Long sword/zh-CN

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) Long sword.png
名称 长剑
外观 长剑
伤害(小型) 1d8
伤害(大型) 1d12
命中修正 +0
武器技能类别 长剑
规格 单手
基础价 15 zm
重量 40

长剑(long sword)是NetHack中的一种武器。它由制成。






  • 古墓尸妖戒灵生成时均会获得一把长剑[3]
  • 岩德军团中尉上尉,以及警卫员队长,在生成时有12的概率获得一把长剑[4][5]
  • 具有强壮属性和武器攻击能力,能够持握武器,且没有特殊起始物品规则的人形怪物生成时有概率获得长剑(在Rogue关卡中生成时除外):对于普通怪物而言,该概率为114;对于领主恶物类怪物而言,该概率为112;对于王族类怪物,或是同时为领主和恶物的怪物而言,该概率为110;对于同时为王族和恶物的怪物而言,该概率为18[6]
  • 酋长实习骑士禅师战士生成时有23的概率获得一把长剑[7]
  • 人形天使类怪物生成时会获得一把祝福的,防锈的,且有附魔的长剑。如果该怪物是执政官,则该长剑会生成为旭日剑或斩魔之剑,如果该怪物是天使亚历克斯,则该长剑有120的概率生成为这两种神器之一[8]
  • 所有非僧侣职业的玩家怪物生成时有12的概率获得一把长剑,否则有5116(约4.3%)的概率获得一把长剑,因此玩家怪物生成时获得长剑的总概率约是54.3%[9]骑士职业的玩家怪物的起始武器有34的概率被替换为长剑[10]


以下内容涉及即将到来的版本(NetHack 3.7.0)之信息。如果该版本已发布,请验证此处信息是否准确,并作出相应修改,以将其并入页面。


根据commit 20cbadc,女武神的任务领袖诺恩在生成时会携带一把+4长剑。


最大等级 角色



  • 斩魔之剑(秩序长剑)
  • 誓约胜利之剑(秩序长剑)
  • 烈焰之剑(无阵营长剑)
  • 冰霜之剑(无阵营长剑)
  • 巨人杀手(中立长剑)
  • 草薙剑(秩序武士刀)
  • 旭日剑(秩序长剑)
  • 斩首剑(中立长剑)





长剑最初于Jay Fenlason's Hack的变体Hack 1.21和PDP-11版Hack中出现,也是最早加入Hack 1.0的物品之一。




SLASH'EM adds the silver long sword as a weapon that uses the long sword skill, and is simply a long sword made of silver. SLASH'EM also adds the following artifact weapons that use the long sword skill:

Giantslayer is replaced by Giantkiller, an artifact axe.

The Valkyrie's starting +1 long sword is replaced with a +1 spear.[11]

The Rat King (SLASH'EM) is always generated with a long sword.


In UnNetHack, Thiefbane is changed from a long sword to a two-handed sword, though the other black marketeers that can generate will always have an enchanted long sword.


dNetHack adds the crystal sword, white vibrosword, gold-bladed vibrosword, and red-eyed vibrosword as weapons that use the long sword skill. dNetHack also adds several artifacts that are long swords:

The Singing Sword is an unaligned artifact whose base item is a long sword, but it does not use the long sword skill - it instead uses and exercises the musicalize spell skill.

Other artifacts make particular use of the long sword skill: Sunsword is a silvered gold long sword and uses the stronger between your long sword and short sword skills, and invoking Tobiume casts the fireball or firestorm spell using the stronger between your attack spells and long sword skills. The Fire Crystal boosts your skill in long sword by one level while carried.

Hydrargyrumach Rilmani are generated with metallic long swords. Ancient naga are generated with two huge long swords. Gray intoners and Eladrin that are summoned by Dracae Eladrin, but are not Uiscerre Eladrin, will generate with dragonbone long swords.

The minor spires encountered in the Outlands of the Neutral Quest may contain a silver long sword and a shield of reflection if Mirror Brand has already been generated.

Excalibur can be created from a long sword of any material via dipping or wishing. Fire Brand and Frost Brand have a 13 chance of generating as a long sword, and can be wished for in the form of a crystal sword as well.

Eden is a spirit that grants skill in long swords while bound.


In xNetHack, Fire Brand and Frost Brand are changed to short swords.


In SpliceHack, two short swords can be combined at a furnace to create a long sword.


In notdNetHack, in addition to dNetHack details, Berith generates with a long sword when summoned by an Illithanachronounbinder.


EvilHack adds the orcish long sword, elven long sword and dark elven long sword as weapons that use the long sword skill. EvilHack also adds some artifacts that use the long sword skill, including Dirge from other variants:

Fire Brand and Frost Brand are changed to short swords, similar to xNetHack.

A long sword can be created at a forge by combining two short swords. Long swords can be used to create a few other items:

  • A long sword can be combined with a scimitar to create a saber.
  • A long sword can be combined with a broadsword to create a two-handed sword.
  • Two long swords can be combined to create a katana.


In addition to SLASH'EM details, SlashTHEM adds the electric sword as a weapon that uses the long sword skill. SlashTHEM also adds several artifacts that use the long sword skill, including several from other variants:

Player clockwork automata can always reach a minimum of Basic skill in long swords.


Hack'EM adds the orcish and elven long swords from EvilHack as weapons that use the long sword skill. Hack'EM also adds Giantslayer from NetHack, Thiefbane from SLASH'EM, Dirge from EvilHack, and Kiku-ichimonji from dNetHack - it additionally introduces The Master Sword, a silver long sword that is capable of firing magic missiles.

Upgrading a long sword will produce an elven long sword, and upgrading an orcish long sword will produce a long sword.
