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This article is about the role. For the monster, see aligned priest.

The Priest or Priestess, abbreviated as Pri, is one of the roles available for a hero in NetHack. From the guidebook:

Priests and Priestesses are clerics militant, crusaders advancing the cause of righteousness with arms, armor, and arts thaumaturgic. Their ability to commune with deities via prayer occasionally extricates them from peril, but can also put them in it.

Priests and Priestesses can be human or elven, and can be of any appropriate alignment.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Per commit 0c3b9642, the role is given the name of Cleric, with "Priest" and "Priestess" being gendered titles.

Starting equipment

Each Priest starts with the following equipment:[1]

Elven priests are additionally given a random non-magical instrument.[4]

Priests start with knowledge of the potion of water and any applicable racial equipment.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

As of commit 9d910773, Priests have a 15 chance (20%) of starting with a magic marker, and otherwise have a 110 chance (effectively 8%) of starting with an oil lamp.


Priests gain the following intrinsic properties upon reaching the given experience levels:[5]


The Priest's starting attributes are distributed as follows:[6]

Attributes Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma Remaining
Minimum attributes 7 7 7 7 10 7 30
Distribution percentages 15% 15% 20% 10% 30% 10%
Mean w/ standard deviation (human) 12.21±2.07 11.89±2.01 13.47±2.16 10.28±1.74 17.44±1.08 9.95±1.67


Priests have the following skills available to them:[7]

Priest skills
Max Skills

Priests start with Basic skill in maces and clerical spells.[8] They use the wisdom stat to cast spells, and their special spell is remove curse.[9]

Special rules

Priests do not receive multishot bonuses unless they are at Expert level in the appropriate weapon skill[10] - in practice, they cannot reach Expert in any relevant skills, so they can never throw or fire more than one missile per move.

Priests have inherent knowledge of an item's beatitude, whether or not they can see or even touch it. (The implicit_uncursed option is set by default, so an item with no shown beatitude is uncursed - setting !implicit_uncursed in your options will display uncursed beatitude for items.)

Priests can utilize the #turn extended command to turn away undead, with a chance of pacifying them for chaotic Priests, and a chance of destroying them otherwise. As obtusely alluded to by the guidebook, the command will immobile the Priest for a few turns afterward.

Rank titles

The status line displays one of the following ranks for the corresponding experience levels:[11]

  • XL 1-2: Aspirant
  • XL 3-5: Acolyte
  • XL 6-9: Adept
  • XL 10-13: Priest/Priestess
  • XL 14-17: Curate
  • XL 18-21: Canon/Canoness
  • XL 22-25: Lama
  • XL 26-29: Patriarch/Matriarch
  • XL 30: High Priest/High Priestess


Main article: Religion

The Priest as a role does not have their own pantheon of gods, with the game instead randomly choosing a pantheon for them from the others available.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

The Priest's first sacrifice gift is Demonbane.


Main article: Priest quest

The Priest's quest sees them fighting Nalzok for The Mitre of Holiness, an artifact helm of brilliance. The Mitre of Holiness grants fire resistance while carried, and while worn it provides extrinsic protection (akin to a ring of protection) in addition to the normal effects of a helm of brilliance - Priests wearing the artifact also take half physical damage from undead monsters and demons. Invoking The Mitre of Holiness restores energy up to half the difference between the hero's current power and maximum power, with a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 120.


Priests are a moderately difficult role, since they are restricted in most edged and/or piercing weapon skills that other roles take for granted, cannot multishot ranged weapons, and are not always guaranteed to start with immediately-useful spells. Conversely, the pool of starting spells include those that offer significant early boons and pay dividends well into the late game - the Priest's intrinsic knowledge of item beatitude and starting holy water also provide tremendous advantages in assembling kits, particularly in regards to weapon and armor selection.

The Priest is somewhat ironically the role most suited for the atheist conduct, since their starting inventory and special abilities supersede many benefits provided by altars: as the #turn command breaks the conduct, smart usage of garlic, attention to movement and equipment selection can help deal with early undead, while the starting wolfsbane can cure lycanthropy, and maintaining a cache of holy water allows for reliable uncursing. The hardest boon to replicate is the ability to buy protection from temple priests.

Character creation

Priests are restricted in most edged and/or piercing weapon skills, and in general are quite fragile in the early game. Elven Priests tend to be the most fragile, needing specific equipment to reach the maximum strength damage bonus or even maximum carrying capacity - their higher maximums for mental attributes provide useful boosts to energy growth, but the difference for spellcasting success is usually negligible by the time the hero can actually reach those limits. Human Priests will have better strength and constitution on average, but not always enough that it lends them significant combat advantages, and lack the elven Priest's chance of starting with an instrument that can be tonal and/or is capable of scaring monsters.

Lawful priests have the least perilous trip through the Gnomish Mines early on, but will have the most trouble with the mysterious force during the ascension run; chaotic Priests will have far more hostile encounters throughout the early game, but those that find an altar can more easily take advantage of prayer timeout reduction to farm spellbooks, and those on the ascension run face less resistance from the mysterious force.

For Priest players that seek to compensate with artifact weapons, lawful Priests have the best chance of a viable one as their first sacrifice gift with three artifacts that use the long sword skill and the double-damage Grayswandir: at worst, they will have the skill unrestricted for Excalibur (which is capable of outperforming many other options even at Unskilled). Neutral Priests have less reliable options, though Magicbane and Mjollnir are among the better options in the first gift pool, and Mjollnir in particular can be trained to Expert. While Chaotic Priests naturally have the weakest options for a first sacrifice gift, they also have access to Stormbringer, and elven Priests can reliably force it as a first gift by naming Sting and Orcrist beforehand.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Demonbane is now a mace and is the first sacrifice gift for Priests of any alignment, so lawful Priests can no longer deterministically unrestrict long sword skill, nor can elven Priests force Stormbringer. Lawful Priests are still likely to get a long sword as their second gift.

Per commit e9fab48a, the mysterious force's effects are weakened.

Early game

Early Priests can struggle for a means to quickly kill monsters - their starting +1 mace at Basic skill is slightly better against small monsters than a long sword of the same skill level, but their skill set and lack of multishot bonuses lock them out of many standard early-game options. Their spellcasting skill set is heavily tailored towards defensive and utility options, and they cannot train skill in attack spells: though this is not a concern on paper for lower-level spells such as magic missile, drain life or even force bolt, Priests will not reliably match the offensive casting prowess of other roles, nor should they necessarily aspire to. The #turn command can help Priests against groups of stronger undead, but requires cautious use and situational awareness - other non-undead hostiles can take advantage of an immobile hero, and some early undead monsters are weak enough that they can be easily overcome in melee.

With all this in mind, a Priest should focus on melee combat options and improving AC while keeping their robe if possible, and work towards armor that is lighter, ideally non-metallic and does not require heavy AC tradeoffs. A Priest that obtains an early wish should consider dragon scale mail over a weapon, both to achieve the above goal and to preserve artifact generation odds; Priests will also generally favor gray dragon scale mail as the most flexible choice in the long run, though they may opt for silver dragon scale mail if they are worried about early wands. See GDSM versus SDSM for more details on which to choose.

The aklys is one of the Priest's best weapon choices by far: despite its low base damage, they can reliably use the aklys in melee and at short ranges, thecan train the club skill to Expert, and gnomes in the Mines are a plentiful source; skill and enchantment investments on an aklys can be useful through the entire game. A unicorn horn can also be sufficient weapon that lasts until the Castle, especially if enchanted. Even if a Priest opts for an artifact weapon, the aklys is a highly useful secondary option with its ranged capabilities.

Since most of their spells are geared towards defense and utility, the protection and healing spells are among their best overall options, especially if they can be reliably cast in combat; for spells that do not need to be cast quickly, the hero can find a safe place to remove any metallic armor before applying them. The identify spell is especially powerful in the hands of an early Priest, particularly if they are able to train up divination spells with light, detect monsters and other spells that can become powerful in their own right.

The inherent knowledge of item beatitude simplifies the process of gauging what items are safe to bless, wear and/or use, and also makes salvaging any bones they encounter a breeze. The Priest's starting holy water can serve various purposes as well: uncursing items in general, blessing spellbooks for easier reading (as Priests often start with middling intelligence), blessing magic lamps for early wishes, and obtain the more useful blessed effects of certain scrolls. Regardless of what a Priests uses them for, stashing one potion of holy water is generally worthwhile to prevent it being lost to fire or cold damage, even if this means just leaving it in an unlocked container - a hero can reliably maintain a cache as long as they have that one potion and a means of procuring water to dip into it.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

As their first sacrifice gift, the revamped Demonbane is simply a slightly better mace against most monsters for Priests, though it has an early use case that can come up: Priests hunting for fountain wishes can invoke Demonbane to banish any hostile water demons they encounter.


As with many other casting roles, Priests advancing towards the mid-game should upgrade their armor to where it is reasonable and possible to do so. A Priest's lack of weapon skills means that skill slots are not in short supply: divination spells in particular can be safely left at Skilled level, as the only benefit to reaching Expert skill for those spells is reduced failure rates.


The quest has mostly weaker zombies and only a few strong monsters, and the large number of graveyards contain many boxes full of items. There is more treasure on this quest than any other. Drain resistance or MC3 is useful to prevent level drain from wraiths and vampires. If you are not at a high enough level for the Quest but have access to create monster in some form, you can gain levels by creating wraiths on the home level and luring them back through the portal.

The unaligned altar can be converted and used for sacrificing, but monster generation is low and most generated monsters are undead that cannot be sacrificed; you can obtain useful corpses by kicking the trees on the home level to summon killer bees, then lure them closer to the altar.

Some priests that get to the Castle will be strong enough to face the monsters in direct combat, or use the passtune to crush more difficult monsters with the drawbridge.

Late game


A high level priest may be able to make use of a spellbook of polymorph, despite having no skill in matter spells, by using the Mitre of Holiness and a robe.

At skilled divination, Priests should be able to cast magic mapping, which should make Gehennom mapping a trivial task.

You can learn simple attack spells (like force bolt or drain life) and cast them with 0% failure rate. Magic missile is especially useful at high levels, as its damage scales up with your level - which can easily be increased due to the wraiths in the quest.

Nalzok, the Priest quest nemesis, is quite tough, but he respects Elbereth and the scroll of scare monster. The quest is rather boring, but extremely profitable. All the levels contain several graveyards with wraiths and chests full of goodies. The locate level may also contain several sleeping foocubi, which you should not disturb until you are able to utilize them without the risk of negative effects. Given all the graveyards and sleeping monsters, some source of stealth is advisable before attempting this quest.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

The scroll of scare monster on the ground no longer scares any unique monster.

The quest artifact is The Mitre of Holiness, which has a great base item in the helm of brilliance; the Mitre additionally allows you to #invoke it to regain your power, gives fire resistance and halves damage from the undead and most demons. However, unlike many quest artifacts, it doesn't confer magic resistance, so you have to get that from a different source.


The Priest is introduced in NetHack 1.3d.


A priest is a religious leader authorized to perform the sacred rituals of a religion, and administers religious rites; in particular, they act as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities, including during rites of sacrifice and propitiation. Their office or position is the "priesthood", a term which also may apply to such persons collectively. A priest may have the duty to hear confessions periodically, give marriage counseling, provide prenuptial counseling, give spiritual direction, teach catechism, or visit those confined indoors, such as the sick in hospitals and nursing homes.

The Priest as a role is modeled off the "church militant" archetype of cleric featured in Dungeons & Dragons: the restriction on weapon type is influenced by a popular interpretation of the Bayeux Tapestry where Odo of Bayeux is depicted with a mace in hand; Odo is sometimes conflated with Archbishop Turpin of the Chanson de Roland (or "Song of Roland"), who actually wields a spear and a sword. The cleric is also partially modeled off the holy fighters of the Crusades, as well as the archetype of vampire hunting clergy seen in Bram Stoker's Dracula and "Hammer Horror" B grade movies, with Dracula in particular coining the popular term 'undead' and establishing a vampire hunter's ability to turn away vampires by the presentation of a holy symbol (e.g. a crucifix).



Main article: Priest/SLASH'EM

In SLASH'EM, Priests are given a first sacrifice gift in Disrupter, an artifact mace that deals major damage against undead.

The Priest's skill set is expanded to allow for a wider spell repertoire, and they can also train long swords as well. However, Priests will typically want another artifact to serve as their main weapon, especially with their starting mace being weakened. Additionally, all body armor incurs spellcasting penalties in SLASH'EM, with the starting robe being among the few exceptions - this robe also does not actively boost spellcasting rates, with the robe of power serving this purpose. Fortunately, Disrupter can still assist Priests significantly against the tougher undead introduced to SLASH'EM, and the blessing technique is a powerful resource that can save on potions of holy water.


FIQHack priests can be orcs.

Priests get a +20 bonus to effective XL when writing scrolls. Thus at XL30 they can always write unknown scrolls.

Turning undead has been buffed compared to vanilla.

Encyclopedia entry

For the two priests were talking exactly like priests, piously, with learning and leisure, about the most aerial enigmas of theology. The little Essex priest spoke the more simply, with his round face turned to the strengthening stars; the other talked with his head bowed, as if he were not even worthy to look at them. But no more innocently clerical conversation could have been heard in any white Italian cloister or black Spanish cathedral. The first he heard was the tail of one of Father Brown's sentences, which ended: "... what they really meant in the Middle Ages by the heavens being incorruptible." The taller priest nodded his bowed head and said: "Ah, yes, these modern infidels appeal to their reason; but who can look at those millions of worlds and not feel that there may well be wonderful universes above us where reason is utterly unreasonable?"

[ The Innocence of Father Brown, by G.K. Chesterton ]
