Artifact (Hack'EM)

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Design decisions

In SLASH'EM, artifacts granted a flat damage bonus (instead of their equivalent d-notation damage) - this has not been adapted in Hack'EM; in its absence, the rage object property has been introduced to give ordinary weapons the chance of dealing flat damage.

Artifact mechanics

  • Players can two-weapon with an artifact in each hand, if those artifacts happen to get along with each other.
  • If wielding/wearing any of the 'banes, taming becomes impossible.
  • Various artifacts that have a nemesis monster warn against those monsters.
  • Almost all of the stock weapon artifacts have had their to-hit and damage modifiers adjusted in the players favor.
  • Certain artifacts can either deliver extra damage to their nemesis monsters, or have a small percentage chance of delivering a fatal blow – this applies to the player as well!

New artifacts

Artifact Base item Alignment Notes Origin
Angelslayer trident Non-aligned
  • +d5 to-hit, +d10 fire damage
  • An artifact trident that warns of Angels
  • Confers automatic searching and half-spell damage
  • There is a 5% chance that a Balrog may spawn with this artifact.
Balmung golden broadsword Lawful
  • +d4 to-hit, +d10 damage
  • Destruction proof
  • Destroys random armor on defenders
  • Grants fire resistance
  • Made of gold
Bat from Hell baseball bat Chaotic
  • +d3 to-hit, +d20 damage
  • Rogues receive this as their first guaranteed sacrifice gift.
Bradamante's Fury lance Lawful
  • +d5 to-hit, +d12 damage
  • Occasionally stuns opponents
  • Changed Bradamante's Fury to Lawful (matches Bradamante in the anime)
  • Indestructible; no risk of breaking from jousting or any other source (aside from overenchantment)
Butcher triple-headed flail Chaotic
  • +d5 to-hit, +d8 damage
  • two-handed weapon
  • Inflicts stunning
  • Belongs to the demon lord Yeenoghu, who spawns with this artifact
  • Cannot be wished for.
Carnwennan knife Lawful
  • Confers searching and stealth
  • +d3 to-hit, +d8 damage
  • Invoke for invisibility
Chains of Malcanthet spiked chain Unaligned
  • +d6 to-hit, +d10 damage
  • Bonus damage and warning vs angels
  • Grants 25 charisma while wielded
  • Special paralysis hit
Circe's Witchstaff staff of matter Neutral
  • +d8 to-hit, +d4 damage
  • Was a quarterstaff in SpliceHack
  • 10% chance each attack can transform enemies into pigs or feral hogs.
  • When both species of pigs are genocided or extinct, Circe's Witchstaff instead starts instakilling vs non-magic resistant monsters.
Crossbow of Carl crossbow Chaotic
  • +d5 to-hit, +d6 damage
  • If playing as a gnomish Ranger, the Crossbow of Carl replaces The Longbow of Diana as the Ranger quest artifact.
  • It shares all of the same abilities and properties of the former, except it is now a crossbow instead of a bow.
  • Invoking the crossbow produces crossbow bolts instead of arrows.
  • In the hands of a gnomish ranger, its weight is the same as a bow (24 aum), for all others it has the same weight as a regular crossbow.
  • If blessed, has a chance of producing ammo with an object property.
Crown of Saint Edward helm of telepathy Lawful
  • Quest artifact for the Yeoman
  • Confers MR and half spell damage when worn.
  • Made of steel
David's Sling sling Neutral
  • +d5 to-hit, flat +6 damage to projectiles
  • double damage vs giants
  • Warns against giants
  • half physical damage when wielded
Deathsword two-handed sword Chaotic
  • +d5 to-hit, +d14 damage
  • Capable of inflicting a paralyzing hit 1 in 4 attacks.
  • Barbarians no longer receive this as a guaranteed sacrifice gift.
  • Changed from targeting vs humans to vs cross-aligned.
Deep Freeze staff of matter Chaotic
  • +d5 to-hit, +d4 cold damage
  • Provides cold resistance when wielded
  • Invoke for a Scroll of Ice effect that also summons freeze spheres (only Ice Mages can invoke.)
Deluder cloak of displacement Neutral
  • Confers stealth and luck
  • Wizards no longer receive this as a guaranteed sacrifice gift, Jedi get it instead.
Dirge mithril long sword Chaotic
  • +d5 to-hit, +d12 acid damage
  • The "Dark Knight"'s sword, can only be obtained by chaotic Knights by sacrificing a same race monster on a co-aligned altar while wielding a long sword, elven long sword, or orcish long sword (the exact type makes no difference, Dirge will become a 'long sword' regardless).
  • Confers acid resistance when wielded.
Disrupter mace Neutral
  • +d5 to-hit and +d30 vs undead
  • Grants warning vs undead.
  • The priest's first guaranteed sacrifice gift (SLASH'EM).
Doomblade orcish short sword Chaotic
  • +d10 damage
  • On each hit there is a 25% chance Doomblade deals an extra (1d4 * 5) damage.
Dramborleg mithril dwarvish bearded axe Lawful
  • Intelligent
  • +d8 to-hit, +d8 damage
  • From LotR. Provides magic resistance and one level of MC when wielded.
  • Can destroy any balrog in one hit.
  • Warns of any demons nearby.
Drowsing Rod copper staff of healing Unaligned
  • +d5 to-hit, +d5 damage
  • Simulates the original drow attack from SLASH'EM;
  • 19 in 20 times the sleep attack triggers and puts the defender to sleep for 2d4 turns. The gas vapor doesn't affect breathless monsters.
  • Grants sleep resistance when wielded
  • First sacrifice gift for the healer.
Elfrist orcish spear Chaotic
  • Any orcish spear can be #named Elfrist
  • +d5 and double damage vs elves
  • Warns against elves and can instakill elves
Firewall staff of divination Lawful
  • Was an athame in SLASH'EM.
  • +d4 to-hit, +d4 fire damage
  • Confers fire resistance when wielded
  • Invoke to summon flame spheres (only Flame Mages can invoke)
Gauntlets of Defense gauntlets of dexterity Neutral
  • Provides half physical damage when worn
  • Invoke for invisibility
  • First sacrifice gift for Monks
Gjallar tooled horn Neutral
  • Gjallar replaces The Orb of Fate as the Valkyrie quest artifact.
  • It has the same artifact properties, but it is now a tooled horn instead of a crystal ball and doesn't have half spell damage.
  • Blowing the horn will wake up any sleeping monsters on that level, and its scare radius is larger than that a regular tooled horn.
  • Any monsters directly adjacent to the player when they use Gjallar have a 20% chance of being briefly stunned, and any non-Valkyrie players using it may become temporarily deaf.
Gleipnir grappling hook Unaligned
  • +d5 to-hit, +d8 damage
  • Based on the bindings used to trap Fenrir.
  • This hook can grapple things regardless of size, and has a massive range.
Great Dagger of Glaurgnaa great dagger Chaotic
  • +d8 to-hit, +d4 drain life vs cross aligned
  • Confers magic resistance when wielded.
  • Quest artifact for the Necromancer
  • For necromancers: grants double spirit bonuses and triples the radius of spirit auto-collection when carried.
  • The energy boost #invoke has been removed in lieu of it's spirit power bonuses.
Gungnir atgeir Neutral
  • +d20 to-hit, +d12 damage
  • When a player creates Gungnir, it converts the spear held to an atgeir (type of spear)
  • Invoke for a lightning bolt.
  • This acts as the replacement Excalibur for Valkyries.
  • To acquire: Successfully pray as a lawful or neutral pious Valkyrie while wielding a non-artifact spear-like weapon that is at least +5. Beatitude and erosion do not matter. The spear will be turned into Gungnir with no other changes made.
Hand Grenade of Antioch fire bomb Lawful
  • When armed, this bomb will go off after exactly 3 turns - not 4 nor 5, but 3.
  • When thrown this bomb explodes on impact, dealing 6d50 magical damage.
  • Unlike other bombs, this will *not* be lit accidentally by sources of fire!
Hellfire crossbow Chaotic
  • Provides fire resistance while wielded.
  • Adds +d5 to-hit bonus and +d7 damage to bolts.
  • Crossbow bolts fired from it cause fiery explosions in a 3x3 square centered on any target they hit, doing an additional 2d6 damage.
Houchou spoon Chaotic
  • Insta-kills any target when thrown and it successfully hits.
  • One-time use only.
  • Worth $50000
Imhullu glaive Neutral
  • +d4 to-hit, +d5 wind damage
  • Mesopatamian in origin.
  • Grants stability against clobber/hurtle attacks.
  • Invoke for a scroll of air effect
  • Hitting a monster with a tornado does 3d4 bonus damage, takes place 1/3 of the time. Does not affect big monsters.
Iron Spoon of Liberation spoon Chaotic
  • Convict's quest artifact.
  • Adapted from dnh, this replaces the Iron Ball of Liberation
  • +d5 to-hit, double damage vs all
  • Carrying the spoon confers luck
  • Wielding the spoon confers free action, stealth, and searching.
  • Invoke for temporary phasing.
  • Apply to dig (similar to a pick-axe)
Convict Patch
Itlachiayaque shield of reflection Lawful
  • Itlachiayaque replaces the Orb of Detection as the Archeologist quest artifact.
  • When worn: reflection, ESP, half spell damage
  • When carried: fire resistance and warning
  • Invoke for a stinking cloud
Keolewa club Neutral
  • +d5 to-hit, +d8 shock damage
  • Grants shock resistance while wielded.
Key of Access skeleton key Unaligned
  • Cannot be wished for.
  • Two alignment keys can be forged together to create this key.
  • Invoke for branchport.
Key of Chaos skeleton key Chaotic
  • Cannot be wished for.
Key of Law skeleton key Lawful
  • Cannot be wished for.
Key of Neutrality skeleton key Neutral
  • Cannot be wished for.
Kiku-ichimonji katana Lawful
  • +d4 to-hit, +d12 damage
  • Replaces Snickersnee as the new sacrifice gift for Samurai.
Lifestealer two-handed sword Chaotic
  • +d5 to-hit, +d2 damage
  • Found wielded by Vlad the Impaler, drains levels and also grants drain resistance when wielded.
  • Cannot be wished for.
Luck Blade short sword Chaotic
  • +d5 to-hit, +d5 damage
  • First sacrifice gift for Convicts
  • Acts like a luckstone.
Convict Patch
Luckless Folly short sword Chaotic
  • +d5 to-hit, +d5 damage
  • This bizarre weapon acts as a cursed luckstone regardless of its BUC status.
  • It gets bonuses to hit and damage based on the opposite of your luck value.
  • Allows for a very unconventional play-style, since getting luck of -13 will give this weapon an automatic +13 to damage and hit, but playing with -13 luck might prove difficult.
The Marauder's Map scroll of magic mapping Chaotic
  • When read: clairvoyance. If blessed, the Marauder's Map gets a Luck-dependent chance of mapping the entire level.
  • When invoked: artifact detection and magic detection
  • The first sacrifice gift for Pirates.
  • It is also the only artifact that Pirates can receive as a sacrifice gift.
The Master Sword gemstone long sword Unaligned
  • +d3 to-hit and +d3 damage
  • Was a "named" silver long sword in the village level from SlashTHEM.
  • If at full health, each hit has a 75% chance of shooting a magic missile for 2d6 damage. Will not fire rays if peacefuls or pets are in the way.
  • 10% of bonus d2*6 magic attack on each successful hit.
  • Has a 5% chance of appearing in the Village in the Town branch, guarded by the ruffians.
Mirrorbright shield of reflection Neutral
  • Provides reflection and resistance to hallucination
  • Mirrorbright no longer hinders spell-casting.
  • Healers no longer receive Mirrorbright as a sacrifice gift, they get the Drowsing Rod instead.
Mortality Dial iron executioner's mace Lawful
  • +d5 to-hit +d5 damage
  • Provides regeneration while wielded
  • Prevents monsters from regenerating.
  • Prevents trolls and zombies from reviving.
Mouser's Scalpel rapier Neutral
  • +d5 to-hit, +1 damage.
  • Can deliver a flurry of extra hits, potentially with no limit.
Mystic Eyes pair of gemstone lenses Unaligned
  • (Previously known as Lenses of Death Perception in SpliceHack)
  • Grants DeathVision, death resistance, and automatic searching
  • Autocurses on wear.
  • As long as the wearer is not blind, they deal double damage, but constantly hallucinate.
  • Deathvision's double damage is applied everywhere.
Nighthorn unicorn horn Lawful
  • Added +1 to-hit and +d3 damage bonus
  • Nighthorn can be applied to cure fear if non-cursed
  • If applied while cursed, it will always make you afraid.
  • Confers stun resistance while wielded.
  • Carrying a cursed Nighthorn will periodically scare the player.
  • Cannot be wished for.
Origin staff of escape Unaligned
  • +d2 to-hit, +d6 damage
  • While wielded, confers teleport control and spellcasting bonuses.
  • Increases spellcasting ability as a robe would, and its base item ability reduces the cost of escape spells.
  • Grants a discount of 5 energy for spells that cost 10 or more.
  • Occasionally inflicts a teleporting effect on monsters hit by it.
Plague orcish bow Chaotic
  • Grants +d5 to-hit and +d7 to damage to fired arrows.
  • Arrows fired from Plague are auto-poisoned.
  • Confers sickness resistance while wielded
Poseidon's Trident golden trident Chaotic
  • +d3 to-hit, +d7 damage
  • Grants water-breathing.
  • Invoke for water-walking and an earthquake.
Pridwen large shield Lawful
  • Confers half physical damage and extreme stability while worn.
Quick Blade elven short sword Lawful
  • +d9 to-hit, +d2 damage
Reaper copper halberd Lawful
  • +d5 to-hit, +d20 damage
  • First sacrifice gift for Yeoman
Reaver scimitar Chaotic
  • The crowning gift for Pirates; it's the only artifact weapon they are able to receive from their deity (or guaranteed artifact weapon of any kind in the game).
  • +d4 to-hit, +d8 damage.
  • Steals one item from an opponent with each successful hit.
  • Reaver will not steal an item if it causes you to become burdened.
Secespita copper knife Non-aligned (Chaotic)
  • +d5 to-hit, +d6 damage
  • The first sacrifice gift for Infidels.
  • It can restore a small amount of magical energy to the one that wields it if used to kill anything living.
  • Secespita also acts as an utility artifact: wielding it while sacrificing a corpse improves its sacrifice value by 50% (rounded down). This is especially useful for Infidels, as they are required to make sacrifices to Moloch on a regular basis to avert his wrath.
  • Secespita is unaligned for Infidels, chaotic for all other roles (bones/wishing purposes).
Serpent's Tongue dagger Chaotic
  • +d5 to-hit
  • Deals double damage to all monsters, and even more to non-poison-resistant enemies:
    • 40% chance of 2 + d6 damage
    • 30% chance of 4 + 2d6 damage
    • 20% chance of 6 + 3d6 damage
    • 10% chance of poison insta-death
  • First sacrifice gift for Necromancers
Skullcrusher club Lawful
  • +d3 to-hit, +d10 damage
  • Made of mineral
Spear of Light silver spear Lawful
  • +d5 to-hit and +d10 damage vs undead
  • Grants warning vs undead.
  • Invoke to create a blast of light that severely damages undead.
  • The Spear of Light causes hostility from undead
  • Invoking the Spear of Light lights the entire level.
  • Renamed from "The Holy ..." because of naming and wish conflicts.
Staff of Rot bone staff of necromancy Chaotic
  • Has a special wither attack: +0 to-hit, +d12 wither
  • While wielded, inflicts a passive wither attack (and occasional fear on defenders)
Stake of Van Helsing wooden stake Lawful
  • +d5 to-hit, +d12 vs all monsters
  • Bonus chance of instakilling vampires.
  • Quest artifact for the Undead Slayer
  • Confers MR when wielded.
  • Warns of vampires.
Sunspot mace Unaligned
  • +d5 to-hit, +d5 damage
  • 1/3 chance of blinding on attack.
  • Provides protection against being blinded.
Sword of Balance short sword Neutral
  • +d2 to-hit, +d5 damage
  • Conveys "extreme stability" (hurtling resistance)
Sword of Justice broadsword Lawful
  • +d5 to-hit, +d12 damage versus cross-aligned monsters
  • Yeoman receive this as a second guaranteed sacrifice gift.
  • Used to be a long sword in SLASH'EM
  • Made of steel
The Candle of Eternal Flame magic candle Lawful
  • Quest artifact for the Flame Mage
  • Always remains lit, no matter what
  • #invoke to summon a tame Fire elemental
  • Confers cold resistance, teleport control, and warning
  • Grants a passive 2d10 fire attack to attackers while carrying.
The End scythe Chaotic
  • +d3 to-hit, +d20 cold damage
  • Provides drain resistance while wielded.
The Eye of the Beholder eyeball Neutral
  • The Eye of the Beholder is an actual body part that comes from the Beholder itself.
  • Grants warning when wielded.
  • When invoked, it causes the Eye to death gaze at all monsters within visual range, either greatly reducing their hit points or killing them outright if they don't have magic resistance. The invoke has been copied from EvilHack's Eye of Vecna.
  • Invoking the Eye can be detrimental, as each use drops the players luck and alignment by three points, and abuses wisdom. Invoking the Eye too often can cause it to turn on the player instead, killing them.
  • It can be eaten, but doing so is strongly discouraged. It can also be sacrificed on an altar for maximum value.
  • Intelligent. Cannot be wished for.
The Hand of Vecna severed hand Chaotic
  • The Hand of Vecna is also an extremely powerful artifact that is an actual body part that comes from Vecna himself. Vecna must be destroyed without disintegrating or digesting him in order to obtain the Hand.
  • Its powers include: hungerless regeneration, half physical damage, and cold resistance. When wielded it grants drain resistance.
  • It can be invoked to summon undead. Invoking its magic has consequences.
  • Cannot be wished for.
The Idol of Moloch figurine Chaotic
  • The Infidel's quest artifact
  • a figurine of a horned devil that can be used to easily convert altars to Moloch
  • provides magic resistance when carried.
  • It can also be used to summon demons to aid the Infidel.
  • An Infidel cannot win the game without having the Idol in their possession.
The Lightsaber Prototype red lightsaber Lawful
  • +d5 to hit bonus and +d10 damage bonus
  • When wielded: reflection
  • When invoked: energy boost
  • Unlike a regular lightsaber, it never runs out of power or needs charging, so it can be wielded indefinitely.
  • Intelligent
The Ring of P'hul ring of free action Chaotic
  • The Ring of P'hul replaces The Heart of Ahriman as the Barbarian quest artifact.
  • Confers magic resistance when worn and disease resistance when carried.
The Storm Whistle magic whistle Neutral
  • Quest artifact for the Ice Mage
  • No longer grants fire resistance, instead grants shock resistance
  • Also grants warning, teleport control, and searching when carried
  • Can now #invoke to summon random "storm" related pets
  • When carried, the tech timeout for the ice armor tech is halved
Thiefbane platinum long sword Unaligned
  • Thiefbane no longer targets humans, it can be wielded by any race.
  • +d5 to-hit, +1 damage
  • 10% chance of beheading defenders
  • Confers warning when wielded
  • Cancels thieves and covetous monsters
  • Protects from thievery and seduction
  • Cannot be wished for
Thunderstruck metal morning star Unaligned
  • +d5 to-hit, double sonic damage
  • Provides sonic resistance.
  • On each successful hit, there is a 25% chance of a lightning bolt shooting out.
  • Will not shoot rays if peacefuls or pets are in the way.
  • (previously known as Sonicboom in SpliceHack)
Treasury of Proteus chest Chaotic
  • Pirate quest artifact
  • Weighs just 50 units
  • When carried: magic resistance and acts as a luck item
  • For Pirates only: You are considered "King of the Hill" which attracts a lot of pirate opposition
  • For Pirates only: Periodically polymorphs its contents when carried
  • For Pirates only: Blocks curses
Wallet of Perseus bag of holding Unaligned
  • Effectively reduces the weight of all items inside it by 1⁄3 if uncursed, compared to 1⁄2 with its base item.
  • When blessed, the weight of its contents is reduced to 1⁄6 compared to 1⁄4 from a blessed bag of holding.
  • Can hold roughly 50% more than a regular bag of holding when non-cursed
  • A cursed Wallet will quadruple the weight of its contents
Whisperfeet speed boots Neutral
  • Confers stealth and luck
  • First sacrifice gift for Tourists
Windrider boomerang Unaligned
  • +d5 to-hit, and double damage vs all
  • Thrown chakrams slice through monsters and always return to you.
  • Windrider can be multishot (depending on your boomerang skill)
  • Does not shatter if wielded in melee

Changes to existing artifacts

Artifact Changes
  • Cleaver attacks in a wide arc, hitting enemies on the 2 spots adjacent to where you are attacking.
  • If a peaceful monster is in the way of the arc - we won't execute the wide arc unless the player explicitly says so.
  • If Cleaver is cursed, this protection is waived and it will cleave anything.
  • Silver heavy mace
  • +d5 to-hit and double-damage vs demons
  • Grants warning against demons
  • Blocks demon gating while wielded
  • Can be invoked for levitation
  • An indestructible broadsword
  • Provides reflection, acid resistance, and warns against dragons.
  • +d5 to-hit, +d10 damage
  • Only lawful Knights can dip for Excalibur
  • Note: there's a danger that the sword will rust away completely when you do (if not fixed).
The Eyes of the Overworld
  • Now protects the wearer against many forms of gaze attacks, greatly reducing the need for the player to have to remove them to blind themselves with a blindfold or towel.
  • Take note, Medusa's petrifying gaze attack is too powerful and will overcome the EotO's protection.
Fire Brand
  • Now a steel short sword.
  • Engraving with Fire Brand burns engravings on the floor
Frost Brand
  • Now a steel short sword.
  • Now has a sickness-inducing attack
  • Has a 1 in 6 chance of making its target terminally ill.
  • Grants sickness resistance while wielded.
  • No longer an athame, switched to a quarterstaff.
  • None of its special abilities or functions have otherwise been changed.
  • Magicbane no longer cancels inventory items.
  • Magicbane is safe for any Bag of Holding.
Magic Mirror of Merlin
  • Has had magic resistance removed.
  • In its place are reflection and half spell damage when carried.
Mitre of Holiness
  • Allows #pray and #turn to function in Gehennom when worn.
  • Base type is now heavy war hammer
  • Base type is now heavy war hammer
  • Ogresmasher can knock back enemies.
  • Changed to Lawful (same alignment as elves)
Sceptre of Might
  • Grants stun resistance when wielded
  • Changed to Lawful (same alignment as elves)
  • Sting also warns of spiders. (EvilHack)
Staff of Aesculapius
  • It's #invoke also cures afraid and larval infection.
  • Made of gemstone (crystal)
Tsurugi of Muramasa
  • Raised bisection chance to 15%
  • Now confers half physical damage when wielded.
Vorpal Blade
  • Raised beheading chance to 10%.
  • Wielding Vorpal Blade protects against decapitation attacks.