Monsters (by size)

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This list classifies all canonical NetHack monsters according to their physical size. It also shows the weight of each creature. The game classifies the monsters in six distinct sizes: Tiny < Small < Medium < Large < Huge < Gigantic.

Damage vs. small applies to "tiny", "small", and "medium". Damage vs. large applies to "large", "huge", and "gigantic".[1][2]

Tiny monsters

Tiny monsters are estimated to be smaller than 50cm (approx. < 2').[3]

  • i Imp.png, imp (weight: 20)
  • x Xan.png, xan (weight: 300)
  • B Bat.png, bat (weight: 20)
  • : Newt.png, newt (weight: 10)

Small monsters

Small monsters are estimated to be between 50cm and 1m (approx. 2'–4').[4]

  • d Fox.png, fox (weight: 300)
  • d Wolf.png, wolf (weight: 500)

Medium monsters

Medium monsters are estimated to be between 1 and 2 meters (around 4'–7').[5]

  • d Dog.png, dog (weight: 400)
  • d Warg.png, warg (weight: 850)
  • o Orc.png, orc (weight: 850)
  • u Pony.png, pony (weight: 1300)
  • L Lich.png, lich (weight: 1200)
  • X Xorn.png, xorn (weight: 1200)
  • @ Wererat.png/human form, wererat (weight: 1450)
  • @ Elf.png, elf (weight: 800)
  •   Ghost.png, ghost (weight: 1450)
  •   Shade.png, shade (weight: 1450)
  • @ Monk.png, monk (weight: 1450)
  • @ Norn.png, Norn (weight: 1450)
  • @ Page.png, page (weight: 1450)
  • @ Thug.png, thug (weight: 1450)

Large monsters

Large monsters are estimated to be between 2 and 4 meters (7'–12').[6]

  • f Lynx.png, lynx (weight: 600)
  • O Ogre.png, ogre (weight: 1600)
  • Y Ape.png, ape (weight: 1100)
  • Y Yeti.png, yeti (weight: 1600)

Huge monsters

Huge monsters are estimated to be between 4 and 8 meters (aprox. 12'–25').[7]

Gigantic monsters

Gigantic monsters are estimated to be larger than 8 meters (approx. 25').


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