Magic cancellation

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For the effects of a wand of cancellation or a spell of cancellation, see cancellation.

Magic cancellation, or MC for short, is a graduated property in NetHack which protects the player character from certain non-damaging effects caused by a monster using a contact-making attack.


Magic cancellation offers a certain amount of protection against "special melee attacks" made against a character - examples include poison from killer bee stings, lycanthropy caused by werejackal bites, and the green slime's sliming attacks. Having the highest (best) grade of magic cancellation means that only 110 of special melee attacks will succeed (assuming they would hit otherwise). This makes magic cancellation a high priority trait. A precise list of the special melee attacks that magic cancellation protects against is provided in the section below.

Magic cancellation must not be confused with cancellation caused by a wand or spell, nor with magic resistance. See § Differences from cancellation and magic resistance for further details.

Your current level of magic cancellation can be verified via any source of enlightenment; "You are warded" means you have MC1, "You are guarded" is MC2, and "You are protected" is MC3.


The most common source of magic cancellation is armor. Each piece of armor has a magic cancellation number (MC number) ranging from 0 (worst) to 3 (best). Note that magic cancellation from armor is not cumulative—the player's magic cancellation is the maximum of that provided by any single piece of armor worn. This means that if you are wearing a chain mail with MC 1, and a dwarvish cloak with MC 1, then your magic cancellation is still 1.

Magic cancellation can also be granted by intrinsic or extrinsic protection: Extrinsic protection augments your magic cancellation by 1, to a maximum of 3; intrinsic protection or temporary protection from the spell of protection counts as magic cancellation 1, but doesn't stack with armor sources or extrinsic protection. The sources of extrinsic protection are the ring of protection, the Tsurugi of Muramasa, and the Mitre of Holiness; more than one such source provides no additional benefit. Intrinsic protection is granted when you get an AC bonus by donating to an aligned priest or by a favor when praying. Intrinsic protection may be lost by a gremlin's special attack or eating a disenchanter corpse; if so, donating the appropriate amount to an aligned priest will restore it, even if it would fail to improve your AC. High priests have extrinsic protection, and aligned priests and monsters represented by A have intrinsic protection.

The following list contains all the sources of magic cancellation:

Armor Armor type MC
Extrinsic protection N/A +1 (max 3)
Intrinsic protection 1 (if no extrinsic)
spell of protection
alchemy smock cloak 1
cloak of displacement
cloak of invisibility
cloak of magic resistance
dwarvish cloak
elven cloak
leather cloak
mummy wrapping
orcish cloak
banded mail body armor
bronze plate mail
chain mail
leather armor
orcish chain mail
orcish ring mail
ring mail
scale mail
splint mail
studded leather armor
cornuthaum helm
oilskin cloak cloak 2
crystal plate mail body armor
dwarvish mithril-coat
elven mithril-coat
plate mail
cloak of protection cloak 3

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

A worn amulet of guarding adds +2 to magic cancellation.


Magic cancellation protects the player by reducing the probability of special melee attacks occurring.

MC Effect probability
0 100%
1 70%
2 40%
3 10%

If all these tests are passed, the player will suffer the special effect. In the case of fire, cold, and shock, there is further a test for determining if any inventory items are damaged or destroyed.

Cancelable effects

Understanding how magic cancellation works requires some understanding of how an attack works in NetHack. An attack has two characteristics: attack type (e.g. bites and stings) and damage type (e.g. physical or poisonous). A soldier ant, for instance, has two attacks: a bite which does 2d4 physical damage (i.e. ordinary damage), and a sting which does 3d4 poison damage. Magic cancellation will not protect against the 2d4 physical damage from the bite, nor will it prevent the 3d4 damage caused by the sting. It will, however, protect against the special effects from the poisonous sting, which randomly include hitpoint reduction, attribute reduction, and instadeath.

There is no obvious pattern to what magic cancellation does and doesn't protect against. Shortly put, magic cancellation protects against certain attack types that deal a certain type of damage. This relation is shown in the table below. To be prevented by magic cancellation, both the attack type and damage type must be in the orange area of the table. If either the attack type or damage type is outside the orange area, magic cancellation will have no effect on the attack.

In earlier versions of the game, the idea was that some types of armor covered your entire body surface, so the attacker effectively could not touch you despite his successful attack. Over time, with the addition of the cornuthaum and many types of special attacks, this point has become moot, and the current explanation can only be "it's magic".

Attack type Damage type
Attack type unaffected Attack type prevented Damage type prevented Damage type unaffected
Examples – unaffected due to attack type Examples – prevented due to combination of attack type and damage type Examples – unaffected due to damage type
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Magic cancellation protects against special melee weapon attacks, such as level drain from a barrow wights weapon, but it does not protect against weapons that are thrown or launched, such as poisoned arrows and darts.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 The type of damage done by every single kick, headbutt, tentacle attack, and grabbing attacks in the game are listed in the rightmost column "Damage type unaffected". And hence they all bypass magic cancellation.
  3. Jump up Disenchantment by the disenchanter claw is prevented, but magic cancellation does not however protect against the passive disenchanting attack, since passive attacks are listed in the leftmost column "Attack type unaffected".

Differences from cancellation and magic resistance

Main articles: Cancellation and Magic resistance

Magic cancellation is distinct from cancellation, which a monster suffers when hit by a wand or spell of cancellation. Cancelling a monster completely removes the monster's ability to perform its special melee attacks, while magic cancellation only reduces the probability of those attacks succeeding against the player. Also, the attacks affected by cancelling a monster are not exactly the same as those prevented through magic cancellation. See the article on cancellation to compare effects.

Magic cancellation is not the same as magic resistance. Magic resistance is an extrinsic that protects against spell, wand, and trap effects and damage.

Magic cancellation is also different from intrinsic resistances against fire, cold, and shock damage. If you suffer fire damage while fire resistant, you won't be dealt hit point damage, but there is still a chance of items such as scrolls, spellbooks, and potions being destroyed. Magic cancellation on the other hand won't prevent the damage, but it will reduce the probability of item-destroying effects occurring.

Noteworthy interactions

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

Pets can gain intrinsics from eating, though MC is still good for preventing effects that can't be intrinsically resisted.


Magic cancellation is a useful properly which gets more useful the more of it you have; a character with MC3 will suffer only 14 as many cancellable attacks as one with MC2. However, its value must be weighed against its opportunity costs. Acquiring MC3 requires a cloak of protection, or one of the MC2 cloaks or suits and a source of extrinsic protection. Armor which provides MC2 or 3 doesn't provide the useful properties of the MC1 magic cloaks or MC0 dragon scale mail. In many cases, it's better to wear the cloak of magic resistance to protect yourself from polymorph traps and death magic, or silver dragon scale mail to protect your wands and rings from lightning. Most cancellable attacks have either resistances to negate them, or countermeasures to reverse their effects (fire for sliming, holy water for lycanthropy, Elbereth to unstick from mimics), so a well-prepared player may find magic cancellation a lower priority than more critical properties.

Magic cancellation only protects from melee attacks, and characters with strong ranged attacks can generally kill the attackers from a distance before they become a threat. Beware of monsters (especially nasties) being summoned to you, though.

If you want MC3, you may want to treat the ring of protection as a situational item, which you equip when a relevant monster appears and then swap out for a more generally useful one when the situation is dealt with. Priests and Samurai get protection from their quest artifacts; other roles must be lawful (at least temporarily) to wish for them.


Before version 3.6.0, magic cancellation was more readily available and stronger, and intrinsic or extrinsic protection had no effect on it. For more details on magic cancellation as it functioned in 3.4.3, see Magic cancellation (3.4.3).


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It may contain text specific to NetHack 3.6.0. Information on this page may be out of date.

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