Flame Mage
The Flame Mage is one of the roles available to the hero in SLASH'EM, SlashTHEM and Hack'EM. From the guidebook:
Flame Mages have managed to harness mystical energies into the control of the element of fire. Notwithstanding their pet hell hounds, woe be unto anyone who stands in the way of a skilled mage casting a fireball.
Flame Mages in SLASH'EM can be humans, elves, gnomes, orc, doppelganger, drow, or hobbits, and can be of any appropriate alignment.
Starting equipment
Each Flame Mage starts with the following equipment:[1]
- a blessed +1 quarterstaff (wielded)
- an uncursed +0 studded leather armor
- 2-4 uncursed food rations
- a random scroll
- a blessed spellbook of flame sphere
- a blessed spellbook of fireball
- a blessed spellbook of either light or detect monsters[2]
- a random potion
- a random ring
- a wand of fire
- a chance of one of the following tools:
Any ring that is generated with an enchantment of +0 or lower is given a random enchantment from +1 to +3.[6] Duplicates of rings and spellbooks are not possible.[7] A Flame Mage will never be given a ring of fire resistance or a spellbook of endure heat (though they can only receive one of two random spellbooks anyway).[8]
Orcish Flame Mages are not given extra food like orcish heroes in other roles.[9] Hobbit Flame Mages will never be given a ring of invisibility.[10]
Flame Mages start with knowledge of any applicable racial equipment.
The Flame Mage's default starting pet is a hell hound pup.[11]
List of unobtainable starting items
The random items generated in a Flame Mage's starting inventory will never be any of the following:[12]
- scroll of amnesia
- scroll of blank paper
- scroll of fire
- potion of acid
- potion of hallucination
- ring of aggravate monster
- ring of hunger
- ring of levitation
Flame Mages gain the following intrinsic properties upon reaching the given experience levels:[13]
- XL 1: Fire resistance
- XL 7: Polyself into baby red dragon form
- XL 13: Cold resistance
- XL 14: Polymorph into adult red dragon form
Flame Mages have the following skills available to them:[14]
Flame Mage skills | |
Max | Skills |
Basic |
Skilled |
Expert |
Flame Mages start with Basic skill in quarterstaves and matter spells.[15] They use the intelligence stat to cast spells, and their special spell is fireball.[16]
Flame Mages can learn the disarm technique by reaching Skilled in any weapon, and also gain the following techniques at the listed experience levels:[17]
Level | Technique |
1 | Reinforce memory |
3 | Power surge |
5 | Draw energy |
10 | Sigil of tempest |
20 | Sigil of discharge |
Special rules
Flame Mages have the ability to transform into a dragon of their element: they gain access to the baby red dragon polyform at experience level 7, and can become adult red dragons upon reaching experience level 14.
Flame Mages only take 1⁄5 damage from breaking wands by applying them.[18]
Rank titles
The status line displays one of the following ranks for the corresponding experience levels:[19]
- XL 1-2: Spark
- XL 3-5: Igniter
- XL 6-9: Broiler
- XL 10-13: Combuster
- XL 14-17: Torcher
- XL 18-21: Scorcher
- XL 22-25: Incinerator
- XL 26-29: Disintegrator
- XL 30: Flame-Master
The Flame Mage pantheon is based on elements related to flame and heat. Their first sacrifice gift is Firewall.
The Flame Mage's quest sees them fighting the Water Mage for The Candle of Eternal Flame, an artifact magic candle. The Candle of Eternal Flame is always lit, and while carried it grants warning, teleport control and cold resistance. Invoking The Candle of Eternal Flame summons a tame fire elemental.
A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:
"Structure and fill out similar to other SLASH'EM role strategy sections, and differentiate accordingly."
Flame Mages are strong spell casters as well as respectable fighters. They can reach expert level in matter spells and skilled in saber, long sword and two-weapon fighting (letting them effectively fight with most of the best artifacts in the game). Bear in mind that hobbits cannot twoweapon, no matter how skilled they become with the individual weapons. Note that the Flame Mage also has access to the much improved Crysknife in SLASH'EM, a suitable choice lacking any artifact weapons.
Early game
Early in the game, fireball is a difficult spell; you might start with a 75% failure rate. Flame sphere is easy to cast, but difficult to use effectively. Flame sphere actually summons a tame e. Like a pet, this sphere will wander around and sometimes attack an enemy, but like a sphere, it will explode on attack. Frustratingly, a flame sphere might wait several turns before attacking. You might also have a leftover sphere, which will follow you around and might attack a peaceful monster, even a shopkeeper. Unlike with a pet, the gods will blame you if your spell being harms a peaceful monster. In addition, peaceful creatures attacked by one of your flame spheres will become hostile to you. However, you will get full experience for monsters killed by your flame spheres.
Therefore the wand of fire is the best source of fire in the beginning of the game. Use it against a monster that must die quickly. A bolt from a wand can bounce from a wall and hit you, but remember, as a Flame Mage, you are immune to fire. (Your armor, scrolls, spellbooks, and potions might still be ruined, though). The wand of fire is also excellent for engraving "Elbereth." It may be preferable to use the wand for only this purpose unless you are being attacked by something that does not respect Elbereth, like a lycanthrope.
Keep that hell hound pup around, and get it stronger! Let the puppy kill anything weak or otherwise undeserving of your attention. About five levels or so of kills will see him turn into a fully-grown hell hound, capable of clearing out nearly anything in the dungeons you may come across in the early game, including the Minetown priest.
Once the Flame Mage has gotten past the early game and has managed to acquire some decent armor, strong artifacts, and reached at least skilled in matters spells, it's on to SLASH'EM's dangerous midgame. Due to natural fire resistance, a Flame Mage will have an easier time surviving the wands and grenades of Grund's Stronghold and the fire vampires in the Chaotic Quest, but the midgame should be played carefully. Keep Firewall handy to engrave Elbereth to get out of scrapes, and consider making straight for the black market after obtaining the luckstone from Mine's End. Getting reflection and magic resistance are priorities, as is dragon scale mail, and if you have found a ring of polymorph control and a way to polymorph, you should be able to get all three of these from One-Eyed Sam. If you don't have a way to kill Sam (or don't want to), a foray into the Wyrm Caves can be very profitable, especially if you already have reflection. Since the quest artifact, the Candle of the Eternal Flame, does not provide magic resistance, there is little to be gained from embarking early on the quest. The Water Mage is not an overly difficult foe, but since he doesn't respect Elbereth and can cast finger of death, prepare accordingly.
Since fireball is the Flame Mage's special spell, once you reach skilled in matter spells, you should make liberal use of it. Note however that the Flame Mage doesn't have a good way of recharging energy. Therefore if you get a wish early enough in the game that you can reliably get an artifact out of it, you may consider wishing for an alignment-appropriate quest artifact that gives you more energy: the Mitre of Holiness if you are lawful, the Eye of the Aethiopica if you are neutral, and the Great Dagger of Glaurgnaa if you are chaotic. Flame sphere continues to be useful in the midgame because at skilled it produces two spheres per casting instead of one.
You should also get some strong weapons and invest skill slots in getting them to skilled, as well as two weapon combat if your race allows for it. A lawful Flame Mage should be able to get Excalibur from a long sword in a weapon shop, the Rat King, or a barrow wight or watch captain along the way (getting crowned is a last resort if all else fails). A neutral Flame Mage may consider getting crowned for Vorpal Blade, and a chaotic may do the same for Stormbringer. Other good candidates, if you find them or manage to get them as sacrifice gifts or as wishes, include Sword of Justice, Grayswandir, Bat from Hell, Doomblade, Fire Brand, Frost Brand, and Serpent's Tongue. In a pinch, Firewall is pretty effective at melee as well. Good non-artifact weapons include the crysknife, silver saber, or silver long sword.
The Flame Mage quest item is the the Candle of Eternal Flame. Guarding it is the Water Mage, who is located at the bottom of three levels of mostly water and lava squares populated by water elementals and rust monsters. Completing the Quest, indeed, just talking to the High Flame Mage, is impossible without some method of crossing lava and water, be it a form of levitation, flying, or a wand of ice. The Quest is a relatively easy one, but should not be attempted before gaining magic resistance as the Water Mage will use finger of death.
Late game
The late game for the Flame Mage is more similar to a knight than a wizard, unless you manage to wish for the Eye of the Aethiopica or find it in a bones file. You will be spending most of your time meleeing foes to conserve energy, and will use your magic on truly tough opponents. It's also worth keeping an assault rifle obtained from a Yendorian army member and investing in a stack of enchanted bullets. These can be obtained in abundance in Fort Ludios, by stealing from One-Eyed Sam, or in the Castle. These will help greatly with the Demon princes and tough foes on the Astral Plane. Once you have your kit ready, collect the invocation items and head to the Wizard's Tower to start the final run.
A good ascension kit for a Flame Mage is:
- One of the following: +5 speed boots for the extra attacks, +7 elven boots for the AC, +5 jumping boots for the extra movement, or +5 fireproof water walking boots to survive create pool spells
- +7 cloak of magic resistance (enchant an elven cloak to +7 and then upgrade it)
- +5 gauntlets of dexterity
- +5 silver dragon scale mail if no other reflection, or deep dragon scale mail if no other drain resistance
- +5 helm of brilliance
- an amulet of life saving or flying if you already have reflection and drain resistance covered, otherwise an amulet of reflection or drain resistance depending on your need
- If unable to two-weapon, either a +5 small shield or a +5 shield of reflection (the latter will severely inhibit spellcasting)
- If able to two-weapon:
- Lawful: +7 Excalibur as primary for the drain resistance, another powerful artifact, crysknife, or silver weapon as secondary
- Neutral: Either two powerful artifact weapons (Magicbane, Mjollnir, Fire Brand, Frost Brand, or Vorpal Blade,), or one powerful artifact weapon and a crysknife or silver weapon
- Chaotic: Either two powerful artifact weapons (Bat from Hell, Doomblade, Serpent's Tongue, Fire Brand, or Frost Brand), or one powerful artifact weapon and a crysknife or silver weapon; consider wielding Stormbringer as primary for the drain resistance if you don't travel with pets or minions
- All the other items (rings, wands, tools, etc.) in a standard ascension kit
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- ↑ u_init.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 1056
- ↑ u_init.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 1062
- ↑ u_init.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 1063
- ↑ u_init.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 1064
- ↑ u_init.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 1567
- ↑ u_init.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 1588
- ↑ u_init.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 1524
- ↑ u_init.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 1374: food is intended to be compensation for inferior equipment, and orcish Wizards are not subject to racial armor and weapon replacements
- ↑ u_init.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 1532
- ↑ role.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 127
- ↑ u_init.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 1514
- ↑ attrib.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 43
- ↑ u_init.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 451
- ↑ weapon.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 1669: initial spellcasting skills are hardcoded, so starting spells are not a factor
- ↑ role.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 143
- ↑ tech.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 94
- ↑ explode.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 245
- ↑ role.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 116