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Item Symbol Base type Notes
Bat from Hell ) Baseball bat Chaotic. First sacrifice gift for Rogues. +3 to hit and +20 to damage.
Deathsword ) Two-handed sword Second sacrifice gift for Barbarians. +5 to hit and +14 to damage against humans.
Deep Freeze ) Athame First sacrifice gift for Ice Mages. +5 to hit and +5 to damage unless enemy is cold resistant. Confers cold resistance.
Deluder ] Cloak of displacement Neutral. Second sacrifice gift for Wizards. Acts as a luckstone when carried. Confers stealth when worn.
Disrupter ) Mace First sacrifice gift for Priests. +5 to hit and +30 to damage against undead.
Doomblade ) Orcish short sword Chaotic. Deals 10 additional damage, with a 25% chance of adding 5*d4.
Elfrist ) Orcish spear Chaotic. +5 to hit and +15 to damage against elves and drow, with a 15% chance of cancelling said creatures.
Gauntlets of Defense ] Gauntlets of dexterity First sacrifice gift for Monks. When worn, halves physical damage and increases dexterity. When invoked, toggles invisibility.
Hellfire ) Crossbow Chaotic. Confers fire resistance. +5 to hit and +7 to damage per bolt. When crossbow bolts fired from Hellfire hit a monster, they explode for 2d6 fire damage.
Holy Spear of Light ) Silver spear Lawful. Illuminates area when carried. Can be invoked to create light and damage undead and demons. +5 to hit and +10 to damage against undead.
Houchou ) Spoon Chaotic. Instantly kills any monster it hits, but is destroyed in the process.
Luckblade ) Short sword Neutral. Acts as a luckstone. +5 to hit and +5 to damage.
Mirrorbright ] Shield of reflection Neutral. Confers hallucination resistance.
Plague ) Dark elven bow Chaotic. Confers poison resistance. +5 to hit and +7 to damage per arrow. Arrows fired from Plague are automatically poisoned.
Quick Blade ) Elven short sword Lawful. +9 to hit and +2 to damage.
Reaper ) Halberd Lawful. +5 to hit and +20 to damage while mounted. Second sacrifice gift for Yeomen.
Serpent's Tongue ) Dagger Chaotic. First sacrifice gift for Necromancers. +2 to hit and 2x damage. Does extra damage to monsters without poison resistance, including a 10% chance of instakill.
Skullcrusher ) Club Lawful. +3 to hit and +10 to damage. First sacrifice gift for Cavemen.
Sword of Balance ) Silver short sword Neutral. +2 to hit and +5 to damage against lawful and chaotic monsters.
Sword of Justice ) Long sword Lawful. +5 to hit and +2 to damage against neutral and chaotic monsters.
Thiefbane ) Long sword Chaotic. Wielded by One-Eyed Sam, owner of the Black Market. +5 to hit and +1 to damage against @s, with a 10% chance of beheading the monster and a 15% chance of cancelling it.
Wallet of Perseus ( Bag of holding Has a greater capacity than a normal bag of holding.
Werebane ) Silver saber +5 to hit and +2 to damage against werecreatures, with a 15% chance of cancelling them. An item of this name exists in vanilla NetHack.
Whisperfeet ] Speed boots Neutral. First sacrifice gift for Tourists. Acts as a luckstone. Confers stealth when worn.
The Candle of Eternal Flame ( Magic candle Flame Mage quest artifact. Confers warning, teleport control, and cold resistance when carried. Summons a tame fire elemental when invoked.
The Storm Whistle ( Magic whistle Ice Mage quest artifact. Confers warning, teleport control, and cold resistance when carried. Summons a tame water elemental when invoked.
The Great Dagger of Glaurgnaa ) Great dagger Necromancer quest artifact. Chaotic. +8 to hit and +4 to damage against lawful and neutral monsters. Drains levels. When invoked, boosts magical energy.
The Stake of Van Helsing ) Wooden stake Undead Slayer quest artifact. Confers magic resistance when carried. +5 to hit and +12 damage. 10% chance of instantly killing vampires and vampire bats.
Crown of Saint Edward ] Helm of telepathy Yeoman quest artifact. Lawful. Confers magic resistance and half spell damage when carried.
Nighthorn ( Unicorn horn Lawful. Confers reflection when wielded. Acquired by killing Nightmare on the Lawful Quest. Generated cursed and +0.
Eye of the Beholder % Eyeball Neutral. Does 150-199 damage when eaten. When invoked, instant death if the player's Luck is less than -9, and otherwise reduces all non-undead monsters in the Eye's line of sight to 1/3 of their remaining HP. Invoking the Eye reduces the player's alignment record and luck by 3 each. Acquired by killing the Beholder on the Neutral Quest.
Hand of Vecna % Severed hand Chaotic. Does 150-199 damage when eaten. When invoked, does 5-24 damage if the player's Luck is less than -9, and otherwise summons 4-7 tame graveyard creatures. Invoking the Hand reduces the player's alignment record and Luck by 3 each. Acquired by killing Vecna on the Chaotic Quest.
Key of Law ( Skeleton key Lawful. Can open the indestructible doors in Vlad's tower.
Key of Neutrality ( Skeleton key Neutral. Can open the indestructible doors in Vlad's tower.
Key of Chaos ( Skeleton key Chaotic. Can open the indestructible doors in Vlad's tower.


Item Symbol Unidentified appearance Notes
Dark elven dagger ) Black runed dagger
Wooden stake ) N/A Does extra damage to vampires, with a chance of instakilling them.
Silver short sword ) N/A
Dark elven short sword ) Black runed short sword
Silver long sword ) N/A
Rapier ) N/A
Fly swatter ) N/A Only weapon in the "paddle" category
Silver mace ) N/A
Heavy hammer ) N/A New base item for Mjollnir.
Dark elven bow ) Black runed bow
Dark elven arrow ) Black runed arrow
Pistol ) N/A
Submachine gun ) N/A
Heavy machine gun ) N/A
Rifle ) N/A
Assault rifle ) N/A
Sniper rifle ) N/A
Shotgun ) N/A
Auto shotgun ) N/A
Rocket launcher ) N/A
Grenade launcher ) N/A
Bullet ) N/A For use with pistols, submachine guns, heavy machine guns, rifles, assault rifles, and sniper rifles.
Silver bullet ) N/A For use with pistols, submachine guns, heavy machine guns, rifles, assault rifles, and sniper rifles.
Shotgun shell ) N/A For use with shotguns and auto shotguns.
Rocket ) N/A For use with rocket launchers.
Frag grenade ) N/A Can be armed and thrown normally, or fired from a grenade launcher. Does fire damage.
Gas grenade ) N/A Can be armed and thrown normally, or fired from a grenade launcher. Does poison gas damage.
Stick of dynamite ) Red stick


Item Symbol Unidentified appearance Notes
Dark elven mithril-coat [ N/A
Robe of protection [[[[ Random
Robe of power [[[[ Random Increases spellcasting ability.
Robe of weakness [[[[ Random Sets strength to 3.
Shimmering dragon scales [ Grants displacement.
Deep dragon scales [ Grants level drain resistance.
Shimmering dragon scale mail [ Grants displacement.
Deep dragon scale mail [ Grants level drain resistance.
Lab coat [ White coat Grants poison and acid resistance.
Poisonous cloak [[[[ Randomized Poisons wearer, unless poison resistant.
Gauntlets of swimming [ Randomized Grants wearer swimming ability.


Item Symbol Base type Notes Effect when dropped in sink
Mood ring = Randomized No effect when worn or eaten, gives clue about alignment when read. The sink looks groovy.
Ring of sleeping = Randomized Grants restful sleep intrinsic. You hear loud snores coming from the drain.
Ring of gain dexterity = Randomized Increases dexterity based on enchantment. The water flow seems faster/slower now. (depending on ring's enchantment level)
Ring of gain intelligence = Randomized Increases intelligence based on enchantment. The water flow seems quicker/duller now. (depending on ring's enchantment level)
Ring of gain wisdom = Randomized Increases wisdom based on enchantment The water flow seems quicker/duller now. (depending on ring's enchantment level)


Item Symbol Base type Notes
Amulet of flying " Randomized Grants flight.
Amulet of drain resistance " Randomized Grants level drain resistance.
Amulet versus stone " Randomized Saves your life if you're turned to stone, then disintegrates.


Item Symbol Base type Notes
Magic candle ( Candle Illuminates a larger area than normal candles and never burns out.
Torch ( N/A Light source, must be wielded to be used. It can be used as a weapon when lit, but this causes it to burn out faster.
Medical kit ( Leather bag Contains pills, bandages and phials. Can be used by Healers to bandage wounds and vampires to make potions of vampire blood. In addition, anyone can use it to swallow a pill for various effects, mostly negative unless you're a Healer, Monk, Priest, or Undead Slayer.
Fishing pole ( N/A Can be applied to attack monsters or to go fishing in water squares.
Green lightsaber ( Lightsaber Must be applied to work as an effective weapon.
Blue lightsaber ( Lightsaber Must be applied to work as an effective weapon.
Red lightsaber ( Lightsaber Must be applied to work as an effective weapon.
Red double lightsaber ( Double lightsaber Deferred feature. Must be applied to work as a weapon. Can be applied when already active to increase the damage it deals.


Item Symbol Base type Notes
Asian pear % N/A Vegan.
Mushroom % N/A Vegan. Can cause poisoning, stunning, hallucination, or increase strength by 1.
Sandwich % N/A
Tortilla % N/A Vegetarian.
Cheese % N/A
Pill % N/A Vegetarian. Can grant a wish, make you very fast, increase your nutrition, put you to sleep, poison you, stun you, or cause hallucination.
Holy wafer % N/A Vegetarian. Cures sickness or lycanthropy (unless your starting race is lycanthrope, in which case it damages you and reduces your strength and constitution). Restores HP if you're lawful, and does non-fatal damage if you're chaotic


Item Symbol Base type Notes
Potion of amnesia ! Sparkling potion Causes amnesia. Cancels anything dipped into it, including magical tools and gray stones.
Potion of blood ! Blood-red potion Increases nutrition if you're a vampire. If you aren't, makes you vomit.
Potion of vampire blood ! Blood-red potion If you're not a vampire, polymorphs you into one and angers your god if you're lawful or a Monk. If you are, increases nutrition.
Potion of clairvoyance ! Randomized Maps the area around you if uncursed, grants clairvoyance if blessed, no effect if cursed.
Potion of ESP ! Randomized Grants telepathy temporarily if uncursed and permanently if blessed. If cursed, removes intrinsic telepathy.
Potion of invulnerability ! Randomized Grants temporary invulnerability. Does not work against sickness, stoning, sliming, lost stats, brainlessness, lycanthropy, level drain, divine wrath, or eating a Rider's corpse.


Item Symbol Base type School Level Notes
Spellbook of flame sphere + Randomized Matter 1 Also a deferred feature in vanilla NetHack.
Spellbook of freeze sphere + Randomized Matter 1 Also a deferred feature in vanilla NetHack.
Spellbook of resist poison + Randomized Protection 1
Spellbook of resist sleep + Randomized Protection 1
Spellbook of endure cold + Randomized Protection 2
Spellbook of endure heat + Randomized Protection 2
Spellbook of insulate + Randomized Protection 2
Spellbook of poison blast + Randomized Attack 4
Spellbook of lightning + Randomized Matter 4
Spellbook of acid stream + Randomized Matter 4
Spellbook of enlighten + Randomized Body 4
Spellbook of command undead + Randomized Attack 5
Spellbook of summon undead + Randomized Attack 5
Spellbook of passwall + Randomized Body 6
Spellbook of enchant weapon + Randomized Enchantment 7
Spellbook of enchant armor + Randomized Enchantment 7


Item Symbol Base type Notes
Wand of healing / Randomized
Wand of extra healing / Randomized
Wand of draining / Randomized
Wand of fear / Randomized Causes monsters to flee.
Wand of create horde / Randomized
Wand of fireball / Randomized Creates a fireball that explodes when it hits its target.


Item Symbol Base type Notes
Healthstone * Gray stone Alters healing rate based on beatitude- +2 if blessed, +1 if uncursed, -2 if cursed. These effects are cumulative. Always generated cursed.
Whetstone * Gray stone Can be used to remove rust from metallic edged weapons or to enchant them up to +0. Requires a source of water. Only works 33% of the time.

New randomized appearances

Due to the many new items in SLASH'EM, new randomized appearances were added. These are:

  • Robe:
    • [ Red robe
    • [ Blue robe
    • [ Green robe
    • [ Orange robe
  • Cloak:
    • [ Dirty rag
  • Gauntlets:
    • [ Black gloves
  • Rings:
    • = Ridged (can be eaten by metallivores)
    • = Obsidian
    • = Plain
    • = Glass
  • Amulets:
    • " Warped
    • " Convex
    • " Lunate
  • Potions:
    • ! Luminescent
    • ! Muddy
    • ! Icy
  • Spellbooks:
    • + Dark
    • + Black
    • + Wide
    • + Big
    • + Fuzzy
    • + Deep
    • + Spotted
    • + Long
    • + Torn
    • + Ochre
    • + Canvas
    • + Hardcover
    • + Rainbow
    • + Tattered
    • + Colorful
    • + Tartan
    • + Stylish
    • + Psychedelic
    • + Spiral-bound
    • + Left-handed
    • + Stapled
    • + Plain