스 시체는 그 몬스터를 즉시 석화시킨다면 선택되지 않을 것입니다. Stilettos and grappling hooks will never be chosen.
If a monster has a wielded artifact weapon and picks up any other, it can switch to the new artifact and drop the old, provided the artifact is not cross-aligned and the conditions for two-handed weapons are met (if applicable). "Can" here means the first admissible artifact in the game's internal list of carried objects is chosen. If you want your pet to keep a specific artifact, give it to it while it is carrying as few objects as possible.
Pets do not use ranged weapons, though there is a patch for this purpose. 3.6.1 버전에서, they will, however, use their breath weapon if they have any.[10]
지성이 있는 몬스터
손이 있는 일부 몬스터는 유니콘 뿔을 집어서 하나 가지고 다닐 것이며, and apply it if afflicted. Prevent the confused pet arch-lich this way!
일부 몬스터는 또한 열쇠를 집어서, 그리고 문을 열것입니다, perhaps to eat priests you have protected. Be warned!
Monsters with hands can put on amulets of life saving or reflection. They have no preference, just whatever they wore first. If you want them to remove it, you have to get a nymph or foocubus to steal it, polyself into such a stealer, or have the monster die. Your stealing attack only reduces a pet's tameness if you do not successfully acquire an object. The monster's amulet of life saving will not be used up if it was nonliving (undead, golem, manes, vortex).
부적을 장착하고 있던 폴리모프된 몬스터들은 여전히 부적을 장착할 것입니다. Those who want a level 49 purple worm might consider polymorphing one from an intelligent monster, as opposed to taming one. This may be time-consuming, but it will prevent any disintegration or death ray accidents.
지성이 있는 몬스터는 gain level의 물약을 마실 것입니다. 그들이 도달할 수 있는 최대 레벨은 49입니다 (50은 이름있는 악마 한정이지만, 그들은 길들여질수 없습니다).
애완동물 주인을 위한 장비
애완동물을 더 유용하게 만들거나 애완동물을 가까이 두게 할 수 있는 많은 장비들이 있습니다.
- 마법 호루라기는 가능한 모든 애완동물을 플레이어에게 가까이 데려올 것입니다.
- Stethoscopes will reveal information about your pet, including how injured it is, its level, and its maximum HP. Wands of probing will also give you this information and any equipment the pet is wearing, but they are less efficient due to their limited number of charges.
- 목줄은 당신의 애완동물을 근처에 있게 만들 것입니다.
- 안장은 일부 애완동물을 타기 위해 사용될수 있습니다. Riding boots and gloves will make applying a saddle easier.
- Carried treats will cause pets to stay close to the player; this can be annoying if they're always underfoot.
- Spells of (extra) healing for healing pets, charm monster for acquiring new pets, stone to flesh for making treats for carnivores and omnivores.
- Spell of stone to flesh to revive stoned pets; they may revive hostile.
- Wand or spell of undead turning to revive killed pets; they may revive hostile.
- Spell of detect monster (or potions of monster detection) to locate pets.
- 몬스터 가속의 완드, 또는 신속의 물약은 애완동물을 빠르게 만듭니다.
- Eucalyptus leaves will act like magic whistles if blessed, and tin whistles otherwise, trees in Minetown may give a several if kicked.
- Potions of healing, extra healing, full healing, restore ability, and gain ability will all restore a monster to full hit points if it hits them (wielded or thrown). Hitting a pet with a wielded potion counts as abuse, however, and may later make it resurrect as hostile.
- 부정수는 악마, 언데드 그리고 lycanthropes에게 2–12의 체력을 회복시켜 줍니다.
- A key to lock your pet in a room or closet, so it can heal, or equip itself, or to have it not attack something you want kept alive. Some pets may be smart enough to pick up keys to unlock doors.
- 눈가리개나 타올은 당신에게 텔레파시가 있다면 당신의 애완동물의 위치를 알아낼수 있습니다.
- A bag of holding (or a sack) is useful to carry all the other stuff and pet food, keep treats hidden, and to rob shops.
- 수정구, including the Orb of Fate and the Orb of Detection, can be used for detecting traps that could harm pets, and can be recharged indefinitely with the Platinum Yendorian Express Card; 하지만, 수정구는 오히려 가지고 다니기에 무겁습니다.
선호되는 애완동물
다음은 좋은 애완동물이 되는 몬스터들의 목록입니다. It is divided into two parts: the first consists of pets which a player might specifically work to obtain, for example through a wish or a polytrap. The second consists of pets that are useful (e.g. if you get them through a polytrap or magic trap), but not usually worth any extra effort to obtain.
얻으려고 시도한 보람이 있는 것들
- The Archon is by general consensus the best all-around pet, with a high maximum level, powerful physical attacks, the ability to heal and haste itself, and its blinding gaze. They can fly, don't eat, and can wield weapons and wear some armor. Archons are rare to find and difficult to tame, however, and a hostile Archon is a dangerous foe to stand near as you repeatedly try to tame it. Monsters blinded by the Archon won't respect Elbereth, a possible concern for low-level characters. A "blessed figurine of an Archon" is a common first wish for pacifists, and is popular in general. It cannot be obtained from a polytrap, and therefore must be wished for or found.
- Ki-rin don't eat, can fly, and have superb attacks. In particular it is noteworthy as it can take a saddle as well, making it an excellent mount, especially given that its high magic resistance and base level will prevent it from bucking you if you are generating conflict. They are best for a knight, as it will irrevocably lose one point of tameness each time a non-knight mounts it. Like Archons, ki-rin are not found via polytraps.
- Titans have excellent base level, armor class, and magic resistance, are fast, can spell-cast, fly, wield a weapon, and wear non-body armor. They are too large to be engulfed, and so won't be instantly killed by digesting monsters, a common cause of death for Archons and ki-rin. They do eat, which, though sometimes an inconvenience, does mean their tameness will increase. Thus when you fall down a shaft that herd of pet Titans won't be wild by the time you find your way back. Titans can be obtained from a polymorph trap, and may be the strongest pet available by such means.
- Purple worms of high enough level can swallow and thus instantly kill almost any enemy. A pet worm can be leveled up quickly by setting it loose in a graveyard containing wraiths. Their engulfing attack is not subject to corpse-leaving odds. However, that means you need to keep them away from chameleons, doppelgangers, and green slime, which will transform your pet into something less effective. Digested monsters don't leave corpses for you to eat, nor any special drops they otherwise would, such as unicorn horns. Some powerful monsters such as Titans and dragons are too large to be engulfed.
- Balrogs have very powerful attacks, a high base level, and a good armor class. They're a valid polymorph form, making them more practical to acquire than Archons or ki-rin, and are inediate, so they'll be more available for combat than purple worms or Titans. Their base speed is fairly low.
하나 있으면 좋은 것들
- Centaurs can use weapons and (some) armor, may be saddled and ridden, and are easy to keep fed. These are potentially excellent early pets for heroes with a charm monster spell or a Scroll of taming.
- Cockatrices can petrify many foes. They don't have much HP, however, and their low maximum level will prevent them from attacking tougher monsters. Consider using conflict to force your pet 'trice into combat (and watch your messages to be sure you aren't turning to stone).
- Dragons can fly, can serve as a mount, and have very good attacks. Silver and gray dragons are immune to death rays; the former is also immune to disintegration blasts, while the latter is immune to polymorph traps. Yellow dragons are stoning-resistant. In 3.6.0 and older versions, they only used their breath weapons in the presence of conflict, and then only in your direction; as of 3.6.1, pets are allowed to use a breath or spit weapon against hostile monsters.[10] Pet dragons can be obtained by polymorphing yourself and laying eggs; eggs hatch into baby dragons which can grow up to full size.
- Winged gargoyles can fly and also have decent AC and attacks; in addition, they are resistant to stoning and starvation. Winged gargoyles are very hard to get by egg-laying; most winged gargoyle eggs hatch into regular gargoyles, and gargoyles do not grow up to winged gargoyles.
- Jabberwocks, especially hasted, have excellent damage potential, and can fly and take a saddle. They lack resistances, though, and are thus vulnerable to being lost to traps, death or disintegration rays, and cockatrices.
- Arch-liches can reach terrifyingly high levels, are always by your side even without the aid of a magic whistle, can heal themselves, and have a powerful freezing touch attack. They are impotent against cold-resistant monsters, however, and frequently get in your way. Since they will always teleport to your side, it can be very difficult to prevent them from killing priests and shopkeepers. You cannot tame master- or arch-liches directly, but you can tame a lich or demilich and let it grow up.
- A Mastodon can substitute for a jabberwock as a pet. It has the same speed, and they have higher maximum level (30), which means more HP and being aggressive against more difficult enemies. Mastodons do in 8d8 damage instead of the jabberwock's 8d10, but that's still quite a lot. They're herbivores, so you can eat most of corpses they leave behind.
- Mind flayers do a lot of melee damage with their tentacle attacks, and can clear out monsters from a distance with their psychic blasts, which won't damage you as long as the flayer isn't hostile. A confused pet flayer could be disastrous, however, so make sure it has a unicorn horn. A psychic blast could also wake the Wizard of Yendor before you're ready to deal with him. Their very large number of attacks per turn also make them very weak to passive attacks—keep them away from jellies!
- Minotaurs are fast, hit very hard, and are guaranteed to appear on a maze-type level. They have 0 MR, so a scroll of taming is guaranteed to snare one on the first try (the spell of charm monster is of course dependent on your casting success rate).
- Skeletons don't breathe, don't eat, slow monsters, wield weapons, and will resist cold, sleep, poison, petrification, and wands and fingers of death. They are not randomly generated, but can be found in Orcus-town or produced by a polytrap or by polypiling unihorns.
- Trolls have good physical attacks, and if killed may revive tame. They may also revive hostile, however, so be careful. Make sure your other pets don't eat your former pet's corpse.
- Vampires and vampire lords don't breathe or eat, can fly, can wield all weapons and armor, and will regenerate. They are also immune to death rays. But in 3.6 vampires now spontaneously turn into fog clouds, wolves, and—especially—vampire bats and remain in that form unless defeated in battle. Wolves and vampire bats do eat (and move fast enough to steal corpses from you) but they are nearly useless in battle compared to vampires. You can keep a vampire pet in its true form with a ring of protection from shape changers.
저주받은 아이템
애완동물은 저주받은 아이템을 집지 않을 것입니다.
You can curse-test items with your pet. Except when there is pet food on the same spot, pets do not like to step on or hide under cursed items and will "move reluctantly" when they do. A leashed or whistled pet will not reliably display the message. (주의: the dunce cap과 helm of opposite alignment는 입었을때 저주받습니다). This is why cursed items in corridors can stand between you and your pet (see speed, above).
마찬가지로, 은을 싫어하는 애완동물들은 절대 은색 물건을 집지 않습니다.[11]
Divine minion pets are not bothered by cursed items.[12]
Learning from pets
Anthropomorphic pets can be sources of "transferrable (between sessions) knowledge" in that observation of their weapon-wielding and armor-wearing preferences can yield information about the relative merits of such items, in general and in specific situations.
Observation of various pet species in combat (as well as of combat situations your pets seem to avoid) can also be very instructional. For example, if you watch your pet attack a floating eye, you will learn about their paralysis attack without experiencing it yourself.
Generally speaking, if a corpse is safe for your pet to eat, it is also safe for you. The exceptions to this rule are that it is not a good idea for you to eat your own species, dogs, cats, bats (which will stun you) or violet fungi (which will make you hallucinate). Pets will also eat corpses from monsters such as n and l that could give you the often undesirable teleportitis.
애완동물 부활
만약 당신의 애완동물이 죽었다면 완드나 spell of turn undead를 사용해서 부활을 시도해볼수 있습니다. 만약 당신의 애완동물이 석화당했다면, 당신은 주문 stone to flesh를 시도할수 있습니다. Alternatively, if your pet can give you a needed intrinsic, you might eat the corpse. Do not sacrifice former pets if they died tame. 음식 탐지의 두루마리나 or the spell of spellbook of detect food은 당신의 애완동물 시체를 썩기 전에 찾을수 있습니다.
모든 애완동물들은 길들여지지 않은 상태로 돌아올 가능성이 약간 있지만, but ones you abused too much are guaranteed to.
AceHack implements ranged combat for pets; however, they currently die much faster than in vanilla, as monsters are more aggressive toward them. (This is planned to be fixed before release.)
dNetHack implements several changes and improvements for pets.
- Ranged combat and spellcasting is enabled for pets.
- Pets and hostile monsters will more actively seek out and attack each other.
- The total number of pets on the current dungeon level is limited to 1⁄3 the character's charisma score. If this limit is exceeded, the weakest pets will quickly untame, typically becoming peaceful.
- Charm monster and scrolls of taming are now single-target spells.
- The character can now take any item from a pet using the #loot command, and may equip pets with armor using the #equip command.
- Armor now has an intrinsic size. Most pieces of armor must be the same size and the creature you want to wear the armor. Armor of unspecified size is Medium (human) sized.
- Most armor found randomly in the dungeon is sized for humans.
- Body armor and helms also have an intrinsic shape.
- Most armor and helms found randomly in the dungeon are shaped for humanoids (no modifier displayed).
- Barded armor fits roughly animal-shaped creatures, such as dogs, cats, horses, lizards, and spiders.
- Barded helms fit creatures with long heads, such as dogs, cats, horses, lizards, and snakes.
- Segmented armor fits roughly-snake shaped creatures, mostly snakes and most nagas.
- Snakeneck helms fit creatures with snake-like heads and necks attached to non-snake bodies. Examples are serpent men of Yoth, serpent-necked lionesses, bandersnatches, and jabberwocks.
- Centaur armor fits creatures with humanoid torsos attached to roughly animal-shaped lower bodies, which includes proper centaurs as well as driders (sprow, however, have humanoid bodies).
- Snakeleg armor fits creatures with humanoid torsos attached to serpentine lower bodies. Examples include mariliths, salamanders, and ancient nagas.
- Snakeback armor fits creatures with combined serpentine and animal-like body plan. Deep Wyrms and Deep Wyrmlings are the only such creatures.
- Armor now has an intrinsic size. Most pieces of armor must be the same size and the creature you want to wear the armor. Armor of unspecified size is Medium (human) sized.
- A new skill, beast mastery, is implemented. Higher skill improves pets' damage and AC, and cause pets further away to follow you downstairs. The skill is trained by witnessing your pets engaging in combat. Convicts, droven priests, dwarven nobles and wizards can get basic beast mastery, knights, elven, droven nobles and tourist can get skilled, and healers, troubadours, nobles and rangers can get expert.
- Two new commands, #wait and #come allows you to tell a pet to stay on the current level or follow you between levels as normal. These are useful if you want to have a pet not follow you but find it difficult to do so because of the increased follow range due to high beast mastery skill.
dNetHack preferred pets
- If wishing for a pet, the strongest non-unique angels are the best candidates.
- The counterpart of the vanilla Archon is the Throne Archon, a high-damage spellcaster that favors the lightning bolt spell and can buff itself. Its large size makes it harder find equipment for.
- A Light Archon fires volleys of 7 (magically created) silver arrows for high potential damage against demons, but its large size and irregular body shape make equipping one difficult.
- A Surya Deva frequently casts mass cure, healing all nearby peaceful monsters as well as the player. Independent dancing blade means it can attack multiple targets per turn. It also casts fire pillar. Its large size makes it harder to find equipment for, and each component of the Surya has a lower damage output than other choices. Fire damage is less useful than lighting.
- A Mahadeva deals very high single-target melee damage and has the highest base level (30). However, it is less effective against monsters with good AC, and its large size makes it harder to find equipment for.
- A Tulani Eladrin casts cold, shock, and fire damage spells, and its medium size means you can easily find and enchant a full set of armor for it. However, it can catch the player in fireball explosions. It has the lowest base level (18) and chooses spells randomly, so damage drops off against targets with resistances. It only uses one weapon attack per turn.
- An Ara Kamerel comes with a Kamerel Vajra and casts open wounds in combat, resulting in high single-target damage. It resists shock damage and petrification. It reincarnates using gold golems, though it reverts to level 15 in the process. Itsarge size makes it harder to find equipment for, and its speed of 9 is rather slow. It can be permanently killed by some enemies.
- An ancient of death inhales life and exhales death once per round, and is able to affect enemies through walls. However, its speed of 4 is very slow.
- An ancient of ice is a less useful version of the ancient of death, since more targets resist fire and ice.
- If searching the dungeon for endgame-capable pets:
- Lady Oona has a decent base level (20), and her medium size means you can easily find and enchant equipment for her. She can wield weapons and casts a strong elemental damage spell. However, she is slow (speed 9), and her elemental damage spell is either fire, lightning, or cold, chosen randomly at the start of the game.
- Medusa has a decent base level (20), and her medium size means you can easily find and enchant equipment for her, though her snake-like lower body does complicate matters. She can wield weapons and has numerous natural attacks. She constantly petrifies anything able to see her, though MC3 armor will block this effect.
- A grue has a decent base level (20) and is very fast in the dark, with very high damage. It has a digestion attack and can be ridden. Its nonstandard body-type, making it unable to equip most types of armor. It can sometimes get itself killed by using its digestion attack.
SLASH'EM adds god-granted minions and does things somewhat differently (spoiler).
더 보기
- Apport – a measure of a pet's willingness to fetch items
- Tameness – a measure of a pet's loyalty to its owner
- Growing up – for information about pet advancement
외부 링크
- Jump up ↑ 아이템이 저주받았을 경우, 애완동물은 그 위에 마지못해 올라갑니다.
- Jump up ↑ 당신의 아이템을 훔칩니다.
- Jump up ↑ 당신의 금화를 훔칩니다.
- Jump up ↑ 마법 호루라기를 사용할 경우 애완동물들이 플레이어 옆으로 소환됩니다.
- Jump up ↑ dogmove.c in NetHack 3.4.3, line 91
- Jump up ↑ dogmove.c in NetHack 3.4.3, line 223
- Jump up ↑ dogmove.c in NetHack 3.4.3, line 235
- Jump up ↑ worn.c in NetHack 3.4.3, line 463
- Jump up ↑ hack.h in NetHack 3.4.3, line 284
- ↑ Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 src/dogmove.c in NetHack 3.6.1, line 1118
- Jump up ↑ dog.c in NetHack 3.4.3, line 722
- Jump up ↑ dogmove.c in NetHack 3.4.3, line 671
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