User:Red kangaroo/YANIs/Items
This is a list of ideas I had for new items, or a way to rework and hopefully improve items existing either in vanilla or one of the variants. I'd also like for a new effects to be added to cursed items, to make preventing your equipment from getting cursed more than an annoyance and swap prevention.
- apply to perform a surgery
As a property of weapons, silver is very powerful. However, onyl a very limited number of weapons is silver, making many choices obsolete by the virtue of losing the +1d20 damage that does make a difference. I'd suggest adding more silver weapons for the skills that have none, as SLASH'EM and dNetHack already done is some way.
The following weapons exist in variants:
- silver long sword, silver short sword, silver mace and silver bullet in SLASH'EM;
- moon axe, siler khakkhara and silver stone in dNetHack.
Other silver weapons that would be nice to have:
silver claymore: two-handed sword
silver sickle: scimitar
silver mallet: hammer
silver flindbar: flail
silver chain-sickle: whip
- holy trident
silver bolt
- crossbow ammo
silver dart
silver star
- shuriken
- throwing star when unidentified, same as shurikens
silver chakram: boomerang
silver spike
- Stakes skill weapon, same as unicorn horn (see below)
The unicorn horn needs more weapons in its weapon class, just as other weapon skills with a single weapon. They are overly specific and mostly not interesting enough options to justify spending skill slots. Thus, I suggest moving unihorn into the Stakes skill, plus adding several weapons to increase the viability of the class.
- from SLASH'EM, but now under stake skill
- deals 1d6 damage against both small and large
- has 10% chance to instakill any vampire
iron spike
- never randomly generated
- from destroyed spiked pits; pushing a boulder into a spiked pit creates several buried iron spikes, with a chance of being poisoned
- deals 1d4 damage against both small and large
- stacks like daggers and can be multishot
silver spike
- silver weapon (see above)
- deals 1d4 damage against both small and large, plus silver damage
- stacks like daggers and can be multishot
any wand
- uses this skill if wielded in melee
- deals 1d3 damage against both small and large
- if an attack wand, it has a skill-in-10 chance to deal additional damage equal to 1d(current charges), without using up a charge
- damage type depends on the wand type
- not the same as zapping the wand for free, it only affects the monster hit
See dragon armor.
chain shirt
- sometimes generated on dwarves and considered their racial armor
- made of iron, weights 250 units
- offers base 2 AC
black leather armor
- as leather armor, but can be safely enchanted up to +7 and offers full Dex bonus to AC
- often worn by drows
troll leather armor
- as studded leather armor, but grants regeneration
- grants double its enchantment to AC
troll hide
- rarely drops from slayed trolls
- offers base 1 AC and regeneration
- may be enchanted into troll leather armor
- any pair of gloves can be generated with a 'fingerless' prefix
- fingerless gloves don't protect from wielded items (demons should be seared by silver, elves should not heal wielding iron), or from touching certain corpses
- they don't prevent removal of rings while cursed, however, and secondary effects of certain rings are also possible (eg. silver damage to unarmed with silver ring and fingerless gloves)
I always liked the idea of adding belts as a new type of armor to NetHack. Slight balancing might be necessary, however, as this would allow the player to achieve lower AC.
Name | AC | Wt | Effect | Material | Appearance |
leather belt | 0 | leather | belt | ||
belt of striking | 0 | Enchantment increases all damage done. | leather | belt | |
belt of flying | 0 | flight | leather | belt | |
belt of carrying | 0 | Increases carrying capacity based on enchantment. | leather | belt | |
belt of teleportation | 0 | teleportitis | leather | belt | |
belt of gender bender | 1 |
leather | belt | |
chastity belt | 2 |
iron | belt | |
mithril girdle | 2 | Can be safely enchanted up to +7. | mithril | girdle | |
girdle of greed | 1 |
gold | girdle | |
girdle of speed | 1 | Grants intrinsic speed. | silver | girdle | |
girdle of protection | 2 | Increases MC by 1. | iron | girdle | |
girdle of giant strength | 1 | Sets strength to 25. | iron | girdle | |
girdle of great weight | 3 |
iron | girdle | |
girdle of weakness | 1 | Sets strength to 3. | iron | girdle | |
panties | 0 | cloth | piece of cloth | ||
loincloth | 0 | cloth | piece of cloth | ||
codpiece | 2 | Protects males from bonus damage from critical kick attacks. | iron |
- dwarvish roundshield should offer 3 AC, in accordance with other dwarven equipment having better than average stats
- found on the Computer Level
- non-cursed grants amnesia resistance
- blessed greatly slows the loss of spell knowledge
- cursed increases the loss of spell knowledge ten times
amulet of weaponmastery
- cursed makes all your attacks unskilled
- uncursed adds one to the skill of your attacks
- blessed sets all your attacks to expert skill
- type of a neck armor
- worn in amulet slot, but has no magical powers
- offers base 1 AC
- made of iron, so hinders spellcasting
- can be enchanted with scrolls as any armor
Useless items are no fun, thus I suggest replacing amulets of change and restful sleep.
amulet of change
- we already have ring of polymorph, so this amulet needs something unique
- merge with amulet of unchanging
- now acts as before if non-cursed, but grants unchanging while cursed (because curses twist and reverse the normal effects of any item)
amulet of insomnia
- replaces amulet of restful sleep
- grants sleep resistance
- acts as before if cursed (because curses twist and reverse the normal effects of any item), also suppresing any sleep resistance (including intrinsic one)
- all eligible items could be enchanted by dipping into potions of gain level, with BUC of the potion having the same effect as BUC of enchanting scrolls
- wands should be possible to recharge by dipping into potions of gain energy or gain ability
- wand of nothing dipped into potion of gain ability instead transforms into random other wand
- wands of fire can also be charged by dipping into potions of booze; uncursed grants 1d3 charges, blessed 3d3 charges, cursed -1 charge
- potion of booze could use a new flavour
I propose several new rings, some of which have special effects when #rubbed. This is both because I feel the #rub command is greatly underused and because it creates an interesting opportunity for new ring effects.
- dropping rings into a sink may only bury them under the sink rather than destroy them, based on luck
ring of doom
- always generated uncursed, but curses itself upon donning
- sets luck to -13 until removed
ring of djinni summoning
- can be #rubbed for a variety of effects, destroying the ring
- blessed results in a prompt to select either non-magical wish or a pet djinni
- uncursed creates a peaceful djinni
- cursed always results in a hostile djinni
ring of elements
- replaces rings or cold, fire and shock resistance
- grants cold, fire and shock resistance
- cursed could suppress any form of cold, fire and shock resistance
I think these three rings are vastly underused, and it's mostly because how easy are these resistances acquired intrinsically. Combining them into a single ring should make it a more viable and desirable item, plus I really like the idea or corpse-gained intrinsics timing out as in dNetHack to make your rings even more important.
rings of gain attribute
- all sustain their given attribute if blessed, but only from going down, not up
ring of hallucination
- extrinsic hallucination
- may have a use around touch of death users, as it is easily removable
ring of light
- worn grants light radius of 2 uncursed or 3 blessed
- cursed has no effect
ring of magic resistance
ring of material stability
- grants disintegration resistance
ring of mental stability
- grants confusion resistance
- blessed prompts for confirmation before each teleport, as a blessed scroll of teleport
- cursed always teleports uncontrollably
- found on the Computer Level
- chargeable
- can be #rubbed to summon a monster to back the player up, decreasing its enchantment by 1
- blessed summons mostly tame or peaceful monsters, uncursed generally peaceful and cursed always hostile
- higher enchantment (either positive or negative) results in more powerful monsters, plus positive enchantment increases the chances of tame monster while negative increases the chances of hostile one
- enchantment around +0 mostly results in weak monsters
- blessed but negatively enchanted ring may create both tame and hostile creatures
- confused non-cursed invokes earthquake
- confused cursed summons several hostile earth elementals
scroll of destroy jewelry and scroll of destroy weapon
- both offer the same benefits and dangers as scroll of destroy armor
- great against cursed two-hander or amulet of strangulation
scroll of root password detection
- found on the Computer Level
- creates 1d5/1d3/1 scroll labeled XYZZY according to BUC
- confused non-cursed only prints YAFM "The root password is ’xyzzy‘." with no further effect
- confused cursed prints "Data corruption warning, activating safety protocols." and levelports
scroll of wishing
- blessed grants single magical wish
- uncursed grants single non-magical wish
- cursed creates a cursed wand of wishing (1:-1)
- confused non-cursed summons several peaceful djinn
- confused cursed summons several hostile djinn
Light sources
- can hold candles just as the Candelabrum
- made of gold with appearence candelabrum
- lit has light radius equal to the number of candles it holds
wooden torch
- can be applied to light up, with same light radius as a candle
- cannot be lit if fireproof, then works as an ordinary club
- used in melee works as a club, plus lit adds 1d3 fire damage
- when it burns out, it transforms into a very burnt club
- can be created with a club and a bandage
everburning torch
- as a torch, but never burns out and can be lit while fireproof
torch of brightness
- as a torch, but has light radius as a lamp
torch of twilight
- as a torch, but creates a darkness radius instead of light
- drow can start with one
water candle
- can only be lit underwater
- increases underwater vision range to 2 squares
- chargeable
- apply to display the exact number of turns remaining for individual intrinsics to time out
- useful not only when waiting out hallucination or stun, but especially if intrinsics from corpses time out
- cursed only results in YAFM
- consumed upon use
- apply to increase charisma by 4 if blessed, 2 if uncursed, or decrease by 2 if cursed
- any water damage (or being creamed) causes the makeup to smudge, resulting in a -2 penalty to charisma instead of the above bonus
- smudged or not, can be removed with #wipe
- could train Cha if applied with over 10 Cha (more training if blessed) and abuse it if under 10 Cha and/or cursed
- could display „You seem to notice something <strange/suspicious> in the reflection.“ if anything invisible (strange) or hidden (suspicious) is present nearby
- cursed only displays „You seem to notice something weird in the reflection.“
magic mirror
- made of silver
- chargeable, applying always drains one charge
- apply to uncontrollably teleport („The reflection does not match your surroundings!“)
- blessed levelports instead (still uncontrollably)
- cursed will teleport at most 10 tiles away
- aplly towards any intelligent monster to paralyse them („Foo is fascinated by the swirls of octarine.“)
holy symbol
- apply to turn undead
- rather than alignment of the player, the turning works in regards to BUC of the item
- can be used in Gehennom
Wands could use a bit of special treatment in regards to their BUC - cursed wands do not work correctly as the curse is interfering with their magic, causing unpredictable results of a zap. Every zap of any cursed wand is 20% of time replaced by one of the following effects:
- common effects (60%), equal chance of:
- bolt of random damage (acid, fire, cold or shock), non-directional wands shoot in random direction
- if in light, creates darkness, if in dark, creates light
- teleports itself out of the player's inventory
- stinking cloud at the player's location
- uncommon effects (30%), equal chance of:
- equips into main hand (it is cursed, remember)
- drains life
- summons monsters
- deals shock damage to the player, if not resisted, regains 1d3 charges
- rare effects (9%), equal chance of:
- transforms into snake (and back once killed)
- earthquake
- uncontrollably levelports the player
- summons nasties
- very rare effect (1%), equal chance of:
- curses items
- destroys random piece of equipment
- explodes (as if broken)
- polymorphs itself into different wand
This makes curses on wands much more interesting (and probably dangerous).
Several wands could use a new engrave message:
- "You probe the bugs on the <floor>. You feel more confident in your entomology skill."
- "The bugs on the <floor> try to flee!"
- "You find many hidden bugs on the <floor>."
- "Several bugs appear on the <floor>."
- no longer summons if engraved with
- "You wish an engraving into existence!"
- no longer provides a wish if engraved with, but non-cursed wand creates a permanent engraving and does not use a turn
- found on the Computer Level
- non-directional, cannot be recharged or wished for
- engraving prints "Several bugs appear on the floor." but has no other effect, the same message could be added to the wand of create monster
- when zapped prints "The world around you suddenly seem to freeze and shudder." and the whole current floor is generated anew
- the player and all uniques are placed randomly on the new floor, all other monsters or loose items are deleted
- on special floors only paralyses the player through free action
Other wands I really like: wand of acid, wand of draining, wand of wind, wand of wonder.