Human or elf

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The human or elf is a monster class that appears in NetHack, and is represented by the at sign glyph (@). Human or elf-like monsters are designated internally by the macro S_HUMAN.[1]

The class contains the following monsters:[2]

The hero appears as @ if the showrace option is toggled off—if the option is toggled on, the hero will appear as @ while playing as a human or elf, or if they are polymorphed into one of the above monsters.

Common traits

All members of the human or elf monster class are primarily human or elven, with the exception of Medusa, and they are all naturally humanoid as well.

Genocide of the human or elf monster class will always kill the hero regardless of their race.


Human or elf-like monsters vary widely in generation traits.

An inaccessible closet will contain the aged corpse of a human or elf monster that can be randomly generated normally.


In Hack for PDP-11, which is based on Jay Fenlason's Hack, shopkeepers and treasurers use the @ glyph as well as the hero. In Hack 1.0, shopkeepers and guards use the @ glyph.


Variants that add new roles will also add corresponding player monsters, as well as quest guardians, leaders and nemeses, that often use the @ glyph. Variants with racial monsters will have those monsters use a glyph that matches their race—humans, elves and other applicable races will appear as @.


In SLASH'EM, the drow and doppelganger are playable races, and several new human or elf-like monsters are added to the monster class.


In GruntHack, human and elven racial monsters use the @ glyph.


UnNetHack adds several new human or elf-like monsters to the monster class:


In xNetHack, elves are split off into the Quendi monster class, Q.


In EvilHack, the drow is a playable race, and human, elven and drow racial monsters use the @ glyph.

EvilHack adds several new human or elf-like monsters to the monster class:

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