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For the programming language, see ANSI C.
Printable ASCII characters
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + space
` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = { } |
Qq Ww Ee Rr Tt Yy Uu Ii Oo Pp : " [ ] \
Aa Ss Dd Ff Gg Hh Jj Kk Ll ? ; ' Ctrl
Zz Xx Cc Vv Bb Nn Mm , . / < > Alt

In NetHack, the letter C serves the following purposes:

  • Press c to close a door.
  • Press shift + C to call a monster, item or type of item by a particular name.

Historical uses

In hack121, a port of Jay Fenlason's Hack, centaurs use the c glyph, while cockatrices use the C glyph. In PDP-11 Hack and Hack 1.0, the C glyph is given to centaurs, and the b glyph is given to cockatrices. Both monsters retain their glyph for their appearance in Hack 1.0. The cockatrice still uses c as its current glyph, while the centaur retains its C glyph up to NetHack 2.3e.

In NetHack 3.0.0, the centaur monster is replaced with the centaur monster class and the three types of centaur. The cockatrice remains the only monster in its class until NetHack 3.3.0, which adds the chickatrice from NetHack-- 3.0.10 and the pyrolisk from SLASH 6.

In NetHack 3.4.3 and earlier versions, the call command shift + C is used exclusively for naming monsters.



SLASH'EM adds three new monsters that use the c glyph:


In AceHack, shift + C allows the player to name items.


dNetHack adds several new monsters that use the C glyph:


notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack retain the monsters added in dNetHack and adds two more monsters that use the C glyph:


EvilHack adds two new monsters that use the c and C glyphs:


SlashTHEM retains the monsters added in SLASH'EM, and adds two monsters that use the C glyph: