Bugs in NetHack 3.4.3

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This article is about software bugs. For the monster, see grid bug.

A bug is a problem in the source code of NetHack. There are two lists of bugs for NetHack 3.4.3 provided by the DevTeam: one for nonspoiler bugs and one for spoiler bugs.

This article contains historic information and is no longer actively maintained.

Status table

Status Description
Open The bug is unresolved, but the DevTeam knows what they need to do about it.
Not a bug Sometimes people think this is a bug, but they're wrong.
fixed The bug will be fixed in the next bug-fix release.
Fixed The bug will be fixed in a future release.
Help The DevTeam does not know what is causing this and would appreciate related bug reports.
Superseded See another entry for information on this bug.

Core bugs

Last updated: 2011-08-23

Name Status Patch Description Additional info
C341-1 Fixed 2004-Jan Monsters affected by stinking cloud always get angry at the hero even if the hero did not create the cloud. The bug is actually mostly fixed in NetHack 3.4.3, with one minor exception; the bug will still occur if loading a bones file from an older game in the 3.4 series.
C341-4 Fixed 2004-Jan opthelp does not list use_inverse
C341-5 Fixed 2004-Jan When you see your pet move, the pet may be referred to as "it". See Bugs_in_NetHack_3.4.3/Reports#C341-5
C341-7 Fixed 2004-Jan Skilled or expert caster of fireball/cone of cold can't target a monster known only by infravision or ESP.
C341-10 Fixed 2004-Jan Fruit names ending in "us" are incorrectly considered plural. fixes35.0 indicates that e.g. a fruitname of "lotus" should give rise to "lotus juice", not "lotu juice". May be related to or possibly obviated by commit 5d690a....
C341-18 Fixed 2004-Jan ki-rins and couatls can wear (and may have) armor. Shields, boots, gloves, and (non-metallic for ki-rin) helmets.
C342-12 Fixed 2004-Jan There are a number of places that misuse "your".
C342-13 Fixed 2004-Jan Hangup can cause loss of objects being moved internally.
C342-16 Fixed 2004-Jan If you self-genocide while polymorphed, the death message makes no sense. See commit 8cbf54.... Not sure why the status date on this is so far off.
C342-19 Fixed 2004-Jan Things that can kill you in the future (like stoning) can cause messages to show up out of order.
C342-22 Fixed 2004-Jan Monsters can hide under cockatrice corpses without getting stoned. Also: "You sit on the cockatrice corpse. It is not very comfortable."
C342-31 Open 2004-Jan You can get a message telling you a monster wields a weapon it already was wielding.
C342-36 Fixed 2004-Jan If unable to see yourself while invisible and you are bestowed a spellbook, it doesn't show up on the display.
C342-46 fixed 2004-Jun Cleric cast lightning doesn't blind as other lightning does. See commit 7de00a...
C342-50 Fixed 2004-Jan If you're hiding on the ceiling and try to #sit, you automatically unhide.
C342-51 Fixed 2004-Jan The game thinks trappers hide on the ceiling.
C342-54 Fixed 2004-Jan Statues of unique monsters in bones files are not handled correctly. Multiple unique monster problem also may be caused by corpses.
C343-1 fixed 2004-Jan NitroHack At a pit the game can give messages with poor grammar. Levitate over a pit and drop something while blind: "You hear The amulet of reflection tumbles downwards."
C343-2 fixed 2004-Jan Wielded silver arrows don't cause silver damage on some silver-haters. U778, see commits a694d7... and 86428d...
C343-3 fixed 2006-Feb In the ranger quest, monsters can end up off the map to the left. See commit 57c3fa....

(Note also that the commit log at one other point refers to C343-3 when it clearly means C343-4, the rogue quest pet digging bug, q.v. They both have to do with quest levels and the special level loader and x coordinate offsets, so it would be easy to get them confused.)

C343-4 fixed 2005-Oct On the Rogue level, tunnelling through rock doesn't leave a passage. A pet who normally would dig could pass through walls and solid rock on the Rogue level without leaving a tunnel in its wake. See commit fb6cbd....

Note that the commit log claims this is C343-3, but that's wrong.

C343-5 fixed 2004-Jan In wizard mode, level teleport in the endgame can cause a crash if confused. See commit 41d3ad..., which eliminates the trigger condition but does not find the underlying cause of the bug.
C343-6 fixed 2004-Jan You can #sit on an object at the bottom of a pit that you are not in. But you can't pick it up or enter the pit with >, which is arguably the real bug. #U800, see commit 28934b...
C343-7 fixed 2004-Jan When a steed pushes a boulder into a pool, the message misuses "you". U796, See commit 712771...
C343-8 fixed 2004-Jan Plural of Nazgul is Nazgul - not Nazguls. See commit 4a2dc9...
C343-9 fixed 2004-Jan Trap messages referring to a named steed when hallucinating are poorly worded. See commit 99413f...
C343-10 fixed 2004-Jan If there is a corpse in a pit, you have to enter the pit to pick it up but not to eat it. See commits b89911... and ff1650...
C343-11 fixed 2004-Jan If you ask for help ('?') at a "what direction" prompt, you don't get to enter a direction afterward if the cmdassist option is set. See commits 619f9f... and 8d6f61...
C343-12 fixed 2004-Jan You can't use '>' to enter a pit. See commit 57b1e9....
C343-13 fixed 2004-Jan On polymorph, you can get the message "It turns into it". See commit f21016...
C343-14 fixed 2004-Jan The initial and any tombstone message resulting from eating an identified artifact is gramatically incorrect. U880, see commit a5e7a6...
C343-15 fixed 2004-Jan You can get a message that an invisible monster looks much better. See commit 7ab2bb...
C343-16 fixed 2004-Jan Player polymorphed as a xorn can't pick up items in pits. You have to fall into a pit, which xorns can't. Workaround: levitate and apply a bullwhip down. U846, see commit b661f8...
C343-17 fixed 2004-Jan UnNetHackPlus+[1] After polymorphing into a xorn and returning to human form, player can be stuck in a pit that isn't there. After polymorphing into any non-phasing monster, you are reliably stuck in a nonexistant pit.
C343-18 fixed 2004-Jan Scaring a mimicing mimic gives an incorrect "turns to flee" message. Immobile monsters can have the "flee" status, but will not move away from you. See commit e84bea... and possibly also 7b42ef...
C343-19 fixed 2004-Feb Bilious #340 Dipping acid in a fountain may not destroy the acid. See commit 5d3295...
C343-20 Open 2004-Feb When dying immediately on entering a level, the map may show you dying on the previous level. This doesn't matter - mostly.
C343-21 Open 2004-Feb Pets can be pulled through closed doors with a leash.
C343-22 Fixed 2007-Jun You can untrap a monster in a pit while levitating. See commit e80127....
C343-23 Help 2004-Mar Dungeon collapses after vault guard fails to lead you out. Instructions to reproduce bug
C343-24 Fixed 2004-Mar UnNetHackPlus Documented default for option "null" is "off"; default is actually "on". U172, guidebook changed, see commit 8e4821...
C343-25 Fixed 2004-Apr You can trip over a cockatrice corpse safely. U944, see commit 54feb6..., check is for when not wearing boots, similar to Grunt.
C343-26 Fixed 2004-Apr A frozen swamp may be called a moat. See commit e424ca...
C343-27 Fixed 2004-Apr Kicked objects do not slide properly on air or water levels. U897, see commits 019837... and b5faab...
C343-28 fixed 2005-Oct There are several places that can't tell the diffence between a "hat" and a "helmet." See commit 7672a2...
C343-29 fixed 2004-Apr When taking things out of a bag of holding, messages may say "lifting" instead of "removing." See commit 119445..., may be a good general solution.
C343-30 fixed 2004-May GruntHack Cursed scroll of destroy armor on cursed armor doesn't always interact correctly. You can make the stats gain from putting on an enchanted helm of brilliance or gloves of dexterity permanent by cursing the armor and reading cursed destroy armor. See commit c25746...
C343-31 fixed 2004-May If you hit a cockatrice with a weapon that breaks, you can be stoned. See commit 3ad4bf...
C343-32 Fixed 2004-May When blind and levitating, the hero can still discover stairs. U917, see commit 0414c0...
C343-33 Fixed 2004-May Sometimes a monster may remain hidden under a corpse that has rotted away. U1041, see commit c6d488...
C343-34 Fixed 2004-May Mimics on the rogue level may try to mimic a closed door. U1047, see commit 1fbd88...
C343-35 fixed 2004-Dec Polymorphed or shapechanged monsters may get the wrong number of hit points. On polymorph, the ratio HP / max HP is preserved, perhaps this bug refers to rounding errors. Another guess is: let a pet gremlin split over water until you have many high-level but maxhp-1 pets. Then polymorph those pets. You can get tame adult dragons with 1 point of maxhp, etc. (Exmaple: pacifistrobin's ttyrec at 2014-05-03 15:02:07 +0200.) yhelothar-style doppelgangers may, upon reverting to doppelganger form, have crazy-high hitpoints. See commits 9620ee... and maybe c3f2bb...
C343-36 fixed 2004-May Weight of corpses on special levels may not be calculated correctly. This also goes for statues, e.g. the Oracle centaur statues. See commit 1715ce...
C343-37 Fixed 2004-May Mimics may mimic a boulder over a pit or hole. U979, see commits 13abd4... and 1616f2...
C343-38 Open 2004-Jun Dismounting and kicking a monster that jumps may result in landing on the wrong side of a wall. Kicking a monster makes them mnexto() you, then tries to flavour the resulting movement. In very confined spaces, mnexto() may not be able to find a space next to you after all. This applies to many monsters with speed >= 12 with a chance of 1/3 or 1/4 depending on how well you kicked, and the bug occurs whether it’s flavoured as “jumps” or “slides” or “floats” or whatever. (A subsidiary bug here: it can also be flavoured as “teleports”, yet trigger on a no-tele level.) May be related to commit bc4ccd....
C343-39 fixed 2004-Jun Restoring a game where the character is wielding Sting may result in temporary display errors during the restore process. U986, see commit 13e9e3...
C343-40 fixed 2004-Jun Monster thrusting one of multiple wielded daggers gives misleading message. The interface isn’t clear that wielding 6 daggers, or whatever, nevertheless means that you only attack with one. See commit 39d324...
C343-41 fixed 2004-Jun A rolling boulder falling into a pit you can't see only makes a sound if the hero is blind. See commit 6085c8... and maybe also 003dd4...
C343-42 fixed 2004-Jun If a fire trap melts ice, it may trigger twice in the same turn. Can also be triggered with magical breathing, see commit ce24d4...
C343-43 Fixed 2004-Jun An invisible troll that revives may be shown until it moves. See commit baf8d3...
C343-44 fixed 2004-Aug Shopkeepers, doors, and traps interact oddly. For example, if you break a wand of digging on the entrance square, the shopkeeper will usually remove only some of the pits. There's more than we knew: the message when a trap is removed may refer to an intact door reappearing. See commit a0fa99...
C343-45 fixed 2004-Aug Dropping the corpse of a unique monster without a personal name down the stairs gives a badly formed response. See commit fa3459...
C343-46 fixed 2004-Aug Breaking up a boulder or statue can result in pieces that are described incorrectly. See commit 2ad0b6...
C343-47 fixed 2004-Aug Monster and hero have different odds to err when throwing a greased weapon. See commit e16edb...
C343-48 fixed 2004-Aug Killing your pet doesn't get you any experience when it should. Turns out, displacing a pet into a trap is the issue, see commit 10eea7...
C343-49 fixed 2004-Aug The boulder does not show up in a bones file caused by death by rolling boulder. See commit d84ad3....
C343-50 fixed 2004-Aug A sleeping steed may answer a #chat. See commits 31bf37... and 50ab8b...
C343-51 fixed 2004-Aug Luck's effect on random events isn't always as intended. Several beneficial events are most likely with Luck=7, not maximum Luck. See rnl for details. See commit f1cfaf...
C343-52 fixed 2004-Sep unnethack Worn or wielded objects destroyed by dipping into lit potions of oil are not handled properly; this can result in odd game behavior. #U1150, see commit c2d510...
C343-53 fixed 2004-Oct If a shopkeeper is trapped adjacent to the door, the game may get confused and issue impossible or panic messages. See commit e51713...
C343-54 fixed 2004-Oct "Ulch" cannibalism message grammar is poor. Eating a zombie of your race: "Ulch - that meat was tainted cannibal! You feel deathly sick." See commit 467d35...
C343-55 fixed 2004-Oct "Ulch" messages have inconsistent capitalization. See commit 467d35...
C343-56 fixed 2004-Oct Gas spores can't attack while hero is praying. See commit 98ab86...
C343-57 fixed 2004-Nov UnNetHackPlus #enhance command descriptions in Guidebook and game do not match. See commits 1f21a5... and a6182d...
C343-58 fixed 2004-Nov UnNetHackPlus #conduct command description grammar is poor See commit 1f21a5...
C343-59 fixed 2004-Nov Engulfer stoned swallowing hero polymorphed to cockatrice causes incorrect screen display. If hero has ball & chain, game can panic. See commit e72371...
C343-60 fixed 2004-Nov Several messages delivered when hero's fingers are slippery have poor grammar. See commit aa58ee...
C343-61 fixed 2004-Nov Using a WIZKIT including the quest artifact will crash the game at startup. #U1206, see commit 00dcc2...
C343-62 fixed 2004-Nov Riding into a magic portal gives an extra, useless message. See commit 384628...
C343-63 fixed 2004-Nov You can drink from a sink, fountain, or while underwater while swallowed. In a similar vein, #praying on a cross-aligned altar also works. U1182, see commits 2abfb1... and e9285c...
C343-64 fixed 2004-Dec A black light leaves an hallucinated corpse while exploding. See commit b4be66...
C343-65 fixed 2004-Dec A monster that "shrieks in pain" may not awaken others nearby. This is missing a wake_nearby call in the two relevant locations in potion.c. See commit 6ecd84...
C343-66 fixed 2004-Dec Co-aligned unicorns in a bones file may be hostile. See commit 084355...
C343-67 fixed 2004-Dec Finding a statue when searching while blind doesn't update map. See commit 0a2eec...
C343-68 fixed 2004-Dec Incorrect message may be given when a spellcasting monster summons other monsters. See commit 3f2aa8...
C343-69 fixed 2004-Dec Attempting to add more candles than needed to a candelabrum with at least one candle gives an incorrect message. See commit 38f9ba...
C343-70 fixed 2005-Jan Experience may not be correctly gained for monsters causing nonphysical damage. "Difficult" attacks it possesses make a monster worth more experience, but the way these bonus points are calculated underrates physical damage. See commit d0a1a6...
C343-71 Fixed 2005-Jan When swapping places with a pet pushes it into a trap, the messages are out of order. U1231, see commit c9b11c...
C343-72 Fixed 2005-Jan UnNetHack You get confusing messages when you stop levitating while on a flying steed. "You float gently to the lava." is probably the silliest variant. The messages don't consider the fact that you're flying. U1258, see commit c40d87...
C343-73 fixed 2005-Feb Trying to kick a monster on a level forbidding teleport may give a bogus "teleports" message. U1270, see commit ce1bf5...
C343-74 fixed 2005-Feb Entering a long running, uninterruptible command (e. g. engraving) after stoning starts will kill you. See commit 191db3...
C343-75 fixed 2005-Feb Eating Medusa's corpse may not work properly. Probably part of commit 2b62b8... or maybe see also commit 6955f1...
C343-76 fixed 2005-Feb A tin of Medusa meat isn't warned about properly. See commit 2b62b8...
C343-77 fixed 2005-Feb GruntHack Some messages referring to monsters that look like horses refer to claws. polyself.c lists claws as a horse’s manipulatory appendages. See commit a0cc33...
C343-78 fixed 2005-Mar Digging in an existing hole charges you for the time it takes to dig the whole hole. polymorph into vampire, wish for a pick-axe, apply said pick-axe down repeatedly. Alternatively, trigger a hangup-save after you finish digging and before you fall though. See commit 2799e8...
C343-79 fixed 2005-Mar "Mr." or "Ms." may show up in front of names when it should not. In death messages, all shopkeepers will have an honorific, even if the shopkeeper's name is clearly a given name, not a surname (e.g. Dirk, Lucrezia, Izchak). See commit 4e8880...
C343-80 fixed 2005-Mar Tame monsters with multiple attacks may allow themselves to be killed through passive attacks. See commit f1bf48...
C343-81 fixed 2005-Mar Ghosts can be slimed. Also the Riders. See commits 80ac13... and 59cc0d...
C343-82 fixed 2005-Mar Land mine explosion on a drawbridge doesn't work right. See commit acb416...
C343-83 fixed 2005-Mar An eating pet will miss out on ascension. See commit 916a63...
C343-84 fixed 2005-Apr "finally finished" may be displayed when not eating. See commit e36796...
C343-85 fixed 2005-Apr Sometimes the hero can't move when conscious. M29 plus other effects, related to multi-turn actions, see commit 2f497c...
C343-86 fixed 2005-Apr Hero can appear to be in the wall after destroying a drawbridge. See commit 8e0638....
C343-87 fixed 2005-Apr Sometimes shop items the hero is forced to buy can be sold twice.
C343-88 fixed 2005-Apr Polymorphing a statue into a boulder can leave an incorrect display. M36, see commit a3341e...
C343-89 Fixed 2005-Apr Unpaid objects damaged or improved in shops are not accounted for properly. Also applies to dilution, using finite light sources, dulling via engraving, etc. See commits 085af4... and c7099c... and 4e9c26... and 879e4d...
C343-90 fixed 2005-Apr "I u" with only one item unpaid lists the price twice. See commit ea9423...
C343-91 fixed 2005-Apr Auto-cursing armor does not do so when worn by monster. See commit 43d968...
C343-92 fixed 2005-Apr A blind player may find a trap which then fails to show up on the map. See commits 61dda6... and 1a2ebd...
C343-93 fixed 2005-Apr Astral vision can confuse the ; command. #M32, see commit a85d3b...
C343-94 fixed 2005-May Probing a re-animated statue may cause a panic. See commit 0f13d5...
C343-95 fixed 2005-May GruntHack If killed by the wish from a magic lamp (or similar situation) and a bones file is produced, the bones file has the lamp in the wrong state. See commits a7da90... and 632afa... and 4b00bd...
C343-96 fixed 2005-May If player aborts "In what direction?" question, prompt may remain displayed. See commits bb1901... and 3b4ca7...
C343-97 fixed 2005-May ctrl + r and ctrl + l don't work in numberpad mode See commit 06bb86...
C343-98 fixed 2005-May Chatting with quest leader brought back from the dead doesn't work. See commit be6166...
C343-99 fixed 2005-Jun Hero can still see for brief period after being blinded by potion vapors. #M107, see commit a09274...
C343-100 fixed 2005-Jun Bilious #341 Game may crash if thrown potion hits iron bars before they hit a monster. See commit b72967...
C343-101 fixed 2005-Jun The hero can see some things while asleep. #M108, see commit ebc20f... (eggs hatching, figurines transforming, etc.).

Also #Q251, see commit fbe6b0... (engravings, when levitation times out).

C343-102 Open 2005-Jun Messages delivered when the ceiling collapses on a swallowed hero need revision.
C343-103 fixed 2005-Jun The hero is not protected from a mind flayer during successful prayer. Refers to the psychic blast. #M100, see commit 3e3ec4...
C343-104 fixed 2005-Jul Message from angry shopkeeper giving a price when hero picks up an object has poor spacing and construction. "For you, scum ; only 534 for this emerald ring." (note the extra space) See commit 5243a5...
C343-105 Not a bug 2005-Jul Message given when restoring a game refers to original gender and form, not current.
C343-106 fixed 2005-Jul Sunsword continues to glow after its wielder dies. It continues to glow if you petrify a monster wielding it (and then recover it from the statue) or if you snag it out of a monster's hands with a bullwhip. #M132, see commit a1b4bc...
C343-107 fixed 2005-Sep Killing your own steed never leaves a corpse. See commit 32baec...
C343-108 fixed 2005-Sep Entering "e-" does not remove the prompt.
C343-109 fixed 2005-Sep GruntHack There is a grammar error in the Tourist leader's greeting. Could be changed to "Is it really you, %p?" or "It is really you, %p!" See commit dc1b1e...
C343-110 fixed 2005-Sep Game can crash if shopkeeper dies while character is praying. M159, see commit 8ce721...
C343-111 fixed 2005-Sep Grammar of some graveyard sounds messages is wrong in some cases. See commit bbc825...
C343-112 fixed 2005-Sep Hero and monster afflicted with lycanthropy are treated differently. M167, see commit 545239...
C343-113 fixed 2005-Sep When flying down a hole or a ladder, the messages are inaccurate. Doing this with a ladder while polymorphed actually produces no message at all. The message is most likely related to flying steeds, though; while riding a ki-rin, you climb up ladders, fly down ladders, and jump down holes, which is a clear inconsistency. (It's not clear which of the messages is correct.) #M30, see commit e3f171...
C343-114 fixed 2005-Sep Removing some but not all the boulders from a location confuses the vision system. See commits d129f6... and 44601d....
C343-115 fixed 2005-Sep GruntHack Sleeping or paralyzed unicorns can catch gems. See commit 6e987c...
C343-116 fixed 2005-Sep Grammar error in messages related to choking on gold. See commit 1c2906...
C343-117 Fixed 2005-Sep Gaining and losing levels in normal and monster form do not balance. See commit 7828cb..., maybe see also 5bc6f1...
C343-118 fixed 2005-Sep [2]+[3] Some messages use "mirror" where they should use "looking glass." #M178, see commit 7ec0d0...
C343-119 fixed 2005-Oct Options IBMgraphics, DECgraphics, and MACgraphics interact oddly in the config file, resulting in odd listings from the O command. Workaround: only specify one option in the config file. See commits fa7fd2...

and be193d...

C343-120 Not a bug 2005-Oct There is no warning when hitting floating eyes.
C343-121 Fixed 2005-Oct Eating various brains which should have special handling, don't. You may eat brain of ghost and safely eat brains of Medusa and Riders as mind flayer. See commits f1fe8c..., 521469..., and bbd70e....
C343-122 fixed 2005-Oct Alignment of Angels is not handled consistently. See commits 7b1b47... and 5ffa09... and a90621... and possibly 7921c6...
C343-123 Fixed 2005-Oct Plural of "mother-in-law" is incorrect. M203, see commits 297ead... and 1f5c03...
C343-124 fixed 2005-Dec You can't rub a touchstone on gold. Propagated to branch in 6708e0..., was on trunk earlier, haven't nailed that down yet.
C343-125 fixed 2005-Nov Killing a vault guard outside a vault gives incorrect feedback. #Q211, see commit 0defd0...
C343-126 fixed 2005-Nov When wielding Grayswandir, feedback from a trapped chest may be wrong. See commit fa708f...
C343-127 fixed 2005-Nov If a vault guard leads the hero to gold in the rock, inappropriate feedback is given. #Q221, see commit 90a997...
C343-128 Fixed 2005-Nov Feedback for gas spore explosion when hallucinating could be improved. See commit 75c457...
C343-129 Fixed 2005-Nov Cancelling objects in or near a shop doorway may make the shopkeeper think you are a thief. The error’s in zap.c, around line 794; it checks to see if you’re in the shop, rather than whether the object is. #Q227, see commit dce306...
C343-130 fixed 2005-Dec Sometimes you can't rub an arbitrary object on a touchstone. Perhaps this refers to the fact you cannot check for kicking boots and gauntlets of power once the touchstone has been formally identified. #Q234, See commit 6708e0...
C343-131 fixed 2005-Dec Message has poor grammar if hero killed when stealing cockatrice corpse from a monster. Watch out for the plural case as well. See commit c28a4a...
C343-132 fixed 2005-Dec Message when death caused by kicking an object can be too verbose. Also, sometimes too little information is given, e.g., if you are killed by kicking unidentified Mjollnir. See commit d4c28b...
C343-133 Fixed 2005-Dec Effects of varying consuming Medusa are inconsistent. Description does not adequately differentiate this bug from C343-75, C343-76 and C343-121. As of 2013-05 devteam have no idea what is referred by this bug description. Probably refers to engulfing, see commit 6955f1...
C343-134 Fixed 2005-Dec GruntHack Being petrified by swallowing a cockatrice violates foodless conduct. Actually you don't violate foodless (or vegetarian) by swallowing a cockatrice if you are petrified. That is the bug. #Q241, see commit 6955f1...
C343-135 fixed 2005-Dec Several quest messages are inappropriate if the hero is blind. See commit 222694...
C343-136 fixed 2005-Dec A samurai quest guardian message uses "ninja" where "ronin" is intended. See commit 222694...
C343-137 fixed 2005-Dec Demons may demand money from (and get paid by) a fainted hero. See commit 1bb476...
C343-138 fixed 2005-Dec Some spheres pick up objects and some don't. See commit cbab68...
C343-139 fixed 2005-Dec There's no feedback when an unseen drawbridge opens or closes. See commit c39433...
C343-140 Fixed 2005-Dec Pets may continue eating after being paralyzed or falling asleep. See commit 6a40b2...
C343-141 fixed 2005-Dec Running, searching, and resting should stop wnen levitation ends. See commit 1b34a4....
C343-142 Fixed 2005-Dec Shopkeepers can be identified while hallucinating. See commit 44b9e2...
C343-143 Fixed 2005-Dec Leprechauns stealing gold from a mounted hero cause oddly worded messages. See steal.c, line 51 See commit 2c7ed2...
C343-144 fixed 2006-Jan Creatures that can fit under doors can't fit through diagonal gaps. See commit b4cc14...
C343-145 fixed 2006-Jan Mattock is mishandled when forcing locks. #H11, see commit 3d97ea...
C343-146 fixed 2006-Jan Unseen wand of striking becomes known if zapped by unseen monster and it hits a door. #H12, see commit cfbc51..., possibly also commit 49084e...
C343-147 Fixed 2006-Jan The game panics if a magic trap tames a monster that just expelled the hero. See commit 0dc071..., which also has some other stuff, including the start of the mextra refactoring.
C343-148 Fixed 2006-Feb Changing locations while asleep lets you see objects or read engravings. #Q251, see commit fbe6b0...
C343-149 Fixed 2006-Feb Polymorphed spellbooks don't behave as intended. If the spell wasn't present in the spellcasting Z menu when you read the book, it is never blanked, regardless how many times it was already polymorphed. This bug also affects spells forgotten due to a non-blessed scroll of amnesia. See commits 98685e... and 24e15f....
C343-150 fixed 2006-Feb Gender and/or size of some quest quest leaders and nemeses are wrong. By Jonadab: The following do not have a gender specified (in monst.c): The Grand Master, The Arch Priest, The Minion of Huhetotl, Ixoth, Master Kaen, Nalzok, Scorpius, The Master Assassin, and the Dark One. I'm guessing some of those should have a fixed gender. As for the size, the encyclopedia entries for Orion and for the Norn seem to imply they should be larger (currently they are MZ_HUMAN, i.e., medium size). See commit f11d00....
C343-151 fixed 2006-Feb Monsters can teleport to or be created outside of legal area in special levels. Examples are xorns off the map in Sokoban or ghosts on the edge of the map of the Astral Plane. See commit a1b0e0....
C343-152 Fixed 2006-Feb Using a cursed lamp while blind may give inappropriate messages. If it fails to light, even a blind character will observe that it "flickers for a moment".[1] See commit dfb1d0....
C343-153 Fixed 2006-Feb Player polymorphed into guardian naga spits the wrong kind of venom. See commit 88a5b9....
C343-154 fixed 2006-Feb Candles are fireproof. See commit 3f493c....
C343-155 Fixed 2006-Apr Proper names may be incorrectly preceeded by "the" when hallucinating. #H38, see commits 5d732c... and 57d55e.... See also commit a3ddcb... for a similar case when not hallucinating.
C343-156 Fixed 2006-Feb Reading scrolls may give redundant feedback messages. Read cursed remove curse while confused: "As you read the scroll, it disappears." ... "The scroll disintegrates." See commits 73e922..., 7dd822..., and e6ba74.... These commits also make a balance adjustment to the spell of identify.
C343-157 fixed 2006-Feb Worms don't have scales. See commit 3ea07e....
C343-158 fixed 2006-Feb Krakens have tentacles. See commit 3ea07e....
C343-159 fixed 2006-Feb Stalkers have a head. See commit 3ea07e....
C343-160 fixed 2006-Mar Name "leather spellbook" is misleading. Perhaps refers to "leather" spellbooks still being considered to be made of paper, i.e. you don't break vegan conduct if you eat one as a gelatinous cube. See commits b6eff2..., d83513..., and c0d17e....
C343-161 Fixed 2006-Mar A scroll of charging that has disappeared may still show in the list of things to charge. See commits 8308af..., 8dec47..., 00cd94..., 5deeeb..., d439b1..., 8f230f..., a6324a..., ffee00....
C343-162 fixed 2006-Mar Bilious #445 Using Magicbane may cause an ungrammatical message. Possibly refers to monster names incorrectly being considered as plural forms, e.g. "Chops are confused." with a monster named "Chops" (source analysis) See commit 3e8725....
C343-163 fixed 2006-Mar Antholes are mispopulated under some conditions. See commit e1ef0f....
C343-164 fixed 2006-Apr Cancelled nurses may give inappropriate messages. See commit b56187....
C343-165 Fixed 2006-Apr Scroll of mail can be abused slightly. Perhaps this refers to the fact shopkeepers will eventually start charging for mail if you pick up enough of them. The abuse in question is that they provide nutrition, if you are a gelatinous cube. Seriously. See commit 05ce44....
C343-166 fixed 2006-Apr Pits dug in vault guard's corridor don't get removed. See commit 280823....
C343-167 Fixed 2006-Apr Length of time swallowed is sometimes calculated incorrectly. See commit 08e928....
C343-168 fixed 2006-Apr Shattering a monster's weapon doesn't work right if the weapon is part of a stack of more than one. See commit f94b83..., though I am uncertain whether this is the ideal fix; perhaps the message should be changed to read 'one of' instead.
C343-169 Fixed 2006-Apr Autopickup fails during a failed untrap attempt. See commit 820f3f....
C343-170 Fixed 2006-Apr Damage by silver weapons is sometimes higher than intended when hero is polymorphed. Perhaps this refers to the fact players hit multiple times with the same weapon if polymorphed into a form with several weapon attacks, e. g. Aleax or marilith. The issue is in fact that silver-hating players get hit for double silver damage. See commit 27dcb8....
C343-171 Fixed 2006-Apr UnNetHack Silver weapon damage message is sometimes missing when hero is polymorphed. See commit 27dcb8....
C343-172 fixed 2006-May Bugfix repository Crash could occur when monster uses potion or food to cure stoning or confusion. See commit a157ce....
C343-173 fixed 2006-May Monster eating lizard corpse is not handled correctly. They always lose speed, even if they ate it to cure confusion rather than stoning. See commits a157ce... and fc9c33....
C343-174 fixed 2006-May UnNetHack Drum of earthquake gives inappropriate message if hero or monster is in a pit. See commits 914c66..., b9db66..., and b76a0f....
C343-175 fixed 2006-May UnNetHackPlus Chatting to hostile prisoners may give an inappropriate message. There is a bug in description of the bug - it applies to tame prisoners (MS_DJINNI is mostly OK, but tame one - "Sorry, I'm all out of wishes." is weird). See commit f93144....
C343-176 fixed 2006-May Disintegration breath hitting equipment carried by monsters is not handled properly; if the monster life-saves the situation is worse; saddles are especially troublesome. Archive of report on rgrn #H79, see commit a506c3....
C343-177 fixed 2006-May First false rumor is displayed as gibberish on some platforms. See commits 376f9b... and e80408... for debugging, commit a3b216... for a workaround for Windows, commits 85865e... and a71d27... for a more complete fix.
C343-178 fixed 2006-May Wisdom is mishandled when rumors are used for random graffiti. See commit 2d7b4c....
C343-179 fixed 2006-May Bilious #340 If a monster is killed by a drawbridge while carrying a potion of acid, the game may panic. See commit a73d99....
C343-180 fixed 2006-May In an obscure case on special levels, troll corpses may fail to revive and lizard corpses may revive. set_corpsenum(). See commits c0731a... and 52586d...; see also 7f826c....
C343-181 Fixed 2006-May The hero is welcomed to Delphi even if the Oracle was previously angered. See commits 45b599..., 4e2b30..., and 6f9da6....
C343-182 fixed 2006-May Putting on the Eyes of the Overworld while blind gives an ungrammatical message. See commits a23212... and 4ebc37....
C343-183 fixed 2006-May Jumping over an already seen trap may give an ungrammatical message. See commit a6c608....
C343-184 Open 2006-May Levitation via worn equipment is not implemented for monsters.
C343-185 fixed 2006-May No message is generated when attempting to name a monster that cannot be named by the player. See commit 804864....
C343-186 fixed 2006-May Some messages referring to "priestess" say "priest." #H104, also applies to high priestesses. See commit c67b97....
C343-187 Fixed 2006-May Meditating monsters continue meditating when affected by something which wakes sleeping monsters. #H105, see commit 0620ca....
C343-188 fixed 2006-May Specifying role and/or race and an invalid alignment in NETHACKOPTIONS or config file causes a misleading message. #H103, partly fixed in commit 949d71....
C343-189 fixed 2006-May Temple donations and protection lost to gremlin attack interact incorrectly. Specifically, a gremlin steals only the effectiveness of divine protection, not the amount. #H108, see commit 949d71....
C343-190 Fixed 2006-May Monsters can hide while trapped or holding the hero. See commits 72d819... and 7190f5....
C343-191 fixed 2006-May When an unseen monster forces a polymorphed hero out of hiding, feedback is insufficient. Refers to player-as-mimic. See commit 12586f....
C343-192 fixed 2006-May If invocation is performed while hero is trapped, hero remains trapped. See commits 4956ab... and 84e2c7....
C343-193 Fixed 2006-Jun Polymorphed hero can fall into water once and crawl out twice. Iron golem. See commits a72e37... and f14e20....
C343-194 Fixed 2006-Jun Saving and restoring a game while punished and swallowed sometimes loses the ball and chain. See commits d046be..., 9ca2d7..., and b41b90....
C343-195 Fixed 2006-Jun Glass wand thrown and broken in a shop is not charged for. See commits d8528f... and dc63ed....
C343-196 Fixed 2006-Jun Wielded light source may get missed by rust trap. See commit e79a41..., but note that the dev team's fix also causes rust monsters to extinguish candles and lamps, which seems odd to me.
C343-197 fixed 2006-Jun Attacking a hidden monster sensed via ongoing monster detection is interrupted inapropropriately. See commit c37458....
C343-198 fixed 2006-Jul Playing in a 20 or 21 line window can cause the game to crash. See commits 2b8903... and 13eeae....
C343-199 fixed 2006-Aug The database entry for "monk" has a typo. There should be a comma after the quotation. Traditional typesetting would do this: "No," replied the monk. Modern style (developed within the last thirty years) might put the comma outside the quote. #H158, see commit 2cca9c....
C343-200 fixed 2006-Aug In the quest, it's possible to accidently skip the locate level e. g. by falling down a hole several levels. #H166, see commits 47327a... and 96a0e8....
C343-201 fixed 2006-Aug Phrasing of message when one monster attacks another with stacked weapons is odd. See commit f36c9d....
C343-202 Fixed 2006-Aug Pushing a boulder onto a level teleporter trap could cause repeated messages. #H164, see commit b543be...; commit log comment implies more remains to be done here.
C343-203 fixed 2006-Aug Hero arriving on a very crowded level may land on a monster causing game state corruption and possibly a crash. #H167, see commit 2e8c4b....
C343-204 Fixed 2006-Aug Hero grabbed or engulfed due to conflict should be released when conflict ends. See commit e6bf8a....
C343-205 Fixed 2006-Aug Changes in hallucination state are not reflected properly when also mimicing. #H177, see commit d80769..., but this only fixes the mimic case.
C343-206 fixed 2006-Aug Divine gifts resulting from #offer are identified when blind. If Stormbringer is gifted to a blind character, it will still be described as a "black sword"[2]. It's added to the discoveries list. See commit d78f81....
C343-207 fixed 2006-Aug Certain items that should never be created in Gehennom can be created there. #H184. s/items/monsters/; See commit 422bfa....
C343-208 fixed 2006-Aug Hero can be blinded while fainted. #H179, see commit 1574c6.... See also commit 06e9fa....
C343-210 fixed 2006-Sep Hero can "feel a bit steadier" while unconscious. #H202, see commit 06e9fa.... See also commit 7ba02d... for semi-related cleanup.
C343-211 fixed 2006-Sep Engraving under water gives a poorly worded message. #H226, see commit 80a5f0....
C343-212 fixed 2006-Sep If the hero is killed by a thrown potion of burning oil, the game will panic. #H229, see commit 1cf4c3....
C343-213 fixed 2006-Sep Display of stinking cloud may be incorrect when wearing Eyes of the Overworld. See commit a3e0bf....
C343-214 fixed 2006-Sep Monster escaping by changing levels in the wizard tower may end up outside the tower too easily. See commit d9368a....
C343-215 fixed 2006-Sep Elbereth is sometimes ignored by monsters. See commit 13559f....
C343-216 fixed 2006-Sep Fireproof containers catch fire in lava. See commit 01ce18....
C343-217 Fixed 2006-Oct Missile which kills engulfer is temporarily lost when hero is expelled. #H192, see commit 008366....
C343-218 fixed 2006-Oct Bilious #342 Applying a wielded cream pie can crash the game. This generalizes to wielded objects being destroyed. See commit 15d933.... For a much more general fix, see also commits 271632... and 60c966....
C343-219 fixed 2006-Oct Hero can die due to "burned by burning" or "drowned by drowning." A lot of similar combinations are possible by messing around with delayed_killer by stacking many delayed instadeaths on top of each other. See commits 556226... and d526b4....
C343-220 Fixed 2006-Oct Eating a Rider corpse doesn't work quite right. If you start eating it, die as a result, and lifesave, you can finish it safely. (The same thing happens to some other sort of corpses, like rotten ones, but not nearly as obviously.) Has to do with the rotten food code. See commit f49361.... See also commit 6202d5....
C343-221 Fixed 2006-Oct Jabberwocks do not always wake up when they should. Steed generated asleep. See commit 93ecce....
C343-222 Fixed 2006-Oct It's possible to end up wielding a cockatrice corpse when no longer polymorphed. See commit 624a1b.... For the related stone-to-flesh case, see commit b99f8a....
C343-223 fixed 2006-Oct Hidden pet can follow hero down stairs, remain hiding and show up as hidden monster. Also can happen with a magic whistle. See commit 6b371a.... See also commit f3a5f4... for the magic whistle case.
C343-224 fixed 2006-Nov Carrying too many items creates uselessly long prompts. Using a WIZKIT allows player to have too large amount of items, what results in prompts with repeated # sign (for example on dropping items) See commit 53060e....
C343-225 fixed 2006-Nov Hero can sometimes carry too many boulders. See commits commit 53060e... and especially 8ead48.... See also commit 672c14... and maybe 86249e.... See also commit 8a1d07....
C343-226 Fixed 2006-Nov Inventory display doesn't mention unpaid items in a container the hero owns. See commit bbda81.... May also be related to C343-227 and the commits listed for it.
C343-227 fixed 2006-Dec Container dropped in a shop then moved to an untended shop behaves oddly. See commit 5d42eb.... May also be related to UNL-029.
C343-228 fixed 2006-Dec Cloak of magic resistance is active when it shouldn't be. See commit 95729b...; loosely related to the antimagic trap buff (23e197...).
C343-229 Fixed 2006-Dec Hero can dip or apply grease to a worn item that is covered by another worn item. See commit 17f848....
C343-230 fixed 2006-Dec Drawbridges act differently depending on which direction they are pointing. See commit e80970....
C343-231 fixed 2006-Dec Time is distorted while sinking into lava. Because lava sinking is checked once per player input (inexplicably), as opposed to once per player turn or once per time-consuming action. This is the bug where you sink too fast, see commit 58a9bc....
C343-232 fixed 2006-Dec Hero can be slimed while in lava. See commit 5a9b76....
C343-233 fixed 2006-Dec Hero polymorphed into Quantum Mechanic may get erroneous messages about disappearing monsters. Moster teleported together with engulfed player: "%s suddenly disappears!". Monster teleported away, without player inside (happens in endgame) - no message. See commit cbd61c....
C343-234 Fixed 2006-Dec Sacrifice on an altar can have unintended consequences. Perhaps this refers to the fact the corpse of a former pet does not vanish. Probably refers to destroying a high altar, see commit 1bb854.... See also 88e20d....
C343-235 fixed 2006-Dec Casting spell of protection gives incorrect message if hero is swallowed or in rock. See commit a29b06....
C343-236 fixed 2006-Dec Engraving works in places it shouldn't. See commits 79ced4... and 175e5b....
C343-237 Fixed 2006-Dec The relationship between crossbow use and strength is wrong. See commit a00a69....
C343-238 fixed 2006-Dec (Unix and VMS only) The "Who are you?" prompt does not accept digits in the response. See commits a65473..., ff4110..., 528238..., 176a59..., 0db19f..., and especially f16db6..., plus maybe c5d80e....
C343-239 fixed 2006-Dec Engravings can transfer between a moat and a drawbridge. See commit 1c70b6....
C343-240 fixed 2007-Jan Hero can create a pit in air. See commit e26d9f....
C343-241 Fixed 2007-Jan Hero is not charged for breaking the lock on a container owned by a shop. See commit dccedb....
C343-242 fixed 2007-Jan Shopkeepers and priests avoid graves when they should not. See commit 7c93ac....
C343-243 fixed 2007-Jan GruntHack Hero can throw without hands. See commit 187b8d....
C343-244 fixed 2007-Jan Sometimes you can eat artifacts you can't touch with your hands. See commit c36712....
C343-245 fixed 2007-Jan Hero trying to kick beyond map edge is handled improperly. See commits e2fffa... and 9af9cf....
C343-246 fixed 2007-Jan Engraving with an empty wand handles time wrong. If you cancel the engraving text prompt or are levitating, no time is spent. #Q85, see commits 5b88c6... (levitating) and 1e7051... (not levitating). See also commit ba0d55....
C343-247 fixed 2007-Feb A magic portal may be deactivated if the game is saved due to hangup while changing levels. The official buglist mentions "Leave the level some other way then return to it." as a workaround. #Q94, see commit dc6a38....
C343-248 fixed 2007-Feb Bilious #257 You can't put candles in a candelabrum while underwater. #Q108, see commit 8465f8....
C343-249 fixed 2007-Feb There are a number of errors handling vomit; and real rats can't vomit. #Q117, see commit 128ed0....
C343-250 Open 2007-Feb Rust-causing targets can reveal other information about a weapon. See commit e46663....
C343-251 fixed 2007-Feb Monsters sleeping due to being hit may wake up at the wrong time. See commit 6b2078....
C343-252 fixed 2007-Feb There is a typo in the quote from "The Count of Monte Cristo." See 8c982b....
C343-253 fixed 2007-Feb Choking on certain food items doesn't work properly. #Q295. Only triggers for food that can be eaten in one turn and has results when finished. If you choke on such food (and survive the choking), having eaten it doesn't do things like stone you (cockatrice egg), provide benefits (royal jelly), or show a message (fortune cookie). See commit 1fe401....
C343-254 fixed 2007-Feb Shapechanger's don't take advantage of being mimics or hiders. #H239, see commit c2a3a3....
C343-255 fixed 2007-Feb Tinning on a full level fails improperly. See commit eabf0f....
C343-256 fixed 2007-Feb Very very very long messages can cause a crash. #Q159, see commit 416871....
C343-257 fixed 2007-Feb Cursed corpses wielded by monsters are not handled properly. Perhaps this refers to the fact wielded items are always dropped when a monster polymorphs. #Q404, see commit 7c64db....
C343-258 fixed 2007-Feb Grammar error in samurai quest: "wakarimasu?" instead of "wakarimasu ka?" #Q387, see commit fe4369....
C343-259 fixed 2007-Feb "Dr. Dolittle" is spelled incorrectly. #H238, see commit 10e24c....
C343-260 fixed 2007-Feb Ridden steeds are sometimes immune to gas traps. See commit 00fc51....
C343-261 Fixed 2007-Feb Sleeping steeds can jump. #Q382, see commits 2343e7... and a9b7b1....
C343-262 fixed 2007-Feb Polyporph mis-handles a used and wielded leash. Polyself into something that cannot wield (e.g. a hell hound). "You find you must drop your weapon!" This leaves an in-use leash on the ground. Your pet can even pick it up, carry it around, drop it, and it's still listed as "(in use)". See commits 5c3651... and 2fde3b...; see also commit 658c93... for the monster-bullwhip case and commit 12cb6f... for the slippery fingers case.
C343-263 Fixed 2007-Feb Probing may miss Schroedinger's cat. The cat is created only when the container is opened, but should be when it is observed. See commit 7abf23..., but I am not sure this is really the correct resolution.
C343-264 fixed 2007-Feb "You must drop your weapon" may appear when it should not. Maybe

duplicate of C343-262? As of 2013-05 devteam have no idea what is referred by this bug description.

See commit 1e7ace....
C343-265 fixed 2007-Feb Force may work when hero can't reach lock being forced. See commit 4f528f....
C343-266 fixed 2007-Feb Hero on drawbridge when it's destroyed is not handled properly. Destroy a drawbridge by zapping a wand of striking or of digging downward while standing on the bridge. "The drawbridge collapses into the moat" without harming you, leaving you standing on the moat even if you are not properly equipped to stand there. Information has been posted to rgrn about the dev team's fix for this; to find the thread, search for phlebocratic postreticular apodiosis. ("It now calls spoteffects() for the hero or minliquid() for monsters. If the exposed terrain is water or lava, then the former bridge occupant will fall in (and hero might crawl out of the water); other under-bridge terrain is safe.") See commit e92b72....
C343-267 fixed 2007-Feb Game says monster speed changes even if monster can't move at all. #H248, see commit bbee88....
C343-268 fixed 2007-Feb Bilious #340 Used up potion of acid may end up in bones file. See commit 2dc918....
C343-269 fixed 2007-Mar Bones file created after hero dies outside shop may mis-handle items. See commit 23eb08....
C343-270 fixed 2007-Mar Dying in a shop while wielding two weapons may cause a warning message. See commit 23eb08....
C343-271 fixed 2007-Mar Pet messages at the very end of the game may appear in the wrong place. See commit d70d44....
C343-272 fixed 2007-Mar Corrupted score file can crash the game. #Q101, see commits 5702e2... and 286724....
C343-273 Fixed 2007-Mar Changing alignment and held artifacts interact incorrectly. E. g. you still enjoy the when-carried benefits of artifacts you could not pick up due to your current alignment. The "evades your grasp" message can leave it still wielded. See commit f67a45....
C343-274 fixed 2007-Mar Odd message when attempting to apply a wielded towel. #H265, see commit a2a5df....
C343-275 fixed 2007-Mar Bilious #342 If a lit, wielded, candle or potion of oil burns out, the game may crash. #H267, see commit f480c5.... For a much more general fix, see also commits 271632... and 60c966....
C343-276 fixed 2007-Mar Bilious #342 If a figuring auto-transforms while wielded or worn, the game may crash. #H267, see commit 4e38da....
C343-277 Fixed 2007-Apr Wooden weapons don't always burn when they should. H206, see commit a5640e.... Not sure if this covers every case.
C343-278 fixed 2007-Apr Quest leaders are too likely to be affected by traps. See commits 63b3e7... and 1c4907.... The bug as reported is too narrow to encompass the Norn/firetrap case, but I think the fix is broad enough to handle it anyway.
C343-279 Fixed 2007-Apr Kicked arrows may get wrong bonuses. See commit ae9c10....
C343-280 Fixed 2007-Apr Ranged polearm attack doesn't always work properly. See commit ae9c10....
C343-281 Fixed 2007-Apr Kicking shop-owned food is not always accounted for correctly. For taming pets with kicked food, see commit 4409f4.... Not sure if this handles the egg case.
C343-282 Fixed 2007-Apr Damage calculation may be wrong when hero is polymorphed into a pudding. #H172, involves negative AC, see commit 8748bf....
C343-283 fixed 2007-Apr Long walks take a non-optimial path. #H261, see commit b4f39d....
C343-284 Fixed 2007-Apr Activating a shop-owned figurine sometimes don't entail shop charges. If you pick up and drop a cursed figurine, the timer will stay live. Will this eventually incur charges? See also commit d8a0f7... for the stone-to-flesh case.
C343-285 Fixed 2007-Apr Water elementals can be trapped in a bear trap. #Q431, see commit 0b05ca....
C343-286 Fixed 2007-Apr Polymorph and lycanthropy do not interact properly. #U1233, see commit 3c58c3....

See also commits c86f9f... and 2bd1f8... for related issues pertaining to worn/wielded items.

C343-287 fixed 2007-May Hero polymorphed into monster with kick attack doesn't get bonus from ring of increase damage when kicking. See commit 18a467....
C343-288 Fixed 2007-May The message "a monster appears" can show up when multiple monsters appear. See commit 2872c2....
C343-289 fixed 2007-May If magical removal of a steed's saddle is fatal to the hero, the saddle may still be on the steed in a bones file. See commit 933c18....
C343-290 fixed 2007-May Rings do not show up in the "what do you want to charge?" prompt when they should. Applies to oil lamps, too. See commit ae36e5... for the rings. Not sure if it handles the lamp case.
C343-291 Fixed 2007-May Backstab bonus interacts incorrectly with thrown weapons and two-weapon mode. Two-weapon does not get backstab at all while each fired weapon does individually. #H291, see commit a1a4a4....
C343-292 Fixed 2007-May Touching a pile of objects while blind does not always work correctly. #285, see commit ace5a3....
C343-293 Fixed 2007-May There are a number of errors changing words between singular and plural forms. See commits 894e7f..., 15e79e..., befae3..., 91da47..., 6df914..., 695fc9..., 5d690a..., 706d2d...,


C343-294 fixed 2007-May Orcs and gnomes do not respond to #chat when they should. See commit cb5504....
C343-295 fixed 2007-Jun Casting stone-to-flesh on self while wielding a figurine can cause the game to panic. See commits d8a0f7... and f36845....
C343-296 Fixed 2007-Jun Sunsword doesn't work as expected against shades. See commits 237615..., 14b006..., 174182....
C343-297 fixed 2007-Jun Lit potion may survive hero dying from splattered oil burning on the floor. See commit b805ba....
C343-298 fixed 2007-Jun Kicking at "empty space" uses no time. #H331, see commit dab873....
C343-299 fixed 2007-Jun UnNetHackPlus Killing tame engulfer from inside gives a warning message. See commit 78d9a4....
C343-300 Fixed 2007-Jun Amulet of strangulation may kill forms that can't be strangled. #332, see commit 4be432....
C343-301 fixed 2007-Jun Nymphs can steal things they can't pick up. They can steal Rider corpses from gelatinous cubes. The bug might instead refer to nymphs stealing things that they don't naturally pick up, like potions. #H333, refers to boulders. See commit 2ff8b1.... Not sure, but I think the fix may also be relevant for the gold duplication exploit.
C343-302 fixed 2007-Jun Amnesia of object discoveries may forget to forget one thing. Thanks to read.c#line501 player doesn't forget anything when the "count * percent" is smaller than 50. In other words player that knows identify of single object will never loose memory of it via mind flayer attack. See commit 47348b....
C343-303 Fixed 2007-Jun Gem probabilities are not reset properly on level revisit. The setgemprobs function is only called when a level is generated; thus, the probabilities appropriate for the most recently generated level will be remembered when revisiting an already generated level. See commit c89d5f....
C343-304 Fixed 2007-Jun Message given when damaging a closed drawbridge may refer to a wall. See commit 2b29d9....
C343-305 Fixed 2007-Jun GruntHack Attacking with an applied polearm ignores the "confirm" option. See commit bb5ade....
C343-306 Fixed 2007-Jun Engulfer under influence of conflict or confusion can swallow a monster and not be affected by water/lava/trap under monster until next turn. See commit f8fcaf....
C343-307 Fixed 2007-Jun Unicorn horn interacts incorrectly with ring of sustain ability. Non-cursed restores, but cursed does not decrement attributes. See commit 8d880d....
C343-308 Fixed 2007-Jun A hidden, dead monster can revive hidden under its own corpse. #H363, see commit 2f9d71....
C343-309 Fixed 2007-Jun Dropping Heart of Ahriman may give odd message sequence. See commit 66f95e....
C343-310 Fixed 2007-Jun Applying an unpaid stack of potions of oil forces hero to buy all of them. See commit e08b97....
C343-311 Fixed 2007-Jun Price of unpack shop items may change when hero is forced to buy. For example, hunger status has an effect on food prices. See commit e08b97....
C343-312 Fixed 2007-Jun Monster can attack with a polearm it was unable to wield. See commit 8dbbd1....
C343-313 Fixed 2007-Jun "You trip over it" may appear even after you know what "it" is. #H348, see commit 283b68....
C343-314 Fixed 2007-Jun Drowning on the Plane of Water lists cause of death as "drowned in a moat." See commit ed1e29....
C343-315 fixed 2007-Jun Small monsters dropping items due to weight use the wrong weights. See commit d34e55....
C343-316 fixed 2007-Jun Monsters who shouldn't will attack the Wizard to get the Amulet. See also SC343-19. Double Trouble, particularly. See commit a7e312....
C343-317 Fixed 2007-Jul Bones data can contain odd characters from player's dogname, catname, or fruit options; this can cause odd terminal-dependent behavior. NetHack fails to sanitise characters taken from options. #H620, see commit f84751....
C343-318 fixed 2007-Jul Opening or closing the castle drawbridge using music takes no time. See commit 382bbf....
C343-319 Fixed 2007-Jul Grid bugs can be forced to move diagonally, e. g. by displacing a tame one. See commits 1a9c99... and 9b1f08....
C343-320 Fixed 2007-Jul Reading scroll of mail break illiterate conduct. #H894, see commit e58458..., but actually the NAO fix might be preferable, since the mail option is really only relevant for server play anyway.
C343-321 Fixed 2007-Jul Hero and monsters can walk through a long worm's tail diagonally. See commit ce0184....
C343-322 Fixed 2007-Jul Forced attack on a boulder says "you attack thin air." #Q397, see commits f17e97... and 83bb85.... Also for walls and doors, see commit aac603....
C343-323 Fixed 2007-Jul Objects dropped as a monster dies don't interact properly with the environment. See also #362. Over water, see commit 16ad2b....
C343-324 fixed 2007-Aug Bilious #332 Cutting a long worm in two will crash the game if the cut takes the worm to 1 HP or if long worms had become extinct. See commit 03eb70....
C343-325 Fixed 2007-Aug Hole in ice may be described as a "moat." #H1232, see commits 4c83db... and 4e8bf1....
C343-326 Fixed 2007-Aug Open and close commands may give inappropriate feedback near a drawbridge. See commit 1c545e....
C343-327 fixed 2007-Aug Message "suddenly you cannot see the" monster can be displayed when the monster remains visible for some reason. See commit 557650....
C343-328 Fixed 2007-Sep Messages when opening a tin may imply implausible timing. See commit 6bf7c5....
C343-329 fixed 2007-Sep A just-dead monster may still claim to be fleeing. #H1371, see commit 86fccb....
C343-330 Fixed 2007-Sep Wrong message may be delivered when seeing a pet eating. See commit 47c9aa....
C343-331 Open 2007-Sep Sleeping monster reacts to a mirror.
C343-332 Fixed 2007-Sep The message given when multiple potions of acid explode refers to a single potion. Refers to stacks of acid exploding when you go for a swim. See commit eca287....
C343-333 fixed 2007-Sep Vault guard asks hero's name while hero is engulfed. #H1378, see commit 01f954....
C343-334 Fixed 2007-Sep Defining GOLDOBJ drops a slot from the inventory. See commit 2ad3af....
C343-335 fixed 2007-Nov Cloak of invisibility and blindness do not interact reasonably. See commit bdb093....
C343-336 Fixed 2007-Nov A shapechanger starting out in changed form gets incorrect inventory items. They get items appropriate for their polymorphed form. See commit 408a36....
C343-337 Fixed 2007-Nov It's possible to create an object of 0 gold pieces. You have to drop 4294967296 (MAXUINT+1) gold. Doing that twice crashes the game. Fixed on NAO. See commits 7c8603..., c06c7b..., and 53d22b....
C343-338 Fixed 2007-Nov Wizard-mode command sanity_check misses nested containers and migrating monsters. #H1419, see commit 44a7f8....
C343-339 Fixed 2007-Nov Screen and time are not always updated properly when opening or closing doors while blind. See commits 44c167... and 97c2f8....
C343-340 Fixed 2007-Dec Secret door detection does not interact properly with features of the Planes of Water and Air. The next version promises to make wands of secret door detection find portals even behind clouds (but not update the screen). See commit e2eba2....
C343-341 Open 2007-Dec In minetown, it's possible to teleport into a room that requires digging to escape from.
C343-342 Fixed 2007-Dec Potion thrown by monster which hits long worm's tail says it hit its tail. See commit faa354....
C343-343 Fixed 2008-Feb GruntHack Helm of Opposite alignment gives incorrect piety level. Currently, you retain your alignment record, e. g. it is possible to gain alignment for robbing a shop while chaotic and calming the shopkeeper while lawful. #1586, see commit 3d1772....
C343-344 fixed 2008-Feb NetHack thinks jellyfish have heads. #H1406, see commit 28a6a8....
C343-345 fixed 2008-Feb GruntHack Attempting to remove cursed lenses gives a message with poor grammar. See commits fb043c... and 5c41d7... for groundwork; see commit 89a866... for the actual fix.
C343-346 Fixed 2008-Feb Attempting to put on some items when the item is already wielded or quivered and failing for a variety of reasons gives a message with poor grammar. Might possibly be related to commit d8a45a....
C343-347 Fixed 2008-Feb Picking up and wearing an unknown ring while blind sometimes gives out too much information. RGRN discussion See commit d8a45a....
C343-348 Fixed 2008-Feb Exercise before polymorph may affect polymorphed character. See commit d3b9d2....

For the opposite case, see also commit b99f8a....

C343-349 Fixed 2008-Mar An identify scroll is wasted if space is typed and steps off the end of the inventory list. See commit da172c....
C343-350 Fixed 2008-Mar Eels don't hide when they are supposed to. See commit e8624a....
C343-351 fixed 2008-Mar GruntHack Alchemy-caused explosions don't wake nearby monsters. #M57, see commit a023e8....
C343-352 fixed 2008-Mar Secret doors in lit walls don't always display properly. See commit 6e07a2....
C343-353 Fixed 2008-Apr Aborting key or lock pick with escape uses a turn. See commit 2d1eb2....
C343-354 Fixed 2008-Apr Probing while engulfed ignores the fact that the hero is in the monster. #H43, see commits b6b522..., 17f639..., 9f2322....
C343-355 fixed 2008-May GruntHack Archeologists start out at basic skill level in sling. This is a side effect of their touchstone, which is considered sling ammunition. See commit d5ca34....
C343-356 Fixed 2008-Jun Wearing an amulet of restful sleep confuses internal sleep state bookkeeping. Perhaps related is the fact you can cure instrinsic restful sleep (from eating the amulet) by putting on and removing an amulet of restful sleep. #H1662, see commits 9dce52... and 6a259a....
C343-357 fixed 2008-Jul Rust monsters may chew non-ferrous items.
C343-358 Fixed 2008-Aug If no co-aligned artifacts are available for gifting when required, gifting fails repeatedly. For example, this can mean trouble for elven priests who have named Sting and Orcrist in hopes of getting Stormbringer as their first sacrifice gift. See commit e053cb....
C343-359 fixed 2008-Aug Setting the fruit name fails if the new name is already known but happens to be not at the end of an internal list. See commits 60b7b2..., 35493a..., and 22a034.... See also commit 5d690a... for singular/plural issues.
C343-360 fixed 2008-Nov A monster wearing a suit can still put on a shirt. But they (correctly) have to take off cloaks first. See commit 1179bb....
C343-361 Fixed 2008-Nov The message "you feel shuddering vibrations" does not always get displayed when it should. See commit 687066....
C343-362 Fixed 2008-Nov Objects dropped during polymorph may be incorrectly polymorphed. See commit b0478e....
C343-363 Fixed 2008-Nov The case of monsters eating green slime corpses is not handled correctly. See commit bb5820.... See also commit 2aa7cb... for anti-stoning properties.
C343-364 Fixed 2008-Nov If player's hand slips while naming an object, 'z' is never picked as the new letter. Naming artifacts? See commit 83eb72....
C343-365 Fixed 2008-Nov Hero may remove armor for nymph or succubus while asleep. #H1743, see commit fd7997....
C343-366 Fixed 2008-Dec Concealed mimic not always revealed when it should be. A stethoscope will appraise but not uncloak a mimic. See also #SC343-17. #H1749, see commit 2cbc40.... See also commit 0def69....
C343-367 Fixed 2008-Dec Fainting with a wielded cockatrice corpse doesn't behave as expected. #H1733, see commit 655a34....
C343-368 Fixed 2009-Jan Blinded hero knows too much about a monster summoning insects. #H1755, see commit 4b1116....
C343-369 fixed 2009-Jan Mounted hero on life-saved steed gets repeated warning messages until hero dismounts. See commit 624df6....
C343-370 Open 2009-Jan Travel (_) command can get stuck trying to plot a path past an interesting dungeon feature, for example, a trap or fountain. Possibly related bug
C343-371 Fixed 2009-Jan Stethoscopes can sometimes be used more often than intended. If you save and resume, you can use it again for free. On an aside, saving and restoring loses the movement points you gain from speed, and makes your exercise prior to the save worth less.
C343-372 Fixed 2009-Jan A fatal explosion can give the player messages in the wrong order if carried items are destroyed. See commit 8c90e9....
C343-373 Fixed 2009-Feb Shopkeepers can polymorph into forms that don't let them do their jobs. A blue jelly shopkeeper will buy and sell, but it won't move to block or unblock the door. #H1798. There are multiple facets to this. See commits 1c6642... (ability to talk) and 1a6289... (limbs).
C343-374 Fixed 2009-Feb When polymorphed into a grid bug, attempting to move in an illegal direction is handled ungracefully. See commit 414e83....
C343-375 Fixed 2009-Feb A mimic posing as a statue is not handled properly. See commit 71219b....
C343-376 fixed 2009-Feb When trying to move down, Hero can be levitating and stuck in the floor at the same time. #H1803, see commit 84ca17.... See also commit 817976....
C343-377 Fixed 2009-Feb Hero hidden from monster is still treated as a normal target for range attack. #H1812, see commit dc8d28....
C343-378 Fixed 2009-Feb Hero hiding as a small mimic can end up stuck to a monster after returning to human form. See commit 121b9e....
C343-379 Fixed 2009-Apr Spelling errors "sprit" and "truely" in quest text. #H1810, see commit ce89e6....
C343-380 fixed 2009-Apr Mimics pretending to be doors show up on the Rogue level. See commit a2257e....
C343-381 Fixed 2009-Apr Attacking by applying a polearm doesn't scuff engraving under hero. #H1816, see commit e11c13.... Also grappling hooks.
C343-382 Fixed 2009-Apr Auto-wielding a polearm may take no time. Does this also apply to pick-axes when you start digging? See commit e11c13....
C343-383 Fixed 2009-Apr GruntHack Applying a bullwhip while hero is at edge of map may cause a panic or crash. See commits e11c13... and b71b3e....
C343-384 fixed 2009-May Cutting a level 0 long worm in half may lead to a worm with 0 HP, which may cause a crash. Fixed on NAO. #H1826, see commit 077606....
C343-385 Fixed 2009-May D command doesn't handle u choice correctly if only unpaid items are inside containers. See commit 1ab038....
C343-386 Fixed 2009-May Pearl rings can rust. See commit 80322e....
C343-387 Fixed 2009-May T-shirts can be read when covered. See commit 35d9a7....
C343-388 Fixed 2009-Jul Spell damage and low intelligence interact incorrectly. See commit 2dfe3f....
C343-389 Fixed 2009-Jul Dragon breath and certain other effects hitting a hidden secret door does not damage it. See commit 8f3c74....
C343-390 Fixed 2009-Jul Breaking a wand which may zap but not damage a door gives an odd message. See commits 71ed47... and 8f3c74....
C343-391 fixed 2009-Jul Hero polymorphed into a mimic with #monster and hiding as an object does not unhide when polymorphing into a non-mimic. The same applies to pet mimics whistled over a polytrap. See commit ad1dec....
C343-392 Fixed 2009-Aug A stunned monster may both walk away from the hero and keep holding him. See commit aeecad....
C343-393 Fixed 2009-Aug The messages produced when throwing a poisoned weapon which loses its poison are in a confusing order. #H1911, see commit e67342....
C343-394 fixed 2009-Aug Bilious #340 Throwing a potion of acid into water may panic the game. "may" == "will". Related to C343-19, -179 and -268.
C343-395 Not a bug 2009-Aug Spelling errors at the genocide prompt may have unintended consequences. Specifically, genociding "master mindflayer" as a monk is fatal. Status notwithstanding, see commit fe5d79...
C343-396 Fixed 2009-Sep Shopkeeper does not charge hero for an unsold boulder that is destroyed with a pick-axe.
C343-397 fixed 2009-Sep A badly formed message may be produced if a pick-axe is applied to a boulder and the boulder is removed by a monster. #H1996, see commit e450ca....
C343-398 fixed 2009-Sep The game may crash if a wielded potion of polymorph is drunk. #H2010, wielded. See commit 1ad1e0....
C343-399 fixed 2010-Apr Messages referring to a named vault guard have grammatical errors. #H2081, see commit 0c0d68....
C343-400 Fixed 2010-Jul Wearing a cloak of displacement identifies it even if hero can't see. #H2150, see commit 8aecc6....
C343-401 Fixed 2010-Jul Wearing an elven cloak identifies it even if hero is already stealthy. See commit 8aecc6....
C343-402 Fixed 2010-Jul Putting on a ring of stealth never identifies it. A workaround is to check if putting on elven boots gives a message. See commit 8aecc6....
C343-403 Fixed 2010-Aug Hero can write a scroll not sufficiently identified. You can write any scroll you have named, even if you don't know the "scroll called FOOBIE NO IDEA" is the scroll you are trying to write. (original report) #H2161, see commit fefeda....

Also #H2059, see commit 403dd4....

C343-404 Fixed 2010-Aug Writing a scroll can give a badly phrased message if the scroll is known by its appearance. See commit fefeda....
C343-405 Fixed 2010-Sep Some quest artifacts are too easily affected by stone-to-flesh. The Heart of Ahriman See commit b0a70e....
C343-406 Fixed 2011-Jan UnNetHackPlus One of the coyote names is spelled wrong. Nemesis ridiculii (from Soup or Sonic) is misspelled as Nemesis riduclii. #H2198, see commits 1ee750..., 43348e..., and cfe263....
C343-407 Fixed 2011-Jan If reading an unknown scroll of teleport puts the hero on another scroll of teleport, the second one is still treated as unknown. #H2195, see commits 6c3bfd..., and 0c1b96..., and 914277....
C343-408 Fixed 2011-Feb Being killed by a monster with a long name can send the game into an infinite loop. #H2162, see commit 8047d6....
C343-409 Fixed 2011-Feb GruntHack Unlocking a mimic pretending to be a door is not handled properly. (original report) #H2210, see commit 1dcaa1....
C343-410 Fixed 2011-Mar Using an unlocking tool on a boulder that's really a mimic and located in a doorway is not handled properly. #H2154, see commits e379b2... and 3b6c59....
C343-411 Fixed 2011-Mar A purple worm can end up in wall or rock when swallowing a ghost or xorn. See commit 72ca74....
C343-412 Fixed 2011-Mar Unpaid shop items stolen from hero remain on hero's bill. See commit 3e28b6....
C343-413 Fixed 2011-Mar While blind, some actions resulting in "Wait! That's a monster!" for a mimic posing as a door do not update the display correctly. See commit 5632b4....
C343-414 Fixed 2011-Mar #untrap of a known trap location with a concealed mimic gives correct message but does not update the display. See commit 5632b4....
C343-415 Fixed 2011-Mar Mail daemons can be created when populating special levels with demons. Vlad's Tower is such a place. See commits 9e7df5... and 95f5e0....
C343-416 Fixed 2011-Mar Being disintegrated by divine wrath gives an inappropriate message. #H2200, see commit df9e4b....
C343-417 Fixed 2011-Mar Polymorphing into a human form may give a message with the wrong gender. See commit cc7d1f....
C343-418 fixed 2011-Aug Weight of non-cursed bag of holding is sometimes off by one. Possibly, this refers to multiple stacks of gold in any bag: two stacks of $49 weigh 0, but one stack of $98 weighs 1. This might relate to shop-owned versus hero-owned gold. #2236, see commit 3e44a5....
C343-419 fixed 2011-Aug With option number_pad set to 2, M + 5 (or Alt + 5 or Shift + Keypad5) does not work as the G movement prefix. #2251, see commit 3148c1....
C343-420 Fixed 2011-Aug Kops may not be dismissed if the shopkeeper changes levels. You might want to pacify the shopkeeper on his home level. If necessary, steal a gold piece and pay him off again. #2253, see commit 8df1e4....
C343-421 fixed 2011-Aug Object teleport in and around the Wizard's Tower doesn't work as intended. (original report) #2142, see commit cc03c1....
C343-422 Fixed 2011-Aug There are inconsistencies in damage applied to objects when encountering lava in different ways. See commit 9cad30.... See also commit 6c7c8e....
C343-423 Fixed 2011-Aug Under some circumstances player can tell if bones file is created. "Your body rises from the dead as <monster>..." if killed by a slime/W/V/M. #H2259, see commit 4151ab....
C343-424 fixed 2011-Aug Unlit candelabrum becomes unlightable if candles have exactly one turn of fuel left and it was applied in the wrong location. #2276, see commit b16fa5....
C343-425 fixed 2011-Sep If a steed's legs are wounded while being ridden and the hero dismounts before the legs heal, the hero's dexterity will stay reduced. (original report) #2382, see commit edaa94....
C343-426 Fixed 2011-Sep A polymorphed hero hiding on the ceiling may be forced to drop to an inappropriate position. (original report) #H2384, see commit 8d5a04....
C343-427 Fixed 2011-Sep Inappropriate message claiming a paralyzed monster "turns to flee" may appear. #H2397, see commit 8f07e5....
C343-428 Fixed 2011-Sep Statues in a cockatrice nest are wrong type if the score file is empty. (original report) #H2428, see commit 4aaf41....
C343-429 fixed 2011-Sep When using a display that scrolls the map, teleporting hero may display off the map momentarily. See commit c7a867....
C343-430 Fixed 2011-Nov It's too easy to open tins. Polyself. See commit 1e6506....
C343-431 Fixed 2011-Nov Killing a vault guard results in a message about "dropping minvent." See commit bd172e....
C343-432 Fixed 2011-Nov In a vault corridor: some traps could be left lying around. See commit 30b3e5....
C343-433 Fixed 2011-Nov In a vault corridor: you can end up with lighted rock. See commit 30b3e5....
C343-434 Fixed 2011-Nov In a vault corridor: when blind, you can be stuck and not be told why. See commit 30b3e5....
C343-435 Fixed 2011-Nov In a vault corridor: various kinds of problems may result from having an iron ball. See commit 30b3e5....
C343-436 Fixed 2011-Nov Hero can levitate and fly where it makes no sense. #2242 (underwater) and #2292 (phasing). See commits f48de2..., 282f8e..., and 98cb2e....
C343-437 Fixed 2011-Nov Gremlins sometimes don't respond properly to light. #2495, see commit 897d52....
C343-438 fixed 2011-Nov Typo "gold piecess" may occur when selling items in a container. See commit 3337f0....
C343-439 fixed 2011-Dec Running NetHack in a terminal window with more than 255 rows or columns produces display errors. #H2488, see commit eef41b....
C343-440 Fixed 2011-Dec If the game panics with the hero underwater, the hero may be restored on top of the water. See commits e072eb... and e055b2....
C343-441 Fixed 2012-Jan Autosearching while blind doesn't update the map when it should. See commit fdf037....
C343-442 Fixed - Drain life shouldn't override drain resistance of objects.

Spoiler core bugs

Name Status Patch Description Additional info
SC342-3 Fixed 2004-Jan Hangup can be used to cheat. If you are slowly turning to stone and trigger a hangup after you are already immobile, you will be granted one action on restoring. The turning to stone thing may be unrelated; this bug may actually be about object destruction, see commits baff3b... and especially 83b73b.... Also see commits 35d9a7..., 47dad8..., and f46886....
SC343-1 Fixed 2004-Jan Monsters that can't blow can still use a whistle. You can also use whistle with active amulet of strangulation See commits 661f91... and 6f0fb3... and possibly also 89022d...
SC343-2 fixed 2004-Jun If you are poison resistant, potions of sickness can only kill you if they are blessed. See commit 93cdf2...
SC343-3 fixed 2004-Aug Water walking boots are not handled properly on lava. U1079, see commits c91ac3... and maybe 83b73b... and also aa9809... (this last one is more general than the boots). See also baff3b... for the panic.
SC343-4 Fixed 2004-Oct Reviving corpses or reanimating statues in a shop does not get charged correctly. #U782, see commit eaae10...

Also applies to broken statues and boulders, see fe10f9...

SC343-5 fixed 2004-Nov Breaking container contents in a shop doesn't always charge for them. #U1202, see commits 6336db... and 5d25ed...
SC343-6 fixed 2004-Nov Stealing a stack of items from a shop sometimes results in only being charged for one. See commit 6336db...
SC343-7 fixed 2005-Mar Zapping an unknown wand while blind sometimes gives out too much information. May be related to commits dfb1a4... and 822579...
SC343-8 fixed 2005-May Re-animating a statue containing gold produces too much gold. Works on former pets, shopkeepers, and other "special" statues. See the TAS writeup. See commits 0f13d5... and 35a35d... and the somewhat more interesting 046714...
SC343-9 Fixed 2005-Oct Medusa corpse from a level file behaves incorrectly. See commits 8f8538... and 213e3e...
SC343-10 Fixed 2005-Sep Player can raise HP and Pw by dancing with vampires. This is the infamous polyself bug. See commit 25a9c0...
SC343-11 fixed 2006-Jan Bilious #337 It's possible to easily find the identity of a high priest on the Astral plane. This is the infamous Astral call bug. #H4, see commit a43a3a... for astral call proper. See commit 9abdff... for wand of probing and other related cases.
SC343-12 fixed 2006-Feb Bilious #337 Hero using telepathy can abuse Call on the Astral Plane.
SC343-13 Open 2006-Apr While blind and levitating, too much information may be presented. Does this refer to messages about monsters scared by an Elbereth engraving? Or typing > to identify the stairs? Or to the ability to identify ground types (ice, floor, altar, grave, etc.) when hovering over them? See commit cc31b2....
SC343-14 Fixed 2006-Aug Shopkeepers and priests may be teleported out of their shop or temple too easily. See commit c91c9a....
SC343-15 Fixed 2006-Oct Nurses are not stoned by hero polymorphed into cockatrice. #U856, see commit 365440....
SC343-16 fixed 2007-Feb Gelatinous cubes can engulf Rider corpses. #Q417, see commit 0b9510....
SC343-17 Fixed 2007-Mar Stethoscope may unhide hidden mimic. #H254, see commits b8a51d... and 0def69....
SC343-18 fixed 2007-Mar Escaping from lava can leave hero outside of time. Refers to some general timing issues with when lava checks are run (e.g. removing fire resistance sources in lava does not instakill the player). #H260, see commits d302e6... and especially cba99b..., plus commit 7a0842....
SC343-19 fixed 2007-Sep Monsters seeking the Amulet attack temple priests to get it. See commit 9df113....
SC343-20 fixed 2007-Nov Hangup save while picking up gold in a shop may duplicate the gold. See commit 645461....
SC343-21 fixed 2007-Dec Accounting is incorrect for containers dropped in a shop that does not sell them.
SC343-22 Fixed - The travel command allows grid bugs to move one step diagonally.

Windows-only bugs

Name Status Patch Description Additional info
W341-13 Fixed 2004-Jan "Lock Windows" menu item has wrong checkmark at startup
W341-14 Fixed 2004-Jan Message window does not update properly if resized.
W342-6 Not a bug 2004-Jan Checkboxes are drawn wrong.
W343-1 fixed 2006-May Redirecting score output through a pipe doesn't work. See commit 3e2f7f....
W343-2 Not a bug 2004-Jan Windows 98 is unable to load tiles that are too large. This is an OS issue.
W343-3 fixed 2006-Sep Bilious #313 Under the Polish version of Windows 2000 SP4, screen output with a raster font shows wrong characters for many dungeon features. See commits ea80f6..., 94b66d..., and commit 54abb4...; probably also relies on 253bf3... and all the intervening follow-up Unicode SYMSET stuff.
W343-4 fixed 2004-Feb Bilious #313 Keyboard may stop responding after locking or unlocking a door when using altkeyhandler=nhraykey.dll
W343-5 Fixed 2005-Jan Error messages early in the game startup sequence may flash by unreadably. See commit 7b83a7...
W343-6 Fixed 2006-May Attempting to start NetHack from within a zip utility doesn't work (this is not a bug) and gives a misleading error message panic Cannot open dungeon description - "dungeon" (this is the bug). Go back to the installation instructions and finish the install. See commit 1a0134....
W343-7 Open - Using both nethack.exe and nethackW.exe can cause nethackW.exe to display the top scores list in a series of windows.

X11-only bugs

Name Status Description
X343-1 fixed 2004-Oct The scrollbar for a text window may be missing when needed. See commits 4c9d16... and a6bff5...
X343-2 fixed 2005-Mar use_inverse is broken in tty mode.
X343-3 fixed - Sanity check for mouse position after window resize is wrong.

Linux-only bugs

Name Status Description
L343-1 fixed - Window resize is not supported by default.

Macintosh-only bugs

Name Status Patch Description Additional info
M343-1 fixed 2004-Aug DevTeam Release code does not build under Carbon. This patch does not apply cleanly. Possibly related commits include a744b6... 3b2efa...

f4322a... e0c659... b7a43f...

M343-2 Open 2004-Sep nethack-343-mac-term.pkg.sit only: "No write permission to lock perm!" error. Only happens on clean installs of 10.3.x (not upgraded systems). (See M343-3 for 10.4.) Maybe see commits 0c8e8b... and/or d5ea21...
M343-3 Open 2005-Jun nethack-343-mac-term.pkg.sit only: "No write permission to lock perm!" error. Only happens on 10.4 (See M343-2 for 10.3.) Not sure, maybe one of the following: d8d88f... 168651... ac308b... eab697... 274049... 284653...
M343-4 Open - In the Qt port, Command + Z crashes the game and prevents it from restarting.

Qt-only bugs

Name Status Description
Q341-1 Fixed 2004-Jan Randomly generating characters doesn't always follow user requests.
Q341-3 Open 2004-Jan [Mac only] q and / keys send additional characters when pressed.
Q343-1 Open 2004-Jan Explore or debug mode only: ctrl + x doesn't show the intrinsics screen.
Q343-2 fixed - Saved games are not found if the game is built with the prefix option.

Windows-CE-only bugs

Name Status Description
CE343-1 Not a bug 2006-Jan Attempting to load an alternative tile set fails.
CE343-2 fixed 2009-Nov Help text windows close immediately. See commit 142f13....
CE343-3 fixed 2009-Nov Action button points to wrong screen location. See commit 142f13....
CE343-4 fixed 2009-Nov pocketpc: menu window closes if scrolled off top or bottom See commit 142f13....
CE343-5 fixed 2009-Nov Input is translated when command helper is hidden. See commit 142f13....
CE343-6 fixed - Text window does not scroll left on left arrow.

Build-from-source bugs

Name Status Description
S343-1 Open 2004-Jan gnome port refers to file t32-1024.xpm for large tiles that doesn't exist
S343-2 fixed 2006-Jan 1x1 room in special level can trigger panic due to off by one error (does not affect official room set) #H30, see commit e2dd0a...
S343-3 fixed 2006-Jul makedefs may fail to compile if sizeof(time_t) != sizeof(long) See commits 699330..., 90f640..., 9c79bb..., d611cd..., 98a091..., dafb1c..., maybe

65e12e..., and possibly 003aea..., 999424..., 00768f..., and e9a6ed....

S343-4 fixed 2006-Jul NetHack does not compile under Microsoft VC2005. See commits d09c37..., 174b98..., 6adc73..., 7394b0..., 96c616..., e822fc..., 57e65a..., eef9a5..., cf9f8d..., 557f94....
S343-5 fixed 2007-Feb The prototype and definition for finish_map don't match properly. See commit c937cc....
S343-6 fixed 2007-Mar Game does not compile under FreeBSD 6.1. #H264, see commit 57d55b....
S343-7 fixed 2007-Nov DLB doesn't work under VMS if a file used by NetHack and without a dot in its name matches a VMS logical name. #H1409, see commits a675cc... and 96247e....
S343-8 fixed 2007-Dec NetHack does not compile under Microsoft VS2008 Express Edition.
S343-9 fixed 2007-Dec If time_t changes from 32- to 64-bits due to (e.g.) compiler upgrades, save files will not be compatible between old and new builds. See commits d430db... and 67d5fb....
S343-10 fixed 2007-Dec Windows 64-bit mode compile produces warnings in random.c. See commit 9c3f6f....
S343-11 fixed 2007-Dec Smartphone keyboard does not work. (Possible reference to: The XDA Cosmo aka HTC S620 is a Windows Mobile smartphone with a keyboard, yet Nethack insists on mapping every command to the twelve keys 0-9*#.) See commit cdb194....
S343-12 Fixed - Game may fail to compile or give warnings if sizeof(char *) != sizeof(int).

Bugs not mentioned on the DevTeam's website

Name Patch Description
C343-204 NM343-1 The hero can teleport on a non-teleport level: Get engulfed by a tame engulfer using conflict, end conflict, apply a magic whistle.
NM343-2 The boulder from a rolling boulder trap can be generated on top of a lava pool. [3]
NM343-3 It is impossible to paste (e. g. "ElberethElbereth") into the windows tiles build. This works on OS X, however.
NM343-4 The game sometimes behaves as if a series of spurious non-attacking movement commands were typed after #looting a container.
NM343-5 Confused #looting a throne does not destroy it.
NM343-6 The "hilite_pet" option does not work on monsters only seen due to the monster detection spell.
C343-391 ? NM343-7 Polymorphing a cloaked pet mimic (by whistling it onto a polytrap) does not unhide it, even if it turns into a non-mimic.
NM343-8 You can reliably trigger clairvoyance (donation, cornuthaum, Amulet) by far-looking ; or wall-walking on turns divisible by 15 until your surroundings are mapped.
NM343-9 Killing a monster with a rolling boulder trap breaks pacifist conduct if and only if the trap was not known.
NM343-10 "L" (Leon Arnott) You can't bribe the watch. It's debatable if this qualifies as a bug.
UNL343-080 and UNL343-081 Jabberwocks can wield things and hit monsters with them, but monsters will not get petrified, take silver damage, etc. (Report)
NM343-12 Declining to attack a peaceful monster still burns nutrition without using up the turn.
NM343-13 Declining to kick a peaceful monster still uses up a turn and wakes nearby monsters.
NM343-14 Turns do not alternate correctly if the player has 24 movement energy exactly, and a monster has at least 24 movement energy. (Report)
NM343-15 Having multi-turn armor stolen by a nymph or monkey while you're putting on a helm of brilliance or gauntlets of dexterity can leave your current and maximum stats permanently affected.
NM343-16 Lifesaving during slow engraving causes the engraving to appear on the ground before it should be completed, but (even if an Elbereth) not be effective at scaring monsters until it would have been completed. (rgrn post) Teleportitis while engraving has a similar effect: at the new location, you still work on the engraving on the old spot.
NM343-17 GruntHack Prayer does not protect from stinking cloud. (rgrn post by Grunt)
C343-60 While using #twoweapon, if slippery fingers cause both weapons to slip from your hands, on the same turn, the messages can seem rather odd. (rgrn post)
NM343-19 Praying[4] or fainting[5] resets the "sound" option to true.
NM343-20 Freshly slain corpses stack inconsistently: Say there is a stale stack of corpses on your altar. A way of making the fresh corpses created not get 'oldified' by the existing stale stack is to blind yourself when killing the new puddings; somehow this causes the newly generated corpses to be in a different stack.
NM343-21 Moving with the m or HJ... commands into a warning symbol attacks (and stones you if applicable) if and only if it does not cover up an I known from previous searching or movement. (see also: m, todo: document at cockatrice, warning, stethoscope.) Things are even more complicated if you are blind, or if there are invisible monsters you can't see.

Testing a blind player with a peaceful shopkeeper: If you apply a stethoscope and it says Akalapi is there, and then "you move into it", without "Pardon me, Alikapi.", and he doesn't get angry.

NM343-22 If you rename the statue or corpse of a unique monster, then reanimate/revive it, the unique monster will keep its new name permanently (and also gain a "the" prefix if its actual name has one).
UNL343-035 Wielding or alternate-wielding or quivering a potion of blindness will make you resist blindness from yellow lights and archons. (report)
NM343-24 If the player dies and is lifesaved, then the game will leave them helpless until the next turn, except if they were repeating a command using a numerical prefix and at least one more repeat is left, in which case they are not left helpless and (if they died while performing the action, rather than on a monster turn) the movement energy used to perform the action is refunded.
NM343-25 Picking up gold doesn't honor the setting of pickup_burden if the game is compiled without GOLD_OBJ (no prompt when the encumbrance level is exceeded).
NM343-26 Demon gating produces somewhat more incubi than succubi, especially on lower dungeon levels. Cause: Makemon.c#line1352. (User:Ilmari Karonen computed exact number some time ago.)
NM343-27 A SUBROOM with random size and location is always generated at the top or left edge of the parent ROOM.
NM343-28 Fix from Pat Rankin impossible() can mangle the parameter values.
NM343-29 Jumping into portals with an item immediately before the portal prints messages out of order, and also autopickups the item (despite jumping over items not normally picking them up). (report)
NM343-30 The travel command gets interrupted by engravings, even by dust engravings while blind. In every other respect, the game behaves as if you cannot feel the dust engraving while blind. (first observed by JoveHack)
UNL343-051 UnNetHackPlus (note preceding refactoring Statues/figurines of golems hit with stone-to-flesh spell are supposed to turn into flesh golems, not meatballs.
NM343-32 A player vampire lord who is wearing water walking boots and polymorphs into a non-flying form, will wet his stuff despite wearing water walking boots. A potion of levitation prevents this. (original report, source pointer, see also C343-193)
NM343-33 UnNetHackPlus Stethoscope reports unaligned monsters as chaotic
NM343-34 UnNetHackPlus Missing foo_on/foo_off calls for objects with strange delay values (this bug was not detectable by players, but after adding special effects for wearing affected armor [for example: fedora] code was not working properly)
NM343-35 UnNetHackPlus Color of mithril objects is wrong
NM343-36 UnNetHackPlus Four shopkeeper names disappeared in NetHack 2.2a (report).
NM343-37 UnNetHackPlus Player polymorphed into gremlin may multiply on fountain during levitation.
C343-217 some testing: I threw 13 daggers at a fog cloud from inside; on the 13th dagger, "You destroy the fog cloud! You see here 12 blessed +0 daggers." but after that there were 13 daggers (as confirmed by the : command, too). So at least the message is wrong, even if the dagger isn't really lost.
NM343-39 Wands of teleportation do not auto-identify when you zap yourself.
NM343-40 Corpse stacking ignores age. Easy to test with sacrificing - produce lizard corpse, drop on altar, wait till it is too old for sacrificing, produce new lizard corpse, drop it on altar. Corpses will stack and both will be too old for sacrifice. Now produce next lizard corpse and sacrifice it to confirm that "Nothing happens" is caused by old age of offered corpse.
NM343-41 Pick up unpaid oil potion in shop, lit it, pay Fuel Tax, drop and sell it for more than you lost on Fuel Tax
NM343-42 Attacking with polearm and dealing no damage will not violate conduct - see Apply.c#line2421 in use_pole function.
NM343-43 NitroHack by tung fleeing monsters getting stuck in corridors
NM343-44 Bilious #165 Two bugs relating to items vanishing from cursed bags of holding. 1) It doesn't use up a turn. 2) If it causes you to become unencumbered, the message saying so doesn't come until the following turn.
NM343-45 When a tileset other than the official tileset is used (which can be accomplished even in apparently secure setups), it's possible to distinguish between items with the same unidentified appearance (such as gems, bags, or musical instruments), or to tell the real Amulet of Yendor apart from imitations). (Report)
NM343-46 Removing red dragon scale mail in lava has no negative effects, even if the player is not otherwise fire resistant. (Report)
NM343-47 Teleporting onto a sink while equipping levitation boots (e.g. due to a quantum mechanic attack) crashes the game. (Report)
NM343-48 Patch (Although this is the dnethack github repository, this is a general patch) If you dig downwards on a grave, you may dig up a corpse or a zombie, and may be punished with an alignment penalty. If you zap a wand of digging downwards on a hard-floored level, the same thing happens. But if you BREAK the wand of digging instead, it just creates pits.
NM343-49 Reading a non-blessed scroll of amnesia is meant to forget at least one spell, and possibly all; instead it forgets exactly one spell.(Report)

Unlisted Bugs Addressed by the Dev Team

Name Status Description Notes
UNL343-001 Unlisted Flying hero cannot easily get out of a pit. See commit c90746....
UNL343-002 Unlisted Exploding bag of holding can leave stale pointers in its wake. Fixed but apparently never listed, see commits 8414b5... and 786b81... and 013737... and 556b64...
UNL343-003 Unlisted Killing a monster with a potion of invisibility can cause out-of-order messages. See commit 361e02....
UNL343-004 Unlisted Objects dipped in acid do not erode when they should. See commit 7cb4b9....
UNL343-005 Unlisted Confirmation for entering Gehennom can appear out of sequence if the hero has levelported down before using the Valley stairs See commit 7364f7....
UNL343-006 Unlisted Pets with keys get the wrong flag set and so do not use them, and related bugs. Fixed but apparently never listed, see commits c1393e... and 74f08d...
UNL343-007 Unlisted Grammar: "thy" is sometimes used before words starting with a vowel; it should be "thine" See commit 940a70....
UNL343-008 Unlisted Player can informally determine the (type) identity of certain items without using resources or even turns. Fixed but apparently never listed, see commits d5be1f..., c2e8fb..., bcb9d3..., and e181ef....
UNL343-009 Unlisted Burried or carried chests may miss out on magical trap detection. See commit bdf85b....
UNL343-010 Unlisted Certain objects can be destroyed more than once in lava, causing a panic Fixed but apparently never listed, see commit baff3b...
UNL343-011 Unlisted Messages about not being able to reach as an unskilled rider may be poorly worded in some cases. Fixed but apparently never listed, see commit 4327fc...
UNL343-012 Unlisted Poorly worded message can occur as a result of human sacrifice when you cannot see invisible. Fixed but apparently never listed, see commit bd3a54...
UNL343-013 Unlisted Uncreated statues of stoning-resistant monsters can count against extinction limits. Fixed but apparently never listed, see commit aa77c6...
UNL343-014 Unlisted Level arrival messages can appear out of sequence. Can happen if player arrives via stairs while flying. This bug cannot be triggered in 3.4.3. See commit ff553c....
UNL343-015 Unlisted Falling into lava can cause inappropriate messages. You burn to a crips, even if you are e.g. a water elemental. See commit abb47e....
UNL343-016 Unlisted Stat differences between baby and adult long worms are incorrect. See commit 6bcfa8....
UNL343-017 Unlisted Message when fiding a hidden unnamed pet does not indicate its tameness. See commit a732a8....
UNL343-018 Unlisted Unidentified wands may give confusing messages about an object is on an open door. Rather arguable. See commit 354f42....
UNL343-019 Unlisted Some quest-related messages don't really make sense. See commit 031850....
UNL343-020 Unlisted Eating or polymorphing gold does not anger a vault guard; throwing the gold to him does. See commit ecb98e... for the eating part; see commit bd172e... for throwing.
UNL343-021 Unlisted Hero can tell how quietly he walks while levitating. See commit d21d3d...
UNL343-022 Unlisted A shopkeeper won't shake his head when he should. See commit d73657...
UNL343-023 Unlisted Attribute gain or loss may be reported when it does not occur, due to equipment. See commit bb8ec3...
UNL343-024 Unlisted Being drained while polymorphed can give misleading messages. See commit d25ede....
UNL343-025 Unlisted Objects that become wielded when applied do not respect the pushweapon option. See commit 9631e2....
UNL343-025 Unlisted When dragging a punishment ball, chain does not remain between player and ball. H216, see commit 7272de....
UNL343-026 Unlisted Bugles don't wake nearby creatures (except soldiers). #H143, see commit d04a0f....
UNL343-027 Unlisted In the tty and Amiga ports, long query prompts could cause panics. Reported by NAO. See commits 3dc979... and commit 054a74....
UNL343-028 Unlisted Shop queries can cause panics. See commits 931530... and 391171..., not sure if 93b378... may also be related.
UNL343-029 Unlisted Containers behave oddly in shops; contents are not always fully accounted for. See commits 43e22a..., 4e25ab..., 9d8f6f..., bbda81..., bc9f91..., 0a7c5d..., ef2085....
UNL343-030 Unlisted Objects generated via use of unpaid items are not always owned by the shop when they should be. See commit 1e0960....
UNL343-031 Unlisted Some shopkeeper messages were issued incorrectly, were excessively verbose, or failed to account for player characteristics. See commits 0a7c5d... and b5633d....
UNL343-032 Unlisted Deaths to cockatrices are sometimes reported incorrectly on tombstones and in bones. See commits 2fa9bd... and a29bf9....
UNL343-033 Unlisted If levitation times out when entering a trap, messages can seem to be duplicated if no monsters attack. See commit 6a0813....
UNL343-034 Unlisted Some monsters can be slimed or otherwise eliminated that should be immune. See commits dd4f4e... and f834fd.... For ghosts, see C343-81.
UNL343-035 Unlisted Hero can resist blinding in unexpected ways. Quivered potion of blindness, see commit 95729b....
UNL343-036 Unlisted Information can be leaked (in a minor way) when the game mentions an object you have not seen. See commit 593549....
UNL343-037 Unlisted Dipping worn items can cause results it should not. Cursed worn armor becomes not worn when polymorphed, see commit 8d86a8.... Related to C343-229.
UNL343-038 Unlisted Intended feedback was not given when sacrificing the Amulet on an ordinary altar. See commit 1505e3....
UNL343-039 Unlisted Technical problems can result if stacks merge when a monster dies while multi-firing. See commit 124040....
UNL343-040 Unlisted Activating a statue trap did not always result in an awake, hostile monster; also, statue traps count twice toward extinction. See commits f93b38... and 4b3b8b....
UNL343-041 Unlisted Monsters did not use ranged attacks in some situations where they should. Shooting past boulders, like the player can do. See commits f411d3... and 4f77e8....
UNL343-042 Unlisted The GOLDOBJ configuration is buggy. See commits 15122d... and 0bd89f....
UNL343-043 Unlisted Games can become unrecoverable if hangup occurs in certain situations; plus assorted other hangup-related issues. See commits f2d8a5..., 538b91..., and especially b01f1f... and 151dca..., plus 72abae..., 697ec9..., e93303..., fdbc2c..., 13b1aa..., 47f052..., dda816..., 0f0f71..., aa97ea..., c5450c....
UNL343-044 Unlisted Engraving with an unseen empty wand can cause freed memory to be accessed. See commit 5b88c6....
UNL343-045 Unlisted Command line options for game mode can be used in unintended ways. See commit 0ceebf....
UNL343-046 Unlisted Hero could lock or unlock doors when this should not be possible. See commit 2feff5....
UNL343-047 Unlisted Special sources of monster creation can cause out-of-sequence messages. See commit e2f1ec....
UNL343-048 Unlisted Artifacts whose base item is not type-identified are listed incorrectly in some cases. See commits e16a07... and 7a70ec....
UNL343-049 Unlisted Hero is not always subject to silver or bane damage when it would be appropriate. See commits 25527a..., 4fd36a..., and 98b755....
UNL343-050 Unlisted It is possible for the player to produce a large number of magic tools. See commit e91ff4....
UNL343-051 Unlisted Golem statues and figurines do not always revive as they should and in certain cases can cause a panic. See commit d8a0f7....
UNL343-052 Unlisted Monsters that can be generated with a boulder are too common in Sokoban. #H165, see a7c737....
UNL343-053 Unlisted Bear traps don't do any physical damage. See commit 0b05ca....
UNL343-054 Unlisted Zapping a wand of cold could cause ice to melt sooner. See commit 985c74....
UNL343-055 Unlisted Corpses rotting on ice use an incorrect formula. #H174, no actual effect in 3.4.3, because ROT_ICE_ADJUSTMENT is 2. See commit b90a81....
UNL343-056 Unlisted Players and monsters sometimes change gender inappropriately. Non-polymorph changing, e.g., lycanthropy. See commit 3c58c3....
UNL343-057 Unlisted Steed cannot be targetted by taming or charm monster while riding. See commit 7aaf58....
UNL343-058 Unlisted Taming and charm monster give inadequate feedback. #U1233, see commit 7aaf58....
UNL343-059 Unlisted Intelligent monsters are not smart enough to cure stoning or sliming when they could, and one method that should work for the player is not reliable. See commit 2aa7cb... for stoning. For sliming see commits 9870c9...k, c59d53..., 696eae..., 6d33ac..., b85b3d....
UNL343-060 Unlisted Monsters sometimes don't hide when they should. When the hero is away for a while. See commit 62a33d....
UNL343-061 Unlisted Removal of monsters and their inventory does not clear worn flags first. May not have visible symptoms in 3.4.3. See commit 172406...; see also commit 39533d....
UNL343-062 Unlisted Explosions may be handled strangely when the hero is engulfed. See commit 6aff1b....
UNL343-063 Unlisted Mirrors sometimes interact strangely with invisibility. See commit 5ca566....
UNL343-064 Unlisted Chance of a ridden steed counterattacking may be calculated incorrectly. See commit 61cd69....
UNL343-065 Unlisted The names of monster body parts are given incorrectly when the player is hallucinating. Bug report: when hero is hallucinating, mbodypart() references still describe the limbs/appendages/etc. of a monster's true form rather than of the type of monster which gets described to the player.
UNL343-066 Unlisted Enlightenment messages for some properties can be misleading, depending on other properties. See commit cac2dd....
UNL343-067 Unlisted Engulfing energy-drain attacks were not implemented, even though energy vortices are listed as having one. See commit d0a7d1....
UNL343-068 Unlisted Scales embedded in your skin are inconsistently reported. See commit 3425a1...
UNL343-069 Unlisted Potions thrown straight down while riding never hit your steed. See commit e6b2d5....
UNL343-070 Unlisted Certain objects interact incorrectly with blindness when they change appearance. See commits 403dd4..., 926964....
UNL343-071 Unlisted Dormant code contained an incorrect reference to bigroom. See commit 7ffa07....
UNL343-072 Unlisted Amnesia effects can be preemptively mitigated and/or exploited. See commit 0ee120....
UNL343-073 Unlisted Thrown daggers are unbalanced compared to other ranged weapon options. See commit fa61c0... for a start; needs balance testing to see if more is needed.
UNL343-074 Unlisted The same fall into a poisoned spiked pit trap could kill the player twice. #H2225, see commit f23e87....
UNL343-075 Unlisted Spellcasters at higher levels were increasingly likely to stick to boring spells. See commit fa94c1....
UNL343-076 Unlisted Magic cancellation was unbalanced, and the protection intrinsic was nearly meaningless. See commits 33d9b7..., 5bd6ba..., aa3823..., 6df18e...
UNL343-077 Unlisted On some terminals, there is either no way for the user to send Meta-key combinations to NetHack, or else in doing so they can get confused with Esc-key sequences. See commits 700273... and 2f1813....
UNL343-078 Unlisted Shopkeepers do not assume ownership of pet-dropped items in certain cases when they should. See commit 6a5300....
UNL343-079 Unlisted Double rounding could occur when multiple price adjustments were applied, resulting in final values being off by one. See commit c98133....
UNL343-080 Unlisted Some monsters with claw attacks were unable to use cockatrice corpses correctly. See commit 5f5721....
UNL343-081 Not A Bug Some monsters have hands that should not. See commits 164f49... and especially 8dfb62....
UNL343-082 Unlisted Drawbridge code that meant to check whether the hero was asleep actually checked for restful sleep. See commit 28ab93....
UNL343-083 Unlisted Malicious data can create a potentially-exploitable buffer overflow. See commit 50e12a.... See also commit 612755... for a similar but probably less exploitable issue.
UNL343-084 Unlisted Sometimes the wrong shopkeeper may take the hero's possessions. See commit 67f3a2....
UNL343-085 Unlisted Wishing sometimes produced a different object than what the player clearly intended. See commit 0acaa9....
UNL343-086 Unlisted Some messages on the Planes used inappropriate words. See commit ae0161....
UNL343-087 Unlisted The maximum number of fruit names could be reached too easily. See commits 2a2e2b... and a0c6e6....
