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This category lists all articles with an encyclopedia entry.
Pages in category "Encyclopedia"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,190 total.
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- Abbot
- Abominable Snowman (EvilHack)
- Acererak
- Acolyte
- Adamach
- Agent
- Ahazu
- Aklys
- Aklys/zh-CN
- Aleax
- Alhoon (dNetHack)
- Alhoon (EvilHack)
- Aligned priest
- Altar
- Alucard
- Amaterasu Omikami
- Amoeboid
- Amon
- Amulet
- Amulet of Yendor
- Amulet of Yendor/zh-CN
- Amulet/ru
- Amulet/zh-CN
- Ancient naga
- Ancient pseudodragon
- Andrealphus
- Andromalius
- Angel
- Angelic being
- Angelic being/ko
- Angelslayer
- Anhur
- Annam
- Anshar
- Ant
- Anu
- Anubite
- Aoa
- Ape
- Aphrodite (UnNetHack)
- Apple
- Apple/zh-CN
- Apprentice
- Arc bug
- Arcadian avenger
- Arch Priest
- Arch-lich
- Arch-lichen
- Archangel
- Archeologist
- Archeologist/ru
- Archon
- Argentum golem
- Arioch
- Armor
- Armor of Retribution
- Armor/zh-CN
- Arrow
- Arrow/zh-CN
- Ashikaga Takauji
- Ashmar
- Ashwood staff
- Asmodeus
- Asmodeus (dNetHack)
- Asmodeus (EvilHack)
- Asphynx
- Astaroth
- Astral Deva (dNetHack)
- Astral deva (SLASH'EM)
- Athame
- Athame/zh-CN
- Athena
- Atlatl (EvilHack)
- Attendant
- Auton
- Axe
- Axe/ko
- Axe/zh-CN
- User:Aximili/Scroll of demonology
- Axolotl
- Baalzebub
- Baby black dragon
- Baby blue dragon
- Baby celestial dragon
- Baby glowing dragon
- Baby gold dragon (SporkHack)
- Baby gray dragon
- Baby green dragon
- Baby long worm
- Baby orange dragon
- Baby owlbear
- Baby purple worm
- Baby red dragon
- Baby sea dragon
- Baby shadow dragon
- Baby silver dragon
- Baby white dragon
- Baby yellow dragon
- Bag of holding
- Bag of the Hesperides
- Balam
- Balrog
- Baluchitherium
- Banana
- Banana/ko
- Banana/zh-CN
- Bandersnatch
- Baphomet (dNetHack)
- Baphomet (EvilHack)
- Baphomet (SpliceHack)
- Barbarian
- Barbed devil
- Barding
- Barding (item)
- Barding of reflection
- Barghest
- Barking spider
- Barrow wight
- Baseball bat
- Basilisk (EvilHack)
- Basilisk (SLASH'EM)
- Bat
- Bat (SLASH'EM)
- Beartrap
- Bebelith
- Bee
- Beholder (dNetHack)
- Beholder (EvilHack)
- Beholder (Hack'EM)
- Beholder (SLASH'EM)
- Bell
- Bell of Opening
- Bell of Opening/ko
- Berith
- Black dragon
- Black fungus
- Black light
- Black mold (SLASH'EM)
- Black naga
- Black naga hatchling
- Black rat
- Black wasp
- Blind Io
- Blindfold
- Blob
- Blue dragon
- Blue jelly
- Bone devil
- Boojum (EvilHack)
- Book of the Dead
- Boomerang
- Boomerang/zh-CN
- Boots
- Boots/zh-CN
- Boulder
- Bourbon
- Bow
- Bow/zh-CN
- Brain golem
- Brass lantern
- Brigit
- Broadsword
- Broadsword/zh-CN
- Brood wasp
- Brown mold
- Brown moldier
- Buer (dNetHack)
- Bugbear
- Bugle
- Bullet ant
- Bullwhip
- Bullwhip/zh-CN
- Butcher
- Byakhee (dNetHack)
- Byakhee (SLASH'EM)
- Camaxtli
- Can of grease
- Candelabrum of Invocation
- Candelabrum of Invocation/ko
- Candy bar
- Candy bar/zh-CN
- Carnivorous ape
- Carrot
- Carrot/ko
- Carrot/zh-CN
- Cauchemar
- Caveman
- Celestial dragon
- Centaur
- Centaur (EvilHack)
- Centaur (monster class)
- Center of All
- Centipede
- Cerberus (dNetHack)
- Cerberus (EvilHack)
- Cerberus (monster)
- Cerberus (SLASH'EM)
- Cerberus (xNetHack)
- Chakram