Potion of booze

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! Pink potion.png
Name booze
Appearance random
Base price 50 zm
Weight 20
Monster use Will not be used by monsters.

A potion of booze is a type of non-magical potion that appears in NetHack. The default randomized appearance associated with the potion is a "brown potion".[1]

Samurai see the potion as a potion of sake.[2]


Wizards may be given a potion of booze as any of the three random potions in their starting inventory.[3]

Potions of booze make up 21500 (4.2%) of all randomly-generated potions. General stores, liquor emporiums and delicatessens can sell potions of booze: there is a 125 chance of each square in a delicatessen containing a potion of booze.[4]

The Gnome King's Wine Cellar variant of Mine's End always generates 2 potions of booze in each of the potion stacks within the eponymous cellar at level creation.

Mixing a potion of fruit juice with a potion of speed or enlightenment can create a diluted uncursed potion of booze.[5][6] Mixing a potion of confusion with a potion of gain energy or gain level can create either a potion of booze or a potion of enlightenment.[7]

Applying a horn of plenty with charges has a 7500 chance (1.4%) of generating 1-2 potions of booze.[9]


Quaffing a potion of booze provides nutrition, abuses wisdom and may confuse the hero dependent on its beatitude:[10] a blessed potion grants 30 nutrition and does not confuse the hero, an uncursed potion grant 20 nutrition and confuses them for 3d8 (more) turns, and a cursed potion grants 10 nutrition, confuses them for 3d8 (more) turns and renders them unconscious for up to 15 turns. Non-diluted potions also restore 1 hit point when quaffed. Monsters will not use this potion.

A monster hit with the potion will become confused if they fail a check versus their MR score.[11] A hero hit with the potion or subjected to its vapors will become confused for up to five (more) turns.[12]

Mixing a potion of booze with a potion of gain level or gain energy can create a potion of hallucination.[13] Mixing a potion of booze with a potion of enlightenment can creates a potion of confusion.[14]

Dipping an amethyst into a potion of booze will turn the potion into a potion of fruit juice.[15] This is a reference to the gem's name coming from the Greek ἀμέθυστος ("not drunk"). See the article on amethysts for more details.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

The duration of confusion from booze depends on your hunger: confusion from booze lasts for 2d8 (more) turns when you are satiated, plus an additional d8 per hunger level below satiated.


Uncursed potions of booze are sometimes used as a source of confusion for the alternate effects of reading scrolls, e.g. magic portal detection on the Planes using a scroll of gold detection, or erodeproofing your armor via the scroll of enchant armor. Although cursed potions of booze also give the confusion effect, they also make you pass out, sometimes for longer than the confusion lasts. Blessed potions of booze are typically most preferred by foodless conduct players, who can also alchemize them using the following multi-step recipe:

junk → water → sickness → fruit juice → booze → blessed booze

It is considered a tradition for some players to take an ice box filled with potions of booze to the Astral Plane in preparation for the demigod bar as a form of bragging rights, though this much less frequent is recent versions.


The potion of booze first appears in Hack 1.0.[16]


Ooph! This tastes like <watered down> liquid fire!
You quaffed a potion of booze, with the bracketed words added if the potion was diluted.
Ooph! This tastes like <watered down> dandelion wine!
As above, while hallucinating.
You pass out.
You awaken with a headache.
These messages are added if you were knocked out by a cursed potion, and then awakened from it.


Many variants associate dwarves with drinking, to the point of often generating them with booze when encountered outside of the Gnomish Mines (with the likely-shared assumption that dwarves always mine responsibly).


In UnNetHack, dwarves have a 67 chance of generating with a potion of booze.


In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, Madpeople start each game with 2-4 uncursed potions of booze, Pirates start each game with 3-6 potions of booze and Troubadors start each game with 5-6 potions of booze. Incantifiers in roles that start with potions of booze have them replaced with scrolls of food detection, while vampires have them replaced with human blood, and clockwork automatons have them replaced with oil.

Quaffing a potion of booze grants 130 points of nutrition if uncursed, 140 if blessed, and 120 if cursed, along with healing the hero for HP equal to their level regardless of beatitude. However, drinking a cursed potion will render the hero nauseous for 20-35 turns afterwards. Quaffing potions of booze also raises the hero's sanity by 5 points per potion, as well as raising their "drunkenness" stat. However, once drunkenness is capped out at 3 potions per experience level, drinking booze can no longer raise sanity above 50—see the article linked in the previous line for more on drunkenness and how it functions.

Dwarves encountered outside the Gnomish Mines always have potions of booze, and player monster troubadors and pirates can generate with them as well.


In xNetHack, dwarves generated outside of the Gnomish Mines have a 18 chance of generating with up to 3 potions of booze, and dwarves generated within the Mines have a 140 chance of generating with up to 3 potions of booze.


In SpliceHack, Pirates start each game with 3-6 potions of booze, and know the potion as a potion of rum. Dwarven heroes that start the game with potions of fruit juice will have them replaced with booze. Drinking alcohol of any kind is tracked as a conduct.

A hero that is afraid and quaffs a potion of booze will clear the status, and monsters can quaff the potion for the same effect. Dwarven monsters and pirates will also quaff potions of booze if they are not confused, becoming confused similar to the hero quaffing the potion (including passing out for the same duration from a cursed potion).

A keg is an item that acts as a quaffed potion of booze when applied.

Many guaranteed potions of booze are generated in the Bar at level creation.


In EvilHack, throwing a potion of booze at a satyr that is not asleep or immobilized will cause him to catch it and drink it, becoming confused as the hero does when quaffing a non-blessed potion. If the potion is cursed, he will become hostile and go berserk, and otherwise he will become peaceful if he is hostile—a pet satyr that is thrown non-cursed booze and quaffs it has their tameness increased if it is currently below 20.


In SlashTHEM, various roles start with potions of booze:

  • The Bard role starts with 5-6 potions of booze as in dNetHack.
  • The Chef starts out with 2-4 potions of booze.
  • The Corsair starts out with 2-4 potions of booze.
  • The Drunk starts with at least 5-10 potions of booze.
  • The Pirate starts with 3-6 potions of booze.

As in dNetHack, incantifiers in roles that start with potions of booze have them replaced with scrolls of food detection, and clockwork automata have them replaced with oil.

A Drunk that quaffs a potion of booze gains an extra 100 points of nutrition and heal up to rnz(20 + experience level) hit points.

The booze technique allows a hero to simulate the effects of the potion, including any added benefits for particular roles or races (i.e. Drunks), and generates more potions of booze. Drunks start with the technique, while Bards gain the technique at experience level 10.

Player monster bards generate with five or six potions of booze.

Encyclopedia entry

This entry is shared with the potion of sleeping:

On waking, he found himself on the green knoll whence he had first seen the old man of the glen. He rubbed his eyes -- it was a bright sunny morning. The birds were hopping and twittering among the bushes, and the eagle was wheeling aloft, and breasting the pure mountain breeze. "Surely," thought Rip, "I have not slept here all night." He recalled the occurrences before he fell asleep. The strange man with a keg of liquor -- the mountain ravine -- the wild retreat among the rocks -- the woe-begone party at ninepins -- the flagon -- "Oh! that flagon! that wicked flagon!" thought Rip -- "what excuse shall I make to Dame Van Winkle!"

[ Rip Van Winkle, a Posthumous Writing of Diedrich Knickerbocker, by Washington Irving ]
